Inconsistencies in DB's Story

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Her memory seems pretty clear here about turning the lights out....

"Judge Jeanine: “Were the lights on or off when you went to bed?”
Debbi: “I turned them off.”

Judge Jeanine: “OK, was the front door locked or unlocked?”

Debbi: “I don’t remember. Typically I lock it. Um, I mean I left the computer room window open and …”
Judge Jeanine: “So the computer room is in the front of the house?”
Jeremy: “Yeah, that’s right.”
Debbi breaks down and weeps, hugging Jeremy."

I didn't quote anyone because I am responding to multiple posts. But this is my take. . . .

What many of us know from other cases where a child goes missing, is that the person responsible won't develop a cover-up story until they know they will be confronted with having to explain the child's absence (see the Sky case). I think that the cover-up here was done for the sake of JI. DB knew at some point that JI was going to realize something happened to BL, by her absence.

I do NOT think that JI was responsible for whatever happened to BL, in my opinion, her death. I don't think that DB premeditated whatever happened to BL. I think that DB is a bit of a drama queen, is immature, selfish and has a problem with alcohol (clearly displayed by her unwavering justification of her drinking.) She wanted to have a good time with her friend, SB, and get all the juicy gossip about SB's situation that night. She plonked the older kids in front of the TV and BL wasn't going along with the program. I have suspected from the beginning that DB over medicated BL or possibly gave her alcohol to get her to sleep so DB could have her gossip fest "adult time."

When JI came home, it is apparent that he was PO'd. He confronted DB. . .because there must have been some history there of her being irresponsible. . .I suspect because of her drinking. He angrily walked over to SB's, again I think he thoroughly believed that BL would be there. . .must be some back story or history for that. When BL wasn't there then the chaos ensued. . .911. . blah blah blah. I think that my theory is backed up by LE's behavior. They must have found JI to be credible because they didn't give him a LDT.

I'm not sure what changed, but something did. JI was the spokesperson and Bradley/Irwin mouthpiece for the first press conference. He was more vocal during the first interviews and displayed behavior that made it appear that he was suspicious of whatever it was that he was being told. My only thought is that at some point he was told that he was responsible. Did he give BL some meds while DB was on her wine run? Idk. But I believe that whatever happened to BL, DB convinced JI that it was his fault and whatever she did to cover-up was for his benefit. Something changed. . .he got with the program and is unsure of what to believe. Either way, if he sticks with the game plan, it will be ok.

I do NOT think that DB is the devil incarnate (well except for her lying.) I do believe that she loved BL and her tears are real. . .they are tears of grief for whatever happened and a bit for herself out of fear. BUT I do think she knows exactly what happened. She lies, straight up and by omission. She never told LE initially about her drinking. I am sure they got the story we all did in the beginning interviews. . .I changed her, gave her a bath, gave her a bottle. . .blah blah blah. She was telling a "story," one that doesn't exist. Only when she was confronted did she admit to the drinking. Ahhhh. . .then she couldn't remember anything. That's convenient. Everything that has come out of her mouth has been convenient. . .the lights, the front door, the window, the drinking, the phones being gone and now the ear infection!

I can only imagine that JI is overtaken by fear (of losing his wife on top of losing his daughter) and denial. That's the only way I can justify his behavior. My gut tells me he was not involved in Lisa's disappearance/death.

Sorry, call me a prude, but this is a HUGE pet peeve of mine in this case! DB is NOT his wife! In fact, she is the wife of another man. When I saw them on Dr. Phil talking about their "family," I wanted to scream and throw things at my tv. DB is SB's wife. She moved in with another man and got knocked up and had a child with somebody that is NOT her husband. People can spin it any way they want. It's a fact.

ETA-not picking on you at all natsound. . .just jumping off your post. :)
I didn't quote anyone because I am responding to multiple posts. But this is my take. . . .

What many of us know from other cases where a child goes missing, is that the person responsible won't develop a cover-up story until they know they will be confronted with having to explain the child's absence (see the Sky case). I think that the cover-up here was done for the sake of JI. DB knew at some point that JI was going to realize something happened to BL, by her absence.

