Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #28 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I totally agree that the pic is not TA and could possibly be DB. Wouldn't they at least have confirmed that the picture was sent to JA from TA's phone?

There's no telling...knowing her defense team. LOL
I don't think I'll be tuning in to the trial testimony tomorrow. Last time, I barely got through her anal rape fabrication. It was sickening. I never thought that she would go that far with her lies. It's only going to get worse. We may even hear that the little boys were infants.
I know what you mean. I'm batting around just reading the forum and not listening to her at all. It makes it easier on me if I don't actually hear it.
A guy called into Dr. Drew on one of the shows and said she borrowed money from him. He realized later that it was for THAT trip. IIRC he said that she was on her laptop all frantic and said that she was going through an ugly breakup. She told him the guy was seeing other women and she needed to get there ASAP. I don't think he said she mentioned Mesa. I could be remembering it a little fuzzy, but I remember thinking it was odd that he wouldn't have been asked to be a witness.

That's pretty much how I remember it as well. I wish the guest by phone would have been allowed to speak more. Dr Drew's sidekick kept interrupting with her opinions.
Sassy, I was thinking the same thing after I saw the pic of DB fingers. IMO that pic is of DB and not Travis. I can see Juan calling him back to the stand....and I don't think DB would lie about it either.


IMHO - not the fingers but I think I do know what fingers match, but I don't know if I can post it. I sent a note to a mod to ask. I have not heard back. If I get the green light, I will say whom I think the fingers belong to. Otherwise, I will just sit on my thoughts.
This link has some interesting information.

"Eagleman says that many people survive shots to the head because bullets are relatively small and travel at high velocity. When shot just right, a bullet can quickly enter and exit the skull without inflicting too much damage."

The above is what happened to Travis.

As for the bleeding issue, I reviewed the ME trial testimony. He did state that he found no hemorrhaging in the brain, but the brain had already decomposed to the point that it was no longer possible to observe the bullet trail. I feel that the brain's state of decomposition erased the evidence of bleeding on the inside.

He also stated that he could not be 100% if he was dead when the bullet entered and exited his brain.

A trauma surgeon would say very different. This very article says only 1/3 live, half of which die within the month and nearly all have severe cognitive defects. TA would be one lucky son of a gun. Although he's not lucky at all thanks to JA :( the 1/3 figure seems overreached to me and I take all .com articles with a grain of salt

Bullets are not small relative to the brain and they do cause much damage local and globally. This article is erroneous
Peer reviewed citations? Common sense, life experience, a degree and a male and female child. Although I'm sure there are a billion peer reviewed studies. We can agree to disagree.

Did the ME testify to this? I don't recall exactly what he said, but I don't remember him saying that at all, or it being in his report. I could have missed it though.

No he didn't. ME said the opposite
I don't think I'll be tuning in to the trial testimony tomorrow. Last time, I barely got through her anal rape fabrication. It was sickening. I never thought that she would go that far with her lies. It's only going to get worse. We may even hear that the little boys were infants.
Let's hope every male juror hears a vicious spiteful woman and thinks "BUNNY BOILER"!
? I'm confused. Those who live under the bridge? :waitasec:

OK. At risk of getting A T/O, but hoping that Salem with give me a pass..... I am answering about 4 questions from apparent newbies.

What I am referring to are trolls. It is a reference to folks that come on discussion boards merely for the purpose of throwing chit on walls, creating discourse to create division on these boards. They (according to definition) just like to try to get folks to be devisive, and often do CIRCULAR arguments. You can google "how to avoid a troll" on google. In previous cases, they come from the "opposition" side, or in one case, we learned (admitted by the defense atty) they were actually doing this for the defense to create not only confusion and discourse, but to TEST THE DEFENSE THEORIES in a well publicized case.

They are here IMHO right now big time, and some members perhaps need to put some folks on ignore.

It is against TOS to point out just use your judgement .....and your IQ and you will EASILY be able to see. :moo::moo: Common sense, life experience, a degree and a male and female child. Although I'm sure there are a billion peer reviewed studies. We can agree to disagree.
So basically it's an opinion and nothing more.

Fair enough. I may be the only one who finds it extremely offensive. Oh well.

I have another theory I would like to throw out here.

I have had a real problem with the 2 loads of clothes she manage to wash. The picture of Travis in the shower where he is looking straight ahead is taken around 5:30. If I remember correctly, the roommate came back to the house at around 6:30. That leaves one hour to commit this murder, take him to the shower, wash him off (maybe her too), throw water everywhere, clean up as much as she could, gather all the weapons, remove any trace of her being there, load her car and wash the 2 loads of clothes.

I am thinking maybe she actually left and Travis stripped the bedding and put it all into the washing machine. There was only a few items in the washer that the police found and the forensic lady said she thought bleach had been used even though she couldn't say with certainty. There was no signs of bleach on the bedding found in the dryer. With so few items found in the washer, are you really going to take the time to wash 2 loads when you could have just put everthing into one?

