IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #26

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O my goodness. I really don't think RL is responsible for this horrible act.
I have seen cases where the murderer does blend in with the community and even give TV interview's but I would be floored it it turns out to be him.

I really hope his name isn't being dragged through the mud for a unrelated offence while the real suspect is still out there. I feel sorry for him to be honest.
Apart from the coat he looks nothing like the BG in the pics.
All JMO.

About the hat/hoodie argument. Really hard to tell for sure. Even in these pics it looks like he has a hat and fanny pack in one pic,and maybe a brown oversized hoodie under blue jacket in pic 2 . Either way he is very layered up and possibly hiding something in the jacket. He is not as fat as he looks. Just wearing many layers of clothes .
I do however see a moustache and bit of facial hair in both pics

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COAT: 1. I've noticed a broad darker band of blue or black from cuff to shoulder on each sleeve. Whether sunny side or shaded (seen better with image lightened)
2. I have thought the coat looks like the zipper failed and teeth separated beneath, creating the gap... perhaps from trying to zip over bulky item/s (which could also suggest haphazard planning).

PANTS: 1. One view (that viewers gave questioned if photo has been altered) gives appearance of upland hunting/brush pants, but never could find blue jeans with tan upper. Could be a more coarse nylon which could account for glare seen. If so, these are pricier than jeans.

Facial hair above lip. Hoodie with camo hat, visor curled downward & forward.
Weapon beneath jacket on his right side. Hands are in different pockets or openings on each side.
Undecided about white object beneath chin, but going with light liner of hood or bag handle. Rope showing just seems too obvious/revealing of threat to harm, IMO.
This isn't terribly exciting and doesn't have new information but I found it briefly interesting that the silo (that is shown in the recent police tweet regarding the searching yesterday) is visible in one of the still photos that shows during the 59 second video clip at the top of this page. It's in a photo of searchers from the day they went missing, or the day they were found, I'm unsure which day it was. It looks in the pic like searchers are approaching the silo actually, not walking away from it (I thought the silo property was across the street from where the girls were found, but I don't know for sure).

Anyway it's not much but at least it's not the darn "hat up or down, on or off, hoodie or visor, hair or not" discussion (which, he can just throw away a hat and shave his head and render that all a moot point anyhow JMO).

quote from link:

"To have anyone murdered on your property … I don't know what my feelings are right now. It caught me by surprise,” Logan said, recalling how the past two days have been filled with people — first the police, then the reporters — asking him questions upon questions.

"I haven’t really had a chance to let it soak in," Logan said after a brief pause to think about the day's events. "I know the families.”

Logan confirmed Riley's comments that the only way back to the hilly terrain between the cemetery and the creek is by foot. He also said schools were out Thursday, Friday and Monday for winter break, which explains why German and Williams were free to roam the trails.

BBM - oh man that has to be making this even harder for everyone involved. :( Can't imagine having anyone turn up dead on my property, and surely not the children of people I know.

ETA - I also didn't realize schools were out on Thursday and Friday before the weekend as well, and that Monday was the last day of a 5-day weekend for the local kids.

ETA2 - please realize this article is old and was't updated to reflect new info, so at the bottom it says that someone blew up the pic of Abby on the bridge and circled what "appeared to be" people standing at the other end - we now know for 100% certain that those are just the metal TTT posts that are there to keep cars off the bridge. So please don't think that's new info, it's actually old and debunked (as stated in the second post of all 26 threads AFAIK, so I'm sure I didn't have to point that out, but just trying to be overly cautious).


so sorry for one more edit but this quote is also from the above link:

Investigators were back at the crime scene Wednesday east of the cemetery on Carroll County Road 300 North. People in dive suits could be seen from the road, and police dogs were visible from the road, too.

Riley and Leazenby declined to elaborate on what they were doing, other than to say they were gathering evidence.

Very interesting, I'm aware this is old news but I'd forgotten about this. JMO.
A side (emotional) note here:
I have been busy at a beautiful Naples wedding on a golf course among the nicest people and a beautiful bride. It couldn't have been anymore perfect, right? That's if anyone knows Naples it's ideal.

During the father daughter dance, I actually started crying and I'm not one to do that easy. It really hit home how real this is and those poor children, girls won't have that.

Then I thought omg those families, no matter how overwhelming that feeling was for me it's nothing compared to their hell.

Dear Lord
There is some reason they are all over him right now.
I do believe the son is alive.
It was mentioned when the girls were found.

But then again I could be wrong.

