Iran - Ukrainian Airlines Boeing 737 crashes, 180 possible fatalities, Tehran, 8 Jan 2020

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Iran plane crash: Iranian regime accuses U.S. of "spreading lies" as CBS News finds crash site cleared of debris - Live updates
January 10, 2020 / 3:09 PM
"Iranian officials have denied claims that they mistakenly shot down a Ukrainian passenger jet and accused the United States of "spreading lies" about intelligence suggesting they did. The plane crashed early Wednesday morning soon after takeoff from Tehran's airport, killing everyone on board."

"15m ago
"Reason" for crash to be announced tomorrow, Iran's news agency says
Iran's semi-official state media, Fars News Agency, said Friday that the cause of the crash of a Ukrainian airliner outside Tehran on Wednesday will be released three days later, on Saturday. Earlier on Friday, an Iranian official said it could take "one or two years" to complete the investigation, Reuters reports.

"The reason for the collapse of the Ukrainian passenger plane will be announced tomorrow after a meeting of the Air Accidents Commission, attended by both domestic and foreign parties involved in the incident," reads a translated tweet from Fars"

I wonder what reason they will come up with and who is to blame if they admit they themselves at are fault I will be shocked.
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Iran plane crash: Iranian regime accuses U.S. of "spreading lies" as CBS News finds crash site cleared of debris - Live updates
January 10, 2020 / 3:09 PM
"Iranian officials have denied claims that they mistakenly shot down a Ukrainian passenger jet and accused the United States of "spreading lies" about intelligence suggesting they did. The plane crashed early Wednesday morning soon after takeoff from Tehran's airport, killing everyone on board."

"15m ago
"Reason" for crash to be announced tomorrow, Iran's news agency says
Iran's semi-official state media, Fars News Agency, said Friday that the cause of the crash of a Ukrainian airliner outside Tehran on Wednesday will be released three days later, on Saturday. Earlier on Friday, an Iranian official said it could take "one or two years" to complete the investigation, Reuters reports.

"The reason for the collapse of the Ukrainian passenger plane will be announced tomorrow after a meeting of the Air Accidents Commission, attended by both domestic and foreign parties involved in the incident," reads a translated tweet from Fars"

Imo, the only one who is blatantly lying is Iran as usual.


Imagine our surprise.

Found out that the child of someone close to me was classmates with one of the little ones killed in this attack. It reminded me of when I was the same age and my classmate never came back from the holidays because she died in a car crash with almost all of her family. I remember having trouble sleeping in the weeks that followed because I didn't know if she was scared before she died. Kids that age understand pain and grief, but they don't have all the tools to process it or talk about it. The ripples are felt for generations.

Sorry for the aside; this one really got me.
I’m absolutely shocked the Iranian Government has admitted the truth. I’m very sorry I made an assumption about them and got it wrong. It really worried when the crash site wasn’t secured and then they started clearing it that the truth wasn’t going to come out.
I’m absolutely shocked the Iranian Government has admitted the truth. I’m very sorry I made an assumption about them and got it wrong. It really worried when the crash site wasn’t secured and then they started clearing it that the truth wasn’t going to come out.

I think they saw the writing on the wall also when videos started surfacing where you could actually see the missile go up and then hit the target, and they knew there would probably be more proof to expose it from governments/lay folks. That one article that I saw earlier tonight had a new video in it which clearly showed such imo.

ETA: It's in this report video, and was the first I've seen of it on the thread.

Verified videos show plane in Iran struck before fiery crash

and I guess I missed as also in this one which has better photos/explanation on it. And you can even see the plane lit up when the missile explodes as on YouTube and can enlarge and stop on frames. (I find best view if I copy video url and paste in new tab to open YouTube vs. viewing within WS)

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Iran admits to 'unintentionally' shooting down Ukrainian airliner, blames 'human error'

human error meaning what, they thought they were shooting at a different target? they thought the plane was full of Americans? they aimed improperly? they were practicing? someone accidently pushed the wrong button? what?

I think the only reason they admitted it is because there were so many people of Iranian descent on board

My guess, they'll say the human error was that the pilot made a turn over the area he should not have been flying, and went into territory where they had Surface to Air missiles that went off automatically, therefore unintentionally downing a commercial airliner.

We shall see.

