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Because he is too shy to do this himself, I wanted to post that Annasbro will be running in the Boston Marathon this Monday April 16th at 10am EST. If you would like to follow his progress and cheer him on via the internet, go to and search for participants under the last name of "Trimis". Because each runner has a tracking chip in there shoe, you will be able to see when he passes each checkpoint.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the sport of marathoning, it started back in ancient Greece when the Greeks suffered a major military defeat. One soldier was chosen to run back to the King's castle (26.2 miles away) and and inform him of the events. The soldier ran the distance nonstop, informed the King, and promptly dropped dead. And from this ignoble beginnings, someone years later decided to do it again...for fun (?!?). Heck, I get exhausted walking to the fridge for a beer.

On behalf of middle-aged fat guys everywhere, I say:

Go, Bro, go!
Because he is too shy to do this himself, I wanted to post that Annasbro will be running in the Boston Marathon this Monday April 16th at 10am EST. If you would like to follow his progress and cheer him on via the internet, go to and search for participants under the last name of "Trimis". Because each runner has a tracking chip in there shoe, you will be able to see when he passes each checkpoint.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the sport of marathoning, it started back in ancient Greece when the Greeks suffered a major military defeat. One soldier was chosen to run back to the King's castle (26.2 miles away) and and inform him of the events. The soldier ran the distance nonstop, informed the King, and promptly dropped dead. And from this ignoble beginnings, someone years later decided to do it again...for fun (?!?). Heck, I get exhausted walking to the fridge for a beer.

On behalf of middle-aged fat guys everywhere, I say:

Go, Bro, go!
You can also type in his bib number (12040) and see where he is in the course and how fast he's running!
Wow--I guess I need to formally introduce myself. My name is Julessleuther and I live in CA. I was adopted at age 5. As an adult, after a seven yr search, I successfully found three natural siblings (from various states in the Southwest). I have met two of them, but for private reasons have not met the third. I have also met my birth mother, my older natural brother and sisters father, and am aware of where my birth father is (I have absolutely NO interest in meeting him). Through my (and some of my older natural sisters research) we have uncovered many family skeletons, lies, and even perhaps another sibling out there in this world. I have a real quest for the truth, aftering being told so many lies. The research has been interesting, but many times emotional, so I have put my own "work" on a back burner for now. Perhaps someday I will ask for your help with my research. From learning the "ropes" of research, I have become interested in helping others find missing people and information. I have lurked at websleuths for two yrs but just recently joined to start helping others. I have so much to learn from those of you who are veterans at sleuthing and tip my hat to you for all you do. I hope in the course of my help that I do not step on any toes, and that I can truly be helpful to those who need it! :blowkiss:
Welcome, Jules. We can always use another geneaological researcher here! I never would have guessed when we started this process how often researching family trees would come into play in our hunt. SherlockJr has been invaluable in snooping out family ties that have eliminated several possible matches for Anna, but in the process located birth families for those girls. She and the other researchers here have been a godsend to us - they have our eternal thanks.
Hi, My name is also Anna and I came to Websleuths via the search for the identity of Boulder Jane Doe in Colorado. Obviously, Anna's name caught my attention and I have regularily checked on the status of the search. I'm 52, single (with a sweet boyfriend and future plans) and the proud guardian to three Shelties in my life. (They have bed right too!) I have some law enforcement experience early in my career and current full time work keeps me too busy. I look forward to retirement and hopefully becoming more involved in this style of research. One success makes every minute worth it, what a way to "Make a Difference" in someone's life. God's Blessings to Dr. Doogie, Annasmom and all you dedicated websleuthers no matter what cases you're working with.
Hi, I'm LuAnne, 53, with daughters, 20 and 26. I'm from Alabama and, as well as the daughters, I have 2 dogs, a hamster, and a rabbit. I am retired from federal civil service and reading is my favorite hobby. I visit here quite a bit, since following a Sharon Marshall link from another website. I'm very impressed with the progress this case is making. I don't say much on here, but I am here for support and I'll be cheering you all on!
(Keep in mind that I am asking this as an owner/servant of three cats) Does everyone here on WS have a higher than average amount of pets? :rolleyes:
(Keep in mind that I am asking this as an owner/servant of three cats) Does everyone here on WS have a higher than average amount of pets? :rolleyes:

Yes, I think we do! I have 3 dogs, an english bulldog and two pound puppies ( there not puppies anymore!) we also have a guinea pig, two aquatic turtles and a fish.