Either way, it's definitely the elder R E L who was arrested for violation of probation (original charges - repeat DWIs and driving on suspended licenses, several instances of these charges going back at LEAST as far as 2011 - NOT anything violent or having to do with children, for those who are wondering), it's on's website as well as ... FWIW (maybe nothing).

ETA - just in case some people start at the end of a thread and work backwards for some reason, and are wondering - yes Bessie gave us permission to discuss RL the Property Owner's arrest yesterday for probation violation and the charges that initially landed him on probation, no we are NOT allowed to try to link him in any way shape or form to the murder of Abby and Libby, or compare him to BG, or time outs are being swiftly issued according to mods.

I will bump bessie's post in a moment.

You can post the court links and discuss the charges.

You CANNOT sleuth this individual relative to Abby's and Libby's murders, as no indication of his involvement has been released. On the contrary, he was cleared. More than likely, in the course of investigating him, these unrelated violations came to light. So, as Sillybiily said, cool your jets.

If it gets out of hand, substantial Time Outs WILL be issued on the spot. You've now been warned.


ETA: For the umpteenth time, leave the FB gossip ON FB!

TIA for your cooperation.

Either way, it's definitely the elder R E L who was arrested for violation of probation (original charges - repeat DWIs and driving on suspended licenses, several instances of these charges going back at LEAST as far as 2011 - NOT anything violent or having to do with children, for those who are wondering), it's on's website as well as ... FWIW (maybe nothing).

It also could be something like LE found firearms owned by RL , which would violate parole. I would be more surprised if he didn't have guns, hunting is part of Indiana life for many. Gun ownership is common.

Also, the lovely lady here and her husband that filmed the area saw a deer stand , I think it was on Logan's property.

About the hat/hoodie argument. Really hard to tell for sure. Even in these pics it looks like he has a hat and fanny pack in one pic,and maybe a brown oversized hoodie under blue jacket in pic 2 . Either way he is very layered up and possibly hiding something in the jacket. He is not as fat as he looks. Just wearing many layers of clothes .
I do however see a moustache and bit of facial hair in both pics

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Though I tend to think he just has a gut, I've wondered if he took something from and/or brought something to the scene and stashed it around himself and under his jacket.

Apologies if similar thoughts were offered in earlier threads. I came here a couple of weeks ago after following a link from another thread. I joined WS last month because of a local missing-person case.

This thread moves quite quickly, and the 'jump to first unread' feature doesn't work on my device. It's easy to miss posts. (Actually, that jump feature may well work, but I have yet to figure out how to mark all posts read on this device.)

It also could be something like LE found firearms owned by RL , which would violate parole. I would be more surprised if he didn't have guns, hunting is part of Indiana life for many. Gun ownership is common.

Also, the lovely lady here and her husband that filmed the area saw a deer stand , I think it was on Logan's property.

ETA: the terms of his probation did not disallow firearms, IIRC, but since one of the old charges was a felony perhaps he can't have one as you say... but really they could violate him for something as simple as being found in the company of another probationer. There are a myriad of things he could be violated for, but they would all be speculation which was one of the things Bessie told us not to do, so I'm just basically parrotting the charges and searching for MSM mentions at this point. :scared: lol
Though I tend to think he just has a gut, I've wondered if he took something from and/or brought something to the scene and stashed it around himself and under his jacket.

SBM - I absolutely 100% am convinced there's something in his jacket personally because of the way the jacket is pulled downward from his shoulders, causing a vertical wrinkling in his coat from the shoulder all the way down to the pocket. If it was just a fat belly takig up all that space, the wrinkles would be horizontal across his belly from side to side, but they're not. They're definitely vertical, indicating heaviness weighing it down. JMO

I obviously can't say 100% that it wasn't RL, but I have known him for many years, and even though at his age he is very mobile and in excellent health, there is no doubt in my mind he is innocent of any involvement with the murders. Yes he likes to have some beers, and maybe made a few bad decisions, he is a good man. I hope his name will be cleared very soon. First post by the way. I couldn't stand seeing the suspicion being unaddressed by anyone who might know him.
Thank you for joining us and giving your perspective as a friend. Please stick around.

I personally feel the suspect's pic released by LE looks like a much younger, spryer person. However, RL's attire did give me perspective as to what the suspect may have been wearing.
...LE is smart and I am sure they knew about the parole violation already. Maybe with the timing there is a logical explanation. The silence also by LE is noticeable. I trust them to know what they are doing..

