IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #74

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I really don't think anything will change in the next two weeks with the case or with DN until the Co charges are determined. I don't expect DN to plead guilty so how long can we expect that case to take? Anyone know?

I think we are in for a bit of a wait because of this.
wow, Big City, I never knew about this..makes total sense. TOTAL SENSE...I totally believe this killer likes to be on the scene..wants to observe, see the stress and anxiety and fear ..see the scrambling..the guns out , the lights flashing , crime scene tape, road blocks, sad detectives, hysterical family members, gapers...

all for him.


Hi, minazoe!

And DN was spotted cruising past the TW search area several times...
Imo the PA is almost certainly retiring for whatever reasons he expressed, but a part of me is wondering if he had been encouraged to retire. I'm really grasping at straws now...

O/T - Thanks, Cath.

Could it be that they are waiting to press charges until after he retires? The case may take time and he wants to retire, so wait until then and have the new prosecutor on it?
Well.... I don't feel great about DN with the Prosecutor resigning. You'd think with what may be the the biggest case of his career, if he felt they were anywhere near filing charges, he'd stick around to see it through and go out on top.

However, to make myself feel better, it is possible he knows that they are close to filing charges and doesn't want to resign at the early stages as that may send a poor message about the integrity of the investigation. Added to this would be the fact that his number two is likely to take his role. That said, he's as familiar with the case as the Prosecutor is and would see the entire thing through whereas the Prosecutor may have been considering retirement and knows that this will drag on and on in the courtroom and he'll never have a chance to get out like he does now.

And I'm not overly concerned about what he said about no charges to be filed soon, we can't expect him to be completely honest just as we can't expect LE to be completely open. They're all going to protect the investigation. Retirement or no retirement.

I suppose you can look at it either way and the only person that really knows is him. Certainly doesn't make me feel like we're close though. Ugh.

All my opinion. But, I don't really like it.
About the prosecutor retiring -- it may have nothing to do with the two murders at all. He may simply have other things on his plate. We don't know what family pressures he has (we don't know if there is a long term family illness, for example), or if he is unwell in his person (if he is looking at a long term illness, for example). People have lots of reasons to leave at the end of their career.

He may even see that he has run his course, and it is time to allow someone else to lead the office, which would be a leadership decision on his part. I just take him at his word.
Well.... I don't feel great about DN with the Prosecutor resigning. You'd think with what may be the the biggest case of his career, if he felt they were anywhere near filing charges, he'd stick around to see it through and go out on top.

However, to make myself feel better, it is possible he knows that they are close to filing charges and doesn't want to resign at the early stages as that may send a poor message about the integrity of the investigation. Added to this would be the fact that his number two is likely to take his role. That said, he's as familiar with the case as the Prosecutor is and would see the entire thing through whereas the Prosecutor may have been considering retirement and knows that this will drag on and on in the courtroom and he'll never have a chance to get out like he does now.

And I'm not overly concerned about what he said about no charges to be filed soon, we can't expect him to be completely honest just as we can't expect LE to be completely open. They're all going to protect the investigation. Retirement or no retirement.

I suppose you can look at it either way and the only person that really knows is him. Certainly doesn't make me feel like we're close though. Ugh.

All my opinion. But, I don't really like it.

Could it be that they are waiting to press charges until after he retires? The case may take time and he wants to retire, so wait until then and have the new prosecutor on it?

IMO Ives allowed an ineffectual investigation of the Flora fire. The fire marshall was the investigating agency and now appears to have been incompetent, as well as stonewalling Ives. It appears Ives did not challenge the stonewall. The investigator ended up being wrong about the evidence at the scene of the fire.

LE stated they have POI under survellance, meaning the case was being investigated. But that was many months ago now.
IMO their deaths not pursued the way they should be, and if Ives let their investigation languish, he should indeed resign.

They have only $5000 dollars reward for information.
I can barelyr ead about the crime as it is too sad (like Abigails mother). The mom is clear, loved them dearly and like the song about a coat of many colors scrimped and saved to sew their cheerleading outfits.
Look at the picture taken on the cell phone again. Could that brown thing around his pocket be a hatchet head or hatchet head cover? Then the arm would fit into the pocket? I checked out hatchets and covers and I think it could be.
I too have been checking for news on those two cases and you're right, nothing. The silence is deafening from both Co and In. Margarita has asked about the hatchet and the gun and it is making me think. Do Co need a conviction on the access to the weapons first, BEFORE they even think about the TW murder? If he gets off on these weapons charges then they can't charge him with the TW murder can they?
Remember it wasn't his gun and was in the boot and was generally left with KN for protection. What if he is found innocent of these initial charges? What then?

