Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #80

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Even more desperate was the edited version of the phone call, which (imo) made the DT look even worse than before. If that's even possible.

Maybe it's me, but after listening to the tape in its entirely, nothing about it seemed remotely sinister. It was so mundane that I didn't even really understand what angle the DT was pursuing.

If I'm sitting on the jury, I'm pulling a Scooby Doo/Astro Durrrr, wha? Proved that she was not just a compliant, but an active, willing participant.

Nurmi was so into his role that he DIDNT bother to gauge! How he was affecting the jury! In his final attempt to add new invented information! Twisting his strategy with bazaar events with more sex. Sex sex sex .
I don't see where he's had much court experience! Evidenced ! from seeing him in action! His slow monotone questions lasting for hours is a big turn off. To the jury! He lost them ages ago
He should have asked wilma if the jury was awake and breathing.
Agree, but without the photos showing her dragging his bleeding body less than 2 minutes after the last photo of him alive, it would have been near impossible to prove she did it. She would have claimed the ninjas cut both of them as she tried to save him.

Let's pretend there is no camera. We have JA's DNA connected to her hair, in Travis' blood. We also have her blood, mixed with Travis' blood, in her palm print. JA was going down no matter what. imo
Agree, but without the photos showing her dragging his bleeding body less than 2 minutes after the last photo of him alive, it would have been near impossible to prove she did it. She would have claimed the ninjas cut both of them as she tried to save him.

Some items simply don't bleach. I used a ton of bleach in the washing machine--2 or 3 consecutive times--trying to bleach a black cashmere sweater. It ended up as black a black as it started, so I gave up and gave it away.

Usually it works the other way for me. That which I don't want to ruin with bleach picks up the tiniest trace from the last load of dog towels lol. But my point was only that I don't think it's been proven. I think some of the jurors will wonder how a pitch black sock could come out without bleach stains on it and you won't be there to tell them how it happens ;) Like I said, though, I don't think it matters much. There's plenty of other stuff.
This area, meaning, her memory of the finger being cut at Casa Ramos or whatever baloney she was talking about.

Listen at about 1:05:05 and you will hear him say it. :)

I just listen to the whole 3rd tape. I believe he says Judge, I am done with this area. I listen to the ending a half a dozen times with the volume up high. I guess he means the area of the glass issue. I believe KCL said Juan has just started with her and he is not finished yet.

Even more desperate was the edited version of the phone call, which (imo) made the DT look even worse than before. If that's even possible.

Maybe it's me, but after listening to the tape in its entirely, nothing about it seemed remotely sinister. It was so mundane that I didn't even really understand what angle the DT was pursuing.

If I'm sitting on the jury, I'm pulling a Scooby Doo/Astro Durrrr, wha? Proved that she was not just a compliant, but an active, willing participant.

I think JM should play it again with Jodi's words written out on the huge wall. She is leading this conversation all the way, and even has him repeat some things to make sure everything he said is heard. This tape is probably why the angry text's were exchanged on May 26th. She was black mailing him. She is plain EVIL :devil:
imo Juan was done with that area. It was already like 4:39 or so. lol
I think she stabbed him when his back was turned...after several quick blows, he turned around and caught the fatal one to his heart...thereafter, it was psycho ***** flailing away. Struggle ensues, while TA is coughing up blood and running down hallway to escape, she finishes him off at the end of the hallway. She slit his throat, therefore the pool of blood on the carpet. Shoots him in the head while he was incapacitated from the stab wounds.

Just writing this wants me to drive to AZ and do bodily harm to this .

He certainly wouldn't have been able to run with all those stab wounds. Recall all that blood that dripped into the sink. I think that she stabbed him once in the chest and left the bathroom believing he was either dead or would die very soon in the shower. It stands to reason that she wasn't in the bathroom when he got himself out of the shower and stood up clinging onto the sink trying to pull himself together to get to his bedroom for his phone or a weapon to try to protect himself if she was still there. He managed to get down the hallway, but he would have been walking or crawling. Jodi then freaks out finding he didn't die neatly in the shower with his blood going down the drain and discovers him having gotten himself down the hall, freaks out that he's still alive and rushes him in frenzy of stabbing and throat slit, rolls him over and shoot him in the fact to make sure he was really dead.