ETA: Editing S to A ... to surface to air
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I just keep hoping the victims died very quickly those poor men, women and children. I can’t begin to imagine how horrific their final moments were. This can never ever happen again.

like they had to have known they were hit with something and the plane was on fire
I just hope they thought they were going to land safely and that the actual realization didn't occur to them in those 30+ seconds
My guess, they'll say the human error was that the pilot made a turn over the area he should not have been flying, and went into territory where they had S to A missiles that went off automatically, therefore unintentionally downing a commercial airliner.

We shall see.

oooh the missiles are automatic?
what is S to A? something to air?

I thought the plane was on a regular flight path?
like they had to have known they were hit with something and the plane was on fire
I just hope they thought they were going to land safely and that the actual realization didn't occur to them in those 30+ seconds

oooh the missiles are automatic?
what is S to A? something to air?

I thought the plane was on a regular flight path?

Unfortunately, the Bloomberg Quicktake media YouTube video (new one) shows that the plane was on fire as it was coming down for almost a minute.

S to A = (Possibly Automatic) Surface to air missiles. They don't necessarily hit a target, but blow up right next to their target.

The New York Times has an article explaining in the last hour, behind a paywall, yet is read aloud in YouTube here. (link to the article is within the youtube video)

I think they saw the writing on the wall also when videos started surfacing where you could actually see the missile go up and then hit the target, and they knew there would probably be more proof to expose it from governments/lay folks. That one article that I saw earlier tonight had a new video in it which clearly showed such imo.

ETA: It's in this report video, and was the first I've seen of it on the thread.

Verified videos show plane in Iran struck before fiery crash

and I guess I missed as also in this one which has better photos/explanation on it. And you can even see the plane lit up when the missile explodes as on YouTube and can enlarge and stop on frames. (I find best view if I copy video url and paste in new tab to open YouTube vs. viewing within WS)

Yeah, once those videos came to light, and multiple governments said that there was compelling intelligence that Iran shot it down, they had little choice.

This wasn’t about doing the right thing, but about saving face when more evidence came to light (which was inevitable).

They merely admitted what the world already knew.
Sad. It reminds me of watching "Independence Day", when everyone around the world came together to fight a mutual enemy.

Not that I want the world invaded by aliens, bent on destroying the earth. But, I guess, I wish that people would realize we are all on this rock together.
Iran announced early Saturday that it had accidentally shot down a Ukrainian passenger jet, blaming human error because of what it called the plane’s sharp, unexpected turn toward a sensitive military base, according to a statement issued by the country’s military.

The announcement reversed Iran’s claims that mechanical issues caused the crash of the aircraft on Wednesday, which killed all 176 people aboard. It had persistently denied that Iranian military defenses had downed the aircraft, a Boeing 737-800.

The Iranian military's statement said the plane “took the flying posture and altitude of an enemy target” as it came close to an Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps base. It said that “under these circumstances, because of human error,” the plane “came under fire.”

The statement said that the person responsible for shooting down the plane would face legal consequences, and that the military would undertake “major reform in operations of all armed forces” to make sure that such an error never happened again. It said Revolutionary Guards officials had been ordered to appear on state media and give the public a full explanation.

Much more at link

Iran Says It Unintentionally Shot Down Ukrainian Airliner
Javad ZarifVerified account Twitter

Foreign Minister of Islamic Republic of Iran

“A sad day. Preliminary conclusions of internal investigation by Armed Forces: Human error at time of crisis caused by US adventurism led to disaster Our profound regrets, apologies and condolences to our people, to the families of all victims, and to other affected nations.”

I knew Iran would try and pass some of the blame onto the United States.
Javad ZarifVerified account Twitter

Foreign Minister of Islamic Republic of Iran

“A sad day. Preliminary conclusions of internal investigation by Armed Forces: Human error at time of crisis caused by US adventurism led to disaster Our profound regrets, apologies and condolences to our people, to the families of all victims, and to other affected nations.”

I knew Iran would try and pass some of the blame onto the United States.
Ha! Absolutely. They couldn’t say they didn’t do it, but they could try and shift the blame.

Basically: “You killed our general, and created this crisis.”

Obviously ignoring the fact that started this all in motion, both with recent acts (contractor killing and embassy attack), and decades of terror.

It’s a complete cop out, but not an unexpected one. They’ve already got plenty of people making the argument for them.

Iran should have grounded all flights, especially if they have a military that can’t be trusted not to fire on unidentified aircraft flying at low altitude in the vicinity of a major airport.

I wouldn’t be surprised if people are made as scapegoats, found guilty at a sham trial, and executed.

Just for optics.

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