jodi arias TAKES THE STAND #65 *may contain graphic and adult content*

DNA Solves
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Text message sociopath

I think him calling her on her evilness is exactly what led to him being killed 3 times over. Anyone who has ever confronted someone like JA with the truth knows how it can send them into a rage. Only he could tell us the extent of her threats and cruelness she displayed before she killed him. The actions we do know of (recording him secretly, the messages after he was dead, etc) are just a taste of what she is capable of. :moo:

ETA-thanks for posting the message!!
i understand exactly what you are saying, not sure i agree... just wanted to share what shanna said and dateline showed. my personal opinion, its not that hard to drag a man of ta size.

And blood is considerably more slippery than water (thought JA may not have known this).

My theory remains the same: The water on the bathroom floor was due to two (maybe three) factors:

-Travis getting out of the shower and moving around (for a short while, at least) soaking wet, without toweling off -

- Possibly JA's attempt to move Travis more easily (but I think it would prove unnecessary, especially with the amount of blood continuing to bleed from Travis. :( .

- JA realized there were clear footprints in several areas of the floor (that weren't splattered with water coming from Travis' body) and she didn't know if any of them were hers (even if she was in socks, the size/shape of her foot could be matched with a clear print - not perfect, but LE would determine pretty quickly the footprints were Travis' and that of a female, about 5' 5" in height.

I believe she poured water all over the floor to eliminate recognizable prints. There weren't any prints of Travis' either. The only 'footprint' found was that partial sneaker (?) print near the closet - who knows what that was about. I don't believe JA was wearing sneakers anywhere in that bathroom area. Do we know if all of Travis' sneakers/shoes were accounted for? Don't think the state needs to go down that rabbit hole :) - because they didn't.

The blood spatter on the sink and the mirror wasn't diluted and the edges were crisp - *except* for the space between the sink bowl and the counter top edge, where it looks to have been smeared. I think there were probably clear prints there, and again, not knowing if they were hers or Travis', JA diluted them with water. The area looks 'swiped'. But the spatter, spray and drips in the sink bowl and on the mirror were ignored - left undisturbed and pristine.

There was at least one wide swath/wipe on the wall in the hallway, which could also be JA wiping a towel along the hall to eliminate (not blood) but prints. She missed one, thankfully.

That's my theory about the water, fwiw. :)
It was ALL about making him suffer and her satisfaction because she couldn't have his lifestyle.
I so agree with that.... I believe

The shower pics were from somewhere using long lens he did not see her, than in one of the pics when he's standing looking at her confused is when he saw her, that is when she started commanding with gun in hand

Got him sitting in vulnerable position and threatened with gun the gun jammed

Last photo of him looking at her to me he looks angry like you've done it now... He lunges and she stabs him in the chest... I believe the last photo taken he is already injured at that point...

His adrenaline takes over he's confused goes to sink coughs up blood she is unsure of him at this point continuing to stab him possibly in his back which makes him angrier and starts fleeing down hall to get away she is still creating wounds in head/back he starts to lose consciousness from lack of blood hots the side of wall (that's how blood is so high up on wall) than collapses she slits throat (god love him) right than that other pic is snapped (his head/ her foot dragging pic) she turns him around drags him toward shower ( other pic) gets him in there

That is when she shoots him because she's mad it jammed and he lunged at her... How dare he?? he messed up her original plan which was an easy kill get in/out but now she
has to clean it all up!!

Took shower with him used cup to pour water over what she couldn't for dna purposes

She had the backpack kill kit in closet fresh set of clothes walked out without any blood traces....
just read the investigative report again....I find it odd that the camera bag was found outside the master bedroom door near the "love sac" and no one noticed this...IMO TA did not look like the kind of guy that would leave things laying around out of place.....the box that the camera came in was downstairs in the office.....
I have been hesitant too, but many people on Facebook said they received personal messages from Tanisha and/or Samantha after donating. I believe it is legit.

Where can I find the link to donate?
But he lived w boys. And sometimes they aren't the best at noticing stuff out of place.
You're way ahead of me... I still don't get it. :)

The "groundhog day" reference that was a one-liner, was after someone that had not been on the threads two weeks ago brought up something that many of us had discussed on threads for days two weeks prior. The movie groundhog day is one in which the same day is repeated over and over and over! ergo...a joshing comment for others, not a slam to the new poster.

NOTE: after that post, we all did :grouphug: to say all is good, lots of newbies that need to have that same discussion and were supportive IMHO. Everyone isn't here during some discussion so lots of stuff is repeated, and many newcomers that we want to support, help answer questions to get them caught up and have the same ability to "work through" their logic in their own time as we have and still do.


Carry on peeps! And remember, no question is a dumb question (*ATL is referring to what I learned in Kindergarten*)
My feeling is that while stabbing Travis, her hand slid down the blood soaked slippery knife onto the blade, and since she originally had her fingers wrapped tightly around the handle, she got cut in the bend of the fingers causing her to bleed on the floor. She later used the cup to wash away "her" blood off the floor, and that is also why she was dragging Travis back to the shower, to wash off "her" blood. I don't see any other reason why she would take the time to move the body and not just get the hell out of there.

