Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #32 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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February 12, 2013

Afternoon testimony (There was no morning testimony)

--Counsel are asked to approach the bench. Judge addresses the gallery saying that the audio that is going to be played will be sexually explicit and they are asking that there are no reactions from the gallery. The prosecution has met with the family of the victim and they have requested that the adio be played in open court and will remain present.

--Jodi takes the stand and the jury is brought in.

Exhibit 428, audio recording is entered into evidence.

--Can hear Travis saying lets talk and get normalized and see where it takes us. Jodi talks about taking a trip at the end of July to Utah to see her friends. Travis is asking why she would go since she has Daniel's summit. She is giggly on the phone. Now talking about Travis going to Cancun and then coming where she is. If she can afford it she would like to go to Washington DC. Says if she can afford it she would like to travel around with him.
--??? Palm Springs in the summer number two, their idea of social time is to get drink, Travis doesn't like those people, he respects them as business people...
--Jodi asking about Cara and Mark Smith...Cara is nice, he likes them as business associates, Travis yawns, Jodi says he's crazy, and mentions other names like Karen and Abe...Travis says Abe is souless and Jodi says he is focused on business. Jodi says that Abe told her the other day that he hopes Travis gets his ring. Travis asks how that all came about and Jodi says she went to leave a comment on Abe's MySpace and wasn't able to. So she texted him and then Abe called her. Said he didn't want to be associated with the drama between her and Travis.
--Abe brought up how Travis looks right through him, that he is a ghost to him. Says that Abe said nothing
--Travis mentions how Abe had kissed his girlfriend, and now talking about he got ripped a new one because some drunk girl fell down on him at the convention in Oklahoma.
--Back to the team freedom thing. Talking about being in the bathroom with Abe again and how Travis was right next to him.
--Jodi says "I think you grabbed my *advertiser censored*" in the casino. I love it when you grab my butt because it feels nice but you always do it when you are trying to prove a point.
--Talking about her butt, how it screams for attention, it kinda stands out,
--Travis talking about how wonderful her rear end is
--Says he's not the frickin tossed salad, and now talking about how he's frickin' done it...I went to town for like 45 minutes one night.
--Jodi says he has the most incredible stamina
--Travis says they've had 2-3 hour sessions, Travis says it's because he paces himself.
--Jodi says she has renewable energy.
--Says he doesn't mind recouping while she gets her share
--He likes how she plays whatever role she likes
--Jodi says she likes being handled and says she will handle him
--Travis now saying "mercy, we got into this quicker than I thought we would".
--Travis saying he is really excited about ???? and saying he is coming up there before Cancun.
--Mentions how they'll go to Shakespeare if that goes as planned.
--Says that she is at the top of the list.
--Jodi says "in more ways than one".
--T says he'll fly into Seattle and go to British Columbia, might go to Argentina in September to meet up with a bunch of guys that have gone there to live.
--J saying ??? moved to Virginia
--Now talking about ??? and his picture on Facebook and says is he the dumbest person on the face of the earth. Photo is of ???? grabbing his crotch. T says he almost made an intersting comment on ???? FB page. Also talking about somebody else and how Travis blasted him. Also ripped somebody else to shreds for sending a joke with the F word in it. Jodi is encouraging T to email this guy.
--J asking if T got a photo from him. Says she is hungry for pictures. You've got great pictures, I don't know why you'd say that. J says she is not photogenic and Travis says she is so pretty and how he has never seen her look bad in her life.
--Jo says :They've had lots of make up times and it's a good way for us to destress.
--J saying there was one time and she vaguely remembers, T initiated, and other times they have been so discouraged with each other that even if they were injected with aphrodesiacs it wouldn't work.
--T talking about how when they go for a romp session they go forever. J talking about how she has pulled her onto bed and started. Talking about one time in California and how she fell asleep in the chair and T woke her up by pulling off her pants and eating her pussy. She had just gotten a brazilian.
--J says that eventually they will marry other people but are there any freaky Mormon girls...wants to marry somebody who can be freaky. She is worried she might feel like a wilting flower in the sexual realm.
--???? T says he is going to tie her to a tie and put it in her *advertiser censored*. Jodi says it's so debasing and she likes it. T saying how he is going to blindfold her and tie her to a tree...and..??
--Jodi says Oh my gosh you are full of ideas and how they have gotten so creative in the past. How Travis is a wealth of ideas, he is quite the source.
