Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #82

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I am sitting up in the middle of the night because we had to put our beloved Golden Retriever down today,had her since a pup.Just can't sleep,the house is not the same without her,miss her dearly.

Just reading your post, I feel your grief. The sad fact is that our treasured companions do not live as long as we do. You are among friends here and feel free to vent all you want. :beats:

Can't wait for the trial to begin today and see JM continue to provide JA with enough rope to hang herself with all her lies.
Sorry if someone already addressed this since once again I'm several pages behind...

Recall that her cover story was going to be that she was not in Arizona at all when Travis was killed and hadn't seen him since whatever date it was that she had last seen him (I think she told the police it was April that she'd last seen him). In order for her to leave no paper trail of her being in Arizona like stopping for gas, she calculated the miles per gallon of the rental car with the miles she had to drive to get in and out of Arizona and discovered that it would take a full tank in the car plus THREE 5 gallon tanks of gas. So, she borrows only TWO tanks from her ex and buys the third one at Walmart on her own that no one is supposed to know about, but of course, her financial records from Walmart have her buying that 3rd gas can. This way she could say that she borrowed only two gas cans from her ex, so there's no way that she could have gotten in and out of Arizona without three of them.

Her excuse for having any gas cans at all is that she wanted to save the money in the higher gas prices having to buy gas on the road though that makes no sense once she discovered that she did buy that third gas can because the amount of that third gas can was equal to or higher than the amount of money she would have saved with the higher gas prices. She did admit that yes, she did buy that third gas can and realized that it was illogical to have done so given her reason for saving a few bucks in buying gas, BUT she insisted over and over that she never used that third gas can and returned it to Walmart unused on the same day that she bought it and received a cash refund for it. She even interupted Martinez when he mentioned she used three gas cans exclaiming that NO she only used the two she borrowed and returned the third to Walmart unused.

And that's when Martinez pulled the paperwork on her to prove she was lying about it and that it pointed to her premeditation to murder Travis becaue her story at that time was that she was never in Arizona at all, and that she KNEW she needed that 3rd gas can in order to have enough gas to get in and out of Arizona with no papertrail of her having purchased any gas there. He hits her with the gas receipts that she made three gas purchases at the same gas station at the same time - one receipt was for filling the car tank, one receipt for filling the two gas cans she borrowed from her ex AND one for filling that third gas can. She purposely only turned over the receipts for filling the car tank and the receipt for filling the two borrowed gas cans and pretended the third receipt for that 3rd gas can she insists she didn't use and returned to Walmart for a cash refund as though it didn't exist and to hide the fact that she DID purchase gas for that third gas can and used it.

Martinez showed her her own bank statement that showed her creditcard purchases for all this gas and showed that the third mysterious purchase she insisted that she didn't make was equal to the price of 5.09 gallons of gas - for her 5 gallon third gas can. She still tried to insist she never used that third can, but the bank statement proves that she did because the store that was part of the gas station was closed at that time she made these gas purchases, and the only thing that could have been purchased at that station at that time was gas and only with a credit or debit card swiped at the pump. She knew she couldn't argue that she spent that money for that third receipt on food and drinks in the store (that just sooooo happened to add up to the price of 5 gallons of gas) because at this point she would have known that Martinez already knew that the store part of the gas station was closed at the time she made those gas purchases.

Martinez then immediately hits her with the lie she told about returning that third gas can to Walmart for a cash refund because it was unused that Walmart has no record of her returning that gas can though she tries to continue to insist that she did even though everyone knows that no one can return anything to any store and get a refund for it without the store having a record of the return.

It was then that her face fell and you could totally see that she knew, the jury knew, and everyone knew that she was totally caught and she had nothing at all to offer as an excuse for any of this. It's like she never took into account any of the paper trails of the businesses that used as if they don't keep their own records... the gas station, her own bank, Walmart, etc.

That's where the trial ended for the day, and now we wait for it to pick up again to see what happens. Oh, that shell-shocked look on her face when she realized she was caught out and could come up with nothing off the cuff to excuse it all was just PRICELESS!

All this gas can business shows that she premeditated the murder by making all these pre-planned preparations of disguising that she was in Arizona at all which was her cover story until after she returned home and was caught out by the police under questioning and had to come up with a new story that yes, she was at Travis's house after all. All this info about the gas cans is the PROOF that she attempted to hide the fact that she was in Arizona and her cover story to match is PROOF of premeditation to go to his house to kill him.

More on the gas cans today I'm sure ... I'd like JM to ask her WHY she had to refill the gas cans in the 1st place - when did she empty them the 1st time ?
Repeating my post from yesterday. Did anyone else notice her two different answers?