That is exactly the same thought I posted the other day and I believe it to be the case.
very true LOL i will have to soak a towel in blood and do a recreation!

According to other WS'ers, it is always more enjoyable to make sure you do it with your SO, and ensure he is nekkid during the time so you can :party: after the experiment! :floorlaugh: We've had some entertaining stories about recreations here on the threads. :what:
since now I know that the camera bag was OUTSIDE the master bedroom door....I have changed my opinion that she came in and surprised him at 4am....she snuck in, got into his office on his computer, opened his camera box took camera and bag upstairs, sits down outside his bedroom door on the love sac, learns how to operate the camera...leaves the bag there, goes into his bedroom to "surprise" him....maybe at gun point...haven't figured that far yet......
And blood is considerably more slippery than water (thought JA may not have known this).

My theory remains the same: The water on the bathroom floor was due to two (maybe three) factors:

-Travis getting out of the shower and moving around (for a short while, at least) soaking wet, without toweling off -

- Possibly JA's attempt to move Travis more easily (but I think it would prove unnecessary, especially with the amount of blood continuing to bleed from Travis. :( .

- JA realized there were clear footprints in several areas of the floor (that weren't splattered with water coming from Travis' body) and she didn't know if any of them were hers (even if she was in socks, the size/shape of her foot could be matched with a clear print - not perfect, but LE would determine pretty quickly the footprints were Travis' and that of a female, about 5' 5" in height.

I believe she poured water all over the floor to eliminate recognizable prints. There weren't any prints of Travis' either. The only 'footprint' found was that partial sneaker (?) print near the closet - who knows what that was about. I don't believe JA was wearing sneakers anywhere in that bathroom area. Do we know if all of Travis' sneakers/shoes were accounted for? Don't think the state needs to go down that rabbit hole :) - because they didn't.

The blood spatter on the sink and the mirror wasn't diluted and the edges were crisp - *except* for the space between the sink bowl and the counter top edge, where it looks to have been smeared. I think there were probably clear prints there, and again, not knowing if they were hers or Travis', JA diluted them with water. The area looks 'swiped'. But the spatter, spray and drips in the sink bowl and on the mirror were ignored - left undisturbed and pristine.

There was at least one wide swath/wipe on the wall in the hallway, which could also be JA wiping a towel along the hall to eliminate (not blood) but prints. She missed one, thankfully.

That's my theory about the water, fwiw. :)

Partial sneaker print may have been from one of the friends that found him.
im not certain but i didnt remember them reading the entire message. needless to say, when you do its bone chilling. bless his heart, he knew. just couldnt quit sleeping with her. i saw a pic of travis dancing w lisa on fb, and i can honestly say in the bajillion pics we have seen of them, he never looked at jodi like that. this text is the truth. would also be awesome to use it in closing! :please:

SNAP and SLAM! Bet Jodi realized that too. Notice the difference in the smile!
IMHO, she didn't have a glove on the hand with her bloody palm PRINT. It wasn't in a glove at that time :moo: as the PRINT would not be there with a cut glove :moo: . as the saying goes, the solution to pollution is dilution.....but not these days with DNA. You can't dilute it enough, you have to REMOVE it :moo:

She must have had on gloves or her prints would be everywhere...impossible to wipe all your prints from that scene. She removed her glove or the cut exposed her hand, either way she then left the print. Swabbing blood for DNA is usually done on drops and smears as far as I know, not on the entire floor. jmo
since now I know that the camera bag was OUTSIDE the master bedroom door....I have changed my opinion that she came in and surprised him at 4am....she snuck in, got into his office on his computer, opened his camera box took camera and bag upstairs, sits down outside his bedroom door on the love sac, learns how to operate the camera...leaves the bag there, goes into his bedroom to "surprise" him....maybe at gun point...haven't figured that far yet......

Sounds good to me.
BBM: ITA with this. I posted last night that in her "disordered" thinking she felt he had stabbed her in the heart (metaphorically) by rejecting her, and so she was going to stab him in the heart (literally) to make him pay for that. That's why I firmly believe the stab to the heart was first. When he didn't just conveniently "die" like she expected she flew into a rage.

She had displayed the same stalkerish, obsessive behavior with several previous boyfriends, but her obsession with Travis was so great that she was not about to let it go. The gun might have been, exactly as you say, to make him submissive.

And I don't believe for a second that she intended to off herself too. She already had another date lined up with Ryan Burns. It was on to the next poor sap in her quest to find someone who would give her the lifestyle she craved, and probably felt she deserved. She is a complete narcissist, and so her needs are the only needs that matter in her warped way of thinking.

Travis Alexander never had a chance from the first minute they met.

And remember that email/text? That he said to her paraphrased "you just see me as a dildo with a beating heart"........

and get me going re his texts/blogs.........that he did a blog just before he died on "Why I want to marry a gold digger".... and voila.... just after she murders him she tells LE and others that she went with 4-5 strange men to go gold digging.....

