Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #80

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At the end of Thursdays video, the judge says they will start at 10 am rather than the usual 10:30 am AZ time on Wednesday
Well, at least that'll make up half the time of our DLS difference. lol
I hate that we're switching - I wish everyone either did it, or didn't - or better yet eliminate DLS.
Re: that Vegas trip....I think your parents should have got the wooden spoon after you!!! :floorlaugh:

Holy mackerel! what we do when we are young! I had my first charge card ever, "Nordstrom" And ran up maybe $300? A gorgeous rain coat, I mean the prettiest thing you have ever ever seen. I have never had a coat that expensive (my usual was $25 Marshalls, Target, Ross)

$300 was so scary, so I took $50 to Vegas to gamble and win lots of money and pay of the charge card. I dressed all up (in the car) i was 17. And yes, gambled. (with my $50) Came home with $1200. Paid the card off and was careful after that :)

It's a wonder any of us lived to see 20 or 25 years old? What we did? wow..they didn't even have stops every 20 miles like they do now....

And she drives all over the place? well, then again look what happened to her!

(i still have the coat, it is in perfect condition) :)
Just wondering about the words TA allegedly spoke during the struggle...effing kill you b--ch. Notice how she does not attach I will, I am going to in the front of it. I believe she is the one that said those words to TA...effing kill you b--ch and that is why she eliminates those first few words.
I hate it when she refers to his murder as he passed away! Wished the jury would as her why she does that. Or is she in a fog
You all remember when the Prosecutor asked Arias on the Cross about what kind of Razor Travis used to shave with and she said she didn't know and that he was "Into Shaving" or something like that but said she didn't know what kind of razor he used? Well check this out, this is Travis's MYSPACE page with the pic of him shaving that she commented about being his "Profile Pic" in court, the pic that SHE took! Arias makes a comment about that pic on Travis's MYSPACE page about the KIND OF RAZOR HE IS USING!!! Not only that but she is sniding him about the differences between the razors!!! ANOTHER LIE! (Also, is this the pic she took the DAY she killed him????{"ImageId":30620591}
Not sure if someone already has this...but looking at some pics of the text messages and here is a transcript of what I believe is the beginning of the "sociopath" text. Correct me if it's the wrong text exchange...I had never seen the beginning of this text before or the mention of this "Michelle K"...I put the (?) in there b/c I couldn't clearly make out the name, but think it's Elena.

Do not call me. And do not text me anything. The next thing I want is this michelle K that is friends with Elena(?) that nobody knows but knows details about my life. Not one other thing ever. Until you have that information. Its 15 minutes it would take to get the info. But you won't take 15 minutes. Why because it is an Fing lie. So either text me you that you are ready to tell the truth or give me your imaginary friend with the worst BS story you have ever told or leave me alone. its a lie like no other. It's freaking foolish. There is no way out of it, you have screwed up your story so bad you can't mend it. You are caught. When you will realize that. I do not know. You have til tomorrow. To have me this persons information before I tell all the hughes' leslie udy, the freemans, your parents and anyone else that matters all the crazy things you have done. So either fess up or feel the wrath. No matter how bad the truth is the punishment will be better than the lie. This is worse than your magical email that a mysterious man you've never seen before wrote for you. You insult me by thinking ill believe such crap. Nothing else from you til the truth. I already know your lying so why continue. After tomorrow, its gonna get real bad for you. Time to spit it out.
They searched her Grandparents home and her folk's home the day they arrested her. They arrested her THEN because they thought she was going to flee.
The ammo for the 25 was found at the parents home, and the ammo for the
9mm was in her packed luggage.
The only reason they ever found the 9mm (hidden in the engine I believe) was because Arias's mother asked where it was!!

Can't the Prosecutor have the bullets TESTED to see if the one used to shoot Travis is the SAME kind as those that were found at the Grandparents home?
She got the Helio from Gus the day she moved away from Travis. I think the phone she lost was her old one, that she replaced thinking she had lost it.
The problem comes in when she has conflicting testimony - IMAGINE THAT??
She says
1) The first time I could tape was after I got the Helio, because neither Travis or I could record on our old phones.
2) Yes, I had more phone sex recordings on my other phone, but I deleted the after June 4.