--Something about putting it all over her and then licking it off.
--???? all over the place.
--J now talking about how when she was in the bath with all the candles????
--She wants him to do it more. <difficult to understand>
--T talking about taking shots with the timer on the camera, like when he puts it in her, now talking about when they took a candlelight bath together, and how he was amazing and how he made her feel like a goddess, made her feel like the most beautiful woman on the planet. It was so sexy and so hot.
--Travis tells her to start touching herself, says she is already, and tells him to think of her using her hand.
--T says before he met her he never jacked off.
--Says he jacks off everyday, sometimes more.
--Jodi says she wishes he was there so they could have a big ****fest.
--T says something about wanting a picture of her with *advertiser censored* on her face
--J--you make me so horny, you make me think about sex everyday
--T, I'm really glad we started ****ing.
--J, if it's wrong, I don't want to be right.
--T, blow my wad, ?????
--J, pop it
--T says "because you look like a *advertiser censored* star"...says he was jerking off this morning, photos with quality pictures
--J, says she is going to *advertiser censored* soon
--Says she will *advertiser censored* a second time
--T talking about how hot she is, she is the prototype, how he loves how much detail her pussy has
--J, having an orgasm, moaning and groaning
--T, says that was hot. Says she sounded like a 12 year old girl having her first orgasm and it's hot.
--J says he makes her feel so dirty and T says she is dirty.
--T says he wants to have a ****fest with her, his dick in every hole, ????
--<can't make out the audio>
--T, talking about pubic hair, and how smooth he is
--J saying how she likes how his dick feels and how smooth it is.
--J saying how bad she really wants to suck his dick.
--Talking about how they are going to do the *advertiser censored* star thing she is going to put on extra makeup.
--T, wants ??? to wear?
--J, says that would be hot, he could bust her for being naked
--T, wants a story line, we could type up a story
--J jokes about how they could become millionairs and sell to lonely women
--T, asking if she is going to take care of herself
--J, says let her get back into the groove.
--T, now talking about her pictures again and how they are so hot
--T talking about photos, him on his back rock hard, her sitting on his face, ????, her sitting on his face from his point of view.
--J envisioning a photo like when he is titty****ing her. You can just see a dick between two *advertiser censored*.
--J saying how Travis has a good looking dick. How he ****ed her where she needed it bad.
--T saying they'll take some movies too.
--T saying he's going to blow his wad
--J saying she is getting really close, she has another orgasm and so does he.
--T talking about how much *advertiser censored* there was and it's surprising because he masturbated in the morning.
--Jodi tells him he is amazing and superhuman
--T says he could retire off this load if he took it to a sperm bank
--They clean up, silence in the audio
--They come back on the phone.
--Talking about how when she is on top of him she slip slides everywhere
--Now says how she has been running twice a week, a little bit further all the time, how she doesn't break a sweat but she sweats when she is having sex with him.
--T saying J introduced him to KY, how one day she just bought it, it's great stuff
--KY is good for you, it's the best thing for you, it's okay to go on the inside.
--J says she has used ??? in the past
--KY lets you keep slip sliding around
--J asking T about the first time they grinded and how he came and they came together
--J tells him to think about that when he drives
--They are now talking about when they were in the hotel, how they watched movies and Deal or No Deal and he talked about the Book of Mormon.
--J asking T if he has seen Iron Man, he is yawning on the phone.
--Now talking about another movie
--Jodi giggling
--T talking about Spiderman, Superman, Fantastic Four, X-Men, Batman. Jodi's fave is Batman with Jim Carey as the Riddler.
--More chit chat about movies.
--Now talking about how Travis wants to go visit Vermont and J asks what he is going to do when he goes to visit BC. J says if she can go she is going to go.
--Now just idle chit chat, Travis is singing.
--J, tells T how cute he is right now
--J telling Travis how she sang the song "hurt" in karoake, and put her girly voice into it
--J says she is nervous about singing the national anthem, and starts singing it and so does Travis. Jodi giggles.
--J, now talking how she is so digging the song on her profile right now, it's by Fergie. J says Fergie is funky and original. T likes Fergie better as Black Eyed Peas. They continue talking about music and singing on the phone.
--J now telling T how she wants to cuddle with him. T says he is getting tired and J says she can tell because he starts slurring his words and there are long pauses. Jodi giggles and tells Travis he is cute.
--Sounds like T fell asleep. J says she will let him go. J says she will go to sleep in a little while. J says lets see if we can find each other in astroworld.
--Have a goodnight, bye bye. (both of them say this).