Whoa - have to admit, I did not hear both answers. I did hear the one about the trip with the guys, but not the suicide one. I think I just went into a fog when she, yet again, talked about a suicide that would never happen. I'm sure Juan caught it and saved it for later. Good observation!
I just love it when Juan gets her going and she sits there and has to wrack her brain like crazy trying to figure out what he's got up his sleeve, as he turns his back on her and shuffles thru some papers......I love it!! If looks could kill......LOL Today will be great!!
OMG! That's a scream! :floorlaugh:

Hey, we should have a drinking game where every time Nurmi puts his finger in his nose we all have to take a drink... on second thought, maybe not since we all might end up totally blotto on the floor before the morning court session is half over, and I might end up at the back of the line for the ladies room!

LOL I'll join in :drink:
Matt McCartney [COMMENT RE-POST]
Here’s another interesting post from Matt McCartney - detailing his 2 year relationship with Jodi – originally posted Jan 3rd 2013:

Take a look at her permanently deformed hand, where he broke her finger in one of his many angry outbursts.
Q. Why wasn’t it set?
A. She didn’t go to the hospital that’s why. She was protecting him.
Q. Why didn’t she go to the hospital???
A. Because a report would be made that could lead back to him and he knew it.
Jodi is an artist. Her hands are a critical element in her life. Not only is she a photographer, she is also a painter.
I personally witnessed the purple finger shaped bruises on her neck. She originally claimed was from a seat belt. Later, after much debate, she admitted they were from him. She assured me that: “He is a good man” and “He didn’t mean it”.
In one of our many conversations, I asked her why she wouldn’t “Just leave him.”
She said: “I can’t leave him, you don’t understand, I’ve tried. He wont let me!” She refused to elaborate.
I was Jodi’s boyfriend for around two years and in that time, she wouldn’t so much as squish a bug. I caught her on many occasions, fishing bugs out of the tub, so they wouldn’t get washed down the drain. She had this crazy neurotic cat, that would flip out and attack her for no reason and she didn’t so much as swat it. Jodi is NOT a violent person!
When we ended our relationship, I was living and working at a distance. During that period, I began spending time with a colleague. One of my douche bag coworkers decided to “inform” her. There was lots of crying, many talks and a few letters. She was NEVER VIOLENT in any way. We remained friends and since then, she had a few other relationships ending with Travis. I personally know the man she was with before Travis. He and Jodi maintained a friendly relationship after they parted. He also had NO issues with violence. So why now? What changed?
Before Jodi was arrested we would talk on a regular basis. I am one of her longest lasting friends and former lovers. I could be a important character witness. At one point, I asked Jodi to leave me out of this situation, so as not draw attention to myself or my new family and since then, she has.
Her life is on the line. She could get the death penalty. Yet she’s made it a point not to involve me.
Why? Because I asked her not to….
That is the kind of person Jodi is!”


BBM...first of all, JA may be an "artist" but she sucks at being one.

So, if we believe this DB...TA wouldn't let JA leave. Uh huh...sure. I supposed TA had some mystical grip on JA and controlled her from AZ while she was living in CA. Hogwash.

Regarding the bugs in the tub...what kind of craphole place did they live in? Who has bugs crawling in their tub? The fact that he bring sit up makes me think that this was a common occurrence...gross!

JA has made it a point not to involve this clown because she can't trust that he'll keep up with her lies.

How stupid is this guy?
Whoa - have to admit, I did not hear both answers. I did hear the one about the trip with the guys, but not the suicide one. I think I just went into a fog when she, yet again, talked about a suicide that would never happen. I'm sure Juan caught it and saved it for later. Good observation!

She bought the gun to dig for gold with men she hardly knew. She bought the gun to commit suicide. Was she gonna do this while panning for gold? Which is it? Neither answer makes sense but nothing she says does.
I am sitting up in the middle of the night because we had to put our beloved Golden Retriever down today,had her since a pup.Just can't sleep,the house is not the same without her,miss her dearly.
just want to say that I am sorry that you are going thru this. sending love...
I am sitting up in the middle of the night because we had to put our beloved Golden Retriever down today,had her since a pup.Just can't sleep,the house is not the same without her,miss her dearly.

Huge hugs to you Lucy
Sorry if someone already addressed this since once again I'm several pages behind...

Recall that her cover story was going to be that she was not in Arizona at all when Travis was killed and hadn't seen him since whatever date it was that she had last seen him (I think she told the police it was April that she'd last seen him). In order for her to leave no paper trail of her being in Arizona like stopping for gas, she calculated the miles per gallon of the rental car with the miles she had to drive to get in and out of Arizona and discovered that it would take a full tank in the car plus THREE 5 gallon tanks of gas. So, she borrows only TWO tanks from her ex and buys the third one at Walmart on her own that no one is supposed to know about, but of course, her financial records from Walmart have her buying that 3rd gas can. This way she could say that she borrowed only two gas cans from her ex, so there's no way that she could have gotten in and out of Arizona without three of them.