IF the gun in the car is found to be the same gun that killed TW, it will be a seperate charge of murder. It doesn't matter when any previous charges are decided. IF LE believes DN committed the murder of TW, he can be charged anytime, regardless of what is happening in his other cases.
Lets assume for a minute that DN is found guilty of the menacing and weapons possession charges. Because the gun was only purchased in September, according to KN, it could not be the murder weapon in the Delphi case. It could be the murder weapon for the TW case however. That only leaves the hatchet as a weapon for possible identification in the Delphi case. Do we think that is likely?
I wonder if they will find this missing young woman's body, and will she be partially covered with leaves? will she have been shot with a long gun or killed with a hatchet.? .. was anything missing from her car, money etc?

They are going to sit on DN hard until they find her.

something is just not right that within less than miles of DN's known whereabouts a young 21 year old woman is disappeared and an innocent cyclist is murdered in cold blood. all within days of this lunatic wielding his hatchet all over the place.

wonder where DN was the day Micah vanished.

it is weird they stopped looking for her. right?

this man has a deep negative vibration..I wonder what the FBI are thinking about DN.

Look at the picture taken on the cell phone again. Could that brown thing around his pocket be a hatchet head or hatchet head cover? Then the arm would fit into the pocket? I checked out hatchets and covers and I think it could be.

Not sure the exact area you are speaking of.
DN had three hatchets will in CO. IMO He either loses them, or beats on things that dull them and tosses them.

We still dont know MOD. Maybe a new prosecutor will be more vigorous in gettng details to the public that make a difference.
24000 tips is not too many.

They will be categorized and input into a database.

Tips about resemblance to BG
Tips about resemblance to sketch
Tips about voice resemblance
Tips about people not showing up for work that day
Tips about creeps suspected of doing something bad
Grudge reporting

They need more information to keep at the haystack carefully moving it one straw at a time.
The needle is in there somewhere.

Unless a complete lie by LE, they have evidence enough to tie the correct person to the crime if they find them.
IF the gun in the car is found to be the same gun that killed TW, it will be a seperate charge of murder. It doesn't matter when any previous charges are decided. IF LE believes DN committed the murder of TW, he can be charged anytime, regardless of what is happening in his other cases.
Well no, I disagree because if he is found innocent of being in possession of the weapon, it could not have been him that actually killed TW, as it was in KN's possession. (Assuming a ballistics match that is).
Lets assume for a minute that DN is found guilty of the menacing and weapons possession charges. Because the gun was only purchased in September, according to KN, it could not be the murder weapon in the Delphi case. It could be the murder weapon for the TW case however. That only leaves the hatchet as a weapon for possible identification in the Delphi case. Do we think that is likely?

I think it is possible. I think if a hatchet was used in the Delphi Indiana murders and a hatchet wielding man from Indiana was running around threatening people with a hatchet in Colorado, then I think it's a possibility the hatchet will be a weapon for possible identification in the Delphi case. I mentioned earlier that that brown thing around his pants pocket (in the cell phone pic) looks like it could be a hatchet shield. Take a look.
Not sure the exact area you are speaking of.
DN had three hatchets will in CO. IMO He either loses them, or beats on things that dull them and tosses them.

We still dont know MOD. Maybe a new prosecutor will be more vigorous in gettng details to the public that make a difference.
24000 tips is not too many.

They will be categorized and input into a database.

Tips about resemblance to BG
Tips about resemblance to sketch
Tips about voice resemblance
Tips about people not showing up for work that day
Tips about creeps suspected of doing something bad
Grudge reporting

They need more information to keep at the haystack carefully moving it one straw at a time.
The needle is in there somewhere.

Unless a complete lie by LE, they have evidence enough to tie the correct person to the crime if they find them.
Kkdj is talking about the brown fanny pack looking like a leather hatchet head cover and that had occurred to me too. It does look similar. However, I remember LE early on saying it was a fanny pack so just assumed they would know as they have seen the video and know the manner of death.
Kkdj is talking about the brown fanny pack looking like a leather hatchet head cover and that had occurred to me too. It does look similar. However, I remember LE early on saying it was a fanny pack so just assumed they would know as they have seen the video and know the manner of death.

