Israel - Palestinian militants launch massive attack, 7 Oct 2023 #8

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Hamas takes the last 600 litres of fuel left in the resevoir at Indionesian Hospital:

Recording of call beween the Hopital Director and a Gazan Resident embedded into below linked article:

In English! That was like impossible to translate via Google

IDF releases intercepted call that exposes Hamas terrorists are stealing fuel from Gazan civilians, hospitals​

American pediatrician Dr. Barbara Zind (w/ @ThePCRF) was able to leave Gaza today. Early this morning, she told me the past 3 weeks involved sleeping outdoors, moving locations, water & food shortage, diarrhea outbreak, poor sanitation, no showers in her group of foreign medics



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From News4SanAntonio

Stark generational divide seen among Americans over Israel support

WASHINGTON (TND) — As college campuses rumble with protests, age appears to play a notable role in which side Americans support in the Israel-Hamas war.

A new Wall Street Journal/Ipsos poll found younger Americans are much less supportive of Israel than older Americans.

Around 40% of those polled under 30 years old say the U.S. has a responsibility to help Israel fight Hamas, which is well below the 73% of Americans 65 and older who feel that way.

NPR also has a more in-depth article...

The educational system has done a disservice to our youth over the last 30 years, so this doesn't surprise me. We see this on college campuses all over the country.

Faculty at our colleges and universities have their own agendas and students are taught what their professors want them to believe, not non-biased history, world affairs, political science, social work, etc. Just look at the diversity of the fields of the 100 faculty at Columbia who signed the letter supporting the pro-palestinian protests from diverse fields like history, social work, education, medical, law, etc.

I know that 300 faculty at Columbia signed a letter against the protests, but the 100 who signed a letter in support of the protests are just the tip of the iceberg at our colleges and universities.

ETA: When faculty start calling each other "comrades" instead of "colleagues" it gets your attention.

The educational system has done a disservice to our youth over the last 30 years, so this doesn't surprise me. We see this on college campuses all over the country.

Faculty at our colleges and universities have their own agendas and students are taught what their professors want them to believe, not non-biased history, world affairs, political science, social work, etc. Just look at the diversity of the fields of the 100 faculty at Columbia who signed the letter supporting the pro-palestinian protests from diverse fields like history, social work, education, medical, law, etc.

I know that 300 faculty at Columbia signed a letter against the protests, but the 100 who signed a letter in support of the protests are just the tip of the iceberg at our colleges and universities.

ETA: When faculty start calling each other "comrades" instead of "colleagues" it gets your attention.

It was that way when I was in college in the 70's. And I went to po-dunk U

I primarily posted the article for informational reasons. Support for wars by the US somewhat depends on public support. Yes, there is some nasty rhetoric out there, but younger people tend to want to avoid war and conflict. That's my perspective.
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Hamas is threatening to perpetrate the October 7 Massacre a "second, third, fourth" time.

There will be no ceasefire. We will not rest until Hamas' machine of genocide is completely erased.

Your existence is illogical, Hamas. Logic will be restored.
View attachment 457413
The leadership of Hamas has made perhaps its most important statement, most definitive statement…ever….here in this interview. He does not obfuscate or spin or sugarcoat Hamas’ intentions. The massacres of Oct 7 are to be repeated over and over until Israel ceases to exist.

I fear this statement will now be the bedrock foundation to any debate/ decision etc about a ceasefire or future conduct of the war.

Hamas official vows to repeat Israel attacks ‘again and again’ until it’s destroyed

Ghazi Hamad, a member of the militant group’s decision-making political bureau, warned that Gaza leadership would replicate the coordinated Oct. 7 attack, referred to by the terrorists as Operation al-Aqsa Flood, which killed more than 1,400 Israelis and took some 240 hostages.

“The al-Aqsa Flood is just the first time and there will be a second, a third, a fourth because we have the determination, the resolve and the capabilities to fight,” Hamad said in an Oct. 24 Lebanese television interview republished by British outlets Wednesday.

Hamad said the terrorist organization is willing to “pay a price.”

“We are called a nation of martyrs and are proud to sacrifice martyrs,” Hamad said. “Israel is a country that has no place on our land. We must remove that country because it constitutes a security, military and political catastrophe to the Arab and Islamic nations, and must be finished.”
And that is exactly the ideology that dictates that Israel can, and must, erradicate Hamas and win this war.

Hamas made that choice on behalf of Palestinians in the Gaza on 7 October 2023.

Hamas continues to utilize civilians as shields and has, with full intent and purpose, placed their military targets in/on/next to and under protected structures such as hospitals, mosques schools and in residential areas. They continue to pillage and plunder their very own citizens and the precious resources intended for those civilians that the world-at-large has paid for. They are despicable human beings. They deserve no quarter and Israel cannot give them an ounce of it; they are an existional threat.

They are however masters at playing the public sympathy card and having everyone fall for it despite this being a monster of a beast of their very own making upon their own innocent Palestinians.

"We did not want to harm civilians." <--- The BIG Lie. YOU, not Israel, TARGETTED them Hamas; you targetted Israeli civilians and you cower behind Palestinian civilians. You are full up cowards. WW2 already proved what happens when one allows the Big LIE to permeate and fester ... Where is the "rolly eyes" icon in here? :rolleyes: (found it!)

But Israel ... but Israel.

Stay strong Israel. I stand with you.
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The leadership of Hamas has made perhaps its most important statement, most definitive statement…ever….here in this interview. He does not obfuscate or spin or sugarcoat Hamas’ intentions. The massacres of Oct 7 are to be repeated over and over until Israel ceases to exist.

I fear this statement will now be the bedrock foundation to any debate/ decision etc about a ceasefire or future conduct of the war.