And allow me to introduce myself. My name is Melissa, I was born and raised in Killeen, Texas and now live in Mississippi with my husband and two kids ages 7 and 2. I found this website in January and was a spectator until today. The hard work and dedication I have seen on Websleuths finally gave me the courage to start a thread on what has always been "taboo" in my family. One of my sisters went missing in July of 1990 and was never seen again. I hope to someday have answers to what happened to her.
(Keep in mind that I am asking this as an owner/servant of three cats) Does everyone here on WS have a higher than average amount of pets? :rolleyes:

I've got a dog and a cat... used to have a hamster, but those little guys only last 4 years if your lucky, and after about the 5th hamster, I said enough! LOL!
(Keep in mind that I am asking this as an owner/servant of three cats) Does everyone here on WS have a higher than average amount of pets? :rolleyes:

5 cats (had 8 cats at one time) ... oh yeah, guess I never introduced myself on this thread either: 35 years old (in a few days), living in Finland, mostly a lurker (I'm awfully forum-shy). Can't remember why I came to Websleuths in the first place, but I'm staying here for Anna's case.
(Keep in mind that I am asking this as an owner/servant of three cats) Does everyone here on WS have a higher than average amount of pets? :rolleyes:
I don't have a higher than aver number of pets, but mine are bigger than average, and one cat who runs the show. :D
Welcome to all the new posters on WS!!!
Hi, just started reading about this case today and I am hooked. My heart goes out to Anna's family. But I do, as well as many other's, hold high hopes that she is alive.

My name is Katie and I'm a 21 year old dental hygiene student from Missouri. I love animals(have 7 pets)and regularly volunteer at shelters. My family and friends mean the world to me.

Anyways, you all are in my thoughts and prayers!
(Keep in mind that I am asking this as an owner/servant of three cats) Does everyone here on WS have a higher than average amount of pets? :rolleyes:

Nine cats here at our house. They were all rescue kitties! They control the house. We just pay the bills and provide the food.
(Keep in mind that I am asking this as an owner/servant of three cats) Does everyone here on WS have a higher than average amount of pets? :rolleyes:

Doogie, sounds that way doesn't it? And if some don't have an above average amount of pets, they sure do treat them like people. Everyone always makes a comment on how completely and totally spoiled my two boys are. While I only have 2 dogs, and that's a big stress on the "only", it sure seems like there's at least 4 of each of them. Everytime I turn around they're there, even if they were upstairs a few seconds before that. And due to their size, 140 and 95 lbs, they average out to about 5 normal size dogs. LOL

Great work on the case, you are truly amazing and I can see why Anna's Mom says you are her hero!
My name is Lori and I was a lurker on WS for a while until I finally had to ask just 1 question. I wasn't prepared to think of a log-in name so I just picked something silly real quick thinking I would never ask another question...LOL (I really wish there was a way to change my log in name!)

Anyway, I became hooked on Anna's case almost immediately.

I'm a stay at home mom of 2. They are both in school now, so I have taken on a few book keeping part time jobs at home. We live on a farm, out in the middle of nowheresville...we have lots of pets...(grin).

I have become very interested in genealogy over the last several years and have traced my fathers family back 12 generations to 1700's cool. I'm now working on my mothers side, but her maiden name is almost as popular as Smith! It's very difficult.

My husband and friends call me a "Jack of all trades"...I warmly remind them I am a master of none. As you may have noticed, I have a vivid imagination, impatient, and usually see the glass half-empty.:rolleyes:

Here's wishing the best for "C", Anna, her loving family, and all who have helped to get to this point! Cheers!
Welcome to all of the new posters (and pet lovers)!

I have had an interest in Anna's case dating back to 1974 when I first met her family. I was a teenager (friends with Anna's two brothers) at the time and unable to really do anything to help the family in their search. It wasn't until the last couple of years that all of the planets aligned to allow me to have the time and the tools in place to look for Anna.

Consider this: if there were no such things as home computers and the Internet, we would have never had access to the information that has lead to the progress that we have made. And if cyber-communities such as Webslueths did not exist, we never would have been able to gather such a distinguished group of people who have been the true heros in this story.

Several people refer to me as a "super-sleuther" and such, but the reality is that my role has been more of a manager of the different directions the information has lead us - it is you people that have generated the evidence and ideas that have moved this case along. My contribution has been more in line with nudging the investigation in certain directions, then stepping out of the way as gung-ho members here ran with the ball. None of these researchers has been seeking glory, only to do whatever they could reunite Anna and her family. I have been receiving a lot of kudos recently, but I want everyone to know:

You all are my heroes!
(Keep in mind that I am asking this as an owner/servant of three cats) Does everyone here on WS have a higher than average amount of pets? :rolleyes:

Hmmm - I suppose I do - have five kitties that reside inside, and in the garden a hare along with a colony of stray/semi wild cats, that we feed and have made a couple little houses for.
Annasbro finished the Boston Marathon with a time of 3:47:07. And this was done in harsh weather!

As I watched him pass the 5K, 10K, etc markers, I was thinking how I would have been puking at the 2K mark and paramedics would have been using the defibbulator paddles on me by 3K.

Great job, Bro!
Annasbro finished the Boston Marathon with a time of 3:47:07. And this was done in harsh weather!

As I watched him pass the 5K, 10K, etc markers, I was thinking how I would have been puking at the 2K mark and paramedics would have been using the defibbulator paddles on me by 3K.

Great job, Bro!
Well, we all have different kinds of endurance. I held my breath until I knew those 50 MPH winds hadn't blown him away! His actual running time was 3:32:21. I don't know how they compute the difference between that and the official time. YAY!!!

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