IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #19

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An hour ago I sent a tip to LE concerning a St Paul South MN violent sex offender who is wanted in WI and MN for recently raping a 11-year old girl and is also possibly connected to a disappearing of 2 young girls, 13 and 14 years old missing since Feb 28, 2017.

This man is 35 years old and could fit the Delphi killers appearance.

He is missing 2 fingers on his right hand !

Here a link to the 2 girls I mentioned who is missing:

Where is it mentioned about the man and the missing fingers?
Did they wade through the creek or not? That has always been a puzzle to me. The only alternative would be they had to go back over the bridge and around to arrive at where they were found (highly unlikely). How could one man who definitely is not dressed for running (especially, as some speculate, he may have his pants in disarray), control two, young healthy girls.

Another member raised the very real possibility of "soft control". She then illustrated it by suggesting that the man approached the girls as a rail road employee.

I think this possibility is highly likely and such an approach may not have alerted the girls to the danger. The man is dressed in work type clothes, commonly worn by such employees. The bridge is a rail bridge marked and is marked as private property, though many people disregard it. Even his local accent arguably reinforces a railroad employee claim as most maintenance crews probably come from rural areas. In addition, there is nothing about the accent that the girls would find unsettling or out of place.

The man then tells them that they are trespassing and that he is required to call the police. He then offers to guide them around the bridge. This way, he won't need to report the trespassing.


Screenshot at 2 min 36

I do not think that is clothing. I think it's a branch of tree in the water and water rushing over it. MOO

I agree.
I'm still having a problem with the fact that footprints led them to the victims.

With all the searching that went on, there was likely hundreds of prints... so they must have been in an area that wasn't searched. I'm wondering if BG hid the bodies and that's why no one found them until they saw the footprints.

I have spent a bunch of time outdoors and I have no problem with the foot steps leading the person to the site. Very probable.
For anyone who was not no this morning when I go into work I came on here and said that being in Wisconsin not sure how many people know about here either I was going to put the FBI poster of the girls and the bg on the back of my car for my half hour commute :) and one in the front window of my house.... LETS GET THIS GUY!!!

My local media isn't really covering this; maybe we should be contacting our local media outlets since the FBI has confirmed this is a nationwide, if not international (tips), scope.
Did they wade through the creek or not? That has always been a puzzle to me. The only alternative would be they had to go back over the bridge and around to arrive at where they were found (highly unlikely). How could one man who definitely is not dressed for running (especially, as some speculate, he may have his pants in disarray), control two, young healthy girls. All this is just thinking out loud, but how did their clothes get in the stream and why? If they were trying to run for it, how did he catch BOTH of them? I would imagine it was no easy task for this flasher/pervert.

Another interesting item I noticed early on (even before I saw the note from the photographer relating to their clothes found in the creek), if you watch the YT video of the helicopter flyover, nearer to the end is the searchers, dressed in red wading in the creek. If you look right above where they are wading, you can see clothing in the water.

These are just some thoughts and opinions (MOO), and I have to say, Agatha Christie couldn't have written a more complicated murder mystery! May they find him/them sooner, rather than later.

Is there a link to the Helicopter shots?
Just wanted to introduce myself as a newbie here. I've always been interested in unsolved mysteries and was so glad to discover this site. I've been following threads almost since the murders occurred and finally decided to join. There has been some great discussion/insights discussed. This case has really shaken me. I'm not sure if it's because I have a daughter nearly the same age as Abby and Libby, and in the past I always figured if I left them off on their own there would be safety in numbers.

My thoughts aren't anything earth-shattering: He must have grabbed one of the girls and threatened her with a weapon to get both to go with him. BG looks like some kind of contractor (saw people dressed like him at Home Depot just yesterday) most likely in his 40s/50s. I can't get his voice out of my head. I would love to know what that object is you can see in his jeans.

I hike sometimes alone in the woods with my kids and this makes me wonder about my safety. Just got some pepper spray...have enjoyed the articles people have posted about the mindset of criminals and how I can make myself appear less vulnerable.

(Back in the day, whenever there was a problem or something like this, I would write to Oprah...she was always my go to lol...where is Oprah when you need her...)

Dr. Phil covered Dylan's case...different dynamics, no doubt, but considering he is known to be a victim's advocate, maybe he can feature the girls' story and bump the tip lines? He has a lot of viewers...


Screenshot at 21 min 36

I do not think that is clothing. I think it's a branch of tree in the water and water rushing over it. MOO

I also see someone standing to the left on the shore, and it looks as if there is something caught in the underbrush to the left. They are headed in the general direction of that object at the top. But, it is also just MOO (and subject to change, as these eyes are getting old)
I am not from this region, but I am surprised this type of group has not been discussed here in more detail. I am sure with 10,000+ tips, LE already has explored them.
Notice the equipment, location, resources, gaits
Yes, I've mentioned wince day 1 it's likely he stopped at a hardware store or something similar to get supplies (unless he has a stash which is likely)..they need their "kill kits" supplies. I've seen not only Walmart connected to many cases, but also saw a case solved where the guy stopped to buy a neon vest to look like a construction worker.

Did anyone post proximate hardware stores, hunting and fishing stores yet? Tia. Whatever tools used, rope, etc, LE would be trying to track down via purchases.

Do we have a WS thread for these two?


I made one. And msm UPDATED this morning. Apparently the girls are runaways, but have been sighted around town---but are refusing to return home...
I'm based in the UK, but I have been sharing this case on my 'other ' social media. I have a lot of friends in the US/canada and most of them hadn't heard of this case. BUT they have shared anything I have posted.
Maybe we should all take it on ourselves to share the poster released by LE as much as we can elsewhere and asked others to do the same.
I am sure a lot of us already do but you never know who might see it.
I just dont know what else to do to help.
Im not tech savvy unfortunately. Just heart breaks for these young ladies. :(


Yes, it's pretty much what LE wants us to do, I think. Help get the word out. I don't know what else we can do to concretely help these investigators. Again, share and post these flers, and also follow up with your local media outlets to make sure they are covering this.
Is it just me, or does the audio in these videos creep you out, too? I just feel it makes they less trustworthy. MOO
And as a newbie, I don't know Gray, so he may be a fabulous WS member. The music and robot are just creepy -- kind of like Robert Stack and unsolved mysteries.

Wow you are right. Very creepy.
I also see someone standing to the left on the shore, and it looks as if there is something caught in the underbrush to the left. They are headed in the general direction of that object at the top. But, it is also just MOO (and subject to change, as these eyes are getting old)

Riverbank is awfully high.

I think we can rule out they crossed the creek.
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