jodi arias TAKES THE STAND #65 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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:gasp: :blowkiss: to Lacey..

bbm She's had so many many times to threaten that....then...and after the 48 hours interview or whatever.

Think about it for a moment....everyone that feels this way. Haven't those that think this read/seen/learned that this is the #1 way ABUSERS manipulate? Have folks not read up on abuse? I am just flooored, but really don't want to make this post personal of course so directing this at ANYONE who reads Jodi's word's on this suicide chit. OMG, I will hope that folks on the jury know one of the #1 things that ABUSERS do it to threaten suicide to control! This is not the abused talking......this is 100% what the abuser does.

I am really :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: right now! What do we perhaps need to do to educate folks WS'ers!?

That is not something the average person would know.

Tell Nancy Grace to talk about it--she has a big tv audience.
I like Stephanie PI's

I for one picked up on the remote, as did several others. Me, because when JM was questioning JA about her leaving DB's house (after getting the gas cans) She was leaving for her road trip. She stopped in Sedona to get her nails done, or something. Then JM said, BUT you HAD to go back to DB's because you forgot something...RIGHT??? Anyway it was the remote.
We don't know for sure what this particular remote is for...yet. It will be thrown at her in Rebuttal (cannot wait) Many of us think it was to the DVD player she stole from grandpa, but we don't know for sure.

The remote is very important as it proves she did the robery (hence took the gun) and most importantly.. rubberstamps premeditation.
And we all know..
Premeditation = The needle man
I can't believe a juror would even waste their time asking her a question, I know I wouldn't.

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I'd ask her a few ...

"Do you really expect us to believe your testimony after lying continually after June 4th, 2008 ? "

"Were you pretend crying last Thursday when Mr. Martinez talked about you slitting Mr. Alexander's throat because we saw no real tears ?"

"Do you have any remorse for what you did to Mr. Alexander and have you published any statement as such AFTER you were arrested ?"

"Why did you remove the gun from the murder scene if you claim if was it belonged to Mr. Alexander and leaving it would support your story of self-defense ?"

"Why did you wait until 2010 to change your story to self-defense ?"

"Did you ask MM to forge letters for you bolstering your story about Mr. Alexander being a pedophile ?"

"Why are you selling drawings on Ebay if you think you will be acquitted and leave jail ?"

"Did you give the stolen DVD player to Mr. Brewer and his son ?"
Correct, and how pray tell would that even be possible unless she's Michael Jordan? Obviously she's trying to come up with a story that explains the absence of finger prints and the absence of anything on any shelf being even slightly disturbed.

Aha. I didn't know she said she didn't use her hands at all to get up to grab the gun. In other words, "crap, i know they won't find my fingerprints on there, so now what."
So ... according to last evenings Dateline episode about this case ...

TA had gone to see his ?bishop? about coming clean regarding the true nature of his relationship with JA.
Anyone know what date he made that visit?

Any indication that TA had relayed to JA the fact that he had started that process with his ?bishop? ?

BBM Who did that come from, do you know?
Yes, it was on direct that she talked about using the stool when she was dusting and found the gun, and she also said on direct that she "jumped up on the shelf" to grab the gun on murder day.

On cross, she gave more details -- such as, she didn't use either hand, and only stepped on the very edge of one shelf to get up there.

I need JM to drive this home to the jury!
Back to the closet scenario...I already discussed how the shelf would have tipped had she stepped on the edge of it but also, Travis was supposedly shot and then chased her into the closet. Where was the blood in the closet? Neat and tidy closet. No blood, meticulous shelves. Hopefully Juan will go step by step through all of this in his closing.

And why in the world would she turn right and run in the closet when she could have turned left and ran out the door to get away from the mean looking naked man chasing her :confused:
Her ridiculous story of self defence makes absolutely no sense. I hope the jury puts her to DEATH. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.00 ~ And for the love of g*d do not give her a get out off jail free card.
wouldn't that be speculation? I thought that wasn't allowed?

i was thinking 'and you don't know what was going on outside that closet, do you? you don't know if mr. alexander slipped and fell, do you?'
He didn't. She had to keep it as much like 'funny business' as usual to make it work.

They had done this frequently and regularly.

He was taken in completely.

As I said before, if he had it do over again...

I'm not convinced he was taken in completely at that point. I think he meant it when he told her to get lost on May 26, and he did not ever expect to see her again.

