Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #82

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I wonder how her parents feel now! Now now what she is capable of. Her mom was the one I read that asked detectives if they found the gun she bought. Does anybody know why?
Hello Harmony,
I know this has been asked before but I dont think I understood the answer.

Is there some reason why a different thread gets created ? Does the system this forum runs on have trouble after too many posts or something? We have seen it work past 100 posts on some threads so just wondering why after only 50-60 on the last thread that we had to build another one?

Just wondering if there is some reason for this.

I know having one each day for the trial made it kind of nice to keep track of the trial days.

Various reasons...We create new threads because some members complain that very long threads make pages load slower. On court days we may allow a thread to get longer to allow testimony to be completed and when posts are rapidly being posted. HTH
Thanks - again! I haven't heard them mentioned either... It's really frustrating - I guess I got spoiled by FL's sunshine laws in that we had everything to pick through.

I don't understand why all of the texts are from Travis' phone only (guess JA 'lost' hers - but it was found in 2010), his computer only (the contents of hers being 'sealed' - what's up with that?)

It makes it a lot harder to piece things together... Glad you found that.

I too find the dates on these texts really confusing. The one that LizardQueen just transcribed the beginning to (thank you, thank you!) is, possibly, from sometime in April (maybe). Well before the phone sex tape. And there is a text that begins "why don't you have him ****** you in the woods" which, according to Nurmi, is dated the same day as the phone sex tape!

I'm having a hard time believing these dates are accurate. (Not suggesting you are wrong. It's the sources that are wrong.)
I completely agree about making up the person as a "source" of info when the real source was HER hacking into his account or doing some other spying. I don't doubt that she confronted him about something she found out from hacking/snooping/following and that would be the ONLY way she knew.... He was totally on to her and, similar to CA, she made up imaginary people to fit into her story.

I also don't doubt that the reason he said 15min was b/c if he let her take her sweet time she'd create some fake email/profile...etc to create this fictitious character.

Oh wow and the x boyfriend with a son! Makes you wonder if she tried to use that against him at some point! If he DIDNT do what she wanted. Maybe that's where she invented that story, she did go visit that father and son? Hmmmm
Maybe thats where miss contemporaneous formulated that plan to de-edify travis.
I personally prefer psychopath but most people think its two separate species. Psychopath's Mama was actually known as Sociopath. Its roots go back to a French researcher in 1801 and was called moral insanity for the better part of a century with few variations. It was first called sociopathy in 1909 which would be used by the APA for the DSM in 1952. The next edition dropped the term. ;)

Every researcher has their pet theory as to differences, if any, though. I think the broadened classification is a really good idea - it blends all the knowns of psychopathic and antisocial behaviors without the exclusion of psychopathic features in the DSM-IV which has only led to many assuming psychopathy isn't valid; ASPD is a required diagnosis for psychopathy; or, even worse, that ASPD is the very same thing.

Having been in a relationship with a bona fide comorbid ASPD/NPD (and likely psychopathic according to my armchair analysis) the only thing that scares me is these creatures walking the earth free of accountability. To me that particular chemistry is a bomb just waiting to explode.
I'm unable to quote you - thread's closed. Sociopathic and psychopathic are basically (very close) cousins to antisocial personality disorder. A therapeutic psychologist would likely make that diagnosis - or a comorbidity of that and other personality disorders - rather than even a muttering of sociopathy or psychopathy.

There is a huge debate, even within the psych circle itself, if there even is a difference between a sociopath and a psychopath. For me personally, there isn't, and I simply prefer psychopath because of the negative image it conjures for many. People need to think Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy if doing so keeps them from becoming a victim to a cruel, cold-blooded predator very capable of destroying a person and totally ruining their life - if not actually physically taking it. IYKWIM

Not all sociopaths are harmful to other people. Stigmatizing every person with that diagnosis or calling them "psycho" is counterproductive.
Various reasons...We create new threads because some members complain that very long threads make pages load slower. On court days we may allow a thread to get longer to allow testimony to be completed and when posts are rapidly being posted. HTH

Thank you. That helps to understand. I think some people change how many posts they view on a page and that would explain if it takes them a long time to load. I never change how many posts on a page and so I never notice any difference no matter how many pages.
I think the jury will be or maybe already are! Angered and disgusted! At her pedophilia accusation against a dead man that can't defend himself.
She has no proof of pedophilia nor DV only her word. No medical proof! No dr when she claims she hurt her finger and head when he body slammed her, she's a skinny woman! If he had done that on tile! She would be in unbearable back pain in a few days. I slipped and fell once on wet tile floor! Three days later the pain was unbearable! I couldn't even move.
She talks before thinking.