I can't keep her lies and reality straight! :dunno:

* * *

Here's what I have on the Helio and previous cell phone of JA:

4/__ (prior to 4/18) Mesa AZ to Yreka CA - JA moved from Mesa AZ to Yreka CA. JA placed her cell phone in cup holder with hot chocolate and ruined it; Visited Gus in So CA in afternoon (he gave her Helio cell phone); Visited MattMcC at his house in Monterey CA area who stated he saw bruises on JA.

5/10 Yreka CA JA recorded sex call w/TA on Helio cell phone.

5/10 + ~1 wk Yreka CA JA said her Helio phone was stolen. Found ~2 years later in ?Auties/Gpa's? car; contained 5/10 sex tape
Her mask came off. He asked her if she'd be surprised to learn that the math of $19.65 divided by the price per gallon would equal 5.09 gallons and she stammers ""

I think she answered that way because she didn't want anyone to think she couldn't do the math. :p
Once sentenced to death row the jury should all stand and do the wave!
Nurmi hollers objection judge!
Judge to nurmi shaddup they're in a fog and can't hear you


There will be parties. The fog may lift for her. It'll be her wake up moment, I bet. :lol:

I agree. She wasn't planning on him leaving the shower. She was the one chasing him down the hall, not the other way around as she claims. Having him die in the shower or even just in the bathroom would of been an easy cleanup with clorox unless his blood stained the grout in the tiles. That would make it more difficult. Travis tried to save his own life by running from her and a bloody trail was left as she kept on stabbing. She would never be able to clean that mess, no matter how thorough she thought she was.

I doubt if he had "cooperated" and died in the shower as she had planned that there would be any clean up on her part. It was the fact he got out of the shower and she had to pursue him into the bedroom, touch him, slit his throat, drag him back into the shower that she risked having her DNA all over him. She had much more to do now than just wipe down the handle to the shower door and whatever else she may have touched while in his bedroom. She also most likely had blood on herself she hadn't counted on either.

Speaks for itself.
Raven .25 Auto Pistol - YouTube
Yes JA premeditated ...but she was stupid in her gun choice. TA did not own one of these. I would bet my life on it.

This is not a serious gun. Imo. But I pack a .45, plus have shotguns to protect against griz and mountain lions. Takes an hour for any EMS out here.....

Don't judge. :) :)

This is the exact same model my husband bought for his mother--nickel plated .25 Raven--she could not *advertiser censored* it. He had to hold it down by his groin to get leverage to *advertiser censored* it, and he's a former Marine.

He also mentioned that in the USMC a shell from another guy's rifle popped up & went down his shirt--burned his belly while he danced. So would there be any way to tell if the shell was hot when it hit the pool of blood? I had thought it was possible that blood pooled around the shell and kinda "floated" it in the blood puddle. ick just typing that!
Do we know where she was moving to?

Moving in with Darryl, Gus, bobby, Matt, Ryan.........who am I leaving out?

She's a PARASITE. She would find a new host to feed on.
I do believe this was a premeditated crime; however, I don't understand how Jodi could risk someone coming home in the midst of the killing. Can anyone tell me what info there was about the whereabouts of the roommates on that day? Was there any way she could have known that they wouldn't walk in on the whole thing? Did the roomies have a set work schedule that she knew about? I know his bedroom suite was upstairs, and doors could be closed...but they could have heard gunshot, struggle, screaming, or even just have seen her coming or going from his house. How could she have been so confident of not being caught in the act?
Please forgive if I have posted on the wrong thread, I am new to posting.
I hate it when she refers to his murder as he passed away! Wished the jury would as her why she does that. Or is she in a fog

Marsha Clark skewered JA about the "passed away" balderdash on DD the other day. Basically called it a pathetic attempt to put distance between herself and the murder. Remember this is the same person who didn't want to portray a negative image of herself to the world. :notgood:
Not sure if someone already has this...but looking at some pics of the text messages and here is a transcript of what I believe is the beginning of the "sociopath" text. Correct me if it's the wrong text exchange...I had never seen the beginning of this text before or the mention of this "Michelle K"...I put the (?) in there b/c I couldn't clearly make out the name, but think it's Elena.

