IN - Abigail Williams, 13, & Liberty German, 14, Delphi, 13 Feb 2017 #79

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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No, this would be by the trail head or by the bridge that crosses Route 25 or the Hoosier Heartland Expressway. To get to the Mears property you would have to keep going past that house around the bend to the left, and then the Mears property would be on the right side, not the left.

When I watched GH's video, I was wondering what that building was next to it, so I was looking at that one. Over the Google Earth satellite time frame snap shots, there appears to be all the same cars there, except one~~A blue truck. Then tracing down, I had found this image and thought it was peculiar. It's like someone parked there to access the trail, albeit back in 2014. You can see a dirt trail leading from the car to the trail head.

I have a strong suspicion, BG is a rail buff.

Of course, IMHO only.

Is there a google earth version snapshot shortly before 13 Feb 2017?
I think the sentence the judge handed down is a good one; one that has the best chance for helping him turn his life around.

If he doesn't get help, he'll become just another career criminal.
Tail end of this short video released yesterday the reporter says DN "is under investigation in connection with the murders of two young girls in Indiana last February." Wonder who their source is for that. Or did they just get it wrong.
Tail end of this short video released yesterday the reporter says DN "is under investigation in connection with the murders of two young girls in Indiana last February." Wonder who their source is for that. Or did they just get it wrong.

Considering the recent Dr Phil show and that Indiana LE has stated DN is only one of hundreds of people of interest I'd say the statement is a bit of a stretch.

Especially following the statement about DN not being named a "suspect" in TW's murder with info re Indiana. Forgetting to mention he has not been named a suspect in Indiana either.

Being on probation for three years with weekly check-ins is an imprisonment in itself. I went to Physical Therapy twice a week for three months and felt robbed of my freedom! When considering DNs propensity to act hedonistically, three years with check-ins is a very long time. It is not supposed to be easy to conform to the Judge's ruling or else there would be no form of punishment at all.

Does DN need to ask a state for permission to reside in that state? If so, just shoot me now for I could not handle these stringent restrictions on my livelihood.

I agree. I've been seeing my pain management specialist every week for the past 4 years and it's very confining. I am not allowed to leave the state, go on vacation, etc. without informing the office. I must also submit to random drug tests and pill counts on a monthly basis. I can be in the middle of watching a movie at a cinema and, if the doctor's office calls, I must immediately leave and go to the nearest pharmacy to count my pills (to ensure that I am neither selling them or taking too many). If I am in an accident or must go to the ER, the hospital is not allowed to treat me for pain until they call my doctor and get permission. When my intestines ruptured back in October, this was a big problem. (These are all rules that were initiated by my state to help curtail the rampant drug problem. Of course, what it means is that the criminals are still getting theirs illegally and doing what they will while the rest of us who are taking the medication for actual medical conditions are put through the wringer. Chronic pain patients have 2 choices-sign a contract and do all the above and get their pain managed or refuse to submit to any of that and stick with Tylenol. For some of us, proper pain management treatment is literally what enables us to live a semblance of a normal life.)

Any time your time is not your own and you must submit to other people's schedules, whims, and instructions in a way that disrupts your life is confining.
So the fact that there was an order preventing LE talking to DN without his attorney present - does the statement from DN in his letter that his attorney didn't even tell him ISP wanted to see him, now make more sense? If they turned up and the attorney said no he's not going to talk to you, then they could not do anything about it could they? IMO that is what happened.

I wonder if the girls were in shallow graves and that is one of the similarities?
It would explain the difficulty finding them.

So potential similarities:

Bodies left off a popular trail
Shot multiple times
Hatchet defensive wounds
Difficult locations (ravine/canyon)
Shallow graves

I do not expect more than a blanket statement from LE such as, "we continue to track down leads...". If they offer more than that then, I will be delighted to be wrong.

I remain perplexed about how BG was able to do whatever he did within the tight timeframe.

One thing that I do know is that LE used a metal detector during their search on RLs property. What I don't know is if they found anything helpful or not.