BBM: ITA with this. I posted last night that in her "disordered" thinking she felt he had stabbed her in the heart (metaphorically) by rejecting her, and so she was going to stab him in the heart (literally) to make him pay for that. That's why I firmly believe the stab to the heart was first. When he didn't just conveniently "die" like she expected she flew into a rage.

She had displayed the same stalkerish, obsessive behavior with several previous boyfriends, but her obsession with Travis was so great that she was not about to let it go. The gun might have been, exactly as you say, to make him submissive.

And I don't believe for a second that she intended to off herself too. She already had another date lined up with Ryan Burns. It was on to the next poor sap in her quest to find someone who would give her the lifestyle she craved, and

probably felt she deserved. She is a complete narcissist, and so her needs are the only needs that matter in her warped way of thinking.

Travis Alexander never had a chance from the first minute they met.

How callous of her to say on the stand! For the jury to hear! That if she was travis! She would jump off a bridge. Evil comment! Caring not that his family had to sit there and hear it.
Not even caring that her mother was there! Well her moms been acting just as bazaar ! Talking and laughing in court! Acting like a proud mom! Watching her daughter take on the prosecutor!
Her arrogance! Evil demeanour and hateful comments will come back to bite her in the butt! Already her 48 hr interview. Was presented for what she REALY meant at that time! No changing it! To being suicidal.
And blood is considerably more slippery than water (thought JA may not have known this).

My theory remains the same: The water on the bathroom floor was due to two (maybe three) factors:

-Travis getting out of the shower and moving around (for a short while, at least) soaking wet, without toweling off -

- Possibly JA's attempt to move Travis more easily (but I think it would prove unnecessary, especially with the amount of blood continuing to bleed from Travis. :( .

- JA realized there were clear footprints in several areas of the floor (that weren't splattered with water coming from Travis' body) and she didn't know if any of them were hers (even if she was in socks, the size/shape of her foot could be matched with a clear print - not perfect, but LE would determine pretty quickly the footprints were Travis' and that of a female, about 5' 5" in height.

I believe she poured water all over the floor to eliminate recognizable prints. There weren't any prints of Travis' either. The only 'footprint' found was that partial sneaker (?) print near the closet - who knows what that was about. I don't believe JA was wearing sneakers anywhere in that bathroom area. Do we know if all of Travis' sneakers/shoes were accounted for? Don't think the state needs to go down that rabbit hole :) - because they didn't.

The blood spatter on the sink and the mirror wasn't diluted and the edges were crisp - *except* for the space between the sink bowl and the counter top edge, where it looks to have been smeared. I think there were probably clear prints there, and again, not knowing if they were hers or Travis', JA diluted them with water. The area looks 'swiped'. But the spatter, spray and drips in the sink bowl and on the mirror were ignored - left undisturbed and pristine.

There was at least one wide swath/wipe on the wall in the hallway, which could also be JA wiping a towel along the hall to eliminate (not blood) but prints. She missed one, thankfully.

That's my theory about the water, fwiw. :)

I'd like to add one more possible reason for the water on the floor. JA turned the shower on to rinse TA's body and left it running while she did something else. TA's body would have blocked the drain and it wouldn't take long before the water would have poured over onto the floor. JMO
So I decided to do a little sleuthing.

Regarding the gas cans.

During cross, Mr. Martinez was highlighting her purchases for gas at the Arco station.

Little Ms. Fibber errrrr... Jodi said she bought the extra gas can, and then returned it.

She then went on to answer questions regarding the gas purchases from Arco.

One for 9.59 gallons, paid at the pump with an ATM card
One for 8.30 gallons, paid inside.
One for 2.77 gallons, paid inside.

Mr. Martinez asked if she paid for gas for the car with the ATM. She couldn't remember:banghead: which purchase was for the car.

After showing her the second and third receipt, she basically said that the second purchase could have been for the car.

So, let's do some math. If 9.59 gallons was for the car, then 11.07 gallons, into ten gallons maximum for the 2 gas cans.... gas won't fit.

With her claim that the second purchase could have been for the car, then this puts 8.30 in the car, and 12.36 gallons into cans that only hold up to 10 gallons.

My feeling is that while stabbing Travis, her hand slid down the blood soaked slippery knife onto the blade, and since she originally had her fingers wrapped tightly around the handle, she got cut in the bend of the fingers causing her to bleed on the floor. She later used the cup to wash away "her" blood off the floor, and that is also why she was dragging Travis back to the shower, to wash off "her" blood. I don't see any other reason why she would take the time to move the body and not just get the hell out of there.

:good post: :rocker: :rocker: She knew that her blood was on him tol! So apparently she cut early in the murder. Thanks for that piece of insight. :hug: to all those that give ideas and clarity like this posting.

NOTE to aren't a very good maid, you missed a spot (bloody handprint) on the wall.
LOVE LOVE LOVE Beth Karas!!!
I became a fan of her's in the Scott Peterson trial

I became her fan during the Cody Posey Trial (Sam Donaldson's Ranch coincidently in AZ also). She' will be sorely missed!
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