Her plan was for him to die in the shower, leave the shower running and neatly having all his blood go down the drain... she never invisioned his ever getting out of that shower and spurting and trailing blood all over the place. That's why I believe she dragged him back down the hall and stuffed him back in the shower... she desperately wanted her original plan to work out the way she invisioned it though it makes no logical sense at all to put him back in the shower. She never thought there would be any cleaning up to do and she could kill him and leave quickly with none of his blood all over the place. Dragging him back to the bathroom is what ended up getting her caught because of her bloody palm print left on the wall and her stupid idea of taking photos and leaving his camera behind. She flat out panicked that her plan went all wrong and there was blood all over the place and evidence that needed to be cleaned up that didn't go along with what she had envioned and take much additional time to do something about. Had she been thinking clearly, she would have left him where he lay dead in the hall, not cleaned up anything, took the camera and some other things to make it look like a robbery gone wrong by some stranger breaking in not realizing he was at home and in the shower.

Though some things she thought out meticulously like renting the car in cash so far away from her home, but stupidly not realizing they'd still have records that she rented it since he had to show her driver's licence and sign the rental forms, take the photos but leave the camera in the washing machine making that camera stick out like a sore thumb, making three gas transactions to fill up her car and tossing the one for the 3rd gas can not realizing that there would be a paper trail of all three transactions from both the gas station and her bank as well as her not needing to fill that third gas can at that time in order to have enough gas to get out of AZ, and the biggy of not just leaving him in the hallway and for no logical reason whatsoever drag him back to the shower and stuff him back in, etc. Even having sex with him was stupid as it left her DNA all over the bed linens, and there's no way that Travis would not have washed those linens during all the time that she claimed she hadn't seen him, but sex was her only ammo in even getting in the house much less in a position to get him in the shower to neatly kill him and she crazilly WANTED to be the last person to have sex with him before she killed him.
His office was upstairs...I would think he had a phone there?

His cell and briefcase were in the office
Wallet and ring in kitchen, IIRC

His office was downstairs beside the laundry room.
Buying that new gun for herself is really troubling. It's a good thing she got stopped because it's possible she was going to take another life. She needed money, and now she felt confident she could kill, so who knows what she was planning.

There's those jurors on the bottom of your sig line. Thanks gngr~snap!

Interesting they had her under he radar. Watching her every move.
I am not a long distance driver at all. I can barely get from Atlanta to Columbus GA !
I did drive once from Atlanta to Panama City FL.
~ I was worn out!!!
Coming back from PCB I had to ask my dad to finish the trip about half way through.

2800+ miles in how many days???
Seriously when did she sleep? Was there enough time in there for any rest ?
I guess she may have slept from 4a-1p on June 4th. - still not sure where...
Then she slept on Ryan for what 3hours? On the 6th of June...

Maybe she is bi-polar or something... Sounds like a person would need to amped up on some major amphetamines.
Not necessarily the illegal kind - more like truck stop bottles they used to sell. They may be illegal now i dunno...

My son and a friend drove from Seattle to Atlanta switching drivers and got here in a little more than 48 hours.
Silly boys stopped to sleep in Snoqualmie Pass... In December no less!!! ~ I warned them!!!
Anyway that was only about 1600 miles if I recall correctly.

Shocks me how far she drove in a relatively short time!!!
I don't travel too much... Can ya tell??;)
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I'm using these non-trial days to catch up on so much that I missed from the Prosecution case. Listening to Ryan explain how Jodi and he talked about her coming out to visit him in the SLC area. Apparently, she brought up going to visit a friend who had a baby, so she was going to go from Northern the LA area...and then to SLC.

Seriously?!? How do you work in a trip to SLC out of a trip to LA? The geography just doesn't make sense to me.

I'm originally from I'm going to equate this as driving from Tampa to Ft.Myers and then deciding to hit Daytona on my way back.:waitasec:

I guess he really wanted her to come out to visit b/c I just can't understand how you would agree that it was a good idea. It's not on the way and after taking such a long road trip to LA how could you not feel guilty about having her drive all the way out to Utah. For a day!

