IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #14

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I see some people still talking about the girls crossing the creek. According to the searchers yesterday in Delphi the girls were found on the north east side of the bridge. 50 feet back off the water. If that's the case they never went into the creek or crossed the creek

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From your experience actually being at the cemetery, can the creek be seen from the back of the cemetery? If someone were to walk onto the path behind the fence, would they be able to see down to the creek or is it too dense? I'm still bouncing back and forth with my theories on how he got them there to that spot. I'm leaning now more toward walking them off from the north side of the bridge to the area near the cemetery, where I believe he may have parked and "down the hill". So confusing!

Thanks for your photos and insights #1nana :goodpost:
I think he was hanging around that trail that day, maybe drinking. Loitering for sure. Feeling bad/mad about something.
Maybe an injustice collector.

I think our girls passed him on the trail and got a vibe and picked up their step.
I do think from that point the suspect began to follow them. This is why Libby felt uncomfortable and snapped/filmed him.

I'm in the camp of a chance encounter. I think he was stewing and drinking on the park. I think he's a hateful turd that has offended before, and that he took it all out on these two girls. I'm less sure of him targeting them by age. Perhaps a lone woman would have met the same fate at that very time.

I don't think he changed his appearance that day to blend in. I think he does look and dress that way. I think he has connection to the area and has gone to drink on that trail in the past. He may work at the meat packing plant, or drive for them. I believe he entered the park on foot. I don't believe he walked entire length of bridge. I believe he past them by and turned around putting Libby on high alert. So I'm team South Side.

I believe he WILL be caught.

Thanks for listening to my thoughts.
Everyone's ideas are very plausible. There is just way too many variables here. Headache time!!!!

This is only my theory. Jmo. Moo.

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I agree
Question for Nana: can you see the bridge from the cemetery?
Yes, I think that in trying to adjust my thinking to back north after being convinced that they stayed heading south, I made the ASSUMPTION that they were being marched back under duress the whole way. But perhaps they weren't under duress until the end. Additionally, if they were spooked by him, they certainly couldn't run on that bridge, so he could overtake them at some point closer north?

This is a good point.

If he befriended them then he could have even walked with them back across the bridge and maybe even all the way to the cemetary area before things turned bad.

I keep assuming he pulled out a gun right away on the bridge but maybe that is not what even happened. Maybe it was just casual and fake friendly chit chat until he got them all the way to cemetary area. Or at least back across to the north side.
I read somewhere that they called everything off at midnight and someone even wrote that they wouldn't bring any dogs because they had none in the area and no boats in the creek until morning. And if the bodies were found so close to bridge. A. how did no one hear them all day with what was probably happening. There is no way they wouldn't have been heard. He kept them there until dark? no one came wandering by and seen this. and how did the search efforts not find anything until the next day????
If the girls started on the north end and heading south the pics of BG would be that he followed them then. The sun is on his west side. Does that make sense?

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I think he walked toward them, not met them.

I think the girls started on the north side, walked across to the south side, turned around and walked back. When they got close to the north side again, they encountered the perp, who struck up a conversation and offered to show them something (cannot discuss here, so I'll just say "something cool in the park they would be interested in).

So, I think they first encountered each other on the north side. I don't think he followed them across the bridge and I don't think he threatened them on the bridge or ordered them off the bridge. I think he lead them down the path and THEN turned ugly when they were all out of sight.

jmopinion at the moment.
IIRC the aerial view of the searchers in a line across the creek showed that they were in very shallow water. I'd like to say 1' or less.
And that was by crime scene. The creek directly under the bridge was shallow, had sandbars and stepping stones. In my opinion easier than walking back across that rotted, plank missing 850 ft bridge.

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There is a part of Gray's video that shows the searchers in the really doesn't look that deep where they are...not up to their knees, imho.

IMO they were searching for a weapon, in the creek, which was used to force them "down the hill." BG was close to road access for escape. Well planned
I also found it interesting that in 76% of cases, LE has the name of the suspect within a week. Yet, they don't always know at the time that they are a suspect.

