jodi arias TAKES THE STAND #66 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Hi everyone, I'm a looong-time lurker but first time poster. :seeya:

I know a lot of people keep questioning what made Jodi snap and kill Travis. I have a little different explanation of her motivation based on being raised by a mother with "cluster B" personality disorders (mostly borderline but could be classified under almost all of them).

Jodi and my mother are very, very similar. So similar it's scary; however, my mother never killed anyone. But, my mother was hyper sexual (with men and women), displayed stalker tendencies (spying on people, listening in on conversations, steaming open her boyfriend's mail), would become "obsessed" with certain people to the point of having no other friends, did crazy things to people she perceived wronged her (tire slashing, nails under tires, sugar in gas tanks, faked suicide attempts) and lived only in her own "truth". Yet, people who only saw my mother in social situations (like at work) thought she was very nice.

So how does this tie in with Jodi? In my opinion, Jodi killed Travis because he questioned and threatened her "truth". The texts from him to Jodi show he had started to figure out who she really was. The fact that he shared this knowledge with her was probably enough to start planning how to get rid of him. In my experience, things like jealousy or betrayal don't have the same effect on cluster B disordered people. Things that trigger them make no sense to those of us who aren't disordered.

If Jodi is anything like my mother, her "truth" is the world that she creates in her mind and that she chooses to live in. Any questioning of her "truth" was completely unacceptable. Any time I questioned my mother's truth, she became physically violent with me while telling me how it was all my fault she had to hit me.

My mother used to tell us constantly that she was only being honest when she saw situations completely different than everyone else. I'm sure Jodi did the same to Travis. Being around these people for any length of time does make you begin to think that you are crazy.

My heart breaks for Travis' family and for Travis and the hell that Jodi put him through. I hope this post makes's not something I speak of often.

I have seen JA challenged many times on her version of truth. Just look at Flores and JM. They didn't buy what she was selling at all and she never batted an eyelash. She just continued to spew her lies and wouldn't back down a bit. Most normal people, when confronted with proof of their lies, will back down and admit to it. Even CA admitted she didn't work at Universal when backed against the wall. But JA will sit there and look at the sky and insist it is purple and it's your own eyes that are lying. Look what happened when JM pointed out the bullet casing lying on top of the dried blood. She just insisted that it didn't lie that way. Even if she admits a lie, she just replaces it with a brand new one.
The amazing thing to me in watching her on the stand with JM is how utterly without fear and anxiety she is. If I even see a police car in the back of my rear view mirror I shake in my boots even though I've done nothing wrong. Jodi sits there and lies bold faced and smiles like she is putting something past him. Not a sign of worry from her. I've heard that said about sociopaths but this is the first time I've seen it in action.
What's the male perspective on this?

Guys,,(I will speak of myself) don't want to offend all males are not like what we see on the bachelor, Romance and all that nice fuzzy warm stuff, just is not that important.

So yeah you could be pissed off a girl and still want to **** her brains out.
Investigative Report cont.

(house was guarded and Warrant was sought from the magistrate)

I asked (Mimi) about Travis’ former girlfriend Jodi Arias. She didn’t know too much about Jodi, other than what she learned tonight. She heard that she was kind of obsessive and that she had manipulated Travis’ Facebook account.

She also mentioned hearing that Jodi would get into the house through the doggie door without being invited. She described Jodi as a “stalker ex girlfriend”. She had moved from California to be near him. Travis had actually baptized Jodi into the LDS church. Marie (mimi) said she was actually kind of worried about her, because she was obsessive.

She had also heard that Jodi had stolen some of his personal journals and they had recently taken some pages of his new book he was writing. She knew Travis spoke to Jodi sometime last week.

Travis called Jodi, because he caught her hacking into one of his email or Facebook accounts and confronted her about it. Other than this she knew very little about Jodi Arias.
I think you are really on to something. I thought your earlier theory was so provocative, I started thinking about this whole scenario that JAIL (JodiAriasIsLying) created. I wonder if Travis had something on her that SHE did not want known and the only way to ensure that is to kill him. I think she took the nude pics on purpose, deleted them on purpose, never knowing the accidental pics existed. She wanted the camera found as it would expose him in death as a hypocrite and fraud ( in her mind). She would outsmart everyone including the cops and show everyone that their precious TA was not so precious or conversely that she was da bomb. As she is so hyper literal as she claims, she was going to "stab him in the back, kill him and shut him up forever". Since "no jury was going to convict me" was her motto came after her premeditated plan of coverup failed, she was going to skewer him in death as well. Deflection and projection at its finest. Anybody biting???

I must respectfully disagree. I truly don't believe she knew what she was doing when she left that camera in the washing machine, and that is the only way this theory holds up. I just don't buy that she purposely took the pictures and left the camera in the hopes that somebody would search out the deleted pictures. While I believe she means to "skewer him in death" with her testimony, I don't think the pictures were meant to play a part in that.
I forgot to quote StephanieHartRocks post in my jump off post.
as i've said, i don't get the pictures. i think she meant to destroy them. she didn't want the police to know she'd even been there, obviously. i think she thought they wouldn't survive the wash and the bleach.

maybe she didn't want to take his brand new camera with her because that would be a dead giveaway---all his friends knew she fancied herself a photographer and here he is dead and that new camera isn't there anymore. so she left it there but thought what was on it was gone.

whether they had sex? nobody will ever know. nobody could ever prove it one way or the other. i just never got why he'd be laying on his bed naked if they didn't have sex.
Guys,,(I will speak of myself) don't want to offend all males are not like what we see on the bachelor, Romance and all that nice fuzzy warm stuff, just is not that important.