I do NOT think that JI was responsible for whatever happened to BL, in my opinion, her death. I don't think that DB premeditated whatever happened to BL. I think that DB is a bit of a drama queen, is immature, selfish and has a problem with alcohol (clearly displayed by her unwavering justification of her drinking.) She wanted to have a good time with her friend, SB, and get all the juicy gossip about SB's situation that night. She plonked the older kids in front of the TV and BL wasn't going along with the program. I have suspected from the beginning that DB over medicated BL or possibly gave her alcohol to get her to sleep so DB could have her gossip fest "adult time."

When JI came home, it is apparent that he was PO'd. He confronted DB. . .because there must have been some history there of her being irresponsible. . .I suspect because of her drinking. He angrily walked over to SB's, again I think he thoroughly believed that BL would be there. . .must be some back story or history for that. When BL wasn't there then the chaos ensued. . .911. . blah blah blah. I think that my theory is backed up by LE's behavior. They must have found JI to be credible because they didn't give him a LDT.

I'm not sure what changed, but something did. JI was the spokesperson and family mouthpiece for the first press conference. He was more vocal during the first interviews and displayed behavior that made it appear that he was suspicious of whatever it was that he was being told. My only thought is that at some point he was told that he was responsible. Did he give BL some meds while DB was on her wine run? Idk. But I believe that whatever happened to BL, DB convinced JI that it was his fault and whatever she did to cover-up was for his benefit. Something changed. . .he got with the program and is unsure of what to believe. Either way, if he sticks with the game plan, it will be ok.

I do NOT think that DB is the devil incarnate (well except for her lying.) I do believe that she loved BL and her tears are real. . .they are tears of grief for whatever happened and a bit for herself out of fear. BUT I do think she knows exactly what happened. She lies, straight up and by omission. She never told LE initially about her drinking. I am sure they got the story we all did in the beginning interviews. . .I changed her, gave her a bath, gave her a bottle. . .blah blah blah. She was telling a "story," one that doesn't exist. Only when she was confronted did she admit to the drinking. Ahhhh. . .then she couldn't remember anything. That's convenient. Everything that has come out of her mouth has been convenient. . .the lights, the front door, the window, the drinking, the phones being gone and now the ear infection!


I think you make a lot of great points. Especially DB telling JI that it was his fault. I have wondered if he gave Lisa benadryl while DB was gone, then DB gave her more when she got home, unaware that JI already had. Maybe JI came home to a dead Lisa and they realized what happened.

Benadryl is not available for children under the age of 6, with this knowledge they possibly could have decided that since they were both to blame for Lisa's death that they'd be better off covering it up in fear of losing the other 2 children. I don't know that giving benadryl to a 10 month old would fall under "accidental death" since it clearly states on the bottle not for children under 6.
Also, I just thought of something. Did DB say she was "blacked out" drunk or "passed out" drunk?

They're not the same.

Sorry I have not been following the case avidly enough to remember all the details.

Probably already answered, but I'm just making my way threw :)

She didn't say either one. When she was asked if it was possible she could have blacked out, her response was 'it's possible' ..

and I'm fairly certain that she was taking her meds for anxiety.
I didn't quote anyone because I am responding to multiple posts. But this is my take. . . .

What many of us know from other cases where a child goes missing, is that the person responsible won't develop a cover-up story until they know they will be confronted with having to explain the child's absence (see the Sky case). I think that the cover-up here was done for the sake of JI. DB knew at some point that JI was going to realize something happened to BL, by her absence.

I do NOT think that JI was responsible for whatever happened to BL, in my opinion, her death. I don't think that DB premeditated whatever happened to BL. I think that DB is a bit of a drama queen, is immature, selfish and has a problem with alcohol (clearly displayed by her unwavering justification of her drinking.) She wanted to have a good time with her friend, SB, and get all the juicy gossip about SB's situation that night. She plonked the older kids in front of the TV and BL wasn't going along with the program. I have suspected from the beginning that DB over medicated BL or possibly gave her alcohol to get her to sleep so DB could have her gossip fest "adult time."

