Israel - Palestinian militants launch massive attack, 7 Oct 2023 #11

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I doubt anything gets to the Palestinians free and clear. IMO Hamas hoards supplies and food and sells it to the Palestinians at exorbitant prices.
I hope once Hamas is wiped out (especially militarily) and a new government is in place, everyone will rally to help rebuild and support. Hamas is the root of all evil.
Great post. ^^^
Yep, I edited my comment.
Thanks for clarifying this.
36s ago
The below satellite image – taken on 11 November – shows Gaza’s al-Shifa hospital complex. The specialised surgery department is housed in the multi-storey building to right and slightly above the plume of white smoke. This is where a witness reported seeing soldiers entering.

A satellite image taken on 11 November showing the al-Shifa hospital complex.

A satellite image taken on 11 November showing the al-Shifa hospital complex. Photograph: Maxar Technologies/Reuters


Exclusive: Found document suggests Iran sought to help Hamas make its own weapons ahead of attack, sources say​

A document recovered from a computer found inside a Hamas pickup truck outside Gaza, obtained by CNN from Israeli officials, shows a Hamas military commander requesting a scholarship for Hamas operatives to study engineering, physics and technology at universities in Iran.

But even if Hamas operated in these tunnels under hospital, I doubt they are still there.

They can be anywhere, underground, on the ground.

They know this area like the back of their hand.

The tunnels are like a spider's web.

Yep. They're gone, unless there is some miracle.

Also incubators won't do any good without electricity. Shifa said they already have enough incubators.
I did not see any battery packs attached to the incubators that Israel was loading yesterday.

Biden and Netanyahu have spoken in recent hours​

We are hearing from the White House that US President Biden and Israeli PM Netanyahu have had a phone call discussion.

In a statement, the White House said both leaders "discussed at length ongoing efforts to secure the release of hostages held by Hamas, including many children and a number of Americans".

The US is still yet to comment on the Israeli forces' raid at the hospital. We'll get more to you as more lines emerge.

Biden had earlier on Tuesday said the hospital must be protected.

How is air supplied to the underground tunnels? Generators? I am sure IDF is searching for the air supply.

I’m not sure about air supply specifically, good question, but noting from the below video this terrorist’s house has solar panels connecting to the tunnels for energy, see around 3:00. His house and tunnel entrance is right by a school and leads toward a hospital, iirc:


Eta: I do recall an episode of “Hunting Hitler” where a camouflaged/hidden air vent pipe thing was discovered above ground, supplying air to underground.

Eta2: Re: the solar panels, maybe this is something military intelligence may be scanning for from the air/space.
Last edited:
Yep. They're gone, unless there is some miracle.

Also incubators won't do any good without electricity. Shifa said they already have enough incubators.
I did not see any battery packs attached to the incubators that Israel was loading yesterday.
I think the incubators will be used to transport the babies out of Gaza. Could be the power supply to run them are in the ambulances??

Honestly just guessing.
1 min ago

Biden and Netanyahu discussed efforts to free hostages at length​

From CNN's Kevin Liptak

US President Joe Biden “discussed at length” efforts to free hostages with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu on Tuesday, the White House said.

The phone call came as talks to free hostages in Gaza appear to be intensifying.

47s ago

Gaza’s health ministry has been quoted by Palestinian news agency Shebab as saying that “dozens of soldiers” have entered the al-Shifa emergency department building, and that tanks have entered the complex.

Previously, Ahmed Mokhallalati, a surgeon at al-Shifa, has told Al Jazeera that Israeli tanks and bulldozers had entered the al-Shifa complex.

The Guardian has not been able to verify the claims.

Yep. They're gone, unless there is some miracle.

Also incubators won't do any good without electricity. Shifa said they already have enough incubators.
I did not see any battery packs attached to the incubators that Israel was loading yesterday.
I think the incubators will be used to transport the babies out of Gaza. Could be the power supply to run them are in the ambulances??

Honestly just guessing.
They have to have a plan. I can't believe they'd go to all this trouble without one. The world is watching.


Tanks and over a hundred soldiers have entered Al-Shifa​

Rushdi Abu Alouf
BBC News

Earlier we received an update from Khader Zaanoun, an eyewitness inside Al-Shifa hospital.

This is the latest from him:

“I saw six tanks inside the hospital and more than a hundred commandos soldiers, they entered the main emergency department, some of the soldiers were masked and screamed in Arabic 'don’t move don’t move'."

1 min ago

Biden and Netanyahu discussed efforts to free hostages at length​

From CNN's Kevin Liptak

US President Joe Biden “discussed at length” efforts to free hostages with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu on Tuesday, the White House said.

The phone call came as talks to free hostages in Gaza appear to be intensifying.

And no doubt they discussed the Senate vote on $$$ and lack thereof.

3 min ago

UN trucks expected to refuel at Rafah crossing and bring fuel into Gaza on Wednesday, US official says​

From CNN's Jennifer Hansler

UN trucks are expected to refuel at the Rafah crossing on Wednesday, a US official told CNN Tuesday.

The refueling would mark the first time that Israel has allowed fuel into the enclave since the October 7 Hamas attacks.

Without fuel, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees has said its aid operation in Gaza is approaching an end.

“It is very simple. Without fuel, the humanitarian operation in Gaza is coming to an end. Many more people will suffer and will likely die,”Philippe Lazzarini, the UNRWA commissioner-general said.

US Special Envoy for Middle East Humanitarian Issues David Satterfield said in recent weeks that the US expects that additional fuel will be brought in once existing fuel runs out and that there is an agreed mechanism in place. This fuel would only be going to southern Gaza, he noted.

Israel has accused Hamas of hoarding and diverting fuel, and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Friday that “Israel has raised appropriate concerns, concerns that we share, about Hamas’s hoarding and siphoning of fuel in northern Gaza.”

Axios was the first to report on the expected refuel.


"A network of hiding places and tunnels under the hospital.

'Hamas has been building it for 16 years'.


Analysis of Israeli intelligence operational data shows that Hamas began building secret rooms under Al-Shifa Hospital two years after Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip. This means in 2007.

Initially, they focused on drilling subsequent, deeper levels under hospital basements.

These rooms were then connected to a network of tunnels that run under the entire Gaza Strip.

These tunnels are used by terrorists and are not accessible to civilians.

According to 'The New York Times', the rooms under Al-Shifa Hospital are large enough to accommodate several hundred terrorists.

They are equipped with numerous exits -
some of them lead to the hospital,
others to the outside of the building complex.

The underground facilities, which are owned by Hamas, are partly powered by electricity they draw from the hospital."

2m ago

Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu speak​

The White House has said Joe Biden spoke to Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday afternoon and discussed “ at length ongoing efforts to secure the release of hostages held by Hamas, including many children and a number of Americans”.

The statement does not mention al-Shifa hospital.

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