They might be using the arrest strategically. Maybe they suspect he knows more but is protecting someone or think he's unwilling to share for other reasons. Or maybe they're trying to lull the real suspect into complacency so that he gets sloppy and makes a mistake that leads them to him.
I read early on that it was a neighbor of the property owner where the girls were found who was a searcher and discovered the girls. Does anyone know if this person was interviewed or if they have spoken about it on MSM?

He has not been identified on MSM.

I obviously can't say 100% that it wasn't RL, but I have known him for many years, and even though at his age he is very mobile and in excellent health, there is no doubt in my mind he is innocent of any involvement with the murders. Yes he likes to have some beers, and maybe made a few bad decisions, he is a good man. I hope his name will be cleared very soon. First post by the way. I couldn't stand seeing the suspicion being unaddressed by anyone who might know him.

Thanks for adding that personal note to this conversation.
I'm not insinuating RL has any involvement at all but feel it's odd that they just happened to be back searching the immediate area/silo so closely to his arrest for a pv. I would think they have been aware of that for a while. I'm sure they looked him up and down closely from the start. Why pull him in right now for that and also search again. I don't remember seeing any info the past week or about any recent extensive searches of the area other then road blocks. Searching again means they are out there for a new reason due to some sort of new info. They wouldn't just randomly go out there. Thinking more of a tie to some one else or something along those lines. Still the timing is strange.

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The week before the girls&#8217; Feb. 13 disappearance, the eighth-graders took a tour of the high school. A. [a friend and classmate of Abby and Libby] said she and Abby &#8220;went to the criminal justice area&#8221; at the school because they &#8220;both had the same dream of doing something within forensics and police work.&#8221;

&#8220;She wanted to help people,&#8221; A. said. &#8220;We talked about it all the time in school.&#8221;


The trail where Abby and Libby went missing is usually pretty busy, A. added.

&#8220;It&#8217;s out in the middle of nowhere,&#8221; she said, &#8220;but it&#8217;s a nice walk down. My sister had her senior pictures taken there. &#8230; [It&#8217;s a] great place for pictures.&#8221;


For now, the girls&#8217; causes of death have not been released, Perrine said, because authorities need to keep some evidence &#8220;close to the vest for investigators to use as they talk to people, interrogate people.&#8221;

He said that evidence other than the audio recording has been recovered, but could not elaborate on that evidence and could not say if more evidence will be made public in the near future.

&#8220;At this point, we just have to be very careful because we cannot get this wrong. We cannot fail on this case,&#8221; Perrine said. &#8220;We have to find the person responsible for murdering Abby and Libby.&#8221;
I just watched this media conference again


I really have my doubts this was one person that murdered the girls & I also have a feeling who ever did this had it all planned out in advance.
I'm going to quote a few of the answers LE had for some of the questions the media were asking,obviously I can't hear the questions but the answers are interesting none the less.

"One of two things happened, it was a chance encounter, that's possible, I don't think it's likely but it's possible, or that person knew they were going to be there, that's possible too"

" We have other information that we're not sharing, keep in mind that there's a likeliness and possibility of more than one person, we're not saying that the voice that you heard is the same as this person here (points at photo of BG) This is all very complicated, very involved and as much as we would like to tell you everything, more importantly we would like to solve the crime"

Does anyone else feel like this is more than one person involved?
I just watched this media conference again


I really have my doubts this was one person that murdered the girls & I also have a feeling who ever did this had it all planned out in advance.
I'm going to quote a few of the answers LE had for some of the questions the media were asking,obviously I can't hear the questions but the answers are interesting none the less.

"One of two things happened, it was a chance encounter, that's possible, I don't think it's likely but it's possible, or that person knew they were going to be there, that's possible too"

" We have other information that we're not sharing, keep in mind that there's a likeliness and possibility of more than one person, we're not saying that the voice that you heard is the same as this person here (points at photo of BG) This is all very complicated, very involved and as much as we would like to tell you everything, more importantly we would like to solve the crime"

Does anyone else feel like this is more than one person involved?

It's definitely possible, especially since he used the word "likeliness."
I couldn't disagree more with this. I think "twist" was an unfortunate word choice that can easily be plucked out of context. I find it hard to believe that LE would throw out a pointless 'hint' like that so people can go wild with speculation.

LE struggled for a word there, because he didn't know how to express what he was saying. IMO, life is so much more awkward than a scripted movie or TV show.

To be clear, the discussion at that point in the interview was about past crimes and how this one was something new compared to those, thus the unfortunate, poor choice of word "twist."

That's all I got and it's JMO.
I assumed it was a reference to the cellphone artifact of Libby's. Watching/listening to something like that has got to shake even veteran police to the core.

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