JB Hospitalized

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:rolleyes:Maybe this is JB's way of taking our minds off the new doc dump coming later this week??? NOT!!!!!!!!! :)
I hope this is minor and he is better as soon as possible. Both b/c that is the nice thing to say, and also b/c a change of counsel at this point would delay the trial further. Which I don't think our nerves could take!

Just my thoughts exactly...bolded. Any defense lawyer knows that any delay works in their favor......usually. I have been waiting for the delay hammer to drop. I do hope he is ok. Gastro stuff....awful.

When you keep things bottled up inside....bad for you. Especially if there is something you can't share but hide. If there is going to be a doc dump this week. I am on pins and needles now.
Stress will really make you sick. I don't care for JB and I think he is in over his head, but just having gone through testing for stomach problems myself, I feel for him in that respect.

He really needs to step down and let her have an attorney that knows how to handle a case like this.

Yes stress can have that affect on you, so can KC. Uh from what I've heard from the Talking heads, NO BODY in their right mind wants it. :tipsy:
Maybe Baez has had a gallbladder attack from sharing bologna sandwiches and candy bars with KC in the jail cell.
I hadn't pondered the untoward effects of bologna, but gall bladder was my first thought. He has been spending ungodly hours on this case, I am sure (and therefore less physically active and likely more apt to grab what he can for meals)---and has gained weight. He's in the prime age category for gall bladder disease to rear its head, as well. I hope he recovers quickly.
don't forget Dakota. :confused:

Argh! You're right! I forgot about little Dakota :(

So to recap: Caylee murdered, George hospitalized, Tim Miller hospitalized, Dakota hospitalized, Baez hospitalized.

I wonder how many people involved in and related to this case have been hospitalized but it didn't hit the media.

I have found that if you look at sociopaths, you find that the people around them get sick and have accidents and are hospitalized with what seems like more frequency than the norm. I think it is the cruelty and stress they inflict, both intentionally and not, on people who surround them. It is a part of the extensive damage they do to others.

Sociopaths are dangerous!!
Argh! You're right! I forgot about little Dakota :(

So to recap: Caylee murdered, George hospitalized, Tim Miller hospitalized, Dakota hospitalized, Baez hospitalized.

I wonder how many people involved in and related to this case have been hospitalized but it didn't hit the media.

I have found that if you look at sociopaths, you find that the people around them get sick and have accidents and are hospitalized with what seems like more frequency than the norm. I think it is the cruelty and stress they inflict, both intentionally and not, on people who surround them. It is a part of the extensive damage they do to others.

Sociopaths are dangerous!!

This is sooo true! You gave great insight in your post.:clap::clap::clap:
Does anyone know how JB is doing? Since he was hospitalized it must have fairly serious. I can't seem to find any information on this thread.
Does anyone know how JB is doing? Since he was hospitalized it must have fairly serious. I can't seem to find any information on this thread.

Doubtful that is was serious. Notice he "checked himself in", i.e. probably walked into the ER, and "tests were done" (also probably in the ER), probably never even admitted to a room, since his spokesperson only said he was "back at work Mon.and feeling fine".

<<WDBO Local News

Jose Baez in hospital over weekend
By Drew Petrimoulx @ February 16, 2009 5:55 PM Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBacks (0)
Casey Anthony's defense attorney Jose Baez checked himself into a hospital Friday night with a "stomach ache" according to his spokeswoman Marti Mackenzie.
She would not say how long he stayed, but said doctors ran several test as a precaution. >>

Mackenzie said Baez was back at work Monday and feeling fine.>>
If he read the docs and the part about the duct tape, he may have had his blood pressure shoot sky high. He has to know (deep down) that she is evil and did this horrible thing to her baby girl. But yet he still has to defend her as though she were innocent. I often wondered how attorneys could defend anyone who has harmed a child and go on with their daily lives. Just a job I guess.
Doubtful that is was serious. Notice he "checked himself in", i.e. probably walked into the ER, and "tests were done" (also probably in the ER), probably never even admitted to a room, since his spokesperson only said he was "back at work Mon.and feeling fine".

<<WDBO Local News

Jose Baez in hospital over weekend
By Drew Petrimoulx @ February 16, 2009 5:55 PM Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBacks (0)
Casey Anthony's defense attorney Jose Baez checked himself into a hospital Friday night with a "stomach ache" according to his spokeswoman Marti Mackenzie.
She would not say how long he stayed, but said doctors ran several test as a precaution. >>

Mackenzie said Baez was back at work Monday and feeling fine.>>
Well every time I have been admitted to the hospital, I had to "check myself in" and 'tests were done" so not sure what that means.

I agree it is unclear if he was actually admitted or just tended to in ER. But at this point, that is neither here nor there since he is said to be doing fine.
Thanks for the info everyone.
not trying to minimize anyone's trips to the ER, just saying that I think if Baez spokesperson could have made it into more, she would, to garner some sympathy for him.
Well every time I have been admitted to the hospital, I had to "check myself in" and 'tests were done" so not sure what that means.

I agree it is unclear if he was actually admitted or just tended to in ER. But at this point, that is neither here nor there since he is said to be doing fine.
Thanks for the info everyone.

check myself in probably means instead of being taken by ambulance IMO
check myself in probably means instead of being taken by ambulance IMO

Could be alot of different things, but when I had a gall bladder attack my sister took me to ER, believe me it is extremely painful, I was doubled over. I wasn't admitted either, it passed and they did tests, found out it was gall stones and I had my gall bladder removed a week later. I stayed overnight, but now it's done as an out surgery procedure. You go home the same day in most cases.
Could be alot of different things, but when I had a gall bladder attack my sister took me to ER, believe me it is extremely painful, I was doubled over. I wasn't admitted either, it passed and they did tests, found out it was gall stones and I had my gall bladder removed a week later. I stayed overnight, but now it's done as an out surgery procedure. You go home the same day in most cases.

OMG, BTDT.... A gb attack is right up there with labor, imo- on second thought, maybe a little worse :eek:

JB could have been passing a kidney stone- another horribly painful condition that wouldn't necessarily require admittance. Would definitely keep him there all night on the good drugs until he passed it, though!
Could be alot of different things, but when I had a gall bladder attack my sister took me to ER, believe me it is extremely painful, I was doubled over. I wasn't admitted either, it passed and they did tests, found out it was gall stones and I had my gall bladder removed a week later. I stayed overnight, but now it's done as an out surgery procedure. You go home the same day in most cases.

Ditto for me. My DH had to take me in the middle of the night. Once they found the gallstones, I was released and didn't have surgery for over a week. As long as I ate no fat, I was mostly okay and back "at work" (read: taking care of a toddler and infant. LOL!).

Another thing is sometimes indigestion or anxiety causes stomach pain that mimics the symptoms of a heart attack. With his stress level he would be foolish not to get that checked out.

I am glad that he is okay. Casey has hurt enough people.
If he read the docs and the part about the duct tape, he may have had his blood pressure shoot sky high. He has to know (deep down) that she is evil and did this horrible thing to her baby girl. But yet he still has to defend her as though she were innocent. I often wondered how attorneys could defend anyone who has harmed a child and go on with their daily lives. Just a job I guess.

He is maybe still behind and reading the las doc dump. IMO

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