jodi arias TAKES THE STAND #66 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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:bump: These texts do not in any way sound like Travis would be sharing his bed with her ever again. He does say tell the truth, so did he think she was finally going to come clean and not harrass him further on some scam she was pulling. I'm sorry I will have to go back to read the discussion on these texts. I'm haunted by them. What had she done?

But yet we heard the phone sex conversation that was recorded after the first text you posted. I don't understand how it can be so hard to believe he had sex with her on June 4th. In the pics of him laying on the bed with the KY he held up the peace sign. Do you really believe he would open his eyes after being asleep naked, see a crazy woman in his house taking his picture and hold up a peace sign?
I thought she left the camera in the washer by accident too until our PI started pointing out things. I think she never had sex with TA that day. She got there later than she said she did. She waited till the roommates went to work to launch her plan of murder. IMO she expected TA to be found sooner. She let his wallet, keys, ring etc stay on the counter as a clue. She put the gate on the stairs as another clue. All the above is mindless supposition on my part. I just thought there might be another way of looking at things.

This discussion definitely has me re-thinking whether she left the camera on purpose, but I'm still very dubious on the idea that she essentially planted pictures on it. :waitasec:
Absolutely it will not. That is just an excuse created by a liar. I dont believe a word that comes out of her mouth anyway.

She probably was a very bratty unruly child growing up. They disciplined her and she didnt like it. I dont think they abused her. Its just part of her 'blame everyone else but me game.'

That whole business about her being "beaten" with a "wooden spoon", is so outlandish and absurd. So what if she did get popped occasionally by her Mom when she was lying and being a little demon. I can think of much more painful methods of punishment, not that I'm condoning them... still, the facts are what they are. We all have known or at least been familiar with so, so much worse. Yet 99.999% of these 'victims' did not become violent murdering psychopaths. Everything goes back to JA's pathetic excuses and lies, lies, lies. :liar:
What about the "Kool-Aid" stains on the seats of the rental car and missing floor mats ?

BBM . . . oh, the floor mats that Ms. Arias said were never in the car when she rented it? :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
At post 1392, thefragile7393 said:

"And court reporter Mike can do 300 words per minute with this stuff (not standard typing 300 words per minute. Is it called kpsh or something?)" [my bolding]

Just in case some day Mike can't make it in....

On a good day, I type about 20 words per minute
and make only one error in typing my name.

Let the court know I'm available to hop on the next flight to Phx.
Maybe katietoocool can pick me up at Sky Harbor. :floorlaugh:

(I wish I had listened to my parents' advice about taking typing class seriously. Of course back then, QWERTY keyboards were still newfangled contraptions)
Investigative Report cont.

(house was guarded and Warrant was sought from the magistrate)

I asked (Mimi) about Travis’ former girlfriend Jodi Arias. She didn’t know too much about Jodi, other than what she learned tonight. She heard that she was kind of obsessive and that she had manipulated Travis’ Facebook account.

She also mentioned hearing that Jodi would get into the house through the doggie door without being invited. She described Jodi as a “stalker ex girlfriend”. She had moved from California to be near him. Travis had actually baptized Jodi into the LDS church. Marie (mimi) said she was actually kind of worried about her, because she was obsessive.

She had also heard that Jodi had stolen some of his personal journals and they had recently taken some pages of his new book he was writing. She knew Travis spoke to Jodi sometime last week.

Travis called Jodi, because he caught her hacking into one of his email or Facebook accounts and confronted her about it. Other than this she knew very little about Jodi Arias.

What was the date of the phone sex? Wasn't it just a few days prior in May?

Originally Posted by Kamille
Is it possible that Travis was on the computer early in the morning and she was peeping in the window which is how she know this? Maybe she didn't come in at that time because of the roomates? Waited until after they left to sneak in the house? Did they see her car?

This comment intrigued me because of her testimony on the stand that she stood and watched Travis on the computer and neither Travis or Nap knew she was there. We all thought that sounded strange and creepy, but I think you might have just explained it--watching through a window.

And, no, the roommate never saw her car.

I think the board is really focusing in on what may have really happened that day. It's been going on all day here.

Like I said, I fell for a lot of her story of that day hook, line, and sinker [showed up at 4am, watched youtube with Travis, went to bed, woke at around 1pm, had sex]. No proof of any of it but her word and why would I believe anything she has to say? :banghead:
BRAVO to this well-written post anagrammy!!! :seeya:

Ditto, anagrammy. You nailed "it".