I think he was surprised when she showed up, and maybe nervous or fearful, but not necessarily afraid for his safety - just uncomfortable that she would not leave him alone. Travis obviously had some blurry boundaries also, but I think it was because Travis had a hard time being firm or "mean."

I think it's likely they had some kind of sexual encounter, but I think it's something he did to placate her and just get the whole thing over with and get her out of his house. It's easy to imagine that she said she was ready to move on and just wanted to have one more moment of intimacy with him as a way to say goodbye. Wanting to end it, Travis might have believed that would do the trick -- he just had to get through the day and then he would really be free of Jodi.
What was the specific betrayal Travis referred to?

Wish I knew.

I bet it had something to do with Jodi accusing him of being a pedophile or threatening to tell his bishop that he was sexually attracted to children. No way to know though.
When JA was telling her 2nd story regarding the ninjas, when she "quoted" things that they said, it reminds me SO much of when she claimed that TA said, "F'ing kill you B." The way she tells stories reminds me of when someone writes a script. You can tell that she's not really recounting actions, but just telling a story. She's too superficial to understand how to convey depth beneath her words, so when she tells these stories they come off as a cheesy lifetime movie. It's so nuanced, though, a lot of people may not be able to pick up on it.
So you're discounting forensic evidence and medical testimony in favor of blurry cloud like pixelation imaginary apparitions and words from a psychopathic murdering liar?

Call me confused.

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Nope, "confused", I'm working off of my own clear-headed logical thinking, :)

I understand the concept of saying that the casing landed on top of the blood puddle, but I allow for physics to explain a lightweight & otherwise clean spent casing landing on a subsequently formed blood puddle by getting accidentally kicked around in the scuffle.

I trust the ME to explain the autopsy, but he can be wrong in his explanation of anything outside of the body. I know that he has said that the shot was postmortem, and has given his reasons. But the body was staged and washed and had decomposed for a significant period of time, so I think that some of that expert opinion also involves some speculation.

In any case, I do not understand how the shot before or after the stabbing diminishes the brutality of the complete crime. I think it is a moot point.
:floorlaugh: Then her time frame would really be blown all to heck...well it already is...

yes her timeline's already blown. this doesn't make it longer.

i'm simply saying nurmi could suggest (for the benefit of any jurors who are wondering just where this charging maniac TA was while she was running in the closet, slamming the door and getting the gun) that's why he didn't make it to her faster.
You've stated it correctly. Even if Travis were alive and available to testify, the emails and texts would still not be admissible because they're still hearsay -- but of course there are a bunch of exceptions.

Since this is a capital murder case, I would think the judge would be even stricter on keeping out hearsay evidence to be used against the defendant, even if there's an argument that they fit within one of the exceptions.
So how was JM able to use the texts from him on cross with Jodi?

Since they referenced her journals also couldn't they introduce his under tat exception?

Also the magazine code she was sending out to ? Can they bring that back in some kind of way? As in a juror question?

If I was a juror I would have to sake what that was all about goes to her credibility...?

As if... She had any
Just in:

Hi Katie:

Here's the new place for viewers to send comments and questions starting tomorrow morning, March 3. (It won't be active until tonight.)

Spread the word. I'll do the same. I've been getting touching personal emails from viewers which I really appreciate. Please make sure folks know about the above address.

See you at the courthouse..,


Thank you KatieCL! I teared up reading this....
I just keep trying to think of way that he didn't actually have sex with her that day - she took pictures of herself with the camera on timer, surprised him after he was sleeping and took his pictures on the bed, etc. But it just seems impossible sex didn't happen based on the time stamps and how long she was there. So sad he fell for her evilness. But how could he possible know what was coming??
Maybe he didn't know she was there? His room mate said nothing of seeing a car..
I'm not convinced he was taken in completely at that point. I think he meant it when he told her to get lost on May 26, and he did not ever expect to see her again.

I think he was surprised when she showed up, and maybe nervous or fearful, but not necessarily afraid for his safety - just uncomfortable that she would not leave him alone. Travis obviously had some blurry boundaries also, but I think it was because Travis had a hard time being firm or "mean."

I think it's likely they had some kind of sexual encounter, but I think it's something he did to placate her and just get the whole thing over with and get her out of his house. It's easy to imagine that she said she was ready to move on and just wanted to have one more moment of intimacy with him as a way to say goodbye. Wanting to end it, Travis might have believed that would do the trick -- he just had to get through the day and then he would really be free of Jodi.

I had questions about whether or not he actually invited her, too. Did phone records show him calling her during the road trip, or vice versa?
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