IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #71

DNA Solves
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If they had enough to implicate him, why would they not say so? Seems to me that would be “foolish, amateurish, and unprofessional “ , since it would put a lot of people at ease, knowing they don’t have to worry about this guy being in public.

They don't tend to give the future defense team anything they can poke holes in, if they don't have to.

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I am sure the families will have been advised "cautiously optimistic" or "let's not get our hopes up" along with a request to keep quiet.


If there is no case, why is he still in custody? There is something there. CO has to have enough to justify keeping DN in custody for something.
Well, here we are, Friday, 6pm Colorado time. Nothing yet...while I realize it can take a while to get the DNA back, I really thought we would have heard something by now, only because isn't that what LE said? As mentioned earlier, maybe they are getting other ducks and evidence in a row before they charge him...let's hope this is the case!

I'm hoping they are doing voice analysis and some kind of test for matching the pic/video to DN. hoping for some news soon.

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I’m very sorry there is no news yet but I wish you all a great weekend while we wait.
How does one verify living under a bridge anyway? "Yeah that's my cardboard box second from the left with my hatchet hanging up there"

I really don't know for I have been fortunate to live in a home all of my life but I think it is odd if they just took his word for it. Were there others living under the bridge when he did? I see cops stopping under bridges where homeless people are to check on their welfare and the cops usually know all of the sites where the homeless hangout. So it would be easy for them to go to the bridge site in order to validate his story.

No matter where he said he had been living surely LE investigated it to prove the location was true. If that is not the case then any offender can just say 'oh I am homeless living xxxx and you will just have to trust me because I said so.'

If they just took his word for it he easily could have lied and been living in a home where he wasn't suppose to be. They would have no way of knowing if he was lying or telling the truth about his current whereabouts if they didnt check it out.

I would find it very odd if they did not validate the exact location where he said he was living and just took his word for it. LE could easily go to where he said he lived to see if there was any evidence that he truly lived under that particular bridge.

That is why I wanted to know if LE or probation officer ever checked it out or just took his word for it? It could make a huge difference imo if they did or did not. Now if other homeless people who lived there vouched for him that would be another matter but unless I missed it I haven't seen any information stating LE checked out his supposed living arrangements under the bridge.

All I wanted to know is ...did they verify he was actually living there instead of just taking his word for it?
I'm hoping they are doing voice analysis and some kind of test for matching the pic/video to DN. hoping for some news soon.

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As long as DN hasn't been ruled out I am patient enough to wait for when they do finally have the evidence to rule him in or rule him out however long that may take. Since they have not ruled him out I remain very hopeful.
I am sure the families will have been advised "cautiously optimistic" or "let's not get our hopes up" along with a request to keep quiet.


If there is no case, why is he still in custody? There is something there. CO has to have enough to justify keeping DN in custody for something.

My hope is the dear families have been given a quiet understanding this is the guy until the charges in Colorado are worked out. It may take some time and patience. Anyway, hang in there since that is only a hope.
I don't think she can refuse to testify against him because minor children are involved, married or not.

She can refuse to testify against him. Or, she can testify against him married or not. It has nothing to do with children.

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well she is embarrassed.

embarrassed .

ok. embarrassed is when you have toilet paper on your shoe.

not when your husband is a POI in several murders.

and two of them are children.

I am not talking about her am I ? I mean her facebook posts and her statements are everywhere in the media.

not everyone knows the proper words to express their feelings, I am hoping this is the case , and I will stop at this. MOO
I really don't know for I have been fortunate to live in a home all of my life but I think it is odd if they just took his word for it. Were there others living under the bridge when he did? I see cops stopping under bridges where homeless people are to check on their welfare and the cops usually know all of the sites where the homeless hangout. So it would be easy for them to go to the bridge site in order to validate his story.

No matter where he said he had been living surely LE investigated it to prove the location was true. If that is not the case then any offender can just say 'oh I am homeless living xxxx and you will just have to trust me because I said so.'

If they just took his word for it he easily could have lied and been living in a home where he wasn't suppose to be. They would have no way of knowing if he was lying or telling the truth about his current whereabouts if they didnt check it out.

I would find it very odd if they did not validate the exact location where he said he was living and just took his word for it. LE could easily go to where he said he lived to see if there was any evidence that he truly lived under that particular bridge.

That is why I wanted to know if LE or probation officer ever checked it out or just took his word for it? It could make a huge difference imo if they did or did not. Now if other homeless people who lived there vouched for him that would be another matter but unless I missed it I haven't seen any information stating LE checked out his supposed living arrangements under the bridge.

All I wanted to know is ...did they verify he was actually living there instead of just taking his word for it?

they didn't check..

oh my goodness.

