Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #80

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I've heard most of the testimony and looked at most of the time stamped pics. If the ME says the shot to the head came last, I've just gone with that and not spent much time trying to consider otherwise. But one thing that continues to nag at me is that I just don't think Travis would have sat down in the floor of the shower voluntarily. So if he is in the shower and told to sit, and if Jodi had the knife, wouldn't he start trying to fight to get out. If she had a gun, wouldn't he be more likely to sit if she told him to sit. Unless he was stabbed standing up, then sat/fell down in the shower. I guess I'm just trying to say I don't think he would sit down in the shower to just simply pose for a picture. And, I accept the ME report that he was stabbed first. most people think he was stabbed standing up or sitting for a pic when he was stabbed? Just wondering.

I always felt like he was stabbed exiting the shower.
I still can't figure out why he sat down. I guess she must have told him to so that he couldn't "jump" her... Or tackle her Or however she worded it. If he was rising to exit the shower a left handed stabber could have gotten him in the chest by standing to (her right) of him. I need to see the bathroom floor plan again...

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I agree except for the time of day. She left around 6:00pm. In the daylight. Just before the room mate was expected home.

Don't ask me how.she got out of there unnoticed! All I can come up with is somehow she got her car in the garage.
No one reported seeing a car in his driveway.
Or seeing a woman making a mad dash for a car parked on the curb.

Garage is all that makes logical sense to me as people would be returning home from work at that hour...

The only other possibility in my mind is she had someone drop her off and pick her up. There was no other DNA found at the scene so she did the deed all by herself.


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Ack! I don't know why I keep thinking it was a.m. rather than p.m.!

Anywho... I think that Jodi's disguise of the different car and the new hair color was all she thought she'd need if she was seen from a distance. She may have parked right in the driveway seeing as this house had three guys living in it with various sisters, girlfriends, female friends, etc., so assumed that as long as she was seen by someone from a distance they would assume it was someone that was not her. Then again, Jodi was always doing risky things like peeking in his windows, slashing his tires, hiding in his closet, etc. But maybe she did park the car in the garage. If she had a way into the garage it seems wiser than leaving the car in the driveway. Maybe it was the gunshot then that she belatedly realized someone might have heard that had her fleeing from the house leaving so much evidence behind. Or maybe that a roommate would be coming home or something.

I just thought of something... you know how she does all that fake crying but never has to blow her nose, her eyes don't get red but some at times manage to have tears come out? Ever notice that she always starts these crying sessions by pressing on her forehead or the ocupital bones around the eyes for a few minutes first? I think she does this to make her eyes tear, or she could put something on her fingers like oil of cloves or something that would make your eyes water. There's no actual crying going on ever. Her voice doesn't clog up or crack, her eyes and nose don't get red and puffy, she doesn't have the shaking or heaving diaphram that crying makes your body do or the twitching/trembling lips. She also only seems to ever have these crying sessions when she has to look at photos of Travis, but can easily talk about the most graphic details about killing him without a hitch.

I know I can make my own eyes tear by pressing on my sinuses especially around the eyebrows in the middle of my face. I do that sometimes when my contacts feel dried out.
Ack! I don't know why I keep thinking it was a.m. rather than p.m.!

Anywho... I think that Jodi's disguise of the different car and the new hair color was all she thought she'd need if she was seen from a distance. She may have parked right in the driveway seeing as this house had three guys living in it with various sisters, girlfriends, female friends, etc., so assumed that as long as she was seen by someone from a distance they would assume it was someone that was not her. Then again, Jodi was always doing risky things like peeking in his windows, slashing his tires, hiding in his closet, etc. But maybe she did park the car in the garage. If she had a way into the garage it seems wiser than leaving the car in the driveway. Maybe it was the gunshot then that she belatedly realized someone might have heard that had her fleeing from the house leaving so much evidence behind. Or maybe that a roommate would be coming home or something.

I just thought of something... you know how she does all that fake crying but never has to blow her nose, her eyes don't get red but some at times manage to have tears come out? Ever notice that she always starts these crying sessions by pressing on her forehead or the ocupital bones around the eyes for a few minutes first? I think she does this to make her eyes tear, or she could put something on her fingers like oil of cloves or something that would make your eyes water. There's no actual crying going on ever. Her voice doesn't clog up or crack, her eyes and nose don't get red and puffy, she doesn't have the shaking or heaving diaphram that crying makes your body do or the twitching/trembling lips. She also only seems to ever have these crying sessions when she has to look at photos of Travis, but can easily talk about the most graphic details about killing him without a hitch.

I know I can make my own eyes tear by pressing on my sinuses especially around the eyebrows in the middle of my face. I do that sometimes when my contacts feel dried out.

