IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 - #31

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Not sure about all jails or all states but casey anthony's calls were recorded and made public. Florida has the sunshine law. Jmo

My sister's murderer told someone in the jail things he had done to my sister...(Details about where he had hid her clothes and that she didn't matter any way she was nothing) Later the other inmate told the DA and they used him in court. The man that murdered my sister got the death penalty. Thirty years later my sisters murderer won a new trial because they used the other inmate during his trial. They said the man was given something for his testimony. (a reduced sentence ) He had not been given anything. They really didn't need to even use his testimony but they wanted to show how he bragged and had no remorse. My sister's murderer received a new trial which was over on February 14 and received life without parole... The attorney general told me he was going for life this time so I didn't have to face him in court anymore. My sister's murderer filed an appeal again 10 days later. He will kill again. My sister's death was very brutal. She was tortured, raped and in the end her throat was slashed 5 times.

Anyway my point is that the District Attorney will have to be very careful if they use anything told to another inmate. Gathering evidence for a case has to be done very carefully or in the end it could have an outcome like I just had to go through...

I am afraid that even when they get BG it will be a long process before justice is truly served.

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Please don't take this the wrong way but I am wondering if your grandfather could have crossed a rickety bridge, forced two girls down a hill, etc? I am wondering what a person with COPD or emphysema is physically capable of.

I think that's a completely fair point, and not taken the wrong way at all. Part of the reason I like this site is that it's easy to come up with a theory in a vacuum and overlook another angle that casts doubt on it, and others are there to help poke holes in it for you. The wisdom of the crowd and all that.
J kyle keener is the one that described it as clothes in deer creek, don't know why he didn't take photo. Works for pharotribune.

He may have taken photos and just not published them--maybe LE asked him not to or out of respect for the families. I'm just guessing, of course.

I do know he took a vicious beating on Facebook for even mentioning seeing the clothes.
With all my might<modsnip> I was positive I had this fugured out and I now FEEL completely dumb.... the land owner .. wtf.... LE knew that was him in the pic.. but had to buy time to get what they need to charge the dude.. yep I even left what I thought was best tips that they wer getting. .. man I feel dumb & should know better than jumping to conclusions.

Please don't take this the wrong way but I am wondering if your grandfather could have crossed a rickety bridge, forced two girls down a hill, etc? I am wondering what a person with COPD or emphysema is physically capable of.

My mother died at 69 after living 30 years diagnosed with COPD and emphesyma (she never quit smoking). I know that in her case she was hard pressed to drive to the hospital and come upstairs to see me when I gave birth to my youngest child because it was just too much exertion. She was not on oxygen. Perhaps she ought to have been but couldn't because she smoked, I don't really know. She was very independant but simply couldn't do it anymore without a real struggle at that point in her COPD's diagnosis. But that's not to say that someone else would't have been able to. I don't know.
I kept feeling like there was a resemblance, but the pictures of him standing upright that were posted earlier, didn't capture it. This set of pictures makes me conclude it is RL or a close relative. All of the rest of the story falls into place if you see this resemblance.

Originally Posted by No it's not
I do see resemblance between POI aka BG and the PO aka RL, and I do see the thinner face of the PO/RL:


I agree. What many thought was a bulbous nose now looks like an RL sized nose, with the bottom part of the bulbousness being light reflecting off the mustache. The cheekbones also are placed similarly on the face. The slope of the shoulders, which looked so different in previous pictures where RL was more bundled up, is quite similar as well. And RL's glasses are of a type to blend in with his face, since they are rimless. BG could easily be wearing those type of glasses and have them escape notice under the rim of the hat/hoodie. MOO
shorter order than I expected, but I know you're always on point so I shouldn't be surprised! :)

Thank you. Actually I only have a few things saved--not like the serious posters who have links to everything. I'd get lost and never find anything that way, so I only save the things that strike me as very important.
In my opinion these are two different trucks. I asked about what we know of ownership, got a reply that vehicles were PO's, but no link. Whose truck was towed??

And I don't know how to reply from one link to another, so rushed to get this in before thread closes, but haven't read it all yet so don't know if this was already addressed. Sorry if I'm confusing things...

I am willing to bet these are two different trucks in the photos you posted. The first being a pickup with no cap on the bed. The second looks exactly like what our animal control department uses when they have to transport animals. I have also seen this type, with the multiple door panels used by construction workers ... makes it easier to access the various tools they carry. I am surprised it is not marked as such, but believe it probably is a law enforcement vehicle (or for taking the little dog?).