Do you have a source link for the metal detector? That's very interesting if true.


@ 01:00 minute

So the fact that there was an order preventing LE talking to DN without his attorney present - does the statement from DN in his letter that his attorney didn't even tell him ISP wanted to see him, now make more sense? If they turned up and the attorney said no he's not going to talk to you, then they could not do anything about it could they? IMO that is what happened.

I wonder if the girls were in shallow graves and that is one of the similarities?
It would explain the difficulty finding them.

So potential similarities:

Bodies left off a popular trail
Shot multiple times
Hatchet defensive wounds
Difficult locations (ravine/canyon)
Shallow graves


wtf Thats crazy, Nah not talking to you, eh ok. I do understand why criminals have law protection, but I certainly dont agree with it

I can't believe this hat was suggested as worn by BG in the image thread 7 months ago nearly two months before the sketch was issued.

BGs pic still looks like he could be wearing a hat like that! (& hood?) The thing that SO gets ME is the way he looks young in one of the stills and older in the other two stills. All within those few steps! Why Oh WHY can't LE just release a few seconds VIDEO puh-leeeeze! I think it would be very telling and help I.D. BG !!!!! MOOOOOOOOOOOO!
That’s just awful and not good.
to mtlights that is...didn’t get to quote the post
@ 01:00 minute

In your original post you gave no link so I did not know whether it was your opinion or a fact.
I have watched and listened to this video and heard them say "electronic equipment" . Is that the reference that you are referring to in the video when you say metal detectors?

I can't believe this hat was suggested as worn by BG in the image thread 7 months ago nearly two months before the sketch was issued.

Shire- R u saying you find it unlikely BG wore a hat like this? Or r u saying you think the person who posted the pics of this hat was Right On?? Your wording here confuses me. PS Thanks for your steadfast devotion to this case! You keep the torch held aloft and held high!
Shire- R u saying you find it unlikely BG wore a hat like this? Or r u saying you think the person who posted the pics of this hat was Right On?? Your wording here confuses me. PS Thanks for your steadfast devotion to this case! You keep the torch held aloft and held high!
I myself cannot definitely see a hat of a particular type on his head. The sketch put the news boy type hat on his head but said not to focus on the hat. I just found it a big coincidence and unusual that some posters had identified it as a similar hat to that one used in the sketch so many weeks after. So what sort of hat is he wearing? Some saw hair, some saw a hoodie, some saw an animal fur hat, some saw the newsboy hat, some saw a knitted hat. It's a chameleon hat.
Eta TY for your kind comments. :smile:
My Original Post
Quote Originally Posted by DeDee
I do not expect more than a blanket statement from LE such as, "we continue to track down leads...". If they offer more than that then, I will be delighted to be wrong.

I remain perplexed about how BG was able to do whatever he did within the tight timeframe.

One thing that I do know is that LE used a metal detector during their search on RLs property. What I don't know is if they found anything helpful or not.

In your original post you gave no link so I did not know whether it was your opinion or a fact.
I have watched and listened to this video and heard them say "electronic equipment" . Is that the reference that you are referring to in the video when you say metal detectors?

What devices did you suspect they were referring to when mentioning "electronic equipment"?

Another form of electronic equipment, that does not apply to this particular search of RLs property, would be thermal imaging devices or breath alcohol detectors.

I think the good people in this WS community are able to determine if electronic equipment refers to metal detectors or not. We have a smart, nay, brilliant community here. They know what to believe, what to question and what to cast aside.
What devices did you suspect they were referring to when mentioning "electronic equipment"?

Another form of electronic equipment, that does not apply to this particular search of RLs property, would be thermal imaging devices or breath alcohol detectors.

I think the good people in this WS community are able to determine if electronic equipment refers to metal detectors or not. We have a smart, nay, brilliant community here. They know what to believe, what to question and what to cast aside.
It could mean electronic equipment to help with recovering computers, phones, etc.
It said they were searching by hand and with electronic equipment.
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