Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #80

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I wasn't clear. I was wondering if DB might have had a remote that she had used on her camera (or TA's camera) at some point.
Either when she murdered him - the bed shots or sometime
when stalking him.


eta: or even a "remote device" she had placed on Travis' laptop.

I think she may have given him the DVD player that was taken in the 'faux burglary' and forgot to give him the remote to it.

JMO though
Does anyone know where I might find the evidence photos? In particular I am looking for evidence photo #68 which shows the knife block in Travis's kitchen. Then there are two more photos of a knife laying on a counter and the open dishwasher.

I just saw those pics on another site. I won't name the site, but it is the major site that proclaims JA is "not guilty". Looks like the pics are stamped with a property of... logo. The person is the one that uploads the trial video to youtube every day. I don't know if I can post this, so if not ok, mods please remove.
camera buffs here say it's not possible to transfer those pics from her camera to his. i believe he did take those pictures of her, and her of him. they're too close together in time for them not to have BEEN together, i think.

I can't argue with them cause I dunno jack about cameras.
I do believe the bed shots were taken that day... but those 3 of her
"business" I am having trouble with.

She openly admitted in court TA sent her to the "adult" store to buy him a **** ring.

They were out of those (or didn't have any) *I doubt it!!!!

So she went and bought candy...
her fantasy NOT his!
I truly believe she liked to play "little girl"
how many years older was DB than jodi? 18-20???


But then you've got to remember she has openly admitted alot of things/bullchit in court.
And you are right DB was alot older than JA~
Last. The medical examiner said that the gun shot alone would have either killed him instantly or rendered him totally incapacited. The shell casing also fell into a pool of blood already present on the floor. Also said something to the effect that there was little blood from the gun shot as he had already bled out so much that it didn't fill his sinuses or come out his nose or mouth which it would have had it been the first wound.

Personally, I don't think she wanted to use the gun and only brought it as a back up because firing it would have made a loud noise that someone might have heard and thus having the possibility of her being caught red handed by police or a neighbor. She probably also would have been afraid that the gun would get wet from the shower and possibly cause it to not fire.

Let's not forget this was a head shot at close range. I find it impossible that such a shot could be received by a person and they'd still be able to get out of the shower and down the hall on their own. People shoot themselves in the head when committing suicide with a gun for a reason - instant death.

There's no question that he died slowly and painfully. A gun shot to the head at close range as the first strike would have taken him right out and rended him either dead or entirely helpless and nearly dead. The bullet went through his forehead, bounced around shredding up his brain and lodged into his left cheek bone. There's no way that he would still have had brain function enough to do anything - move, breathe, think, etc. That gun shot all by itself would probably have instantly killed him. There's just no way that it could have come first.

The ME is going to get on the stand and shread the story of the gunshot coming first. But what else can the defense say? They can't say that Jodi was able to get away from Travis, run to the kitchen for a knife and run back and stab him in order to protect herself because then it's definitely not self-defense - she could have kept running straight out of the house screaming her head off. Running BACK to the bathroom to stab him is premeditated murder all by itself.
just thought, she mentioned her dad had a gun with a silencer, could she have gotten a silencer for her grandpa's gun, or did it have one and was never mentioned. idk, can you get a silencer for this type of gun? someone on the board mentioned she might have used a pillow to muffle the sound, since there was a shred of decorative rope at the scene.
Plus he can't be very smart if he thinks anyone can get a boob job for $300.00 in California. My good friend had one done in Ky. and it was $2000.00 and that was at least 10 years ago!

I dont think it indicates he isnt smart.

Women have been fooling men forever when it comes to how much they paid for something. I read an article last year in the news that stated that is one of the biggest things women lie about. Never understood why they would do that though since relationships are based on trust.

I dont think men have a clue what female costmetic surgery cost unless they are going to pay for it.

Ahhh can Wednesday get here already? I'm tired of watching the same videos over and over again. I mean JM is a treat to listen to but this JA creature is just nuts and my ears and eyes complain when I cruelly expose them to her.

Hope JM is resting well. What a huge burden is on his shoulders. He's fighting for Travis, his family, for his profession, for all of us support justice. Whew! The man deserves a wonderful vacation post penalty phase.
But then you've got to remember she has openly admitted alot of things/bullchit in court.
And you are right DB was alot older than JA~

:banghead: You are right. What am I thinking???

Note to self:
“A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.”
― Maya Angelou
Easily couple hours. I have a short bob and it takes 2-2.5 hours to color/highlight.

Waxing is quick. I have friends who have waxing parties (someone comes over and does everybody individually in a back room) and they are only gone for less than 5 mins. I just go for the "party" and drinks - I don't wax.

LOL I'll have a skinnygirl margarita - no salt - hold the wax. :floorlaugh:
no, NOT free. you're absolutely right. i think darryl's cost him about $800! didn't she make those WAMU deposits right after leaving his house?

