Jesse G. and his Father RJ on Gerado Fox

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I'm impressed with Jesse. I think he was very sincere, and honest. I can't fault him for having hope that Caylee is still alive. I think he loved can see it in the pictures of him holding her as a baby.

I think Jesse is simply having difficulty grasping what's happened. This is a trying time for him.
I'm with you, Leila. I think he still wants to believe he heard Caylee during the phone call on 6/24 but he's honest enough to say he can't be 100% sure like testify to it in court. It's also probably hard for him to imagine Casey being capable of killing Caylee. MOO
Thanks everyone who answered my question about when Casey told Jesse about Zanny the Nanny. I find it very interesting that she apparently invented this person months before Caylee disappeared. I wonder where Caylee really was when Jesse thought she was with Zanny.
I'm sorry, I want to be sure I understand clearly. Did he say that Casey mentioned Zanny the Nanny before or after Caylee disappeared?

Hi Chilly, I'm pretty sure he said Casey started mentioning Zanny last November when they started dating a bit again. Everything sounded feasable that she (Casey) said about the nanny that no one questioned her. Hope I have this right lol.
AFTER THEY became friends again, which was in June I believe.

News Flash:
Women need to stimulate their breasts to keep thier ducts from clogging up, Susan S thinks this should be done daily to prevent breast duct cancer!
I thought he said he's heard about her for about a year. Yikes, I can't wait for the transcript!!
I am uploading the segment with Jesse now. Jesse's father was not on, just a little snip of a previous show.
I wanted Geraldo to ask him about the ER trip in Feb of this year (08) when KC had the seizure!!!! JG said he hasn't seen Caylee since Dec 07 - so I guess he only went to the hospital and Caylee must have stayed at the house. But I wanted to hear his "take" on KC behavior, attitude, demeanor, etc. pre and post seizure which was THIS YEAR.
CA calling herself mommy in front of the casey

that aint healthy for anyone

my oh my ------- these people are a mess

it's normal for kids to do this if the grandchild lives with the grandparents, even with the parents there. What I would have liked to have knows is at what age was she doing this, and what was the reaction from Casey and Cindy.

Did Cindy allow this?

My grandkids did this when they lived with us, and I would always correct them and tell them "grandma".
Jesse said that Casey used to leave Caylee with him or his parents back in November (2007) ..... where did she work at that time?

I could be wrong but I thought he said before the paternity was proven his parents watched her, before they broke up the first time....
That caught my ear too. Especially in front of KC.

He took a lie detector test.... Did he pass a lie detector test? Hmmmmmm. Dear God, Please bring Caylee home very soon so all this madness may end. May LE find her so she may have a proper burial so the healing can begin and all the lies and mis-truths, and pain can stop. Amen.
I do remember Jessies father saying in an interview that Cindy was trying to blame his son for something.
Thank you for jogging my memory ~ yes, that was about a couple of weeks ago on Geraldo's show, I think his brother Craig was talking to Jesse's dad?
AFTER THEY became friends again, which was in June I believe.

News Flash:
Women need to stimulate their breasts to keep thier ducts from clogging up, Susan S thinks this should be done daily to prevent breast duct cancer!

my nephew saw her recently in person in NY recently.

he said she was super nice, but looked like a lot of work had been done on her... its ok with me - i dont care either way but isnt she supposed to promoting like......ummmmm natural things and not razor surgery :eek:
Jumping in - WOW - good stuff from Jesse.

Casey used Zanny name before - falling out between Lauren and Casey.

The way I understood it (but then again, I have CRAFT disease lately), Lauren was a friend and the first sitter and would come to the Anthony home.
Lauren got another job or went back to school, can't remember which, and that is why Casey needed another sitter. Enter Z. Never a mention of a falling out, by any of the Anthonys.

Which makes me wonder....
Lauren was coming to the home daily to sit Caylee.
During that time, did Casey have a job?
Paying a sitter to come watch your baby while you are out runnin' the streets?
Actually, the co-attorney for Casey, Michael Walsh, mentioned in an interview with Dan Abrams on MSNBC early on in the investigation that the ex-fiance was "mental." I would imagine the whole finger-pointing didn't orginate with Cindy, but instead from Casey and her attorneys.

What's inherently odd to me is the timing of this - Geraldo hasn't covered the Caylee Anthony case in 2 weeks and he comes back with... Jesse. Why?

I think he has been busy with politics and the hurricane. I dont think there is any other "reason" why JG is on Geraldo now and not a week or two ago.
WOW!!!! So, am I to understand that Cindy and KC are using the word murder, with Jesse framing KC by putting Caylee's body in the trunk?....if this is true, it means that Cindy is admitting that Caylee is dead.
Actually, the co-attorney for Casey, Michael Walsh, mentioned in an interview with Dan Abrams on MSNBC early on in the investigation that the ex-fiance was "mental." I would imagine the whole finger-pointing didn't orginate with Cindy, but instead from Casey and her attorneys.

What's inherently odd to me is the timing of this - Geraldo hasn't covered the Caylee Anthony case in 2 weeks and he comes back with... Jesse. Why?

I heard him say that he heard Casey was spreading the rumors.
What's inherently odd to me is the timing of this - Geraldo hasn't covered the Caylee Anthony case in 2 weeks and he comes back with... Jesse. Why?
Jesse is a huge 'get' for Geraldo. This is the first national interview he's given, and they flew him to NY for it.

Maybe he would have been on earlier if Geraldo wasn't preoccupied with back to back hurricanes.
Actually, the co-attorney for Casey, Michael Walsh, mentioned in an interview with Dan Abrams on MSNBC early on in the investigation that the ex-fiance was "mental." I would imagine the whole finger-pointing didn't orginate with Cindy, but instead from Casey and her attorneys.

What's inherently odd to me is the timing of this - Geraldo hasn't covered the Caylee Anthony case in 2 weeks and he comes back with... Jesse. Why?
The rumor?
BTW...even tonight they weren't real clear about who started the rumor...they play around with stuff like that...Geraldo talks about CA starting a rumor...then a little talk...then JG says he has heard "it" but never actually comes out and says he thinks it came from the As.
This kid sounds like he was taken in big time...but just don't know if I believe it 100%.

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