IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #36

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I am in 100 percent agreement. That is a lot of stuff he has tucked away under his jacket, so much so that it would be uncomfortable and awkward to carry around for any length of time. There are way too many coincidences and things that had to be just right in order for this not to be a planned encounter...MOO

Okay so if we do go with a pre-planned option do we even know who actually dropped the girls off and exactly where? And who all knew ahead of time that they were going ?did they plan this trip for a while or was it spontaneous? did they post about it on social media ahead of time ?did they tell any friends? Did any of their friends or relatives tell anyone that they were going there? Are there any rso's within that Circle and Outer Circle such as for just an example like an older brother or uncle or cousin or father of one of their friends or Neighbors excetera... okay I'm going to stop rambling now and get back to work .I'll check in tonight. Have a good rest of your day everyone
A few observations:

1) voice on recording sounds like an older man

2) RL walks with his right leg turned out

3) BG walks with his right leg turned out

You'd be surprised how most times unplanned things fall into place and come across as planned. Every moment of our day that we don't get in accidents or get caught picking our nose could seem like well planned out excursions when really, it was just everything lining up well enough that nothing bad happened.

This is the opposite. Everything lined up well for BG, but badly for the girls.
Okay so if we do go with a pre-planned option do we even know who actually dropped the girls off and exactly where? And who all knew ahead of time that they were going ?did they plan this trip for a while or was it spontaneous? did they post about it on social media ahead of time ?did they tell any friends? Did any of their friends or relatives tell anyone that they were going there? Are there any rso's within that Circle and Outer Circle such as for just an example like an older brother or uncle or cousin or father of one of their friends or Neighbors excetera... okay I'm going to stop rambling now and get back to work .I'll check in tonight. Have a good rest of your day everyone

LE knows the answers to many if not all of your questions. We however do not.
I have been listening to the podcast from yesterday and something stuck out to me. Can I get a confirmation please. TIA

The gentleman speaking said that RL was in Lafayette at a tropic fish market buying tropical fish. I can say for certain that there is no tropical fish market in Lafayette, but there is a couple stores that sell them. It could just be a semantic thing?


I assumed it was Aquarium World.
For sure, AmateurAnalyst. I do not think that is smoke btw. Just wishful thinking he is a smoker and dropped the butt.

JMO..I can't say it as fact but for me there's no doubt he's smoking in those images & it's smoke.

Me too! Also, this also made me realize how much bigger he was than Abby. He looked less threatening far away!
IMO he looks smaller than I originally thought. And younger. Definitely gives us all a different perspective- which is good. JMO
JMO..I can't say it as fact but for me there's no doubt he's smoking in those images & it's smoke.


Kymom, if he is smoking, where is the cigarette? In his hand that is in his pocket?
Maybe not premeditated or planned at all, but serial killers usually carry a "kit" with them in case an opportunity arises

I'm really not trying to split hairs here, but isn't carrying a "kit" evidence of premeditation? Now who may not be planned but that someone is going to be killed is. JMO
Don't know if this is what you are looking for?

This gives me the chills.
I'm kinda new to WS. I've been following and sleuthing since Chelsea Bruck's untimely death. I'm still learning the rules and try to be as respectful and quiet about my findings as I can. What do y'all do when you think you've found someone that fits the description. Are you never allowed to talk about it here unless LE states they are a POI? What if they are RSO in the area? I called my tip into the FBI yesterday and I think I messaged an admin yesterday but haven't gotten any response from the admin here on WS.

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I have one comment on the weather and how BG was dressed. Two days later RL did that interview and he was dressed the same as BG and the newscaster was dressed for cold weather also. The temperature on February 16th reached 42 degrees, just a degree colder than the 13th. According to accuweather. I also checked a couple of other weather outlets and it varied by a degree or two for the highs but the days were less than 2 degrees apart on all outlets I checked. Going back thru some of the footage everyone was dressed for the cold. So it leads me to believe that Abby was just like my 13 yr old daughter who went to DC with school last night and didn't think she needed to bring a winter coat!! Teenagers seem not to feel the cold or they just don't like to be burdened by the weight of it.
Don't know if this is what you are looking for?
Wow, great job. I don't know why, but his entire look has changed for me. Something very juvenile in his stance imo. And his hips/legs seem thin/narrow. Doesn't match the gut to my mind if it's a younger guy. So either his upper half is stuffed or he's just older. I honestly can't wait to find out the age of this dude. All jmo
Am I breaking forum rules if I tell you the cause of death? A lot of people in Indiana already know.

Honestly, the people in Indiana know the rumors they have heard, but unless they have heard it from LE ( to include the coroner) then they really don't know. I hope that if family knows COD they have kept it quiet, it would be in the best interest of the investigation for people not to know..
And the wait continues.... Just because I haven't stated it in any of my previous posts, I feel the need to say please let Libby and Abby and their loved ones get justice!
Please don't assume anything about height from that photo shopped picture.


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I take it all with a grain of salt, I don't really assume anything but I've always felt he was between 5'11 and 6'1 and around 200lbs. In the photoshopped image he does look taller to me, but the truth is, I don't think we really know anything for sure except that it is most likely a man, he's between 20-80 and is wearing a blue jacket and jeans. Oh and probably not African American. The photo really just isn't of good enough quality to determine much else, which is why LE hasn't said anything besides he is a middle aged man.
I'm kinda new to WS. I've been following and sleuthing since Chelsea Bruck's untimely death. I'm still learning the rules and try to be as respectful and quiet about my findings as I can. What do y'all do when you think you've found someone that fits the description. Are you never allowed to talk about it here unless LE states they are a POI? What if they are RSO in the area? I called my tip into the FBI yesterday and I think I messaged an admin yesterday but haven't gotten any response from the admin here on WS.

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Calling in the tip is the right thing to do! It's really all you need to do. Now this is JMO, but I'm pretty sure LE has been checking out the RSO's in the area since day 1.
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