GUILTY IN - Joelle Lockwood, 30, Evansville, 9 July 2014

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No prom Nikb. Sorry typing from iPhone and new to this app so I need to learn how to copy to whom I am replying!

My husband and I were across the country in Texas in July on vacation when Joelle went missing so we likely missed the earlier media reports when she went missing, to be fair.

After Kristy went missing, the news on both cases went national trying to connect these two cases together, as well as a missing teen in Illinois and a few other women in northern Indiana and other areas. My understanding has always been it was a media thing trying to connect the cases and everyone ran with it-a positive thing in my opinion because the more exposure, the better. However, my general understanding is that at this point, none of the cases are connected but the investigators are keeping quiet about all cases for good reason. I pray all families of the missing everywhere get a reunion the way Joelle, her children, and family have received.
I wish AstroKitty still posted on WS, b/c she would have good insight on this for us.
Did neither of these two work a job? Have friends over? Not have children? I don't how people live any more. I live along, but my adult children and grands are in and out of here every weekend. I doubt I could hide a live person in my house! Makes me wonder if others knew and were ok with it! This woman thought nothing of her ex coming in there and leaving.

With Castro keeping 3 AND a child locked up and people coming and going for years and them being undetected and all the publicity that got, it's hard to know if we'll end up hearing about more who try (and get away with - at least for some length of time) the same or if we'll find more people being aware and thus helping put an end to such attempts.
WOW!! What a miracle she was found, and can be reunited with her family!!!

That dog's cage is bigger than that, and she doesn't even have to live in it. :( What cruelty to Jolelle!!!

I'm kinda hoping this doesn't make national news. Can you imagine the healing she needs now? It also reminds me of a book I read one time, it was based on real life, young lady was picked up, and kept under the bed. She was eventually allowed out of the house, but was brainwashed to believe her captors were a part of this national group, and no matter where she went, she would be found, and brought back. Scary!!! But sure makes you wonder how many more of our missing are right in our neighborhoods.

Colleen Stan. I had the exact same thought as soon as I read "cage".
This is such a tragic story but so amazing she was rescued. He really tried everything to get her out of there safely, buying her etc. It chills me that they wouldn't sell her until she had a baby (at which point mountain is right and they would have killed her)
From the Evansville Courier & Press FB page:

Ricky House faces 14 charges, including four counts of rape, four counts of criminal confinement, two counts of kidnapping. He is also charged with single counts of conspiracy to commit rape, conspiracy to commit criminal confinement, battery with bodily injury and pointing a firearm.

Kendra Tooley faces ten charges, including four counts of criminal confinement, two counts of rape, two counts of kidnapping. She also faces single charges of conspiracy to commit rape and conspiracy to commit criminal confinement.
Just read this on CNN and did a search to see if there was a thread for missing person matching this description. Even though CNN didn't name the victim, I'm assuming this must be Joelle?

Good lord. What a nightmare - that poor woman.:(

From the above link...

After his attempts to buy her freedom were rejected, police said the encounter turned violent and House retrieved his sawed-off shotgun.

"He stuck that shotgun right here under my chin with his finger on the trigger," Higgs told WEHT. "I said if you're going to effing kill me you better do it now or I'm going to take this away from you and beat you to death with it."

Woohoo! So so refreshing to see someone stand up and do the right thing and not back down!

I'm so glad to see Joelle has been found. It's strange how some MP cases really garner a lot of attention while others not as much. Though I'm sure some of it is due to how much effort a family puts into getting their loved one's name out, some of it just seems to be the luck of the draw.
From the above link...

Woohoo! So so refreshing to see someone stand up and do the right thing and not back down!

I'm so glad to see Joelle has been found. It's strange how some MP cases really garner a lot of attention while others not as much. Though I'm sure some of it is due to how much effort a family puts into getting their loved one's name out, some of it just seems to be the luck of the draw.

I am so glad they are throwing the book at the two. As far as getting the name out, some families just don't have the education level or the ability to make the sort of heat that gets the news involved. Mark Lunsford was one who could even though he came from a less educated environment, he just got stubborn and stood in his driveway having news conferences every single day no matter if LE wanted him to or not. Elizabeth Smarts dad had the education, the business connections to pull in the media when he needed them.