I think she left, came back when he was in the shower, started taking pictures of him without his knowledge until the last one and then it went down hill from there.
I just hope that someone on the jury is intelligent enough to understand that the lack of evidence as to bleeding in the brain could NOT be determined. And is also credible as to intelligent enough with the rest of the jury to relay this. I know I would be and would fight "to the death" that the decom did not allow them to determine whether there was specific bleeding around the brain.

SHOUT OUT TO JOYPATH>>>>>>>>>>>>>>we need you here on this case now! (Joypath is a WS'er who is fabulous........but she is perhaps still working on one of the biggest issues in the US now for her sad....... :grouphug: )

This link has some interesting information.

"Eagleman says that many people survive shots to the head because bullets are relatively small and travel at high velocity. When shot just right, a bullet can quickly enter and exit the skull without inflicting too much damage."

The above is what happened to Travis.

As for the bleeding issue, I reviewed the ME trial testimony. He did state that he found no hemorrhaging in the brain, but the brain had already decomposed to the point that it was no longer possible to observe the bullet trail. I feel that the brain's state of decomposition erased the evidence of bleeding on the inside.

He also stated that he could not be 100% if he was dead when the bullet entered and exited his brain.
And of interest to me for follow up with Juan is that she was late to Ryans by more than a half day. Knowing that Travis's roommate was there on the day he died.........from what was it..3-4???????? That her plans were off!!!! So she did it after she learned that roomie was going to be there. Perhaps she thought she could sneak in and do the deed.........but timing precluded her plans when the roomie was there from she had to do afterwards.

Durn........miss ACandyRose timelines as not sure that all on this thread know that roomie was home the day he was murdered. Think Travis told her that, so she had to change plans and was therefore so late to Ryan's.

:moo: :moo: :moo:

Are you hinting that *someone* around here should do some sort of timeline? ;)

Yep, roommate was home from about 3-4 that afternoon.
I have another theory I would like to throw out here.

I have had a real problem with the 2 loads of clothes she manage to wash. The picture of Travis in the shower where he is looking straight ahead is taken around 5:30. If I remember correctly, the roommate came back to the house at around 6:30. That leaves one hour to commit this murder, take him to the shower, wash him off (maybe her too), throw water everywhere, clean up as much as she could, gather all the weapons, remove any trace of her being there, load her car and wash the 2 loads of clothes.

I am thinking maybe she actually left and Travis stripped the bedding and put it all into the washing machine. There was only a few items in the washer that the police found and the forensic lady said she thought bleach had been used even though she couldn't say with certainty. There was no signs of bleach on the bedding found in the dryer. With so few items found in the washer, are you really going to take the time to wash 2 loads when you could have just put everthing into one?

I think she left, came back when he was in the shower, started taking pictures of him without his knowledge until the last one and then it went down hill from there.
Interesting. That could explain why some people think he is ticked off in that photo where he is looking at the camera.
A trauma surgeon would say very different. This very article says only 1/3 live, half of which die within the month and nearly all have severe cognitive defects. TA would be one lucky son of a gun. Although he's not lucky at all thanks to JA :( the 1/3 figure seems overreached to me and I take all .com articles with a grain of salt

Bullets are not small relative to the brain and they do cause much damage local and globally. This article is erroneous

All the ME could say for certain was that the bullet entered and exited the skull. The brain was too decomposed to determine the extent of the damage done. It may have been superficial, and Travis may have been very lucky in that regard.

Shooting him in the head after the major neck wound makes no sense whatsoever. That very bullet is why she is facing the death penalty, as it was linked to a gun she is alleged to have stolen a week prior to the murder. If he was already dead, why risk leaving any more evidence behind with a gunshot?
Yes, I'm vaguely familiar with that case, too. But again, the husband willingly participated in the binding part thinking it was part of sex. And she abused him after he had been voluntarily bound. He wasn't bound with a threat of violence by her and wasn't unbound and forced to move about prior to being killed. My point was pertaining to a man being knowingly taken hostage by a woman wielding a small gun or knife with obvious ill intent from the get go and that a young strong man likely wouldn't just go along with it. I have little doubt that Travis would have allowed Jodi to tie him up for sex. Which is interesting, since she didn't!

Maybe she did? Hence the tale of the soft rope. I don't want to link it but if you look at the pic of Travis naked, not the one with his hand up but the other one -- there is something in the top left-ish portion of the pic that looks to be attached to the bed.

But he obviously was not tied up when the pictures of him were taken, so it's a stretch. I do not so much believe that that Jodi took him hostage from the beginning, but I don't think any scenarios that could fit with the evidence should be dismissed just because she's female.
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