In my right hand is the blue pill, in my left the red pill

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
IF they match. Big if.

But I'll tell you what, HOTYH: let's you and I find someone who knows very little about this case, make our respective arguments, and SEE which one is more convincing! Because as I said before, it's a LOT more than just the "8"s!

The lab already said they matched.

Mock trial, anyone?
This IDI believes that some of the terms in the ransom note would be unique to a military officer of high rank. The terms attache, execution, proper burial, and especially Victory! used as closing salutation, point to someone with not a moderate, but a high powered military vocabulary.

I have revised my theory to show that a high-ranking military officer in a foreign army authored or dictated the ransom note. JBR was to be kidnapped for their purpose. She screamed or she wasn't what they wanted so they killed her instead, to avoid prosecution.
The lab already said they matched.

Last I knew, the lab said the leggings and the underwear matched. The MEDIA "matched" the nails.

Mock trial, anyone?

You know I'm game.

But this crowd might not be best for it. By and large, we have our minds made up.

Maybe we could find some people from the other forums, though.
Sorry to skip back a few posts to no 76, about the use of attaché, that is the correct use of the word as it is used in france, to describe someone 'attached' to a consulte, sales department etc. The use of attaché with regards to a brief case is anglicized and seems to be of more common usage in the late 70s early 80s.
Sorry to bring this up again
Last I knew, the lab said the leggings and the underwear matched. The MEDIA "matched" the nails.

In July, Garnett's predecessor, Mary Lacy, issued a public apology for the suspicion surrounding the Ramsey family after a DNA test performed using new technology showed DNA found on JonBenet's underwear and under her fingernails belonged to an unidentified man.

In July, then-District Attorney Mary Lacy issued a public apology for the suspicion surrounding the Ramsey family after a DNA test performed using new technology showed that DNA found on JonBenet's underwear and under her fingernails belonged to an unidentified man.

In July, Garnett's predecessor, Mary Lacy, issued a public apology for the suspicion surrounding the Ramsey family after a test performed using new technology showed that DNA found on JonBenet's underwear and under her fingernails belonged to an unidentified man. The test results, Lacy said, were "powerful evidence" that allows investigators to think the Ramsey family were victims, not suspects.

Are you reading the latest news? Because the reports from 2006 and before refer to degraded and unmatched, while these new 2008 reports are clear. They're referring to the fingernail DNA and underwear DNA.

Maybe if you found one article from a major media outlet dated July 2008 or later, that excludes fingernail DNA from matching or too degraded to be of any use, then I'll stop referring to it for free. No need for RDI to pay me $100 as they offered. Until then 'fingernail DNA match' seems to be something for all of us to reckon with.

In a mock trial, are you prosecutor of RDI or defender of IDI?
I have revised my theory to show that a high-ranking military officer in a foreign army authored or dictated the ransom note. JBR was to be kidnapped for their purpose. She screamed or she wasn't what they wanted so they killed her instead, to avoid prosecution.

You have GOT to be kidding me! Are you for real or simply trolling to get a reaction from people? What "purpose" would kidnapping a six year old serve, except in the demented world of some crazy poster's imagination? And this "foreign faction" (or whomever) surely demanded a king's ransom, all $118,000 of it....Please return to earth before your spaceship explodes. I'm sure you'll rush to ban me for my comments, but honest to God what universe are you living in?
"Are you reading the latest news? Because the reports from 2006 and before refer to degraded and unmatched, while these new 2008 reports are clear. They're referring to the fingernail DNA and underwear DNA.'
Quote snipped from Holdontoyour hat post #105

Hold I found this article when I was trying to find official lab results:

Bode Technology that collected the dna from the sides of the long johns talks about how they collected it but they didn't mention it matching to anything. Is there any official report that we can see at this time that says what the touch DNA was linked with officially? Not from a news report, I want to see it from a lab report. Thanks
"Are you reading the latest news? Because the reports from 2006 and before refer to degraded and unmatched, while these new 2008 reports are clear. They're referring to the fingernail DNA and underwear DNA.'
Quote snipped from Holdontoyour hat post #105

Hold I found this article when I was trying to find official lab results:

Bode Technology that collected the dna from the sides of the long johns talks about how they collected it but they didn't mention it matching to anything. Is there any official report that we can see at this time that says what the touch DNA was linked with officially? Not from a news report, I want to see it from a lab report. Thanks

I'd like to also. There's some RDI posters who somehow seem to have an inside track, but all I know is what I read in the papers. Maybe LE is holding a few cards close to their chest, and thats one of 'em.
In July, Garnett's predecessor, Mary Lacy, issued a public apology for the suspicion surrounding the Ramsey family after a DNA test performed using new technology showed DNA found on JonBenet's underwear and under her fingernails belonged to an unidentified man.