In other cases to often LE say don't talk to the media and they don't. With no one saying anything there is nothing for the news to cover. IMO LE is completely wrong when they tell the family not to talk to media, awareness often brings these young people back, everyone is looking because they get involved with the families grief and worry. I remember two young boys brought a little girl back from a kidnapping by finding and following the suspects car on their bikes until he let the little girl out.
I'm a little uncomfortable with the timeline. Before I consider this guy a hero, I want to know for sure that he didn't "partake" in the evil "festivities" before the big rescue. Granted, it's just a thought I had and the bottom line is she is home and alive, but I'm not ready to nominate him for sainthood just yet. Jmo.
I agree. The first thing I wondered, after reading the probable cause affidavit, why didn't RH immediately contact the police after he left, rather than going back the next day? At best, he behaved recklessly, endangering both himself and the victim, at worst, he took advantage of the situation (i.e., telling the victim he would free her if she would have sex with him).
I agree. The first thing I wondered, after reading the probable cause affidavit, why didn't RH immediately contact the police after he left, rather than going back the next day? At best, he behaved recklessly, endangering both himself and the victim, at worst, he took advantage of the situation (i.e., telling the victim he would free her if she would have sex with him).
Pretty sure if that was the case, he would have already been arrested.

MOO. Not all heroes can be saints. And not all saints are heroes. Do we always have to dig for a more devious meaning in people's actions rather than rejoice in just the good in people?
I havent seen anything that he told her that he would free her if she had sex with him. I dont believe he even knew what was going on when the sexual act happened. At that point he was still under the impression there was just kinky going on in that house,. From his interview his hinky meter didnt go up until she asked if she could have something to eat. jmo
For everybody that is fairly new and trying to play catch-up, the link below is the 2-part, 30 minute interview with the guy that allegedly rescued her from his ex-wife and her boyfriend.

It comes in two parts, approx. 15 minutes each.

Get a cold beer, take a comfortable seat at the bar, and be prepared to hear the story of your life.

Ridiculous lead-in commercial messages will have to be endured, nothing I can do about that.
Pretty sure if that was the case, he would have already been arrested.

MOO. Not all heroes can be saints. And not all saints are heroes. Do we always have to dig for a more devious meaning in people's actions rather than rejoice in just the good in people?

Thanks was NOT enough!
Brad Byrd did an In-Depth tonight with Higgs. It w ill be on tristate homepage later.
Maybe I would have handled it differently. Maybe not. IDK what I would have done until Im in that situation. Seeing how he has a history of running to help the ex out I admire what he did. He could have just left there and left Joelle there so he didnt get the ex in trouble since she is the mother of his children. He did the right thing. He did it the way he thought best. Joelle is now safe at home with her children. They would never have let her leave alive.
Maybe I would have handled it differently. Maybe not. IDK what I would have done until Im in that situation. Seeing how he has a history of running to help the ex out I admire what he did. He could have just left there and left Joelle there so he didnt get the ex in trouble since she is the mother of his children. He did the right thing. He did it the way he thought best. Joelle is now safe at home with her children. They would never have let her leave alive.
ITA. Thank baby Jesus that I have never been in a situation as such. He could have left, called 911 and it could have ended in a shoot out. Or he could have just left, turned a blind eye and walked away. Only for them to find her dead months later.

But he promised her he would get her out and she felt that she could trust him enough to ask for it. And he did.

If only more cases turned out like this....
From the Evansville Courier & Press FB page:

Ricky House faces 14 charges, including four counts of rape, four counts of criminal confinement, two counts of kidnapping. He is also charged with single counts of conspiracy to commit rape, conspiracy to commit criminal confinement, battery with bodily injury and pointing a firearm.

Kendra Tooley faces ten charges, including four counts of criminal confinement, two counts of rape, two counts of kidnapping. She also faces single charges of conspiracy to commit rape and conspiracy to commit criminal confinement.

That's a pretty impressive list of charges.

Is there such a charge as "being plain old nasty" ?

Maybe they should come up with one........

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