Did anyone catch after Travis hung up the phone and the jury was leaving it sounded like Jodi on the recording saying okay you just said...and then it was cut off. Anybody hear that? What was that?
God, I'm crying for his family, to have to sit through this, hearing his voice, him singing, WOW!!!
More than anything, this makes Travis real. The only time the jury will get to hear him, and IMO it really gives a feel for what he was really like. He was nice, and silly and his religion really was a big part of his life and meant a lot to him.

ITA with you and so many other fellow sleuthers.

Thanks to the defense for HUMANIZING Travis Victor Alexander.

He sounds like so many friends of mine. Silly, sweet, goofy, a little dirty sexually.... on top of everything else we know of him, he was a wonderful man.

I'm convinced beyond all reasonable doubt that every word out of the defendants mouth is and will continue to be lies and he was ABSOLUTELY an innocent victim. No questions about it.

Death row, Cell for Arias!
Three things:

1. Tape was made as: BLACKMAIL

2. It no longer matters who fingers those were.

3. I hope the state plays the segment of the tape where Travis said he never pleasured himself before her. Stop tape - ask who was manipulated, who corrupted by who; and who is the VICTIM here. Repeat like 5 times.

When the verdict comes in - I hope everyone in the Alexander family leaves a Toblerone on their chair as they exit the courtroom.

I never followed this case and I've been trying to catch up in the past week. Unfortunately the only days I was able to view the proceedings were yesterday and today. Poor Travis and his family.

Someone posted Travis' blog within the last two days and I read his last entry on May 18th 2008, 17 days before his murder. That post brought this whole thing home for me as to what her motivation was. He basically said in his blog that he was tired of dating the "type of women" he had been and was ready to start dating a woman who was marriage material. For someone like Jodi, whom it appears to me was doing everything in her power to snag him, that had to be devastating and had to make her extremely angry and sent her over the edge. He basically dismissed her as a two bit tramp and was now going to seriously start looking for a respectable woman to spend his life with. I think she made up her mind to do this after reading that blog.

I assume that this was all presented by the prosecution?

Perfect time for recess .. I need to get ready and get to work OMG she's so toast now... Love it. Travis is some kind of genius I swear I'm starting to believe his spirit is right there in the courtroom. help me out here. Why were we all subjected to this recording again? :waitasec:
To those saying he sounds "wasted". He's tired and is probably laying down in bed while talking. I've heard plenty of friends sound like that, especially if calling them in the middle of the night when they're sleeping.

From my understanding, Travis didn't even drink coffee let alone drugs and alcohol. He actually said earlier in this recording that he stayed away from a certain group of people because all they did was drink and he's not into that.

Hi, Sassynic. Exactly. Some people just want to hate Travis. On the tape, he specifically talks about drinkers being a turnoff. To me, his repeated yawns would have been a cue to anyone but Jodi that he should have been allowed to go back to sleep. And there is no question about who wants to propel the call forward.
BREAKING NEWS: I just saw an ACTUAL tear.

Im beginning to think why she was so upset this morning is Juan won the argument of having the entire tape played.

IMO, Nurmi just wanted to snip it.

No wonder the tears are falling.

She looked like an oversexed manipulator keeping a guy on the phone that couldnt even stay awake.

I just don't understand this at all. If she only wanted a portion of the tape played and the judge said no, it has to be the whole tape, why didn't she just pull the tape at the last minute? This just seems so very odd to me!
yup..betcha that is why she was upset... didn't want the CONTEXT of the tape in

I am glad this _______________ doesn't get to pick and choose
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