I do wish some sometimes folks would just shut their mouths to press and on social media and simply deal in a forthright manner with LE.

Here is the deal:

You are free to discuss what anyone states in the press or is covered and linkable in MSM about this case, including DN's spouse. That includes suggesting whether you find them credible or not.

What you may NOT do is accuse or suggest ANY individual who is not a named suspect or POI has committed a crime in regards to this case.

Trust that we on staff KNOW how very hard that is sometimes. Particularly when someone not named by LE as POI/suspect decides to be vocal on their social media, under MSM articles or screaming from rooftops.

But we on staff also know that Websleuths members are the cream of the crop and can comport themselves according to the rules of this site.

Carry on

I am sure the families will have been advised "cautiously optimistic" or "let's not get our hopes up" along with a request to keep quiet.


If there is no case, why is he still in custody? There is something there. CO has to have enough to justify keeping DN in custody for something.

Yes, they have him for a few different reasons, he’s a felon with a weapon, driving a car with bad registration, being an RSO without a reported address, he’s accused of harassing people with a hatchet, and I’m sure I missed something, but it’s late and I’m going to bed.

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I’m very sorry there is no news yet but I wish you all a great weekend while we wait.

Given the potential reach the POI might have had, I'd say the timing is right on track. Multiple agencies have *alot* to sort through. A lot. If I'm right, this is much bigger than one case. We shall see.
Given the potential reach the POI might have had, I'd say the timing is right on track. Multiple agencies have *alot* to sort through. A lot. If I'm right, this is much bigger than one case. We shall see.
I think your right.
Sidenote The FEDS foiled an attack for NYC. It was on the news tonight. Crazy world we live in.
I'm starting to lose track of what's been posted about DN and what hasn't so apologies if I'm lagging far behind. I just saw this:

He had prior convictions for public indecency; one in Spartanburg and four in Camp Lejeune. Those led to probation. The Port Royal case started when he was spotted masturbating in a parking lot by one victim, and then another saw him.

The very next day, Nations went back.

"Based on that, we started watching the areas where we thought he'd frequent. Within one day, we located him within one of our beach areas. Nothing had happened, but we located him, ID'd him, took some photographs," said Dep. Chief Ron Wekenmann with the Port Royal Police Department.

Ugh. Regardless of whether or not he's our guy the man is one sick puppy. I am scratching my head over just how much his wife knew of his history. For now per TOS I'll assume she really didn't know what all he was up to as she stated in the alleged FB post mentioned in msm. I do tend to think she either really wasn't aware or else she turned a blind eye for whatever reason. Either way I'm sorry he wasn't nabbed and jailed way back.

IMO DN should not have skated by with probation, at least not after the second conviction anyway. He seems to fill the bill as a career violent and/or sexual offender and it wouldn't surprise me if he had escalated to murder in the case of Tim Watkins and possibly Abby and Libby.
Just catching up - is there a solid known connection between the suspect and the girls? I'm wondering if the girls were murdered with a hatchet and whether that is the connection.
We don’t yet know cause of death or if weapons were used.
We don’t yet know cause of death or if weapons were used.

No, we don't know the cause of death with the girls, but we know that a man with a hatchet is considered a possible suspect in the girl's murders. What is the connection if not the hatchet as the cause of death?
I really don't know for I have been fortunate to live in a home all of my life but I think it is odd if they just took his word for it. Were there others living under the bridge when he did? I see cops stopping under bridges where homeless people are to check on their welfare and the cops usually know all of the sites where the homeless hangout. So it would be easy for them to go to the bridge site in order to validate his story.

No matter where he said he had been living surely LE investigated it to prove the location was true. If that is not the case then any offender can just say 'oh I am homeless living xxxx and you will just have to trust me because I said so.'

If they just took his word for it he easily could have lied and been living in a home where he wasn't suppose to be. They would have no way of knowing if he was lying or telling the truth about his current whereabouts if they didnt check it out.

I would find it very odd if they did not validate the exact location where he said he was living and just took his word for it. LE could easily go to where he said he lived to see if there was any evidence that he truly lived under that particular bridge.

That is why I wanted to know if LE or probation officer ever checked it out or just took his word for it? It could make a huge difference imo if they did or did not. Now if other homeless people who lived there vouched for him that would be another matter but unless I missed it I haven't seen any information stating LE checked out his supposed living arrangements under the bridge.

All I wanted to know is ...did they verify he was actually living there instead of just taking his word for it?
He's a felon and can't live in a home where there is a gun. There were other homeless living under the bridge too so what if some of those had guns, which would be highly likely for protection, I would think. So even if they did check it out, how was it even acceptable?
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