When JI came home, it is apparent that he was PO'd. He confronted DB. . .because there must have been some history there of her being irresponsible. . .I suspect because of her drinking. He angrily walked over to SB's, again I think he thoroughly believed that BL would be there. . .must be some back story or history for that. When BL wasn't there then the chaos ensued. . .911. . blah blah blah. I think that my theory is backed up by LE's behavior. They must have found JI to be credible because they didn't give him a LDT.

I'm not sure what changed, but something did. JI was the spokesperson and Bradley/Irwin mouthpiece for the first press conference. He was more vocal during the first interviews and displayed behavior that made it appear that he was suspicious of whatever it was that he was being told. My only thought is that at some point he was told that he was responsible. Did he give BL some meds while DB was on her wine run? Idk. But I believe that whatever happened to BL, DB convinced JI that it was his fault and whatever she did to cover-up was for his benefit. Something changed. . .he got with the program and is unsure of what to believe. Either way, if he sticks with the game plan, it will be ok.

I do NOT think that DB is the devil incarnate (well except for her lying.) I do believe that she loved BL and her tears are real. . .they are tears of grief for whatever happened and a bit for herself out of fear. BUT I do think she knows exactly what happened. She lies, straight up and by omission. She never told LE initially about her drinking. I am sure they got the story we all did in the beginning interviews. . .I changed her, gave her a bath, gave her a bottle. . .blah blah blah. She was telling a "story," one that doesn't exist. Only when she was confronted did she admit to the drinking. Ahhhh. . .then she couldn't remember anything. That's convenient. Everything that has come out of her mouth has been convenient. . .the lights, the front door, the window, the drinking, the phones being gone and now the ear infection!


This is almost exactly what one of my theories is, except for DB's tears only being for herself "a bit." I think that she cries whenever she thinks of herself and how this situation might affect her. I am sure also that she loved Lisa, but she doesn't cry half as much when she talks about "her daughter" as she does when she talks about herself.
Probably already answered, but I'm just making my way threw :)

She didn't say either one. When she was asked if it was possible she could have blacked out, her response was 'it's possible' ..

and I'm fairly certain that she was taking her meds for anxiety.

She said she was "drunk". She said she had taken anti-anxiety meds. She answered, "it's possible", when asked if she could have blacked out.

Prior to the liquor receipt being found by LE, DB had amazing recall of what transpired the night BL vanished. She had her story and she was sticking to it.

Pre wine receipt:
She and her friend, SB, sat around talking (no mention of wine or liquor), the kids were watching a fairy tale movie, and baby Lisa was all tucked in and asleep by 6:30. They talked for a while, she went in at 10:30 (no mention of the other SB neighbor stopping by), and checked in on BL. She gave her a bath, a bottle, and when she last saw her, BL was standing up in her crib.

Post wine receipt:
She put BL, who was fussy with a cold and cough (and now an ear infection), in her crib, the boys were watching a fairy tale with SB's daughter - she and SB sat out on the stoop and she (DB), got drunk. She didn't recall whether or not she turned the lights off before bed, nor did she remember checking on Lisa.

At some point in time she found a stray cat and took it to bed with her and the youngest boy who'd had a nightmare - which she somehow remembered in her drunken state.

Itallics represent inconsistencies. What did I miss?
I didn't quote anyone because I am responding to multiple posts. But this is my take. . . .

What many of us know from other cases where a child goes missing, is that the person responsible won't develop a cover-up story until they know they will be confronted with having to explain the child's absence (see the Sky case). I think that the cover-up here was done for the sake of JI. DB knew at some point that JI was going to realize something happened to BL, by her absence.

I do NOT think that JI was responsible for whatever happened to BL, in my opinion, her death. I don't think that DB premeditated whatever happened to BL. I think that DB is a bit of a drama queen, is immature, selfish and has a problem with alcohol (clearly displayed by her unwavering justification of her drinking.) She wanted to have a good time with her friend, SB, and get all the juicy gossip about SB's situation that night. She plonked the older kids in front of the TV and BL wasn't going along with the program. I have suspected from the beginning that DB over medicated BL or possibly gave her alcohol to get her to sleep so DB could have her gossip fest "adult time."