I suspect Jodi has never maintained a relationship long enough to realize that people eventually see through her lies. So she goes right on lying, and thinks she's getting away with it. The only person she seems to have a long-term relationship with is Darryl, and he seems to have really cared for her, perhaps enough to turn a blind eye toward her behavior.
I hope someone will post that photo and point out how the legs are not crossed I have looked and looked ad they still look crossed to me...I couldn't see her leg in that one photo until someone kindly pointed it out....
I think the lighting is playing tricks. But some great sleuther posted the pic enlarging the feet area, and both feet are flat on the floor. I was confused at first, too.
She has a light blue blouse on - it's the last day nurmi has her on the stand, so her 8th or 9th day up?

I don't really watch tv - I listen to it... so I didn't catch what she was wearing... I want to find that quote - it really jumped out at me.

Thank you so much!
Listening to her testimony on HLN. Every time she says, "He just kept coming at me", I think she is reliving the stabbing, and Travis trying to defend himself.

"He just kept coming at me" translates to "He wouldn't go down. He wouldn't die!"


I wonder how her parents feel now! Now now what she is capable of. Her mom was the one I read that asked detectives if they found the gun she bought. Does anybody know why?
My THEORY: She asked the detectives where the gun was, thinking they had found it, but just not returned it to her yet, or had it in evidence.
I'll bet she kicks herself for ever asking.
Not sure if this has been mentioned here, but beginning Wednesday night, Vinnie Politan will have a new show called "HLN After Dark" at 10pm with a live "studio jury" talking about JA. That should be very interesting.
I suspect Jodi just totally lied to Travis that she knew some other person that told her some dirt on him.

IMO, I think Jodi accused Travis of the false pedophile accusations and was threatening to tell other people. I think she has done this before and used this lie as a weapon to get guys to do what she wanted. She knows the accusations are false but she also knows a lot of damage can be done even with false accusations.

I may be wrong, but I don't believe there was a hint of any accusation of pedophilia until 2010, when Jodi had been in jail for two years. But with her fertile imagination, I bet she came up with something almost as bad.
Is there a timeline of events spelled out anywhere? Or at least a reasonable/theorized timeline laid out?
I'm originally from FL, so I know what you're talking about. It is very frustrating when different states lock down docs like that.

I had asked a few threads ago (not sure if I got an answer...I tried to keep checking, but missed a few pages I'm sure).

WHY do we have these text messages (both sides)...yet we don't have Travis' FB message to her as evidence? I know they have it, but I believe someone said it couldn't be introduced b/c it would be considered hearsay. Any lawyer in the house that can clarify why some things from him are admitted, but others not?

Also, anyone know WHY (oh WHY!) the findings on her computer are sealed? Does that mean it's not in evidence or just that we can't see it?

I can't stand that all the facts are not before the jury! :pullhair:
I don't think sealed evidence can ever be admitted in court. Nurmi asked for it to be sealed, and it was. I don't even remember Juan fighting it. It's recorded in the minutes, but I can't remember which day to point you to - sorry.
Not all sociopaths are harmful to other people. Stigmatizing every person with that diagnosis or calling them "psycho" is counterproductive.
I'm not calling people 'psycho' - I'm using a well known term, psychopath, to describe a certain type of personality disordered individual.

I believe by nature of their disorder alone psychopaths are abusive to others - if not physically then at least mentally. I am not including any other personality disordered person in that estimation and save it especially for psychopathic traits alone, where in my opinion, its valid.

There are literally millions of people who struggle with personality disorders - and many more who love them and struggle alongside - psychopaths are on another, much more depraved, level to me.

To each their own though...
Hoping that someone else who has also donated can answer a quick question about donations: The strangest thing just happened. In all the years I've used Paypal I've never had them initiate a call to me but they just did - questioning whether or not I authorized a payment to The Travis Alexander Legacy Fund. I confirmed that I had and that was that but now I'm hoping I used the right link and didn't accidentally send money where I shouldn't have. I used the link from this page to donate: That's correct, isn't it? I'm a little confused because I just checked and the email associated on the receipt isn't "Justice4travisalexander" but "
That has happened to us before. I think the cc company is leary of donations placed on line, and just wants to make sure you are authorizing it.
Bless your heart for donating.
I completely agree about making up the person as a "source" of info when the real source was HER hacking into his account or doing some other spying. I don't doubt that she confronted him about something she found out from hacking/snooping/following and that would be the ONLY way she knew.... He was totally on to her and, similar to CA, she made up imaginary people to fit into her story.

I also don't doubt that the reason he said 15min was b/c if he let her take her sweet time she'd create some fake email/profile...etc to create this fictitious character.

This reminds me. Didn't she testify that some time in may, she and TA decided not to have each other's passwords anymore? It jumped out on me when she said it. Is that just jodi-speak for "TA changed his passwords because he found out I had them?"

Is there any evidence HE had HER passwords?
I don't think sealed evidence can ever be admitted in court. Nurmi asked for it to be sealed, and it was. I don't even remember Juan fighting it. It's recorded in the minutes, but I can't remember which day to point you to - sorry.

Just makes me :banghead:!!!!! Must not have been worth it if JM didn't fight it.

The FB message from him to her (the "dildo w/a heartbeat") will eat at my brain like a zombie until I see it!!! :sigh:
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