jodi arias TAKES THE STAND #65 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Ok, I am going ask and see if anyone knows. JA said Travis didn't like hair. that why she got a brazilian.....but I seem to remember her saying she was nervous wondering what Travis would think of her wax job. And he was manscaped......however I just have a feeling that this was not the first time she had a perhaps she didn't like hair and got him to manscape. I would love to know from her previous men if she was cleaned or not. And if Travis was manscaped before meeting her. Was anything like this mentioned/discussed???

It did look like he was freshly manscaped didn't it?
I'd guess it was a personal choice of his.
I would (think) a man that had no interest in it would flat out say no way.

I don't believe he "didn't like hair".
From my experience men that don't like hair don't have ANY!
Armpits , head, chest and legs included.
I think Casey and Scott Peterson are more similar...they both desperately wanted out of a confining situation and in their sociopathic minds without a conscience, murder was as viable an option at any other and they could easily live with it. It was a simple step by step decision without emotion to free themselves to a future they preferred. The killing was merely a means to an end.

This chick is way more evil, diabolical. She enjoyed the murder, enjoys the stand, the attention, the deceiving the infliction of pain, the hurting other people like Travis' family including his sweet innocent grandmother. She enjoyed the killing of Travis making it as INhumane as possible. It was far from an was a sadistic violent bloodbath that she enjoyed every second of (and probably relives it daily with pleasure). To me, she's as demonic as anything I've ever seen.

ITA Katiecool. I really think she has an evil spirit in her. That's why she can lie and mince words with ease. After all, the devil is the greatest liar, yes? I pray she doesn't get acquitted, but sadly, I wouldn't doubt it because I believe she may have a supernatural power helping her. Our justice system doesn't know how to fight invisible forces such as these, only the church does.
He looks more scared and upset than anything else.

When I saw this picture on my tv last night, there was a lot of red around his eyes and they looked puffy---like he had been crying.

But that could just be my tv.
I'm guessing the trip to Cancun was the last straw for her. She knew on the 28th of May (redirect) at the latest, that he was taking Mimi, and not her. I believe she already knew when she robbed her grandparents' house.

At first, I thought the sex/sexy photos session was trumped up/staged as part of the setup, but as the trial rolled along, it's entered my mind that she was using that to convince Travis to take her instead of Mimi. When it became clear - maybe he mentioned something about Cancun, or she asked, they discussed it - she wasn't going, she went through with the murder.

The "look" photo, as all of you call it, really haunts me. I have a terrible feeling, that within seconds of that being taken, he saw the weapon/weapons in her hands.

I believe that she started stabbing him when he got out of the shower.

That wrestling/linebacker pose (I think) is an imitation of him attempting to tackle her to take away the knife. He'd been stabbed and was in pain, and I imagine she was backing away from him, and he was attempting to get low enough to knock her off her feet/take her down. I would guess he was in disbelief, and most likely asking her what was going on in colorful language. I think that many would swear a bit from the pain. I believe there's a bit of truth in every or least the majority of the lies she told. She said she was ambidextrous, so it's possible she had the gun in one hand, and the knife in the other. When he got close enough, she dropped the knife, and shot him.

I believe the stabbing came first. The bullet casing wasn't bloody enough to have been rolling around all that time. She shot him, and stabbed him some more. In her head, she was probably enraged that it was taking this much energy to kill him - he just wouldn't die - so she slit his throat.

From personal experience, having moved 1300 miles from those I love (6 years here - been chasing me since '94), and only being able to return (3 times) to my home state with a chaperone .. stalkers don't need provocation to kill those they are stalking. They don't need a reason to stalk their prey ... they just DO. They are born, not made. Nothing is ever their "fault" or responsibility. The person they are stalking are the ones at fault. They wouldn't be have had to do this if "so and so" hadn't done "this or that".

It's no surprise to me that she's thrown everything but the kitchen sink into this trial to make him appear depraved.

The only way for this psychopathic stalker to stop was to kill him. Travis was doomed the day he met her. I am hoping this case will be spotlighted in the future for discussion on how to deal with stalkers, before those situations reach this level.

This wonderful man never had a chance.

I'm against the death penalty. I admit I'm biased, but if this jury finds her guilty of Murder 1, she needs killing.
Ok, I am going ask and see if anyone knows. JA said Travis didn't like hair. that why she got a brazilian.....but I seem to remember her saying she was nervous wondering what Travis would think of her wax job. And he was manscaped......however I just have a feeling that this was not the first time she had a perhaps she didn't like hair and got him to manscape. I would love to know from her previous men if she was cleaned or not. And if Travis was manscaped before meeting her. Was anything like this mentioned/discussed???

I have been married 52 years so I am not up on what young men do these days below their belts....have heard of tattooing and piercing though....ewwwwwww.

What exactly is a Brazilian. I know it is a waxing of the pubic area, but it is complete, or only partial or what? tia
I have always thought that JA was laying in wait till TA got into the shower. Then she pull a weapon on him and made him do the photo shoot. She then started her attack. Motive ..jealousy...scorned woman...blah blah. The killing was the first and only thing on her mind and of course the fog was the coverup..All this is IMO
That sounds right to me, except that he does not splash water on his face. The water at the edge of the sink was from the water dripping from his face and hands as he propped himself over the sink. If he ran the water, the blood in the sink would not have dried that way ... it had landed into a dry sink.

