Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #82

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I think that JA made a practice of snooping her whole life. It gave her power to know secrets about people. She would hug these secrets to herself, snickering about how clever she was, until she needed them. The problem is that JA had no compuction about using those secrets if it would serve her.

The guards caught one message she was trying to send. Were there others that got through? More 'don't you dare cross me' warnings?
Yes. And JM also asked DB if he consulted JA about media and possibly about meeting with DL for an interview. He answered "no"...But when JM asked him if he remembered meeting with JA and the same person for dinner he said "yes"...How freekin' weird is that?

Something is very off here.

Here's what I think. I think Daryl wants to have a case of Jodi-fog when it comes to this exchange. Why? Because he doesn't want to have to recall whether they were both empty.
I think he might've lent the two cans to Jodi with one of them having gas in it already. This would account for that odd 2.77 gallon 'top off' amount of gasoline.

Arco - Pasadena, CA, 6/3, 8:42 PM, Mastercard 2015, 8 gallons $35.06

Arco, Pasadena, CA, 6/3, 8:46 PM, 9.59 gallons, $40

Arco, Pasadena, CA 6/3; 2.77 gallons
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Arias Trial; Compare the receipts and the monetary transactions

Hmmm, I just read from the link above that that was 2 packages of hair color on that Walmart receipt? I thought it was Sunscreen? I can't make out what it says on the receipt even when I zoom in.


But if it was hair color maybe that's why she needed those two bottles of facial cleansers? To wipe/clean the dye from her face, neck, hands...etc?

Are we SURE she didn't stay in a hotel anywhere along the way???

There was no hair dye. It was 2 bottles of suntan spray.
Did Nurmi really say that? Well he is in for a surprise. Apparently some sleuthers found out only the gas pumps are working at the time of the morning. The store itself is closed. No food.
And nurmi knows EXACTLY what that purchase was, yet he still lies in court by making an objection.
Somehow I don't think THAT is in his job description.
Right, but here is British Columbia, Canada, they also circle the item on the receipt.

No circle on this receipt.

The only reason I say without a receipt is because there is no circle on her receipt. I totally agree with you.
Yes. And JM also asked DB if he consulted JA about media and possibly about meeting with DL for an interview. He answered "no"...But when JM asked him if he remembered meeting with JA and the same person for dinner he said "yes"...How freekin' weird is that?

Something is very off here.

I'm so glad to hear I'm not alone in my feelings towards the weird lying of DB. I still think there is a gold mine there in them thar hills we haven't heard yet.
He and MM are my special focus just now. I can NOT wait for the rebuttal.
And nurmi knows EXACTLY what that purchase was, yet he still lies in court by making an objection.
Somehow I don't think THAT is in his job description.

Wasn't that $19.00 purchase the one made from an account Willcott and Nurmi both seemed unaware of before JM presented the bank statement in court?
I'm so glad to hear I'm not alone in my feelings towards the weird lying of DB. I still think there is a gold mine there in them thar hills we haven't heard yet.
He and MM are my special focus just now. I can NOT wait for the rebuttal.

Have you searched for MM on the world wide net? He's virtually impossible to find. Strange that.

I'm so glad to hear I'm not alone in my feelings towards the weird lying of DB. I still think there is a gold mine there in them thar hills we haven't heard yet.
He and MM are my special focus just now. I can NOT wait for the rebuttal.

DB maybe. But do you think EITHER side will call MM?
Wasn't that $19.00 purchase the one made from an account Willcott and Nurmi both seemed unaware of before JM presented the bank statement in court?

They seem to be unaware of most of the evidence brought into court so, yes, maybe. They were hilarious when they were reviewing the magazines. Like a sitcom. (Like they were pretending to be in court.)

While reading everyone's comments, something else occurred to me. If JA said Travis wanted tasteful above the waist shower photos, how does she explain that he sat (who does that) on the floor of the shower for a picture that is definitely not just above his waist?
IMO she said she was squatting by the shower while taking photos to explain why the picture of him sitting exists. It doesn't make sense to me.
Maybe she planned on burying him in the desert, which would take quite some time and be in the sun.

My thoughts were more along the lines of Cancun supplies...just in case. But she would've been quite early. Your guess is as good as mine. Who KNOWS?!
Yeah, I agree.

From what we've read allegedly from Travis doesn't seem to match his actions.

How can someone understandably be this upset and yet, have phone sex with her in the following week(s)?

Or how can someone be this pissed----after having two sets of tires slashed----suspicious Jodi is hacking into his cyber accounts----- and suspects Jodi sneaking into his house----have a tryst with her on June 4th?
It makes no consistent sense.

I wonder if between June 4th and July 17 (when she was arrested) if she tweaked her paper trails? I mean, could she have modified dates and photos and phone calls?
I know there's an app where you can pretend someone is calling you but it's really a fake call. I'm pretty sure that was available in 2008. Maybe not.

But something doesn't feel fluid between Travis' words and Travis' actions.
Anyone agree?

That's how their relationship after they broke up seemed to be. Happens a lot with people. They get mad at each other (or one gets mad at the other) and then they make up. Having been stalked for years my self by an ex, I hate to admit it but it's just easier to let them keep coming back even though you don't want them because they're so relentless and escalate their behavior the more you try to get rid of them. A lot of fear and worry goes along with all that if not fear that they'd hurt you but fear that they'll get you fired because of stalking you at work, fear that you can't have any new love interest stay with you because of the nutty stalker, etc. You just keep hoping that eventually they'll get it that you don't want them anymore and move on on their own.

It's also hard because the more they plead and cry the more it's hard to forget the things you DID like about them, and even find yourself wondering if YOU are the problem, not them, and you're really just being unkind or selfish or downright mean. It's a really crazy thing to go through. You really do start questioning your own mind a lot even though you KNOW you don't want them or even can't stand them and they're messing up your whole world. Looking back, I truly believe that the more generally nice a person is the harder it is to get rid of a stalker... stalkers prey on that one kindness quality and exploit the heck out of it. They are truly selfish and horribly manipulative people.
Does this prove she did not return the 3rd gas can at Walmart?

Didn't she have the other 2 gas cans from DB? Unless she burnt those in the desert...

Did Nurmi really say that? Well he is in for a surprise. Apparently some sleuthers found out only the gas pumps are working at the time of the morning. The store itself is closed. No food.
Heck yeah you and popcorn! Me I got stocked up on. Canned sodas! Cup of noodles! Baked a pineapple side down cake! I'm like ready for tomorrow!
Got my Ativan ! Handy

Canned sodas, gotcha. Pineapple cake, yummm, got that for sure. Cup of noodles... well, ok. But, Ativan? :what: That stuff makes me into a total zombie if I take it for more than one day, LOL.
Yes it def was break-up; make-up. And the "make-up" seemed to be sex... for Travis.

Jodi wanted more but Travis would not give her more.

That's how their relationship after they broke up seemed to be. Happens a lot with people. They get mad at each other (or one gets mad at the other) and then they make up.
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