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Right. I've said a couple of times they probably already have the tip to get him but just haven't arrived at it yet. If I'm remembering correctly every SK book I've read it turns out the killer was either interviewed or his identity was tipped to LE long before the crime was solved. LE just has to wade their way to that info!
IMO I still think the suspect saw the snapchat photo of Abigail Libby put on and then came over.But I do think he had been following them on social media (Libby?) for awhile.

Hmm... that is a possibility. Perhaps he was nearby anyway and saw the photo so headed to the park in time to meet them as they exited the bridge.

A bit of a stretch, but it's possible. I think he knew they would be there and positioned himself to encounter them, but maybe it was more spur of the moment.

I do think he followed L on SM.

You can see it is up to their waist here:



  • searchers.jpg
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I don't think the perp(s) are friends with the girls---i.e. the girls know him in real life. I think he prefer to act alone and anonymously. for a socially shy dude like him, spending hours/days/months stalking anonymously is much easier than befriended the girl. He doesn't have that kind of mental power to maintain friendship, let a lone meet in face-to-face.
Perhaps instead of naming specific activities, we can use more generic phrases like they were in the park to:

* play a game
* find cool places
* on an adventure to find something

Or other phrases to convey the meaning but not send anyone on a witch hunt and break TOS.

Just a thought.

Yes, but it doesn't mean that they didn't then circle back and start going north again.

It has been stated that the girls were dropped off at the North end. Has it been verified where the designated pick up point (at 3/3:30pm) was to be? Has it also been stated what time the pick up person actually arrived? Was it closer to 3:00pm or 3:30pm. I think these details are important information.

Were these girls supposed to be doing an out-and-back, or loop hike, where the pick up location would be back at the North, or were they just going to walk for a couple of hours headed South, to be picked up at a different point?

Based on the snapchat photo of Libby at 2:07pm, and the presumably 2:30pm photo/video of BG, their location on the bridge can be verified. If they were supposed to meet back at the North as early as 3:00pm, one would think they would be headed back in that direction by the time they encountered BG. He may have followed them from a distance, not causing any intital alarm.
That was me who posted the depth information, makes no sense that he would force them, even through knee deep water just to get to the other side. I am starting to think that the initial contact came clower to the North end of the bridge, unless it is a proven fact that they were on the South side.
I totally understand, I really didn't grasp the entire picture until I actually was there yesterday. Yes the PD had spot lights in the cemetery facing into the woods behind it. There's a path at the back of the cemetery, the red squiggly line, leading to the bridge/water. That's where the girls bodies were found. I'm just assuming he gained entrance at this path, his vehicle would have been somewhat concealed at the back of the cemetery. IMO he stayed east of the river, confronted the girls, walked them back along the east the way he came in, took them closer to the water to commit his crime, left them there and left. That's just my opinion.

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If he stayed east of the river and confronted the girls then walked them back the way he came in, his picture wouldn't have been taken from the south end of the bridge. Can you see the bridge from the cemetery?
I read somewhere that they called everything off at midnight and someone even wrote that they wouldn't bring any dogs because they had none in the area and no boats in the creek until morning. And if the bodies were found so close to bridge. A. how did no one hear them all day with what was probably happening. There is no way they wouldn't have been heard. He kept them there until dark? no one came wandering by and seen this. and how did the search efforts not find anything until the next day????
I believe he took them elsewhere to assault them. Not necessarily by vehicle or off property, but somewhere....then walked them to where they were found and finished what he started.
if BG had a cell phone on him at the time wouldn't they be able to find him on a list of cells that pinged in that area that day
I don't think he had a phone with him.
I don't think he saw these kids online...
I don't think he saw Liberty had a phone he was looking down.
I do think he came up on them swiftly grabbed one by the arm told the other one
"get down the hill". And they went.
If he knew about the phone he obviously did t care.
I'm thinking it was in her back pocket.
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