I found a YouTube video (many actually) one in particular... I wanted to post the last few seconds of it... Drama classes teach this. We learned how to do it in Church of all places!!!

*we were doing a play and the people who "gathered"needed to cry*

It is really easy. BUT SO OBVIOUS that it IS acting. Real crying turns most people into a "snot pocket "... Real sorrow = piles of tissues IMO...
I will see if I can find the link..

here it is at 1:11 into the video


IMO we will see real crying when she finally figures out none of her trickery worked and she didn't get off with time served.

During sentencing she will be sobbing and wailing... She doesn't want to die... She just wants the jury to think she does... She is trying the reverse psychology "I'll play like I will eat my words and make them think I am still suicidal so they will aquit me"

Sadly what she doesn't get is only psychopaths purposely do the opposite of what is requested....

Soon Jodi soon.
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Ack! I don't know why I keep thinking it was a.m. rather than p.m.!

Anywho... I think that Jodi's disguise of the different car and the new hair color was all she thought she'd need if she was seen from a distance. She may have parked right in the driveway seeing as this house had three guys living in it with various sisters, girlfriends, female friends, etc., so assumed that as long as she was seen by someone from a distance they would assume it was someone that was not her. Then again, Jodi was always doing risky things like peeking in his windows, slashing his tires, hiding in his closet, etc. But maybe she did park the car in the garage. If she had a way into the garage it seems wiser than leaving the car in the driveway. Maybe it was the gunshot then that she belatedly realized someone might have heard that had her fleeing from the house leaving so much evidence behind. Or maybe that a roommate would be coming home or something.

I just thought of something... you know how she does all that fake crying but never has to blow her nose, her eyes don't get red but some at times manage to have tears come out? Ever notice that she always starts these crying sessions by pressing on her forehead or the ocupital bones around the eyes for a few minutes first? I think she does this to make her eyes tear, or she could put something on her fingers like oil of cloves or something that would make your eyes water. There's no actual crying going on ever. Her voice doesn't clog up or crack, her eyes and nose don't get red and puffy, she doesn't have the shaking or heaving diaphram that crying makes your body do or the twitching/trembling lips. She also only seems to ever have these crying sessions when she has to look at photos of Travis, but can easily talk about the most graphic details about killing him without a hitch.

I know I can make my own eyes tear by pressing on my sinuses especially around the eyebrows in the middle of my face. I do that sometimes when my contacts feel dried out.

I also think the crying at looking at the crime scene/autopsy photos of Travis is a show for the jury. I'm sure she has seen these photos many many times throughout the years and she has probably even studied them closely.

There is one time I have seen her do a real cry and that was the day they played the sex tape...I think they ended up playing the whole conversation and not just Travis...there is a pic of her with her eyes all swollen and red.
I also think the crying at looking at the crime scene/autopsy photos of Travis is a show for the jury. I'm sure she has seen these photos many many times throughout the years and she has probably even studied them closely.

There is one time I have seen her do a real cry and that was the day they played the sex tape...I think they ended up playing the whole conversation and not just Travis...there is a pic of her with her eyes all swollen and red.

You are so right! And, she was really pizzed with arms crossed. That was fun to see her really upset.
IMO I am certain now she did not "sleep" with him that night or she would have said he got up earlier.

I think she accessed his internet history and that is how she knew about the videos he watched...
IMO she did not arrive there until after he called Chris Hughes at 12:13pm.
For some reason she missed that call/text.

Maybe he had her locked out of his phone??? :twocents:

eta: TA was up... his bed was made... he was getting ready for his day IMO
If she had spent the night and a "tryst" was planned who makes up the bed
before gettin busy???

Yeah, I think that too. She is the only person who says her car was parked in the driveway. I thought the roommates said there was never parked there other than the people who lived there?

Plus, the bed was made in the photographs (I think, I hate looking at them).

I still am not buying a 100% that she got there at 4 am and went inside. She may have gotten to Mesa at 4am. She was driving a rental car, so noone knew what it looked liked (stalker behavior), could have sat in it sleeping until she saw the car leave (roommates). I am not sure how she could have gotten in without Napolean barking, but maybe the dog did when the roommate left and TA thought nothing of the dog barking, thinking the roommate came back for something, but it was really JA. Friends have said she would hide in his closet and sneak in so, its possible she had practice.

Its crazy. Because I think this is the 3rd story of lies. She is just incorporating bits of truth. Like, inthe ninja story TA was on all fours, saying he couldn't feel his legs. I really truly believed that happened in the hallway and where she cut the through there over the carpet. Seems like such a massive bloodloss. She had stabbed in the back so many times by that point, because I think HE was running from HER. With the bloodloss from the stabs, maybe his body was shutting down. Maybe spinal injury that caused that feeling. Idk...but I bet if we we take her story and change the JA to TA, I bet we get the true story.