Her excuse for having any gas cans at all is that she wanted to save the money in the higher gas prices having to buy gas on the road though that makes no sense once she discovered that she did buy that third gas can because the amount of that third gas can was equal to or higher than the amount of money she would have saved with the higher gas prices. She did admit that yes, she did buy that third gas can and realized that it was illogical to have done so given her reason for saving a few bucks in buying gas, BUT she insisted over and over that she never used that third gas can and returned it to Walmart unused on the same day that she bought it and received a cash refund for it. She even interupted Martinez when he mentioned she used three gas cans exclaiming that NO she only used the two she borrowed and returned the third to Walmart unused.

And that's when Martinez pulled the paperwork on her to prove she was lying about it and that it pointed to her premeditation to murder Travis becaue her story at that time was that she was never in Arizona at all, and that she KNEW she needed that 3rd gas can in order to have enough gas to get in and out of Arizona with no papertrail of her having purchased any gas there. He hits her with the gas receipts that she made three gas purchases at the same gas station at the same time - one receipt was for filling the car tank, one receipt for filling the two gas cans she borrowed from her ex AND one for filling that third gas can. She purposely only turned over the receipts for filling the car tank and the receipt for filling the two borrowed gas cans and pretended the third receipt for that 3rd gas can she insists she didn't use and returned to Walmart for a cash refund as though it didn't exist and to hide the fact that she DID purchase gas for that third gas can and used it.

Martinez showed her her own bank statement that showed her creditcard purchases for all this gas and showed that the third mysterious purchase she insisted that she didn't make was equal to the price of 5.09 gallons of gas - for her 5 gallon third gas can. She still tried to insist she never used that third can, but the bank statement proves that she did because the store that was part of the gas station was closed at that time she made these gas purchases, and the only thing that could have been purchased at that station at that time was gas and only with a credit or debit card swiped at the pump. She knew she couldn't argue that she spent that money for that third receipt on food and drinks in the store (that just sooooo happened to add up to the price of 5 gallons of gas) because at this point she would have known that Martinez already knew that the store part of the gas station was closed at the time she made those gas purchases.

Martinez then immediately hits her with the lie she told about returning that third gas can to Walmart for a cash refund because it was unused that Walmart has no record of her returning that gas can though she tries to continue to insist that she did even though everyone knows that no one can return anything to any store and get a refund for it without the store having a record of the return.

It was then that her face fell and you could totally see that she knew, the jury knew, and everyone knew that she was totally caught and she had nothing at all to offer as an excuse for any of this. It's like she never took into account any of the paper trails of the businesses that used as if they don't keep their own records... the gas station, her own bank, Walmart, etc.

That's where the trial ended for the day, and now we wait for it to pick up again to see what happens. Oh, that shell-shocked look on her face when she realized she was caught out and could come up with nothing off the cuff to excuse it all was just PRICELESS!

All this gas can business shows that she premeditated the murder by making all these pre-planned preparations of disguising that she was in Arizona at all which was her cover story until after she returned home and was caught out by the police under questioning and had to come up with a new story that yes, she was at Travis's house after all. All this info about the gas cans is the PROOF that she attempted to hide the fact that she was in Arizona and her cover story to match is PROOF of premeditation to go to his house to kill him.

Super post. Thanks!
I just hope we don't have to hear questioning from Bormi today.

He drives me crazy with his s-l-o-w talking. Hey Nurmi, "Wanta know how that makes ME feel?" BORED!!!
And he's always johnny on the spot with the side bars. He does realize that it is a "side bar", and not and all you can eat "salad bar" doesn't he?
Walmart/all such businesses must have to keep all their records for taxes for years, too.

Don't know about the stores in CA or AZ, but every single store I've been to where I've returned a purchase required some documentation from me - i.e., receipt to verify purchase, me signing something verifying the return and credit back to card or cash, etc.

I don't believe for one second that Walmart lets anyone walk in off the street with (or without) a receipt and they take the merchandise back, give the person cash and don't have any record of it.

Is JA is so stupid that she thinks saying she received cash somehow erases any trace of her returning the gas can?
Hello and Gooood Morning!!

Finally the day we've been waiting for! I'm so excited! I got all my food ready (cheesy casserole) and some sweets.

I can't wait to see JM hammering down JA on all her pathetic lies. Go JM!!!
OMG! That's a scream! :floorlaugh:

Hey, we should have a drinking game where every time Nurmi puts his finger in his nose we all have to take a drink... on second thought, maybe not since we all might end up totally blotto on the floor before the morning court session is half over, and I might end up at the back of the line for the ladies room!

I think left nostril is "no" and right nostril is "yes". Sometimes it looks painful how far up the left one he has to go to get her attention. :floorlaugh: His whole manner is just revolting.
How do we know that Arias didn't give her dog food for days? I heard that somewhere. What an evil person! And then she has the nerve to pretend as though she liked Napolean. I bet Napolean hated her. Dogs have such amazing sense about these things. Yay for man's best friend. :)
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