And they also didn't want us to know the cause of death. Because a hatchet is an unusual weapon for a murderer. And a hatchet shield could sure resemble a fanny pack! I've looked at several hatchet shields. I really think that is what we are looking at in the picture.
Haven't posted in a while but appreciate all the postings. I wish more evidence was released. More images, more audio, is there any partial or unknown DNA? Is there an unknown DNA match linked to another crime? Any new knowledge that would get someone thinking who this could be? Is he a transient from the south who was headed north to family after spending the winter down south? maybe headed north to do some odd jobs or connect with relatives for money?
@JazzTune, thanks for the kinds words : )

Lets assume for a minute that DN is found guilty of the menacing and weapons possession charges. Because the gun was only purchased in September, according to KN, it could not be the murder weapon in the Delphi case. It could be the murder weapon for the TW case however. That only leaves the hatchet as a weapon for possible identification in the Delphi case. Do we think that is likely?

He had a gun prior to "KN's" gun. She mentioned it in the long youtube interview. She said he sold it because as a felon he couldn't have it. But DN isn't exactly a poster child for following the law. So that combined with his military background & KN saying he was an avid hunter, I'd wager at minimum he had a long gun around. ETA: especially if it was a family firearm that was handed down to him. MOO
I have been following this case and this thread but haven't posted on it before.

I just wanted to add to the Amish jacket theory a bit. Traditionally, Amish men wear beards or facial hair of some sort. I don't think they do if they aren't married though, I think unmarried can/do shave.
There are more "modern" Amish peoples and of course Mennonite, Hutterite and Quaker -all of which have similar traditions and dress. I am not sure on different variations in the area, but I am boldly assuming that if you have Amish (which I feel lives the most secluded/extreme) that you would also have one or two of the groups that embraces the modern world more.

Anyway, going to this case, I doubt that an Amish person would have donated this jacket to a good will etc. *Most* of these groups wear their clothes until they can't be worn anymore, and then will reuse them as work clothes, rags or make them into quilts etc. Very little waste, high quality items that tend to be on the more pricey side for longevity.

If they were to donate it's more likely they would donate something like that to another male in their own community and not to a charity. They do donate to charity and such, but not things they can use or reuse, traditionally speaking.

Which, IMO, means that if this was a jacket that is mostly available to the local Amish community, it is likely that it was an Amish man (or someone who they work with regularly) on the bridge wearing it.

Not to say it's impossible that anyone else would have this jacket, or that it's even an Amish jacket. But, if it is, it could be an Amish person who is pictured, the jacket may have been stolen from a work site, or it could have been a gift to someone from within the community.

Where I am located, the Mennonite and Hutterite churches are actually the ones who do the MOST prison outreach and often have homeless guests who are seeking to change their ways, they also often have home church where people who are out of jail are more than welcome. If this is DN, it wouldn't surprise me at all if he had spoken to the Amish community, looked for work, maybe did work for a few days and was given a jacket as he wasn't adequately dressed etc. We do NOT have a local Amish community that I am aware of, but many of my Mennonite friends have either married into it, or married out of it. They are also very private and unless they had proof or extreme suspicion, I don't think they would come forward and say anything bad about someone. Generally speaking, they would rather pray that the person do the right thing.

Again ALL of this is just my opinion based on my own observations in my area. I would hope that if there is an Amish community close by that LE would have looked at them the way they would anybody else.


This is a very good post. This post made me think of one of his mugshots, he looks Amish in that one. Maybe he was living or working around Amish, trying to change his ways and wanted to blend in better.
There is an Amish presence in Owen Co which is adjacent to Morgan Co, and there's one in Howard Co which is adjacent to Carroll Co. Halfway down the page of this link is a map of where IN's Amish are located:



  • DN Mugshot Bartholomew Co.jpg
    DN Mugshot Bartholomew Co.jpg
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  • DN Mugshot Bartholomew Co profile.jpg
    DN Mugshot Bartholomew Co profile.jpg
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This is a very good post. This post made me think of one of his mugshots, he looks Amish in that one. Maybe he was living or working around Amish, trying to change his ways and wanted to blend in better.
There is an Amish presence in Owen Co which is adjacent to Morgan Co, and there's one in Howard Co which is adjacent to Carroll Co. Halfway down the page of this link is a map of where IN's Amish are located:

I've contemplated the Amish possibility also. In one of the early threads I mentioned that the area where April Tinsleys killer left several notes and a message on a barn door, is in the heart of the Amish community, near Fort Wayne. If there is an Amish connection, I would lean toward the suspect being a driver/helper for the Amish.

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Could it be that they are waiting to press charges until after he retires? The case may take time and he wants to retire, so wait until then and have the new prosecutor on it?

When a new DA came on board, that's when charges were filed years later against Mark Redwine in the murder of Dylan Redwine...
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