Was it part of JA's "crazy" to carry out the murder at the busiest time of the day with neighbors arriving home from work? According to Det. Flores' interviews of TA's two housemates, the three guys weren't close, never even having eaten dinner together. Hard to imagine they shared their weekly plans, or that Travis would ever share them with JA. I can see her sneaking into the unlocked house in the middle of the night and silently killing Travis with a baseball bat as he slept, but a frenzied massacre at rush hour when the housemates could arrive at any moment? I don't get it, unless she didn't care about getting caught, which she obviously did.
I joined the trial late with JM's cross of JA, blessedly avoiding the repellent Nurmi. This has probably been covered a hundred times, but why in the world didn't Travis change his locks, pin numbers, passwords, etc. long before his death? According to Flores, JA was still accessing his test messages/voice mail the day she slaughtered him. It's incredible to me that those were still available to her. And he never locked his house? Sheesh.

I wondered the same thing. I guess he knew she was crazy but didn't think she would be as dangerous as she turned out to be.
:bump: These texts do not in any way sound like Travis would be sharing his bed with her ever again. He does say tell the truth, so did he think she was finally going to come clean and not harrass him further on some scam she was pulling. I'm sorry I will have to go back to read the discussion on these texts. I'm haunted by them. What had she done?

Blackmail is the only thing I can think of so he gave in.
But yet we heard the phone sex conversation that was recorded after the first text you posted. I don't understand how it can be so hard to believe he had sex with her on June 4th. In the pics of him laying on the bed with the KY he held up the peace sign. Do you really believe he would open his eyes after being asleep naked, see a crazy woman in his house taking his picture and hold up a peace sign?

Ugh, I cannot stop with this case today! I am going back and forth between believing they had sex that day, though I agree with other posters that it isn't "important", if you will. I have never been in the kind of relationship where I could send text messages of that nature and still be intimate with the person I was so furious at. However, good people find themselves in that situation and it doesn't mean anything negative about them. Perhaps he was angry at her, but it's possible (and probable) that in the time they knew each other he did have some feelings for her that went beyond the sexual. Maybe, and this is what I think those texts are saying, he felt deeply betrayed and hurt by her. This is not the way people feel about partners who are purely sexual. It would be easier to move on from a betrayal when you don't feel anything for the person. Maybe he felt very hurt, and when she showed up he was ready (or wanted) to believe that she was truly sorry, even though maybe in his heart of hearts he knew she was unable to feel remorse. Just my two cents, just throwing things out there.
Actually that's a very important perspective because Travis is being given a bad rap for still having contact with her. So , I appreciate that.

There is so much I have wanted to say and I think Travis was great in many ways and I have never see a fault of Travis for anything they were involved in.

When I was young, I had many a wild years, basically 18-45 sewing my oats, that is a pretty long time.

I am just going to throw a few stories out about myself.....back then

One girl that liked me, I referred to her as my stalker, she was not but it was a term that is thrown about loosely. I made her climb thru a second floor window to have sex with me, when I took her home, I could tell by how she was sitting in my car that she was going to try to talk like when will I see you again and all that stuff, I did not care to hear it so I asked her is this not the correct address? When she said yes, I said well goodnight!

Another, in Minnesota, middle of winter, I picked up in the middle of sex and put out on my porch butt naked, she laughed about it years later My stories could go on and on as I was wild for a lot of years. Thing is a lot of my guy friends were equally as bad.

The only reason I posted these is because guys do guys things and Travis I am sure did not reach the levels I did.

Last but not least, sure hope my wife does not read here.
Just the still shots on the camera.
Arias CLAIMS they also took a video (on her Olympus camera) of them having sex, but that hasn't come up during the trial. It may just be another "story".

Ooooh. i thought we had proof of them having sex. I wouldn't put it past her that she totally lied that part of the story as well. Just to make him look bad.

So, there are no pictures of them actually engaging in intercourse and no shots with Travis looking at the camera, other than that shower shot?
Ok I have found an avatar for each juror...
This may have already been done. If so my apologies and I will delete my post.
Only 5 are allowed per post so hang on.. I'll get there...

Church Lady mid 50's

Housewife sweet face

Grandpa Bald

Tricolor Stylist 30's

Nancy 50's sassy hair cut
I think she is just a bad seed.

I do believe that happens sometimes. Born without a conscience.


Absolutely and no doubt about it. "Bad Seeds" are not created without first being born, to at least a certain degree. There is always a continuum, i.e., on a scale of 1 - 10, as to the degree of genetic factors. Then, the environmental variables come into play and have to be figured into the big picture.

But there first has to be fertile ground for the environmental variables to take hold. Just take Ted Bundy, for example, he by all reports had a normal, nurturing, loving family and a normal childhood. Yet he turned out to be a serial killer / monster.
I just watched the absolutely beautiful memorial video on youtube posted by Nursebeeme at the beginning of every new thread in this case. I don't know how I missed it this long but if YOU haven't watched it, you really should--WARNING! Have tissues at hand.

Nursebeeme...Thank you so much for sharing.
She took the stand and was arrogant rude at times and at times refused to answer! From what I've read.

Jodi refuses to answer, too. She just lies and says she can't remember. Same thing. I am sure she remembers and relives every second of that day. And enjoys it immensely.
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