Yes...just looked at that. The wamu deposits were in Monterey at 10:15.
June 3, 2008:

Monterey, California

Arias made three deposits to different accounts at a Washington Mutual branch:

10:10 a.m. $400 to account # ending 8006
10:11 a.m. $300 to account # ending 7148
10:15 a.m. $100 to account # ending 7148
Arias called Alexander twice:

A 17-second call at 12:57 p.m.
A 2-minute, 50-second call at 1:51 p.m.

The next time we have a receipt is Salinas at 3:22, then Pasadena at 8:16 she calls Travis and gets gas at 8:42
just thought, she mentioned her dad had a gun with a silencer, could she have gotten a silencer for her grandpa's gun, or did it have one and was never mentioned. idk, can you get a silencer for this type of gun? someone on the board mentioned she might have used a pillow to muffle the sound, since there was a shred of decorative rope at the scene.
she mentioned people she knew who had guns, there was no need to mention her dads had a silencer, might have been a freudian slip?
I dont think it indicates he isnt smart.

Women have been fooling men forever when it comes to how much they paid for something. I read an article last year in the news that stated that is one of the biggest things women lie about. Never understood why they would do that though since relationships are based on trust.

I dont think men have a clue what female costmetic surgery cost unless they are going to pay for it.


You are right, and that thought did cross my mind as I was hitting the submit button. The point I was trying to make was you cannot get a boob job for 300 bucks anywhere.
Just wanted to add that when I watched at one point when pictures ( Travis' body) were being shown and she dropped her head and threw up her hand as if to shield her view then turn her hand to view the screen on the desk where she sits. She loves to look at the pictures. I find her doing this very disturbing to say the least. It tells me that she is not sorry or remorseful for what she did. She knew it was over. She showed up in as a brunette in braids in a car that's not hers with a gun and vengeance. They knew each other for less then 6 months, yeah yeah according to jodi it was forever. I think she saw Travis as her meal ticket. This up coming trip to cancun was the tipping point for her as far as I see it. She knew that it was never going to be her that Travis wanted to spend his life with and she could not accept that. I don't care what they did while together there, they are adults. There is no way I believe what she has said about Travis to diminish him after she murders him. There was no abuse. jmo

She sure does. And that's what distinguishes her from ordinary criminals like Scott Peterson and Casey Anthony. JA loves to torment and torture others. She derives an uncontrollable high from that. Even in the courtroom she will do whatever she can to 'top' JM and see him visibly frustrated even at the risk of looking like a smug, arrogant psychopath. She really needs to be put to death. And no JA, we won't recycle you and make use of you in another form (as she mentioned in her pathetic journals) Your completely worthless, you evil psycho.
she mentioned people she knew who had guns, there was no need to mention her dads had a silencer, might have been a freudian slip?

Yeah it's funny that she was naming everyone she knew that had guns EXCEPT her grandfather who she conveniently lived with. Flores said Paw Paw had 3 or 4 more rifles.
Matt, Darryl, Daddy < i am being a smart arse :giggle:
Has anyone heard/read where Napoleon typically slept at night time? TIA
She sure does. And that's what distinguishes her from ordinary criminals like Scott Peterson and Casey Anthony. JA loves to torment and torture others. She derives an uncontrollable high from that. Even in the courtroom she will do whatever she can to 'top' JM and see him visibly frustrated even at the risk of looking like a smug, arrogant psychopath. She really needs to be put to death. And no JA, we won't recycle you and make use of you in another form (as she mentioned in her pathetic journals) Your completely worthless, you evil psycho.

Yes. Ita.
She sure does. And that's what distinguishes her from ordinary criminals like Scott Peterson and Casey Anthony. JA loves to torment and torture others. She derives an uncontrollable high from that. Even in the courtroom she will do whatever she can to 'top' JM and see him visibly frustrated even at the risk of looking like a smug, arrogant psychopath. She really needs to be put to death. And no JA, we won't recycle you and make use of you in another form(as she mentioned in her pathetic journals) Your completely worthless, you evil psycho.

BBM- that's for real?! You have got to be kidding... who the eff writes something like that? Mas loca o mas estupida, I really cannot decide which. :banghead:

Sure sweetheart, we'll recycle you. As fertilizer.
Newbie here. Long time lurker who finally registered after following cases here for a couple years.
I have a question that may have already been answered, but I've searched and haven't found it.
How long would it take for blood to "congeal"?
So on June 3, where was Jodi from 7-10am-the time between times Darryl sees her

She is at WAMU at 10:15 in Monterey

Where is she from 10:15 to 3:22 when she checks out at Salinas Walmart?

Then from 3:22 to 8:16 when we know she is in Padadena. What are the travel times between these cities?
I just saw those pics on another site. I won't name the site, but it is the major site that proclaims JA is "not guilty". Looks like the pics are stamped with a property of... logo. The person is the one that uploads the trial video to youtube every day. I don't know if I can post this, so if not ok, mods please remove.

Thanks, I'm not familar with the person who uploads the trial every day. I can't believe all the evidence photos aren't compiled somewhere, not just the shower scenes.

IIRC when I first saw that knife block photo, there was knifes missing.
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