She couldn't even find a guy in Cali that would date her... Heck!
Please no geography lessons... Utah does not border Cali does it?
I have had it confused with I DA HO for the past year!!!
Considering the defendant gimme a break!!!
AZ does have a border with Cali...
So I have Nevada and AZ confused too.
No excuse there... :p

Good luck finding people that will speak up... I think once they know she is locked up for good... They will scatter like birds!!!

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Travis has had a lot of family and friends talk about him. it's evident that he had people who thought highly of him and loved him. JA......not so much. Family is (so far) silent, and there is only one weird ditzy seeming girl on the latest 48 hrs special that has even said anything nice about her. Oh and Gus but I am sure that he would say anything nice for the right amount of money. That's it. Everyone else has testified under oath. Very telling.

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I think she was hoping he would be taking her instead of that other woman to Cancun. I also think his not agreeing to take her instead is what decided her to go through with killing him.

My thinking mirrors the male poster who said the end for JA was when TA angrily called her a sociopath and "the worst thing that ever happened to me." His text messages to her on May 26 leave no doubt he considered her evil. He actually uses the term "your evilness." He threatened unspecified retribution for hurting him more than he'd ever been hurt in his life. Imo it's no accident that the gun was reported stolen two days later.

He also wrote in his last blog that he changed his priorities as he turned 30 and resolved to date women he considered potential marriage material. She knew she had no future with him.

So imo the die was cast and her thoughts were not with Cancun but with having TA as hers for eternity.
This is my Juanfantasy for the evening:

So isn't it the Truth, Ma'am, that the only reason you stopped making up stories about it being YOU who killed Travis Alexander is because you were arrested for this murder and you ran out of other excuses to fit the evidence? Yes or no!

I do think we might hear something like this in relation to the juror question "how are we supposed to believe you now?" (paraphrasing).

I love this! I was totally able to read it with his voice!

Love your new picture. Assume it is you and your sister?
And I have no desire to find out just how long that wax would take. :floorlaugh:

Do some women really spend that long in salons? :what:

Easily couple hours. I have a short bob and it takes 2-2.5 hours to color/highlight.

Waxing is quick. I have friends who have waxing parties (someone comes over and does everybody individually in a back room) and they are only gone for less than 5 mins. I just go for the "party" and drinks - I don't wax.
I believe she manipulates everyone. DB was terrified to have his face shown on TV, they only showed his hands. He said it was because of his son. I'm not buying it. This crazy person makes up lies about spidey underwear, pedophilia, breaks into houses, slashes tires, hacks into emails/texts, you don't think she has something on DB? Maybe she manipulated some emails to use against him if he ever crossed her, something that would lead to a custody battle?

We can't think like her..thank goodness.

I would not want my face shown on this trial if I was her former lover either. He is totally innocent. I would be mortified. And I would want to protect my son from being involved in this. Now, although I think he's innocent, I also think he knows more than he has been asked. But he did appear to be truthful since it was obviously not his wish to talk about the gas cans and he did.
In Arizona, on extended court cases, the jurors can petition the court and get paid up to $300 per day.

IMO-there isn't enough money in the world to see that evil face every day. Let alone, hear all this BS for days on end.

If she is sentenced to LWOP, I wonder if she will have a cellmate. Can you imagine spending your final years with this person in a small cell for hours upon end every single day. Decades? I'd go back and ask for the death penalty.
LOL!!! Thank you for that, I'd forgotten what a shiny baby Scooter was!! It'll be interesting to see who they drag in to sing Jodi's praises ... Perhaps she has a golf coach they could call on, or a teacher from 8th grade perhaps?

I'm getting abdominal cramps just laughing at the memory!! I thought SP's mitigating witnesses would never end and we'd all die of natural causes watching them take the stand.
Whoever they drag in for Jodi, it will be a sad parade IMO. Frankly I've heard enough about her sex life so ex boyfriends should be kept to a bare minimum. I guess Donavan, Brian C, the webmaster from her fan site, a rep from whoever makes her hair-dye, the sister who is or isn't dumb, her Mom, the Aunt and the judges from jail house idol could be called. I notice the mitigation specialist looking bored to death most of the time, playing with her hair. I don't recall seeing her taking a single note last Thursday during the time the jury added 64+ new questions to their basket. Not a compelling case for mitigation but still...JA probably had that amazing baby smell 32 years ago. :floorlaugh:
Thank you for the wonderful post. :rocker:

Now, the ok shot comes last ... why did she bother in daylight hours and all the other surrounding factors (roommates, dog, neighbours)? She could've left him there without shooting him, no?

