IN IN - Kristy Kelley, 27, Boonville, 15 Aug 2014 #2

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I guess I was mistaken. I thought I remembered her father saying the kids were with Dad. Maybe what I'm remembering is that she lived with her parents. It's been a really long day after an insomniac night. Sorry.

My understanding is that the father had the kids Thursday through Sunday. I don't have a link to back it up, but I am 99.999% sure I read that. Then, when it was supposed to be her days with the kids the next week, the father kept the kids so they would not know she was missing.
My understanding is that the father had the kids Thursday through Sunday. I don't have a link to back it up, but I am 99.999% sure I read that. Then, when it was supposed to be her days with the kids the next week, the father kept the kids so they would not know she was missing.

It was me who said that originally but now I'm not so sure. If they had joint custody, it's likely that he had the kids on Thursday evening (that's a common arrangement around here, my parents did that when they divorced and I have some friends who have that arrangement). But if she has sole custody and he just gets visitation, he would probably only have the kids Friday through Sunday.
I am pretty darn sure KK's mom stated they took the kids to their dad on Friday so pretty sure they were w/grandparents after school Friday. Not sure if that helps in the discussion but that made me think it might not have even been his weekend.
One of the reasons that I have it in my head that the kids were with their father was because Kristy was out meeting up with friends at bars instead of being home with the kids. I would think if she had them, she would be at home with them instead of leaving them to her parents to babysit.

My son and his ex have this kind of arrangement. He has the kids one week, she the next. On the week she has the kids, my son takes care of all his appointments, shopping, and partying with friends. The week he has them, he's Mr. Mom. He's all about the kids. He doesn't leave the with anyone unless he's at work, and by arrangement, they are with their mother when he's at work cuz she works from home.

I remember when I read that the kids were with their father, thinking that they have an arrangement like my son does. It made sense to me that she was out with her friends partying, since it was Dad's time to have the kids. IMO. Otherwise, it doesn't make any kind of sense that she's got children at home, has a job she has to get up early for and she's out until all hours of the morning socializing, having her parents watch them.
Let's say Kristy did have the kids that evening. Wouldn't her going out to a bar and staying out late possibly point to her not being happy? Instead of spending a few hours with her kids, she left them with the grandparents and went out drinking. She had her kids fairly young (early 20s) and it isn't uncommon for people who have kids young to resent not having time to party and have fun. Not that she doesn't love her kids (I'm sure she does) but maybe she just needed a break and maybe that break turned into something longer. Maybe she had sort of an "I've had it" moment, especially if/when the guy(s) she was hoping to meet didn't show up.
I don't think there is much to her going out with friends whether she had the kids or not. I have a 3 year old and she goes to be pretty early (7:30pm) because she gets up early so having someone babysit her means that someone stays home doing what they want while she sleeps. Also we don't know all of the details of her normal routine. If she is a single mom home with her kids most nights then does it really have to be anything more than he just wanting a night out with friends? I know she could do that when they are with their father but that is assuming that her friends go out frequently enough to be able to still go out with them only on those weekends she doesn't have the kids. I just think a single mom going out and leaving the kids at home with their grandparents doesn't speak volumes about her state of mind or anything else really. If she was going out every might drinking and choosing not to spend time with her family then maybe that would say something more but I just don't have those details about her life to be able to say that. What is abnormal for some might be completely normal for others ... this is one of those things.
I don't think there is much to her going out with friends whether she had the kids or not. I have a 3 year old and she goes to be pretty early (7:30pm) because she gets up early so having someone babysit her means that someone stays home doing what they want while she sleeps. Also we don't know all of the details of her normal routine. If she is a single mom home with her kids most nights then does it really have to be anything more than he just wanting a night out with friends? I know she could do that when they are with their father but that is assuming that her friends go out frequently enough to be able to still go out with them only on those weekends she doesn't have the kids. I just think a single mom going out and leaving the kids at home with their grandparents doesn't speak volumes about her state of mind or anything else really. If she was going out every might drinking and choosing not to spend time with her family then maybe that would say something more but I just don't have those details about her life to be able to say that. What is abnormal for some might be completely normal for others ... this is one of those things.