I know it was all party of Jodi's alibi/master plan. I'm sure she was like, "Oh, it's no big deal. I really want to see you...blah blah...lie...lie" But, I'm looking at HIS side. Why would that even look like a good idea? :banghead:
The last picture of Travis' face, while in the shower, is like a rorschach test - each of us sees something different in his expression.

There is an on-line test called Mind in the Eyes, where you are shown cropped photos that reveal different people's eyes and you must choose one of four emotions that they are expressing. You can take the test here: Reading the Mind in the Eyes

- this is based on the work of Simon Baron-Cohn and his research on empathy, and his book, The Essential Difference: Men, Women and the Extreme Male Brain.

Anyway, I thought that the folks here who feel strongly about their interpretation of the emotion(s) Travis is showing in that last photo might enjoy taking the test.

I personally see anger/irritation in his face in that photo.

I scored a 31 out of 36 on that test, which indicates I am "very accurate" in decoding facial expressions - according to this test.
Usually it works the other way for me. That which I don't want to ruin with bleach picks up the tiniest trace from the last load of dog towels lol. But my point was only that I don't think it's been proven. I think some of the jurors will wonder how a pitch black sock could come out without bleach stains on it and you won't be there to tell them how it happens ;) Like I said, though, I don't think it matters much. There's plenty of other stuff.

Agreed. If you put a digital camera into a washing cycle, it doesn't matter much if there is bleach or detergent add3d. It is amazing there are any clear images left behind at all. I bet she was gobsmacked to hear the news. :what:
Times have become all jumbled up for me. It sounds like they were together much more than in reality. Hope they sort out the confusing dates with a visual time line.

A visual time line showing when they saw each other in person, how many times they physically got together, and when all the phone calls occurred, especially from January to June 2008 would help.

The DV expert will be challenged further when jurors realize this was a very short "official" relationship and had separate living arrangements most of that time.

Even more desperate was the edited version of the phone call, which (imo) made the DT look even worse than before. If that's even possible.

Maybe it's me, but after listening to the tape in its entirety, nothing about it seemed remotely sinister. It was so mundane that I didn't even really understand what angle the DT was pursuing.

If I'm sitting on the jury, I'm pulling a Scooby Doo/Astro Durrrr, wha? Proved that she was not just compliant, but an active, willing participant.

Not only a willing participant... Do you remember when you...
And the time when I was....


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This may sound totally ridiculous but I've been wondering.....

And maybe some incredible WSleuther will do this if time permits.....

If we put JA totally on MUTE, pretend she has said not one word and simply look at the verifiable evidence, such as receipts, bank statements, texts etc. where does that take us? I keep trying to figure out what really happened using a thought process that uses snippets of truths embedded in her accounts of things from the beginning. None of what she says is completely true, so I throw it out. That leaves only verifiable data. If anyone has the time or inclination to try to figure it out that way, please share! If I had the time I would. I have a full week of work coming up and DD is coming in from out of town or I'd get busy with it tomorrow. If this is just my trial insanity acting up, ignore me and keep on posting around me :)
My recollection is Ryan B testified that she told him she cut it at Margaritaville. When she was questioned about it she said no, he didn't remember right, she told him she cut it on a margarita glass. I think that's when she first told the story about the hot glasses and blah, blah, blah and I think around the time she said Ryan B was "full of carp."
I'll try to find it.

ETA: here's CNN's transcript of when he said it just a bit down from the beginning

"UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did you notice (INAUDIBLE) actually had any injuries or cuts on one of hands?

BURNS: She told me she worked at Margaritaville and she had cut her finger. She broke a glass."


I heard it exactly the way you say it happened. Don't you know Nurmi was wetting his pants with the "third version?" No doubt she is going correct this with yet another story.
Times have become all jumbled up for me. It sounds like they were together much more than in reality. Hope they sort out the confusing dates with a visual time line.

A visual time line showing when they saw each other in person, how many times they physically got together, and when all the phone calls occurred, especially from
January to June 2008 would help.
I SO agree. When she bring up each sex episode, I think it may be a rerun of ONE time they actually did it.
I'd LOVE to know exactly how many times they actually had sex - compared to Jodi's figures. They were apart for so much of time, it just doesn't seem possible to have that many encounters.
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