She could have left him there alive!
I'm getting abdominal cramps just laughing at the memory!! I thought SP's mitigating witnesses would never end and we'd all die of natural causes watching them take the stand.
Whoever they drag in for Jodi, it will be a sad parade IMO. Frankly I've heard enough about her sex life so ex boyfriends should be kept to a bare minimum. I guess Donavan, Brian C, the webmaster from her fan site, a rep from whoever makes her hair-dye, the sister who is or isn't dumb, her Mom, the Aunt and the judges from jail house idol could be called. I notice the mitigation specialist looking bored to death most of the time, playing with her hair. I don't recall seeing her taking a single note last Thursday during the time the jury added 64+ new questions to their basket. Not a compelling case for mitigation but still...JA probably had that amazing baby smell 32 years ago. :floorlaugh:

Mama stopped wearing her #1 mom necklace and stopped taking notes too???

Ugg thinking about JA and baby smells makes me ill. I secretly hope she was a sour smelling baby !

Just the peds nurse in me can't believe she was ever sweet...

What happens to these kids?
You know there is always that one you talk about when they leave...
everyone agrees mom should never turn her back on that kid???

Funny to my knowledge none of the kids we said that about have ever slaughtered anyone...

Then again...
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I was just reviewing the HLN map/timeline Chico posted during the night.

I didn't realize Salinas and Monterrey were basically next to each other. What the heck was she doing for 5 hours that day? I hope JM can clear it up. Very strange. A person on a road trip usually wants to get moving. You don't "hang out" by yourself for 5 hours in Salinas.

Another thing - I know this has been mentioned but I can't remember. What was the reason Ryan Burns and JA drove to the PPL events separately - two times?
so im thinking,the route jodi could have possibly taken to travis's house would she have passed anywhere that cctv could have been in operation? i know now it would be too late to get any of the footage but you never know what juan has up his sleeve and he's been on this case since the arrest
Yeah, I think that too. She is the only person who says her car was parked in the driveway. I thought the roommates said there was never parked there other than the people who lived there?

Plus, the bed was made in the photographs (I think, I hate looking at them).

I still am not buying a 100% that she got there at 4 am and went inside. She may have gotten to Mesa at 4am. She was driving a rental car, so noone knew what it looked liked (stalker behavior), could have sat in it sleeping until she saw the car leave (roommates). I am not sure how she could have gotten in without Napolean barking, but maybe the dog did when the roommate left and TA thought nothing of the dog barking, thinking the roommate came back for something, but it was really JA. Friends have said she would hide in his closet and sneak in so, its possible she had practice.

Its crazy. Because I think this is the 3rd story of lies. She is just incorporating bits of truth. Like, inthe ninja story TA was on all fours, saying he couldn't feel his legs. I really truly believed that happened in the hallway and where she cut the through there over the carpet. Seems like such a massive bloodloss. She had stabbed in the back so many times by that point, because I think HE was running from HER. With the bloodloss from the stabs, maybe his body was shutting down. Maybe spinal injury that caused that feeling. Idk...but I bet if we we take her story and change the JA to TA, I bet we get the true story.


I believe the ME stated that the stab to the chest where the heart is located would have had the affect where he couldn't feel his legs. He also would have been spitting out blood which we can see from the sink area. It's possible she handed him the camera because he told her he wanted to deleted them and she dropped it causing him to bend over to pick the camera up and she stabbed he while he was focusing on the camera. Or she stabbed him while he was deleting the pictures and he dropped the camera. In the next two minutes she continued to stab him repeatedly as he tried to get away from her. Jodi did say Travis was crawling at one point and I believe that is true and that he crawled all the way down the hall.

The shot coming last would mean Jodi wanted him dead not self defense. This is why defense has to have the shot first. Either way the throat cutting is a sign she wanted him dead whether she remembers or not. Too late to say she does not remember because in closing I'm sure the jury will again hear her taped statement to Flores or Juan will go through it where she describes what happened in part with the ninjas. She remembers. She remembers it all. jmo
I was just reviewing the HLN map/timeline Chico posted during the night.

I didn't realize Salinas and Monterrey were basically next to each other. What the heck was she doing for 5 hours that day? I hope JM can clear it up. Very strange. A person on a road trip usually wants to get moving. You don't "hang out" by yourself for 5 hours in Salinas.

Another thing - I know this has been mentioned but I can't remember. What was the reason Ryan Burns and JA drove to the PPL events separately - two times?

Good question! Obviously she didn't want him in her car...
Why didn't she ride with him? ~ I'll go out on a limb and say that she was
checking her voice mail... expecting his roomies to find him, but they didn't?

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