When JI came home, it is apparent that he was PO'd. He confronted DB. . .because there must have been some history there of her being irresponsible. . .I suspect because of her drinking. He angrily walked over to SB's, again I think he thoroughly believed that BL would be there. . .must be some back story or history for that. When BL wasn't there then the chaos ensued. . .911. . blah blah blah. I think that my theory is backed up by LE's behavior. They must have found JI to be credible because they didn't give him a LDT.

I'm not sure what changed, but something did. JI was the spokesperson and Bradley/Irwin mouthpiece for the first press conference. He was more vocal during the first interviews and displayed behavior that made it appear that he was suspicious of whatever it was that he was being told. My only thought is that at some point he was told that he was responsible. Did he give BL some meds while DB was on her wine run? Idk. But I believe that whatever happened to BL, DB convinced JI that it was his fault and whatever she did to cover-up was for his benefit. Something changed. . .he got with the program and is unsure of what to believe. Either way, if he sticks with the game plan, it will be ok.

I do NOT think that DB is the devil incarnate (well except for her lying.) I do believe that she loved BL and her tears are real. . .they are tears of grief for whatever happened and a bit for herself out of fear. BUT I do think she knows exactly what happened. She lies, straight up and by omission. She never told LE initially about her drinking. I am sure they got the story we all did in the beginning interviews. . .I changed her, gave her a bath, gave her a bottle. . .blah blah blah. She was telling a "story," one that doesn't exist. Only when she was confronted did she admit to the drinking. Ahhhh. . .then she couldn't remember anything. That's convenient. Everything that has come out of her mouth has been convenient. . .the lights, the front door, the window, the drinking, the phones being gone and now the ear infection!


And then what happened..... my guess is she somehow got in touch with a family member who came and took BL out of the house. My guess is the benefactor from Houston was fed a line by the cousin - used to dysfunction and collateral damage caused by alcohol that runs in their family....remember DB's mother was an alcoholic who died in DB's father's basement. Someone helping DB is the only thing that makes sense, IMO.

Excellent post, by the way.
Hello! My gut feeling is that DB's tolerance is pretty high. Some people can drive drunk, go to work drunk, you name it. So drinking heavily may not have "sloshed" her.

Then again, she could have been sloshed. We just don't know. She could have been stone cold sober....don't know. What we do know is she lied about what happened and then changed her story to no recall at all.

Liar, or drunk... or both ?
that's my guess. I think cops initially said bedroom window, not computer room or living room etc etc.

IIRC, JI said bedroom window when he initially called the police. Maybe it was on the scanner thread.
IIRC, JI said bedroom window when he initially called the police. Maybe it was on the scanner thread.
The 911 calls have not been released to know what he said. I am sure he knows it is not a bedroom window.
And then what happened..... my guess is she somehow got in touch with a family member who came and took BL out of the house. My guess is the benefactor from Houston was fed a line by the cousin - used to dysfunction and collateral damage caused by alcohol that runs in their family....remember DB's mother was an alcoholic who died in DB's father's basement. Someone helping DB is the only thing that makes sense, IMO.

Excellent post, by the way.

Yes, thank you. I do believe she had help from her "family." I think that she may not be lying when she says she doesn't know where BL is. Again, isn't that convenient? Most likely that was part of the plan.

OT, but I have a little story that I think might be relevant to DB's mom's death. I had a high school friend. She was more a friend of a friend. We had a mutual friend that we both socialized with and we were friends at school. Years after we graduated I ran into her at a car dealership while I was waiting for my brother to pick up his new car. It was VERY awkward. I'll call her J. She acted like I was her long lost best friend. Her husband was standing behind her the whole time and she acted like he wasn't even there. I got the distinct feeling they had just had a huge argument. Fast forward 2 weeks and I learned through the local media that she was found shot in the head in her car. I immediately called our mutual friend. The story is that J had picked up our friend from work and they went out for a few drinks to discuss how J had just filed for divorce and was going through a lot of stress related to the break up of her marriage. J then dropped our friend off at her apartment. The friend went up to her 3rd floor apartment and heard conversational voices as she was going in the door. . .no screaming or anything that sounded alarming. The friend then went inside and took a shower and went to bed. Early the next morning the ground floor apartment tenant went to leave for work and found J parked in her car, right outside her window, deceased in her car, obviously shot in the head. This is the part that kills me. Nobody heard a thing! Nobody heard a gunshot that would have been just a few feet outside their bedroom window. To me that says that the shot was somehow silenced. Well, the result of her death is that it was a robbery gone bad. There was no arrest. Nobody heard anything to suggest that a robbery was in progress. Our friend, herself, says that it sounded like normal conversation.. . .thought J said something like, "I already told you I don't have the money. We'll talk about it later." Dear gawd! The friend already lives with so much guilt that she didn't go see what was happening! I think J knew her killer, IMHO. I have always thought that her husband was responsible. That :youknowhat: got full custody of their children! Her parents tried to push the issue, but it was cut and dried as far as LE was concerned. It still makes me angry when I think about it! Now in light of the Josh Powell case, it just pisses me off that much more.