That's true. It was just a thought. Right now, we don't have anything to go on so my mind is going in all sorts of directions.
No, I think you misunderstood. What I was saying was that I associated the kids being with their Dad to it making sense that she was out because it wasn't her time with the kids. At first I thought she had left them at home with her parents. I'm not saying that is wrong. But along the way, I thought it got established that the kids were with their father, which to me made more sense why she was out socializing with friends that Thursday night.

I'm not saying she's a bad mother or has mental issues or anything like that. My post was only going to the reason I believed the kids were with their dad and associated it with the arrangement my son and his ex have with their kids. Sorry if I wasn't clear.
I'm not saying she's a bad mother or has mental issues or anything like that. My post was only going to the reason I believed the kids were with their dad and associated it with the arrangement my son and his ex have with their kids. Sorry if I wasn't clear.

I wasn't trying to say that either. I should probably just keep my mouth shut most of the time.
That's true. It was just a thought. Right now, we don't have anything to go on so my mind is going in all sorts of directions.

Well, you are in good company then! I am pretty darn sure many of us feel like our minds are going in a bunch of directions.:help:

It's hard to pin down the facts in this case.
I wasn't trying to say that either. I should probably just keep my mouth shut most of the time.
Don't ever feel as if you shouldn't throw a thought out. That one thought could be the clue to solving the whole case.
I wasn't trying to say that either. I should probably just keep my mouth shut most of the time.

No, please feel free to share your thoughts!

These people put up with the world's longest post analyzing to the nth degree why Kristy's cellphone being left was so doggone important (yes, MY post). Nobody told me to :shutup: , even though the post was so long I felt obligated to put subheads on it.:eek:hdear:

If we never brainstorm, we'll never hit upon anything.
Call me crazy and I dont have an explanation for it but something weird is going on. Not only is the HFKK FB page being closely monitored and posts deleted but it is happening elsewhere also. I posted to a local forum yesterday only the info from the flyer with the number of LE to call and today that thread has been deleted. Strange that didnt stay on there.

I tried to find a post on topix that was a comment in a news article in the Evansville Forum titled- two women missing..... (can't remember exact title)..There were some comments about a person that goes to the VFW. The whole thread is completely gone. I looked and looked for it because I wanted to reread something I recalled seeing. I know what you mean!! Strange indeed. Maybe it had something that LE didn't want others to see....
I tried to find a post on topix that was a comment in a news article in the Evansville Forum titled- two women missing..... (can't remember exact title)..There were some comments about a person that goes to the VFW. The whole thread is completely gone. I looked and looked for it because I wanted to reread something I recalled seeing. I know what you mean!! Strange indeed. Maybe it had something that LE didn't want others to see....

Well, just sayin'...if this thread disappears, I'll be pretty freaked out.
It's worth noting and I don't know if this has been mentioned, her name on the above website is Kristyn Kelley... Might turn up more dating profiles or whatnot..
I wasn't trying to say that either. I should probably just keep my mouth shut most of the time.

No, you shouldn't keep your mouth shut. You input as just as important as everyone else's. I just wanted to clarify cuz I thought something I wrote got read wrong.

So we still don't know if the kids were with Dad that night or not. LOL So confusing. Sorta like she was at the VFW because her friend was bartending and they were going to go out after she closed up early. Now we know that bartender wasn't even a friend, let alone she was waiting for her to close up so they could go to the next open bar.
No, please feel free to share your thoughts!

These people put up with the world's longest post analyzing to the nth degree why Kristy's cellphone being left was so doggone important (yes, MY post). Nobody told me to :shutup: , even though the post was so long I felt obligated to put subheads on it.:eek:hdear:

If we never brainstorm, we'll never hit upon anything.

Oh Think!! I just LOVE your crack me up! And boy was that needed today with all that's been going on on WS! :blowkiss:

Don't you EVER stop posting your long posts. I read 'em. ;)
I did start looking up Kristyn Kelley and Kristyn Scales. So far, I found a MySpace page (it's restricted) where it lists her as living in Chicago, IL but it's definitely her based on the profile picture. It is MySpace, though, so it is probably very outdated.
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