Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #80

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He certainly wouldn't have been able to run with all those stab wounds. Recall all that blood that dripped into the sink. I think that she stabbed him once in the chest and left the bathroom believing he was either dead or would die very soon in the shower. It stands to reason that she wasn't in the bathroom when he got himself out of the shower and stood up clinging onto the sink trying to pull himself together to get to his bedroom for his phone or a weapon to try to protect himself if she was still there. He managed to get down the hallway, but he would have been walking or crawling. Jodi then freaks out finding he didn't die neatly in the shower with his blood going down the drain and discovers him having gotten himself down the hall, freaks out that he's still alive and rushes him in frenzy of stabbing and throat slit, rolls him over and shoot him in the fact to make sure he was really dead.

Her plan was for him to die in the shower, leave the shower running and neatly having all his blood go down the drain... she never invisioned his ever getting out of that shower and spurting and trailing blood all over the place. That's why I believe she dragged him back down the hall and stuffed him back in the shower... she desperately wanted her original plan to work out the way she invisioned it though it makes no logical sense at all to put him back in the shower. She never thought there would be any cleaning up to do and she could kill him and leave quickly with none of his blood all over the place. Dragging him back to the bathroom is what ended up getting her caught because of her bloody palm print left on the wall and her stupid idea of taking photos and leaving his camera behind. She flat out panicked that her plan went all wrong and there was blood all over the place and evidence that needed to be cleaned up that didn't go along with what she had envioned and take much additional time to do something about. Had she been thinking clearly, she would have left him where he lay dead in the hall, not cleaned up anything, took the camera and some other things to make it look like a robbery gone wrong by some stranger breaking in not realizing he was at home and in the shower.

Though some things she thought out meticulously like renting the car in cash so far away from her home, but stupidly not realizing they'd still have records that she rented it since he had to show her driver's licence and sign the rental forms, take the photos but leave the camera in the washing machine making that camera stick out like a sore thumb, making three gas transactions to fill up her car and tossing the one for the 3rd gas can not realizing that there would be a paper trail of all three transactions from both the gas station and her bank as well as her not needing to fill that third gas can at that time in order to have enough gas to get out of AZ, and the biggy of not just leaving him in the hallway and for no logical reason whatsoever drag him back to the shower and stuff him back in, etc. Even having sex with him was stupid as it left her DNA all over the bed linens, and there's no way that Travis would not have washed those linens during all the time that she claimed she hadn't seen him, but sex was her only ammo in even getting in the house much less in a position to get him in the shower to neatly kill him and she crazilly WANTED to be the last person to have sex with him before she killed him.

I agree. She wasn't planning on him leaving the shower. She was the one chasing him down the hall, not the other way around as she claims. Having him die in the shower or even just in the bathroom would of been an easy cleanup with clorox unless his blood stained the grout in the tiles. That would make it more difficult. Travis tried to save his own life by running from her and a bloody trail was left as she kept on stabbing. She would never be able to clean that mess, no matter how thorough she thought she was.
Travis wasn't even cold yet before she was on the way to see her next potential boyfriend/potential husband/blossom gardener/victim Ryan.

And Ryan was not exciting enough for her. I guarantee there would be no marriage.

I think when she and Travis dated, what started to cause tension was her ever present flirting, her need to be the center of attention at all functions. She is very insecure. I don't even buy the story he cheated on her.

I think she is an attention seeker and cannot control herself.
To lizardQueen 74. I know I have seen that man in your avitar in court. Who is he. He reminds me of Charles Manson.
I'll get more details on the info below!
At the time of her arrest (7-15-08), Jodi was moving out with her rental car loaded with boxes, two knives and a 9mm handgun hidden inside.

Holy carp.
The two weapons, the epic overkill, the washing of the camera, the deleted photos from the camera that were revived, the bullet casing on top of the blood, her bloody palm-print on the wall, the medical examiner's opinion and who knows what all else they have. Ain't no way anyone is going to believe this was self-defense especially knowing about all her changing stories and WHY she changed them when she did, and the epic list of all her other lies.

No wonder defense tried to plead down to murder 2 and JM refused. I defintely think the best stuff is yet to come in this trial.

