Is FCA headed back to Orange County for Probation?

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oh yeah, she get's away with ton's of stuff. Like sitting in jail for three years for a crime a Jury found her NOT GUILTY of.

If she spent three years in jail while she knew that it was an accidental drowning then it was a choice of her own making. All she had to do was admit it early on and things may have been different. Why wait 31 days plus three years?
Yes...she has gotten away with a lot of stuff...the jury did not say she was innocent (according to remarks some have made) they did not think she was guilty of the felony murder charges.
They did find her guilty of lying to the OCPD and other's who were trying to help her find Caylee.
Why lie???
Three years wasn't nearly enough. This is my own opinion and you do not have to agree.
No actually...she got 412 days for her other felonies...and she got time for her guilty verdicts. Did she deserve some kind of medal for "losing" her daughter and failing to tell anyone?

Oh you are so right!!!! She did not do a minute of time for baby Caylee.
Sickening - but she will get it back 10 fold.
Well, it's good to know KC is not completely invincible. Maybe she will violate her terms of probation somehow and end up back in jail where IMO she belongs? Time shall tell..

One can only hope...and considering how long OJ's luck took to run out...there is that...hope!:dance:
I"m just too jilted to think FCA is seething. Uncle Baez prolly just told her it was a technicality and worse case, she has to show for a hearing. If she does have to serve probation, a bif IF, she'll be allowed to call in due to personal safety reasons and likely be able to serve it wherever she wants to. I'm not going to celebrate just yet..... She'll probably get an oline job at one of her DT's lawfirms.
:waitasec: They better enjoy their "vacations" now ... because if CFCA has to do probation in Orange County ... they are going to have their "hands full" !


Why, what does it have to do with Cindy and George?
If the Anthonys had lived in Texas, and Casey was tried in Texas, I wonder how this would have ended.

The same outcome. People in Texas on a jury convict on the evidence that the prosecution presents just like anywhere else in the country. Ya have to connect the evidence to the accused, you all!!!! :seeya:
:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

Yep ... Cindy is the ONLY PERSON who will have her ...

I am sure her DT is looking to get RID of her ...


Once they found out she was worthless they probably are the ones that requested Judge Strickland enforce this to get rid of her. :floorlaugh:
Why? Look at the media coverage his signing has created. I believe, in Florida, Circuit Judges are an elected position. With all the public outcry against Casey Anthony what better way to garner public support?

After all, we know he had to recuse himself for inappropriate contact in the first place. Once inappropriate, who knows again....

Assuming this is true, why would Judge Strickland have signed the order, instead of letting it go ?
We are not debating the case here. Get back on topic. This is about the new order of the judge. Go to the appropriate threads.

Also.........stop the snark.

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Actually Judge Strickland is up for re-appointment. He was recused from the case because he was accused of bias and he recused himself to avoid appeallate issues on future decisions made by him. While he may have made a truthful statement about KC and the truth being strangers, he isn't well liked in Orange County, FL.

I'm all for having her supervised...I JUST DON'T WANT HER BACK HERE IN CENTRAL FLORIDA...let her serve it somewhere else.

Where did you find information that Judge Strickland isn't well liked here? Do you have a link?
Once they found out she was worthless they probably are the ones that requested Judge Strickland enforce this to get rid of her. :floorlaugh:

:great::floorlaugh: Yep ... and those big $$$$$ interviews have NOT come in ...

Hopefully, CFCA will have to do "probation" and then we will see HOW MANY interviews and $$$$$ she will get then ...

Why? Look at the media coverage his signing has created. I believe, in Florida, Circuit Judges are an elected position. With all the public outcry against Casey Anthony what better way to garner public support?

After all, we know he had to recuse himself for inappropriate contact in the first place. Once inappropriate, who knows again....

BINGO...Strickland is up for re-election...he is unpopular and he's banking on gaining support for making Casey come back and serve her probabtion here in O-town.

He could care less that the citizens of this town are emotionally exhausted and disgusted by the MEDIA FRENZY that has been created. We seriously do not need any more of this.

He won't get my vote and I know a lot of people that won't vote for him. I also fired off an email letting him know I didn't appreciate him forcing her to come back her to serve her probation... that the LAW ABIDING good people of Orange County need a BREAK from this crazy train for a good long while. He knows she could have served that where ever she is now. Sometimes it's better to let sleeping dogs lie than wake them up and open a whole new can of worms.

I hope that he doesn't get re-elected.
This 'we' knows nothing of the sort! Judge Strickland did nothing inappropriate. Baez tried to make something of him speaking to a fat head blogger in open court while it was being recorded, mind you. I'm not going to re-hash it for you. You're quite capable of looking up the facts for yourself.

Assuming this is true, why would Judge Strickland have signed the order, instead of letting it go ?

Prob because it is something the court would have to approve and Not a Automatic thing? That's my guess anyway.
BINGO...Strickland is up for re-election...he is unpopular and he's banking on gaining support for making Casey come back and serve her probabtion here in O-town.

He could care less that the citizens of this town are emotionally exhausted and disgusted by the MEDIA FRENZY that has been created. We seriously do not need any more of this.

He won't get my vote and I know a lot of people that won't vote for him. I also fired off an email letting him know I didn't appreciate him forcing her to come back her to serve her probation... that the LAW ABIDING good people of Orange County need a BREAK from this crazy train for a good long while. He knows she could have served that where ever she is now. Sometimes it's better to let sleeping dogs lie than wake them up and open a whole new can of worms.

I hope that he doesn't get re-elected.

I appreciate your not wanting your citizen back in FL but, what makes you think it's any other states responsibility to take your cast-offs just because FL is tired of all the hoopla...?
This 'we' knows nothing of the sort! Judge Strickland did nothing inappropriate. Baez tried to make something of him speaking to a fat head blogger in open court while it was being recorded, mind you. I'm not going to re-hash it for you. You're quite capable of looking up the facts for yourself.

Remember the DT's hit list:

1. All of SA - they wanted them removed and replaced with a new team.
2. Judge Strickland - he made the mistake of talking to a blogger (who supported KC) and commenting on how fair he thought the man was with his blogs in full view of everyone in the courtroom. JS reclused himself.
3. Judge Perry - CM wanted him to step down because he did not think he was being fair and impartial.

Then we have all those DT members that jumped ship:
TL, TM, AL, LKB, Dr. Lee, and many of their experts they originally planned on using.
BINGO...Strickland is up for re-election...he is unpopular and he's banking on gaining support for making Casey come back and serve her probabtion here in O-town.

He could care less that the citizens of this town are emotionally exhausted and disgusted by the MEDIA FRENZY that has been created. We seriously do not need any more of this.

He won't get my vote and I know a lot of people that won't vote for him. I also fired off an email letting him know I didn't appreciate him forcing her to come back her to serve her probation... that the LAW ABIDING good people of Orange County need a BREAK from this crazy train for a good long while. He knows she could have served that where ever she is now. Sometimes it's better to let sleeping dogs lie than wake them up and open a whole new can of worms.

I hope that he doesn't get re-elected.

You're mad at the wrong person. JB's the one who brought and kept KC in the national spotlight. jmo
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