In July, then-District Attorney Mary Lacy issued a public apology for the suspicion surrounding the Ramsey family after a DNA test performed using new technology showed that DNA found on JonBenet's underwear and under her fingernails belonged to an unidentified man.

In July, Garnett's predecessor, Mary Lacy, issued a public apology for the suspicion surrounding the Ramsey family after a test performed using new technology showed that DNA found on JonBenet's underwear and under her fingernails belonged to an unidentified man. The test results, Lacy said, were "powerful evidence" that allows investigators to think the Ramsey family were victims, not suspects.

You're only proving my point about the laziness of the media, HOTYH.

Are you reading the latest news? Because the reports from 2006 and before refer to degraded and unmatched, while these new 2008 reports are clear. They're referring to the fingernail DNA and underwear DNA.

Yeah, I seem to remember they were sure about WMDs in Iraq, too.

Maybe if you found one article from a major media outlet dated July 2008 or later, that excludes fingernail DNA from matching or too degraded to be of any use, then I'll stop referring to it for free.

Be glad to, HOTYH. But Lin Wood has done his utmost to make sure that won't happen. ANOTHER thing you either forget or would rather not mention.

In a mock trial, are you prosecutor of RDI or defender of IDI?

Are you kidding?

Although, I have to admit that I find the notion of you and I switching places VERY interesting!
Although, I have to admit that I find the notion of you and I switching places VERY interesting!

This is actually your idea, since my idea was somewhat different.

What I actually meant was, maybe you were going to choose one of two roles. The first role is prosecuting attorney for the DA against JR and/or PR. The second role is defense attorney for an intruder.
This is actually your idea, since my idea was somewhat different.

What I actually meant was, maybe you were going to choose one of two roles. The first role is prosecuting attorney for the DA against JR and/or PR. The second role is defense attorney for an intruder.

Oh, I see.

Hmm. That puts a new wrinkle on it. I just assumed I'd be prosecutor.
Oh, I see.

Hmm. That puts a new wrinkle on it. I just assumed I'd be prosecutor.

I see. Well, maybe if you chose to be defender for "Ivan the Intruder," an acronym, then I could be the prosecutor. That way we don't have to involve named people.
I see. Well, maybe if you chose to be defender for "Ivan the Intruder," an acronym, then I could be the prosecutor. That way we don't have to involve named people.

You have a point.

Moreover, it would be easier for me to be the defender because all I would have to do is create reasonable doubt, which is kind of what I wanted to do with the DNA vs. writing examples to begin with: see which one would be more convincing.
You have a point.

Moreover, it would be easier for me to be the defender because all I would have to do is create reasonable doubt, which is kind of what I wanted to do with the DNA vs. writing examples to begin with: see which one would be more convincing.

Did I type acronym? I meant pseudonym.

I think this mock trial would obviously be in abstentia. The prosecution (me) won't be able get samples of the defendant's DNA or handwriting. This doesn't bother me. What about you? Your client is assumed to have agreed to this.
SD, as far as what is known about the case and corroborated, was ANY male DNA obtained as a sample from any family member or acquaintance?
One DNA sample from JBR's leggings matching another DNA sample from underneath JBR's fingernails is exponentially more objective and significant than, say, those little figure '8''s that RDI believes are so convincing.

Why do you persist in mentioning the fingernail DNA when you KNOW it didn't match ANYTHING else?
The touch DNA matched in 2 places. The waistband of her longjohns and her panties. You know very well (and have actually mentioned before) that the fingernail DNA was degraded and not able to be used. I don't care WHAT CNN said. Their reporting was based on a falsehood and they have never retracted it. It happens. In cases other than this one as well.
Just curious. The IDI agenda is just to perpetuate falsehoods in this case. Anything as long as it can be used to deflect guilt from the Rs, right?
You're wishes are my command, folks.

There's a CO resident named Tom Miller. He is, or at least was, a lawyer and a court-certified handwriting expert. After several weeks of study, he came to a conclusion as to who wrote the RN: PR did. That's when Team R swung into action.

The Rs claimed for several years that the private investigators they had hired were only to hunt down leads the BPD were "ignoring." But what they were really doing was just what I said. Miller was roped, under false pretenses, into meeting with one of the Rs' hired experts. It turned out to be a set-up. The man who asked him to come along was a tabloid writer who tried to bribe the Rs' man for an RN copy.