I agree if we ever get to it. lol
I cringe everytime I see the word KY....It really is a slap in the face to all of us that live in the state of Ky. :blushing:

I agree!! I can't even write my address anymore without cringing!!!
BBM - I agree and jumping off your post ...

JA's lost Helio cell phone, that she had in her possession for only about a month, and about a week after she clandestinely recorded TA and herself in the now infamous sex tape, the Helio cell phone went missing, according to JA.

Now, what good would that sex tape be to a sociopath if it couldn't be used against the person she felt had done her wrong, TA?

Had JA been threatening to play it for bishop/s once she learned that TA had seen his bishop about the premarital sex?

Heck, she could have been threatening to forward it to all of his friends and PPL associates as well?

She certainly wouldn't have missed her chance to make TA uncomfortable about its existence, would she have?

So after the murder ... who was JA's co-conspirator who probably harbored and miraculously "discovered" the long lost Helio cell phone?

She got the Helio from Gus the day she moved away from Travis. I think the phone she lost was her old one, that she replaced thinking she had lost it.
The problem comes in when she has conflicting testimony - IMAGINE THAT??
She says
1) The first time I could tape was after I got the Helio, because neither Travis or I could record on our old phones.
2) Yes, I had more phone sex recordings on my other phone, but I deleted the after June 4.
I have had to take some time away from my trustie laptop for the last couple days. My grandson and then granddaughter had birthdays! I am going back to get caught up. I noticed on the main page new threads have been started...its been busy!

Anyway, I was thinking today, about the jury asking if she hadn't been caught would she have ever told the truth, and basically said she didn't know. What pieces would have pointed to her the meant the most? If she hadn't been such a terrible liar and clean up person, really what do you?
Is it the robbery on May 28 of a .25 calibur gun? Was it the palm print? Was it the pictures, or technically leave the camera behind at all?

Its seems like a miracle. There are so many things that point to her. How many cases do we see where there is nothing, nothing at all. Some come down to DNA.

It makes it seem all the more a rage killing. Jealousy. She left 3 HUGE pieces of evidence behind. But she takes the KY?

To lizardQueen 74. I know I have seen that man in your avitar in court. Who is he. He reminds me of Charles Manson.

He's got a few nicknames...I refer to him as The Wookie and others call him Hagrid. LOL

I don't think anyone has clearly identified who he is...

I finally took a pic of the screen and decided he WILL be my avi. Brrraaaaooowwww!
I'll get more details on the info below!
At the time of her arrest (7-15-08), Jodi was moving out with her rental car loaded with boxes, two knives and a 9mm handgun hidden inside.

They searched her Grandparents home and her folk's home the day they arrested her. They arrested her THEN because they thought she was going to flee.
The ammo for the 25 was found at the parents home, and the ammo for the
9mm was in her packed luggage.
The only reason they ever found the 9mm (hidden in the engine I believe) was because Arias's mother asked where it was!!
Occams Razor:
The simplest explanation is usually the right one. Detectives use it to deduce who's the likeliest suspect in a murder case -- you know, the butler did it. Doctors *use it to determine the illness behind a set of symptoms.

This line of reasoning is called Occam's razor. It's used in a wide variety of ways throughout the world as a means to slice through a problem or situation and eliminate unnecessary elements. But what we call the razor is a little different than what its author originally wrote. There are two parts that are considered the basis of Occam's razor, and they were originally written in Latin:
•The Principle of Plurality - Plurality should not be posited without necessity
•The Principle of Parsimony - It is pointless to do with more what is done with less

Taken together, they represent the basis of humanity's investigation into the universe, and the way we see our environment is largely based upon Occam's razor. There's no telling what kind of world we would live in today without Occam's razor.

The best part of this theory is when Geeks take it to the opposite extreme by building nifty Willy Wonka contraptions and gizmos that take one hundred seperate motions to turn off a remote or push the crush button on a blender.
Like a big 'ol game of moustrap.

JA and her gun purchase: A ploy still in the concept stage?, that Ninja zanny nannies might be coming for her next..

Waiting patiently for the day she hears the words that proclaim her un-fit to remain a member of humanity.
Locked away, watching herself slowly pale and rot in the reflective waters of her bidet.

