jodi arias TAKES THE STAND #65 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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One thing I want to ask the very inquiring minds here and get some opinions - why do we think JA did not TA's camera along with her? This was a colossal mistake on her part, which lead to her getting caught.

She could have taken it and flung it in the desert with everything else - and the police certainly wouldn't automatically "know" to look for a camera. Plus, even if they did "know" to look for a camera, why would the fact that it wasn't there lead them to her?

I do feel that the camera got caught up accidently in the frenzy of her clean up, and got mixed up amongst his bedding etc, but that doesn't really explain how she deleted the photos if indeed, she lost track of the camera in the flurry of activity.

Why not just take it? Thoughts?
Could it had been his grandfathers or family member past down and he just put it there for safe keeping and forgot about it? She accidentally found it by snooping?

Although I think she brought it with her just playing devils advocate...

If that were the case, why would it be loaded?

... Much less functional - if it hadn't been cleaned or fired for some time. There was no mention of a gun cleaning kit anywhere in Travis' house, no ammo, nothing that would indicate he had a functioning .25 in the house (and I don't mean paperwork - this IS Arizona, after all).

If it was a family item, it wouldn't have been loaded, imv.

If he had a .25 for protection, he would have had a cleaning kit and case for it, based on what is known of his style of living (clean, orderly, decent quality, proper furnishings equipment - not rag-tag, incomplete).

Playing Devil's Advocate is a good thing - it can help folks think things through... It can uncover things that haven't occurred to anyone yet. So kudos to you for that! It can feel a little scary to do... :)
I just cant rap my mind around her,,when she was younger she was very pretty,,she had ,,with some proper training,,many talents that she could have gone far in that field,,where did she go off the path,,what happenened to her that she turned into what she is
And remember that email/text? That he said to her paraphrased "you just see me as a dildo with a beating heart"........

and get me going re his texts/blogs.........that he did a blog just before he died on "Why I want to marry a gold digger".... and voila.... just after she murders him she tells LE and others that she went with 4-5 strange men to go gold digging.....


Yes, that text/e-mail showed how he was feeling somewhat used. What Travis didn't realize though was how she was using her sex as a means to hold onto him. It was really all she had. It wasn't about the sex to HER, it was about the control. When she realized she was losing that control, she realized she was losing him. She wasn't about to let that happen.
since now I know that the camera bag was OUTSIDE the master bedroom door....I have changed my opinion that she came in and surprised him at 4am....she snuck in, got into his office on his computer, opened his camera box took camera and bag upstairs, sits down outside his bedroom door on the love sac, learns how to operate the camera...leaves the bag there, goes into his bedroom to "surprise" him....maybe at gun point...haven't figured that far yet......

He had used the camera before that day, there were normal pictures on it of him on his bike etc.
Where can I find the link to donate?

I just posted on the Justice for Travis Facebook page asking them to put the link back up. I think they just give the email and you put that into PayPal to donate.
So, after the last day of cross and JM clarifying that the pic w/JA's foot in the foreground is actually taken from the bedroom looking down the hall to the bathroom...the fact that the camera was relocated SO far from the bathroom has REALLY bugged me. I cannot get my head wrapped around the fact that it made it down the hallway b/c of a fight/tussle of any kind. Just doesn't make sense. So FWIW, is a high-level of my theory:

1 - She either shoots him in the head first and is surprised when it didn't kill him OR it jammed and she had to resort to stabbing him.

2 - He struggles to the sink where he is coughing up blood, during this time she goes to get the knife from her stash. She stabs him in the back, head...torso...etc. He goes down and she thinks she has completed her murder.

3 - She proceeds to pick up the camera to delete all those photos and walks down the hallway. In the bedroom entry, she is reviewing the pics/deleting them when realizes he is still alive and has managed to make it down the hallway. She drops the camera and finishes him off w/the neck slash.

4 - The final pic captures her having turned him around to drag him back into the bathroom.