Miller was arrested and charged. Now, THIS is where things get interesting. The Jefferson County DA, David Thomas, was friends with Hal Haddon, the Ramsey lawyer. In fact, they owed each other political favors. Haddon made a call to Thomas and asked him to make sure that Miller would be damaged goods if he were ever called to testify in court as to his conclusions, which was a possibility since he was well-known to the local judges and lawyers. The Jefferson DA offered Miller a plea-bargain. Voynich mentioned the Godfather. Apropos, certainly. But instead of an offer he couldn't refuse, the deal was an offer no spirited man could ever accept. The deal was, if Miller wanted to avoid a trial and possible jail time, he'd have to give up his law license and discredit his own status as a document examiner.

Miller told them to stuff their deal. So, he went to trial in 2001. At the trial, Miller's lawyer pulled off a real coup. He subpoenaed one of the private investigators responsible, a man named David L. Miller (no relation), and got him to admit in open court that he was told by Haddon's office to dig up dirt on Miller to use against him if he were ever called to testify as to who he thought wrote the RN. He also admitted that he himself was just doing his job, and that the real dirty tricks were thought up at a higher level.

It took the jury less than an hour to find Miller not guilty. And just in case anyone thinks I'm just making this up, the transcript of the trial is available on Compact Disc under the title Salute to American Justice. Look for it on eBay. Or, if you wait a little, I can try (no promises) to post it here from my copy.

As a coda to this story, later that year, JR was deposed in a civil trial. During that deposition, he admitted that his earlier statements were knowingly false. The private eyes were never meant to follow up on leads. Their job was to build a defense in case the Rs were ever brought to trial. To use JR's words, to "keep us out of jail."

Raises some interesting questions, doesn't it?

Voynich nailed it: "The Godfather."
indeed it does,thanks so much for posting that.
if I recall correctly,I think they got one of Miller's underage kids to take a pic of the bookcase or something when he was visiting,of a diary of his that was on it? and that was used to arrest him.(even though I think it was just showing it on the bookcase.correct me if I have the facts wrong). low,very low.
Sorry to skip back a few posts to no 76, about the use of attaché, that is the correct use of the word as it is used in france, to describe someone 'attached' to a consulte, sales department etc. The use of attaché with regards to a brief case is anglicized and seems to be of more common usage in the late 70s early 80s.
Sorry to bring this up again

anything else french in the RN below?

Mr. Ramsey

Listen carefully! We are a group of individuals that represent a small foreign faction. We do respect your bussiness [sic] but not the country that it serves. At this time we have your daughter in our posession [sic]. She is safe and unharmed and if you want her to see 1997, you must follow our instructions to the letter.

You will withdraw $118,000.00 from your account. $100,000 will be in $100 bills and the remaining $18,000 in $20 bills. Make sure that you bring an adequate size attache to the bank. When you get home you will put the money in a brown paper bag. I will call you between 8 and 10 am tomorrow to instruct you on delivery. The delivery will be exhausting so I advise you to be rested. If we monitor you getting the money early, we might call you early to arrange and earlier delivery of the money and hence a [sic] earlier delivery pick-up of your daughter.

Any deviation of my instructions will result in the immediate execution of your daughter. You will also be denied her remains for proper burial. The two gentlemen watching over your daughter do not particularly like you so I advise you not to provoke them. Speaking to anyone about your situation, such as Police, F.B.I., etc., will result in your daughter being beheaded. If we catch you talking to a stray dog, she dies. If you alert bank authorities, she dies. If the money is in any way marked or tampered with, she dies. You will be scanned for electronic devices and if any are found, she dies. You can try to deceive us but be warned that we are familiar with law enforcement countermeasures and tactics. You stand a 99% chance of killing your daughter if you try to out smart [sic] us. Follow our instructions and you stand a 100% chance of getting her back. You and your family are under constant scrutiny as well as the authorities. Don't try to grow a brain John. You are not the only fat cat around so don't think that killing will be difficult. Don't underestimate us John. Use that good southern common sense of yours. It is up to you now John!


What not ask me cause I'm the one posted that..Revenge isn't a word I would use in solving a child's murder..And for everything that it is worth I do try to find other people that might had done this...

I don't want ordinary revenge, I want Sith-revenge :D and wolverine-revenge,

imagine that darth sidious kills wolverine's gf,
darth sidious v.s wolverine round 1, cage match fight to the death
Who is the Deadliest warrior?

"well, well, well, look at what the cat dragged in"

"ooooh shiny."

"I'm gonna cut your head off"

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