Anywhoo. .. my personal experience with J does make me wonder about DB's mom. Sometimes things aren't all that cut and dried. Sometimes LE is just willing to accept the story and call it a closed case.

I'm sorry for the OT. . .but it jades my perception sometimes. I'm sure J's ex is responsible. . .but yet he walks free, acts ignorant and gets what he wanted.

I'm so sorry, J. I think about your boys nearly everyday and pray that they are safe. :(
The 911 calls have not been released to know what he said. I am sure he knows it is not a bedroom window.

I'm sure I didn't state the "911 calls". I'm sure I stated the scanner thread (the voice was that of a dispatcher). I'm sure I heard the discrepancy because I thought it odd at the time.
I'm sure I didn't state the "911 calls". I'm sure I stated the scanner thread (the voice was that of a dispatcher). I'm sure I heard the discrepancy because I thought it odd at the time.
You didn't state 911 calls. You did say though that JI said bedroom window. We don't know what he said as the 911 calls have not been released to know what he said. We only have what the dispatcher said.
You didn't state 911 calls. You did say though that JI said bedroom window. We don't know what he said as the 911 calls have not been released to know what he said. We only have what the dispatcher said.

JI made the 911 call...if IIRC. If you go to the scanner thread you will see the initial scanner reports. Dispatchers are trained to be detailed - it's like the most important part of their job. So, though I did not hear the 911 call, and I never claimed to have heard the 911 call, I hope that I would be safe in assuming the dispatcher knew the difference between computer room and bedroom - or living room or bathroom. My point was to agree with DeAnn - the initial reports, by whomever, was that the entry/exit point was a bedroom window.

Amber alert poster made the day of the abduction:

Scanner recording -
What took JI so long to call? He says he got home 3:45am.. I'll shave off a little time due to his is probably fencing on the time and got home earlier. So WTH was he and DB doing all that time?

Then we have the great excuse of "I forgot my phone is in my pocket"..sure. You're in a job where the phone is your lifeline. X15 minutes to call 911 when your baby is missing..? Do you realize how long that is? DB would know lisa was not at Samantha's. Why did jeremy really go over there? Maybe he passed her the phones. I'm sorry, but their story doesn't add up. If my child were missing, it would be less than a minute to call for help. Time is of the essence.
That's the first time I saw the ambler alert. Thank you. Goes to show you that she originally stated she put Lisa "Down" at 10:30pm. That was the story they told to responding officers.
What took JI so long to call? He says he got home 3:45am.. I'll shave off a little time due to his is probably fencing on the time and got home earlier. So WTH was he and DB doing all that time?

Then we have the great excuse of "I forgot my phone is in my pocket"..sure. You're in a job where the phone is your lifeline. X15 minutes to call 911 when your baby is missing..? Do you realize how long that is? DB would know lisa was not at Samantha's. Why did jeremy really go over there? Maybe he passed her the phones. I'm sorry, but their story doesn't add up. If my child were missing, it would be less than a minute to call for help. Time is of the essence.

I don't think it took that long, if you believe JI. When he got home, he didn't automatically notice BL was missing. He went to wake DB, asked her about the lights, etc. They also went to the neighbors (I think). Consider that took about 12-15 minutes and there is your gap. I think anything longer than that (say for example a half hour) and then it's a little more suspect.
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