Week-end daydreaming :fence:
IMO~~ Jodi was on her way to a serial murderous spree targeting MEN. She didn't see other women as the enemy. It was the men who dared to CHOOSE other women Jodi targeted. The women in all her regaling are just bit players not worthy of her time. They usually don't even have names other than 'seeing someone else' or 'ex wife/girlfriend'. The only one I remember having a name was the one she traveled to the dorm to see.
I just listened very closely to Juan finishing up on Thursday. I swear I heard him say, "Judge, I'm done with Ms. Arias". Anyone else?! I was so sure he was going to pick up with her again on Wednesday!! Was hoping for more take-downs but maybe that's all he wants to cover re: jury questions? :(

I doubt he'd say that. He hasn't used her name even once. I think there's more to come.
They searched her Grandparents home and her folk's home the day they arrested her. They arrested her THEN because they thought she was going to flee.
The ammo for the 25 was found at the parents home, and the ammo for the
9mm was in her packed luggage.
The only reason they ever found the 9mm (hidden in the engine I believe) was because Arias's mother asked where it was!!

Not questioning what you are saying, but why hasn't any of this come out in the trial? Or has it and I missed it? tia
Times have become all jumbled up for me. It sounds like they were together much more than in reality. Hope they sort out the confusing dates with a visual time line.

A visual time line showing when they saw each other in person, how many times they physically got together, and when all the phone calls occurred, especially from January to June 2008 would help.

The DV expert will be challenged further when jurors realize this was a very short "official" relationship and had separate living arrangements most of that time.

Precisely. They should also note that AFTER she moved back to CA, he didn't go up there once, and even cancelled plans to do so several times.

Now, she really needed to be afraid of this guy, right? Shaking like a chihuahua, for sure.
IMO~~ Jodi was on her way to a serial murderous spree targeting MEN. She didn't see other women as the enemy. It was the men who dared to CHOOSE other women Jodi targeted. The women in all her regaling are just bit players not worthy of her time. They usually don't even have names other than 'seeing someone else' or 'ex wife/girlfriend'. The only one I remember having a name was the one she traveled to the dorm to see.

I always though Mimi was in danger for sure. How dare ANY girl date "her" Travis.
Remember the John Doe letter? That was not sent to Travis, but Lisa.
I just listened very closely to Juan finishing up on Thursday. I swear I heard him say, "Judge, I'm done with Ms. Arias". Anyone else?! I was so sure he was going to pick up with her again on Wednesday!! Was hoping for more take-downs but maybe that's all he wants to cover re: jury questions? :(

He said "Judge, I'm done with this area" [of questioning] He is not done questioning her, he will pick up Wednesday.

DST starts tonight that AZ does not observe so those used to the proceedings starting at 12:30 pm (like me) will now start at 1:30 pm.'t-observe-daylight-saving-time
I am not a long distance driver at all. I can barely get from Atlanta to Columbus GA !
I did drive once from Atlanta to Panama City FL.
~ I was worn out!!!
Coming back from PCB I had to ask my dad to finish the trip about half way through.

2800+ miles in how many days???
Seriously when did she sleep? Was there enough time in there for any rest ?
I guess she may have slept from 4a-1p on June 4th. - still not sure where...
Then she slept on Ryan for what 3hours? On the 6th of June...

Maybe she is bi-polar or something... Sounds like a person would need to amped up on some major amphetamines.
Not necessarily the illegal kind - more like truck stop bottles they used to sell. They may be illegal now i dunno...

My son and a friend drove from Seattle to Atlanta switching drivers and got here in a little more than 48 hours.
Silly boys stopped to sleep in Snoqualmie Pass... In December no less!!! ~ I warned them!!!
Anyway that was only about 1600 miles if I recall correctly.

Shocks me how far she drove in a relatively short time!!!
I don't travel too much... Can ya tell??;)
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:coffeeup:You've mentioned her sleep and sleep patterns before. It's interesting. Remember when I was younger and could stay up a whole weekend? Well, I could. :giggle:

She was so peppy the other day that I thought she was on speed, or in a
manic mood. She raced through explanations, but forgot to pause for
emotional moments to fake cry.

Seems like Jodi can take power naps. Maybe she falls asleep easily. She's sleeping or pretending to in that video where she laid her head on Travis's lap.

Red Bull, No Dose, coffee in a thermos for the long haul. Not sure she used
caffeine much, considering the strawberry frapps. :gum:
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