Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #22 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Bla, bla, bla, bla, bla. . .she continually talks so casually to the jury, the hand movement and everything, barf! I wonder if she is better off keeping her stories short.
Call George Clooney now to see if he'll play the part of Daryl.
I know it has been said already, but I am amazed how much memory she has. I can remember a few details from my relationship that I had in 1997.....but never this much. Too much detail equals lies lies lies.

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Is it memory or is she embellishing?
Commercial on HLN: Quick poll.

On a scale of 1-10, how would you rank JA as a major BS-er? :floorlaugh:
JA . . .

Relationship w/Matt . . . he was into Wicca . . .then they moved onto more Eastern religions . .. got into modern version of Trancendental Meditation (TM. . . . . wow that was a flash back) . . .

At that time JA didn't belong to a formal spiritual organization or denomination -considered self "Christian"

Total relationship w/Matt - 1 yr 8 mo . . . .never hit her, called her wh*re, Sl*t, 3 hole wonder . . . .

They stayed for a few months . . . . started arguing over little things. . . he went to Crater Lake?, she moved to Ashland not far from Medford . . . nagging he would leave his clothes everywhere - sometimes I would leave a dish in the living room - it was more about housekeeping . . . .

having discord in relationship . . .we decided to spend time apart but he would come to stay w/me on weekends. . . . I was hanging with his Dad's GF . . .. downloaded pictures onto computer . . .. pictures of him @ Crater Lake . . . found pictures of him with a girl . . .had a feeling - working @ Applebees . . . . 2 people said Hi Jodi - they worked @ Crater Lake . . . they took a vote and felt that she should know something . . . they said Matt was cheating on me .. . . .I figured it was the girl

Of all the boyfriends I had had . . I didn't expect it to be Matt . . . .

He was living @ Crater Lake and I was living in Ashland . . .

I drove up to Crater Lake - 2 dorms there - ran into a guy named Steve . . . told him what I knew . . .

Are the jurors having trouble hearing? If any time you cannot hear - raise your hand let me know (know many had trouble hearing yesterday)

JA didn't want to continue in the relationship if that was the case (he was cheating) . . .

I knocked on Bianca's door - Steve had run to warn her . . . he is gay, very animated, emotional, exaggerates . . . kinda funny . . .I could tell she was very nervous . ., ,

She is from Romania . . .she sat on one bed and I on the other - we talked for hour and a half . . . .

not yelling @ her . . . just chit-chat . . .I tried to not freak out, cry or get upset . . . she had no idea that we were together. . . . I didn't really have much emotion about it until I left her presence . . .

At this point it was really late - ended up crashing in Eddy's dorm . . . he is from Yreka - family knew each other . . . he said you sleep here there are 2 beds. . . .

Haven't talked to Matt until drive back to Medford . . . he came there . . . . confrontation over @ his dad's house - I knew the day he was getting back - he was on the phone w/Bianca - went outside to talk about it . . . didn't want his Dad to hear conversation . . .

Right before Sept 11, 01 . . . . wasn't heated but we were both crying when we broke up . . . .I wanted to leave the area because Matt and I had a good experience in that Southern area of Oregon - all those towns that entire area . . . .

There was a martial arts instructor . . . .

He referred me to another place of employment in Big Sur, Calif . . . . like Selinas but I had never been there . . . resort called Ventana Inn and Spa . . . applied for a job and interviewed by Darryl

I drove down there and interviewed w/Darryl - it was in the afternoon - I was a little apprehensive about moving all the way out there - when there is an overflow the employees are allowed to use the campgrounds . . . .campgrounds were mostly all opened . . .. I was trying to get a trailer . . .

when Matt heard what I was doing . . . the job he had applied to didn't work out in Crater Lake . . . .

So the breakup discussion was not the last time you talked? . . .

Yes there was a period after we broke up we didn't talk for about a week . . . sticky situation and he was really ashamed of his behavior . .. I think his mother shamed him a little . . .

He was gonna live with you in this tent . . .
Yes . . .
A rekindling?
Not really - there were blurred boundaries because we were comfortable with each other . . . one time still sexual with him . . considered it platonic . . . I had some feelings for him . . . .

After about 2 weeks living in a tent I secured housing. . . he stayed in the tent for some time . . ..

initially I was just a server in the Resteraunt . . . eqivilent as Denny's . . .

No it was classified High Star resort . . . high profile celebrities . . . our guests were treated discreetly . . .

one of the better payin jobs?
Most of the servers make the tips . . . but the tip out . . . . the tip was huge . . . after the tip out was huge . . . I was still walking away with more than Applebees. . .

I was there 3 years . . . following summer in 2002 - the wedding coordinator having stomach pains - found out she had pancreatic cancer and died within a month . . . .I worked in her position for a short time . . worked w/brides and grooms. . . returning phone calls, sending out wedding packages . . ..

Not at that point in relationship with Darryl Brewer . . . . .in 2001 summer . . . . in May 2001 the resteraunt closed for remodel - we moved the resteraunt over to . . .

Darryl and I worked closely together - I developed a crush on him . . . he was my boss. he was going to resign told people at the briefing . . . wanted to let me know that so it wasn't like a shock . . ..

Working with him since I was hired . . .
working relationship? a friendship . . .

I would not even call it a friendship - we didn't fraternize

He was in a supervisory role . . . neither of us said anything . .
Prior to that we discovered our mutual interest in each other . . . about a week later he stepped out of his supervisory role

I was 22 and he was 42 . . .
I wasn't so much concerned about dating him as I concerned about other people view it . . . I saw him as a George Clooney type . . . we had a lot of similar interest . . . .age gap and worry about how other view the relationship

knew he had a son saw few times @ resteraunt . . . relationship . . he kept things very private that I didn't care for but I loved him . . .
"You can't always control where your heart's gonna go..."

There's no indication that Jodi ever made an attempt to control her emotions or actions
DB testified that he was not legally divorced, right?
Oh she's a 49ers fanatic. Now that makes me thrilled they lost the Super Bowl.
Sounds like she's getting ready to throw the latest b/f under the bus.

He's got a lot of company!

just sayin'
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