Also, since the camera was built for only right-handed operation, and JA is a leftie by nature, she would wield the gun in her left hand, hoping for a nice clean death in the shower with one shot.

She may have had the gun tucked in her waistband behind her back, as they do in the movies (as they were both movie buffs).

She had not contemplated the gun jamming, as she told Flores that if she had it in her to kill Travis, she would shoot him and keep shooting until he was dead. If you are only imagining a hypothetical situation, who would say that they would keep on shooting until they were dead? I would just say that I would shoot them. Period.

I also think that the camera and the shell casing got kicked around during the bloody scuffle down the hallway where Travis finally "stopped", as JA truthfully testified that "he wouldn't stop", although her version was meant to suggest that he would not stop attacking her, when in fact he wouldn't stop moving away from her, and he wouldn't stop breathing/living.


The only problem I have with that theory is if the casing rolled it would have had blood on all sides of it instead of only underneath where it rested in already spilled blood.

That is one of the reasons among many that I agree with Dr. Horn and his belief that when the gun was finally fired Travis was most likely already dead or seconds away from death.

I suspect that Juan will present further evidence about the magazine codes during his rebuttal case. I believe he introduced this and had Jodi identify it and testify about it to lay the foundation for whatever he plans to introduce during rebuttal. I can't wait for that.

So he can do that in rebuttal even if nurmi doesn't ask her anything about the magazines in re-direct? Will nurmi dare ask her?
I agree with your earlier post that JA was kind of pretty when she was younger, in some of those pics with Travis. There's just something about her now that I find creepy and repulsive. Maybe it's just that evil within. Between that and her faux crying curtain, my mind keeps going back to Samara Morgan, the scary, creepy girl from the movie The Ring. :ghost:

Samara Morgan - YouTube


Jodi's doppelganger for sure.
Yes, it was on direct that she talked about using the stool when she was dusting and found the gun, and she also said on direct that she "jumped up on the shelf" to grab the gun on murder day.

On cross, she gave more details -- such as, she didn't use either hand, and only stepped on the very edge of one shelf to get up there.

Minor4th, I have missed a lot of your posts, so forgive me if I am repeating a question already asked of you but I know you are an attorney so I have to ask.
Do you believe Jodi will be convicted as of today? Do you believe she will get the DP?
Can anyone with camera/photography knowledge answer this?

When a picture is taken, all of the camera's settings are tied to that picture and when downloaded, those settings are shown in the properties of the camera.

Was that information available for these pics? Or was that destroyed with the deletion?

It would tell us if the timer was used, the flash was used, etc. But I am thinking because they were originally deleted, that might be gone.
What exactly is a Brazilian. I know it is a waxing of the pubic area, but it is complete, or only partial or what? tia

EVERYTHING GONE! where the sun does not shine.
Just like a newborn.
It did look like he was freshly manscaped didn't it?
I'd guess it was a personal choice of his.
I would (think) a man that had no interest in it would flat out say no way.

I don't believe he "didn't like hair".
From my experience men that don't like hair don't have ANY!
Armpits , head, chest and legs included.

I actually googled to see about manscaping and I agree with what you said about armpits, legs etc. I think she talked him into trying a lot of things he had never tried I just have the feeling she talked him into this as well. I think she introduced him to sex and she was a sex drug to him.....I remember him saying he never masterbated until he met her...
Jodi never seemed to be invited to FHE. The exchange of the car was for an invite. Obviously, nobody in Travis' circle wanted her around.

And that is a sure sign of trouble. When all your friends don't like your girlfriend, there is a reason. They weren't jealous of her, they knew Travis was changing. If you look at the pictures of them together Travis is rarely smiling. They knew she was bad news, and were probably over joyed when he was taking someone else to Cancun.
Sorry to harp on these magazine codes...witness tampering thing but to me that is

Why would she need to lie and get others to fabricate if he was an abuser (not) there would be no need too unless she was panicking at the lack of evidence so therefore you have to throw the abuse factor out which only leaves premeditation or a passion murder...

With all other evidence presented.. passion murder out ..unless she premeditated it... Remember it only takes a thought right before you murder... Her not taking a left out of bedroom but a right into closet and had consciousness to get the gun and into bathroom for another confrontation... That is assuming you believe her story which it's the only story the prosecution can poke holes at!

If I were a juror she impeached all testimony with not only lies to le but the magazine witness tampering which leaves you with 1st degree murder
Not one of them together either. That is very telling.

Does it look like Travis' upper lip is swollen on the left side to anyone else?
I also heard Abe A. mention that Travis had nasal d/c in that pic and he felt like Travis has been crying.
The photo bothered him so much that he started looking at himself after his showers to see if his eyes ever looked red like that.
He went on to say that he never had red eyes after a shower, he looked normal but "wet".

That broke my heart. :(

I just posted the same thing about the redness around his eyes. Yes, now that you mention it, left lip does look swollen. What is nasal d/c?

Right, none of them together.

This is the picture the prosecutor should have the Jury looking at during his close.
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