I THINK that is feasible...I might be forgetting some facts that may debunk this. Fill in the gaps if so WSers! :D

ETA: 5 - If it was jammed in 1, then she finishes w/the head shot once she gets him back into the bathroom.
The "groundhog day" reference that was a one-liner, was after someone that had not been on the threads two weeks ago brought up something that many of us had discussed on threads for days two weeks prior. The movie groundhog day is one in which the same day is repeated over and over and over! ergo...a joshing comment for others, not a slam to the new poster.

NOTE: after that post, we all did :grouphug: to say all is good, lots of newbies that need to have that same discussion and were supportive IMHO. Everyone isn't here during some discussion so lots of stuff is repeated, and many newcomers that we want to support, help answer questions to get them caught up and have the same ability to "work through" their logic in their own time as we have and still do.


Carry on peeps! And remember, no question is a dumb question (*ATL is referring to what I learned in Kindergarten*)

Thanks so much for the explanation, atthelake!

P.S. I wish I had a way to work 'tumescent' into my reply, but I can't think of anything that would be both funny and 'clean'. :)
The "groundhog day" reference that was a one-liner, was after someone that had not been on the threads two weeks ago brought up something that many of us had discussed on threads for days two weeks prior. The movie groundhog day is one in which the same day is repeated over and over and over! ergo...a joshing comment for others, not a slam to the new poster.

NOTE: after that post, we all did :grouphug: to say all is good, lots of newbies that need to have that same discussion and were supportive IMHO. Everyone isn't here during some discussion so lots of stuff is repeated, and many newcomers that we want to support, help answer questions to get them caught up and have the same ability to "work through" their logic in their own time as we have and still do.


Carry on peeps! And remember, no question is a dumb question (*ATL is referring to what I learned in Kindergarten*)

Thanks for explaining. LOL
I was scratching my head over the GROUNDHOG DAY reply. Now I get it.
:good post: :rocker: :rocker: She knew that her blood was on him tol! So apparently she cut early in the murder. Thanks for that piece of insight. :hug: to all those that give ideas and clarity like this posting.

NOTE to aren't a very good maid, you missed a spot (bloody handprint) on the wall.

Put a pen, scissors or a knife for that matter in your hand, and hold it as if you are to stab something with attitude. Notice it is your bottom two fingers (maybe three), and the lower outside of the palm that has the most pressure on the object (knife, or pen), not so much the upper fingers, possibly why she injured only the bottom two.
One thing I want to ask the very inquiring minds here and get some opinions - why do we think JA did not TA's camera along with her? This was a colossal mistake on her part, which lead to her getting caught.

She could have taken it and flung it in the desert with everything else - and the police certainly wouldn't automatically "know" to look for a camera. Plus, even if they did "know" to look for a camera, why would the fact that it wasn't there lead them to her?

I do feel that the camera got caught up accidently in the frenzy of her clean up, and got mixed up amongst his bedding etc, but that doesn't really explain how she deleted the photos if indeed, she lost track of the camera in the flurry of activity.

Why not just take it? Thoughts?

Good question.
I have no clue.
I agree that we will probably never know the whole story, and I agree with the shot being last. However, I can't get her statement to Det. Flores out of my head where she said she 'chickened out like a little b**ch" I still feel that she fully intended to shoot herself after she killed Travis, but she couldnt go through with it. She 'chickened out' and out of frustration and anger that she couldn't bring herself to go through with it, she stood over Travis...pointed the gun at him and pulled the trigger. That's MY story and I'm sticking to it. MOO

I know, this and the gun have been nagging at me as well. It finally occurred to me why. I agree, she planned to shoot herself after killing Travis. But not to commit suicide, she's much too narcissistic for that, imo. I wonder if her plan was to make herself look like a victim by shooting herself, per a non-consequential gun shot to the fatty tissue of her arm or leg for example. Maybe this is what she meant by 'chickened out'. jmo
I do not believe she needed water to slide poor Travis across the floor. It was tile and already slick with blood. Once she discovered she had been cut and was bleeding thru her glove, I think the water was her way of making sure the blood was diluted so her DNA wouldn't be detected. jmo