Do not call me. And do not text me anything. The next thing I want is this michelle K that is friends with Elena(?) that nobody knows but knows details about my life. Not one other thing ever. Until you have that information. Its 15 minutes it would take to get the info. But you won't take 15 minutes. Why because it is an Fing lie. So either text me you that you are ready to tell the truth or give me your imaginary friend with the worst BS story you have ever told or leave me alone. its a lie like no other. It's freaking foolish. There is no way out of it, you have screwed up your story so bad you can't mend it. You are caught. When you will realize that. I do not know. You have til tomorrow. To have me this persons information before I tell all the hughes' leslie udy, the freemans, your parents and anyone else that matters all the crazy things you have done. So either fess up or feel the wrath. No matter how bad the truth is the punishment will be better than the lie. This is worse than your magical email that a mysterious man you've never seen before wrote for you. You insult me by thinking ill believe such crap. Nothing else from you til the truth. I already know your lying so why continue. After tomorrow, its gonna get real bad for you. Time to spit it out.

I thought this text was interesting. Wasn't this right before she killed him? Do we know what happened or what she did/said to cause him to write this? She obviously wiggled/lied her way out of whatever happened (which people like her are good at), but I would love to know what happened.

Of course, if it's up to Jodi, we will never know. She would probably say it was because she forgot to get him a strawberry frapp!
Bolded by me ...

"Brooding" is what I see there. It doesn't quite hit "angry", but "annoyed" is a great word too! I look at the picture every now and then trying to see the surprise that people have been talking about. I can't see it.

Thanks for the link! I'm going to give it a try. Eyes have always been my thing. I tend to look people in the eye when they're speaking. Volumes are often spoken without saying a word. Sometimes, as in Ms Jodi's they don't match what's coming out of the lips.

I'm wrong, there's NOTHING that's real about what comes out of her mouth. In her case, the eyes rarely match what's coming out of her lips.

Edited: I got a score of 30.

The last picture of Travis' face, while in the shower, is like a rorschach test - each of us sees something different in his expression.

There is an on-line test called Mind in the Eyes, where you are shown cropped photos that reveal different people's eyes and you must choose one of four emotions that they are expressing. You can take the test here: Reading the Mind in the Eyes

- this is based on the work of Simon Baron-Cohn and his research on empathy, and his book, The Essential Difference: Men, Women and the Extreme Male Brain.

Anyway, I thought that the folks here who feel strongly about their interpretation of the emotion(s) Travis is showing in that last photo might enjoy taking the test.

I personally see anger/irritation in his face in that photo.

I scored a 31 out of 36 on that test, which indicates I am "very accurate" in decoding facial expressions - according to this test.
and her camera was an olympus IIRC which uses a proprietary card (doesn't even fit in other cams)

Doesn't Sony also only have one type of memory device that can be used in their cameras? IIRC it is TM'd as Memory Stick. I recall researching cameras and finding that out so I did not buy a Sony as I wanted to be able to use a standard SD card that you can get cheaper than Sony's branded memory sticks.

Memory Stick - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The type of terrain and Highway can make all the difference on any long distance trip. From here to Vegas you go up through the pass and down through the desert.. It is a bit, well, less than perfect.

Here to Mesa, AZ incredible. You just blink and you are there. Its a lot farther than Vegas, but it is straight? One new smooth highway, zoom, no big hills or Valley's. You pass that area with the billions of wind twirly things near palm springs.

Mesa to Utah would not be that bad if the Ford Focus had power, I think she has to go "up" and home is the least desirable leg of that trip. The easy leg is her house to Travis - straight down

She had a LOT of time to think about what she was doing and change her mind. She didn't so we shouldn't


The Ford Focus she was driving would most likely be the '08 model (sold in late '07) and rental agencies usually get a base model--regardless it would have a 2.0L Inline-4cyl 140 HP engine.----NO POWER!
Poster minor4th brilliantly and completely demolished the defense claim of self-defense near the top of that link.

Interestingly, here we are, over a month after minor4th's post, and everything she said is still true. They have still not been able to present on instance where TA was actually violent or JA would need to defend her life. All that droning on and on and everything is the same.
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