Originally Posted by abeaman02 IMO

If you compare the white truck parked on RL's property and the white one that is being towed away on the flatbed they appear to be two different vehicles. The one on the flatbed does not have a cab (but even if LE had removed the cab) the side mirrors appear to be different and the truck on the flat bed has gray or black lower rocker panels. IMO

I think that's a completely fair point, and not taken the wrong way at all. Part of the reason I like this site is that it's easy to come up with a theory in a vacuum and overlook another angle that casts doubt on it, and others are there to help poke holes in it for you. The wisdom of the crowd and all that.

Thanks button wasn't enough. That is absolutely one of the best things about WS. And most people can do it without making me feel like an idiot.
I don't see any resemblance at all. If anything, IMO, it displays obvious differences (face, age, body type).
Look at the nose crease and the way he holds his body. Put larger clothes on him, and I totally see it. Not the details from a very blurred, picture of someone taken while they were moving. That changes a lot of what one still frame, would look like, imo.
I am willing to bet these are two different trucks in the photos you posted. The first being a pickup with no cap on the bed. The second looks exactly like what our animal control department uses when they have to transport animals. I have also seen this type, with the multiple door panels used by construction workers ... makes it easier to access the various tools they carry. I am surprised it is not marked as such, but believe it probably is a law enforcement vehicle (or for taking the little dog?).

Also, the truck with the cap appears to be a king cab model while the one on the flatbed is probably a single cab, though it's a little hard to be sure at that angle. Also, the pickup on the flatbed doesn't have the big "4x4" in front of the box.

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This is the search from a week ago, the event that seemed to get everything rolling. Does anyone think the white pickup near the silo is the same one they towed today?

IMO the are not the same truck.
IMO, no way I believe the guy in those still images (BG) is 77 yrs old. I'm in my 40's and I'm not even sure about putting him as old as me.

Remember, this is the county jail we're talking about, not a state prison. <snip>

You can do a Google street view of 310 W Main Street in Delphi to see what I'm talking about. The Carroll County Sheriff's Office and Jail is a one story building that takes up maybe a city block. Not a huge space. It also serves as the administrative offices, so the actual jail is only a fraction of the building.
IMO, no way I believe the guy in those still images (BG) is 77 yrs old. I'm in my 40's and I'm not even sure about putting him as old as me.

Don't you think in RL's first vid he has the same hat as in BG picture? Same belly etc

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I am willing to bet these are two different trucks in the photos you posted. The first being a pickup with no cap on the bed. The second looks exactly like what our animal control department uses when they have to transport animals. I have also seen this type, with the multiple door panels used by construction workers ... makes it easier to access the various tools they carry. I am surprised it is not marked as such, but believe it probably is a law enforcement vehicle (or for taking the little dog?).

If I could just interject something here? None of the other LE vehicles are actually parked on the property but on the street. I just think that they would not be parking LE vehicles on the property they are trying to search.

This one is well on the property with no markings so I would lean towards thinking the truck belongs to RL.

I could absolutely be wrong but that is my thinking.
Please don't take this the wrong way but I am wondering if your grandfather could have crossed a rickety bridge, forced two girls down a hill, etc? I am wondering what a person with COPD or emphysema is physically capable of.
My grandfather could have crossed the bridge and gone downhill if he moved slowly. He was very strong but ten seconds of struggle would have left him winded to the point of collapse. He might possibly have been able to control them with a gun? But probably not.

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With all my might<modsnip> I was positive I had this fugured out and I now FEEL completely dumb.... the land owner .. wtf.... LE knew that was him in the pic.. but had to buy time to get what they need to charge the dude.. yep I even left what I thought was best tips that they wer getting. .. man I feel dumb & should know better than jumping to conclusions.


You're jumping to conclusions again. They have only served a search warrant on his property. He hasn't been booked for this. He may never be booked for this. At this point, we have to wait to see what LE does.
If I could just interject something here? None of the other LE vehicles are actually parked on the property but on the street. I just think that they would not be parking LE vehicles on the property they are trying to search.

This one is well on the property with no markings so I would lean towards thinking the truck belongs to RL.

I could absolutely be wrong but that is my thinking.

I agree, but if it is an animal control officer, they may drive where they need to, in order to get the animal in the truck. They aren't going to put it on a leash without safe handling measures. Just a thought.
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