Like you, I think that photo depicts her having just slit his throat as his arm is falling to his side. I think the next photo was taken as she turns him around to drag him back to the bathroom. jmo

BBM I agree. A logical explanation for excess water on the bathroom floor tiles is that the shower tray probably overflowed. She hauled his poor body in and I imagine he blocked or partly blocked the drain. He wasn't a small man so overflow of bloody water might occur soon enough.
i understand exactly what you are saying, not sure i agree... just wanted to share what shanna said and dateline showed. my personal opinion, its not that hard to drag a man of ta size.

Especially with an adrenaline rush.

An adrenaline rush is the fight or flight response of the adrenal gland, in which it releases adrenaline (epinephrine). When releasing adrenaline, one's body releases dopamine which can act as a natural pain killer. An adrenaline rush causes the muscles to perform respiration at an increased rate improving strength. It also works with the nervous system to interpret impulses that trigger selective glands.
And blood is considerably more slippery than water (thought JA may not have known this).

My theory remains the same: The water on the bathroom floor was due to two (maybe three) factors:

-Travis getting out of the shower and moving around (for a short while, at least) soaking wet, without toweling off -

- Possibly JA's attempt to move Travis more easily (but I think it would prove unnecessary, especially with the amount of blood continuing to bleed from Travis. :( .

- JA realized there were clear footprints in several areas of the floor (that weren't splattered with water coming from Travis' body) and she didn't know if any of them were hers (even if she was in socks, the size/shape of her foot could be matched with a clear print - not perfect, but LE would determine pretty quickly the footprints were Travis' and that of a female, about 5' 5" in height.

I believe she poured water all over the floor to eliminate recognizable prints. There weren't any prints of Travis' either. The only 'footprint' found was that partial sneaker (?) print near the closet - who knows what that was about. I don't believe JA was wearing sneakers anywhere in that bathroom area. Do we know if all of Travis' sneakers/shoes were accounted for? Don't think the state needs to go down that rabbit hole :) - because they didn't.

The blood spatter on the sink and the mirror wasn't diluted and the edges were crisp - *except* for the space between the sink bowl and the counter top edge, where it looks to have been smeared. I think there were probably clear prints there, and again, not knowing if they were hers or Travis', JA diluted them with water. The area looks 'swiped'. But the spatter, spray and drips in the sink bowl and on the mirror were ignored - left undisturbed and pristine.

There was at least one wide swath/wipe on the wall in the hallway, which could also be JA wiping a towel along the hall to eliminate (not blood) but prints. She missed one, thankfully.

That's my theory about the water, fwiw. :)


I was thinking that the area in the middle was due to him being dragged... but her wiping down footprints a good one also. What STRUCK me was that the coagulated drops all all all over the entire bathroom and floor, but yet the 2" or so wicking of the cardboard box. I don't think that water was from him either laying there bleeding or walking around dripping. So I discount that. Ergo, she did water on that area in front of the linen closet.

But why??? Why??? As I don't see any signs from other photos of dilution/drying marks. Plus of great interest, is that the area right by where the blood is the box which is wicking up 2" has good demarkation of being coagulated, and was right by the two areas of large pools about 12" from each other.... which means about 15 minutes IMO that the blood was there before being washed over and not "diluted" in a wash. (as a person who worked in blood banking years ago) I assume by now most have seen both area photos I am referring to.
but would he leave the camera bag out in the hallway upstairs?

Yeah, why? I agree with you it was probably her. Hey question: Do we know what computer activity was happening on his office computer before 4am .. like I still don't believe Travis was down there at that time either .. wouldn't it be easy for the prosecution to prove?
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