Hamas official vows to repeat Israel attacks ‘again and again’ until it’s destroyed

Ghazi Hamad, a member of the militant group’s decision-making political bureau, warned that Gaza leadership would replicate the coordinated Oct. 7 attack, referred to by the terrorists as Operation al-Aqsa Flood, which killed more than 1,400 Israelis and took some 240 hostages.

“The al-Aqsa Flood is just the first time and there will be a second, a third, a fourth because we have the determination, the resolve and the capabilities to fight,” Hamad said in an Oct. 24 Lebanese television interview republished by British outlets Wednesday.

Hamad said the terrorist organization is willing to “pay a price.”

“We are called a nation of martyrs and are proud to sacrifice martyrs,” Hamad said. “Israel is a country that has no place on our land. We must remove that country because it constitutes a security, military and political catastrophe to the Arab and Islamic nations, and must be finished.”
I have a sneaking suspicion that even if Hamas were to win Gaza, obliterate Israel, that would not be the end of it...JMO
How can any country support this ideology? This is literally the question that it all boils down to. If nobody supported HAMAS and it's ridiculous plans, then this would have been over by now. But here we are.. countries backing what HAMAS has done. Other terrorist groups jumping in to attack Israel. Other "leaders" chiming in with support for HAMAS and condemning Israel.. relief organizations more worried about a cease fire and getting aide in to Gaza than the atrocities that were committed on Oct. 7th.. some can't even condemn what HAMAS did.. maybe they refuse to see it for what it is. They can't see that HAMAS is just stealing the aide that is brought in.. the fuel needed to run the hospitals is being stolen, the supplies are being stolen by the terrorists so they can continue to commit their evil acts. At some point cutting off the resources will create a situation where HAMAS will be willing to release hostages because they can't continue to operate without being resupplied somehow.

I do not understand how a group that wishes for the total eradication of Jews (or any population of people on this planet) is okay with anyone that isn't a terrorist.
I have a sneaking suspicion that even if Hamas were to win Gaza, obliterate Israel, that would not be the end of it...JMO
Oh totally not.. they would go after the next country in their way.. then what? Maybe Egypt.. see how much their tune would change if this was happening to their country.

"An attack from another direction on Israel.

They join the war.

Shiites from the Houthi movement support the Palestinians in the fight against Israel.
They are probably responsible for the explosion in Egypt and the three attacks on Israel.
They use rockets and drones to fire.

On Tuesday, Israel was hit by a large number of rockets and drones, said Jahia Sari, spokesman for the Shiite Houthi militia in Yemen.
He announced that the Houthis would carry out more such attacks to
'help the Palestinians achieve victory', Reuters reports.

The Houthi movement -
an Islamist political and armed organization -
is supported by Iran.
Its base is the Zaidi tribes, a branch of Shiism living in northern Yemen.
A Houthi spokesman said in a televised speech that the organization had attacked Israel three times since the beginning of the war with Hamas.

The Houthis were probably behind the October 28 explosion in Egypt, for which Israel was blamed.
They may also be responsible for the launch of three missiles on October 19, which were intercepted by the US Navy, comments Reuters.

- The Houthis will launch attacks on the Jewish state until Israeli aggression ends, said a spokesman for the organization.

In response, Israel deployed missile boats in the Red Sea to protect the country against air attacks.

The Houthi's main slogan:​

'Death to America, death to Israel'​

'Death to America, death to Israel, a curse on the Jews and victory for Islam' -
this is the main slogan of the Houthi Movement.

The Yemeni organization is financially and militarily supported by Iran.
That's what Saudi Arabia says.
In 2014, a revolt against the dictatorial rule of President Ali Abdullah Salah began in Yemen.
Arab states led by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates joined the war a year later, fighting against the Houthis.
In 2021, the parties to the conflict concluded a temporary truce, which continues to this day."

From my country's MSM
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The Jewish Ultra-Orthodox also known as the Haredi are usually an Anti-Zionist and Anti-Israeli Sect of Judaism with them being Exempt from Mandatory Military Service in Israel as a result of the “Torato Umanuto” Agreement, so the fact that 120 Members of the Ultra-Orthodox Sect decided to Fight for the State of Israel is a Massive Deal.
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"Comrades" haha

It made me laugh.
And also reminded me of my childhood, as my country was in USSR orbit - it was even called
"the merriest barrack" :D

Memories, memories....;)
My great grandfather, born in 1882 used that term for his friends.
The struggle is real in the US ;)
Actually it was real where he came from, but when I got his book translated, "Comrade this", "Comrade that". Made me chuckle.

The Jewish Ultra-Orthodox also known as the Haredi are usually an Anti-Zionist and Anti-Israeli Sect of Judaism with them being Exempt from Mandatory Military Service in Israel as a result of the “Torato Umanuto” Agreement, so the fact that 120 Members of the Ultra-Orthodox Sect decided to Fight for the State of Israel is a Massive Deal.
Watching the ultra-Orthodox singing Hatikvah, dressed in uniforms which are totally unlike their standard religious clothing, makes me cry!!!

Just to clarify…there are many ultra-Orthodox in Israel. They, by definition, are NOT anti-Israel or anti-Zionist.

What they are actually is that they believe their lives must be devoted completely to the study of Torah, and they spend no time in secular activities that distract from that. That’s the men—the women’s lives are devoted to children and home.

You’re right, this is an ENORMOUS and PROFOUND departure for them. It demonstrates what a crisis this is for the Nation of Israel.

There does exist though a splinter sect, I see them sometimes here in NYC, that DOES believe Jews have no business living in Israel, because their belief is that the Messiah has to come first.

I know several ultra-Orthodox in Israel. Most were born here and moved to Israel because they too believe it is the Holy Land.
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