So yeah you could be pissed off a girl and still want to **** her brains out.

Actually that's a very important perspective because Travis is being given a bad rap for still having contact with her. So , I appreciate that.
Oh, it wasn't subconscious at all... have you read his texts from April and May of 2008? Less than a month before he was murdered by her, he had her pegged and I think it was a fatal mistake to let her know how accurate he was.

For example:
These are all FROM Travis TO JA
April 2008 (I think - if not, its close)
(illegible) you have that
information. its 15 minutes it
would take to gt the info.
But you won't take 15
minutes. Why because it is
an Fing lie. So either text
me you that you are ready
to tell the truth or give me
your imaginary friend with
the worst BS story you have
ever told or leave me alone.
Its a lie like no other. It is
freaking foolish. There is no
way out of it, you have
screwed up your story so
bad you can't mend it. You
are caught. When will you
realize that. I do not know.
You have til tomorrow. to
have me this persons
information before I tell all
of the hughes' leslie udy,
the freemans, your parents
and anyone else that
matters about all the crazy
things you have done. So
either fess up or feel the
wrath. No matter how bad
the truth is I promise you
the punishment will be
better than the lie. This is
worse than your magical
email that a mysterious man
you've never seen before
wrote for you. You insult me
by thinking ill believe such
crap. nothing else from you
til the truth. I already know
your lying so why continue.
After tomorrow, its gonna
get real bad for you. Time to
spit it out.
These 3 are all part of one long text,
no replies from JA in between:
05/26/08 at 07:59:15am
I sent you a response to
your dire conversation, that
I hope youread because
you need to read it. Maybe
it will spark human emotion
in you, something that only
seems to exist when it
comes to your own
problems. But everyone
else is just a part of your
sick agenda. By the way,
your pic comment to Danny
Jones makes you look like a
pure *advertiser censored*, even more to
the people who know you.
You should be embarrassed
by it. If he knew what I knew
about you he'd spit in ur
face. Sow ould everyone
else. I have never never in
my life been hurt so bad by
someone. But why do I
even say it because you
don't care. It doesn't serve
your evilness.
05/26/08 at 08:35:02am
You couldn't get off your
lazy butt to to read it could
you. That's the sociopath (I)
know so well. it freakin
05/26/08 at 09:11:11am
I don't want your apology I
want you to understand
what I think of you. I want
you to understand how evil I
think you are. You are the
worst thing that ever
happened to me.

:bump: These texts do not in any way sound like Travis would be sharing his bed with her ever again. He does say tell the truth, so did he think she was finally going to come clean and not harrass him further on some scam she was pulling. I'm sorry I will have to go back to read the discussion on these texts. I'm haunted by them. What had she done?
I know this is farfetched the photo where TA is holding up the 2 fingers like the peace sign. I like to think he is saying.....I will give you 2 seconds to get the he** out of here before I throw you out.
Actually that's a very important perspective because Travis is being given a bad rap for still having contact with her. So , I appreciate that.

Reminds me of When Harry Met Sally. Even the girls he didn't like he'd still ****** at the end of a date.
as i've said, i don't get the pictures. i think she meant to destroy them. she didn't want the police to know she'd even been there, obviously. i think she thought they wouldn't survive the wash and the bleach.

maybe she didn't want to take his brand new camera with her because that would be a dead giveaway---all his friends knew she fancied herself a photographer and here he is dead and that new camera isn't there anymore. so she left it there but thought what was on it was gone.

whether they had sex? nobody will ever know. nobody could ever prove it one way or the other. i just never got why he'd be laying on his bed naked if they didn't have sex.

I think this is very interesting, and have never thought about it before. It does make sense that she wouldn't want to expose herself to suspicion by taking the camera when everyone knew she thought of herself as a photographer, so perhaps the leaving of the camera wasn't an accident? I'm sure she thought the washing machine destroyed the photos if indeed she meant to place the camera in the machine, so maybe she thought that leaving the camera behind in the machine was less suspicious than if it had gone missing? Interesting theory to ponder.
Guys,,(I will speak of myself) don't want to offend all males are not like what we see on the bachelor, Romance and all that nice fuzzy warm stuff, just is not that important.

So yeah you could be pissed off a girl and still want to **** her brains out.
Sad but true...however I know many women who are the same way. Your words echo what I have long discovered (and no I am not condemning your statement, just agreeing with what you said in a roundabout way lol).
Guys,,(I will speak of myself) don't want to offend all males are not like what we see on the bachelor, Romance and all that nice fuzzy warm stuff, just is not that important.

So yeah you could be pissed off a girl and still want to **** her brains out.

That's called "compartmentalizing". And I think the younger and less sexually experienced a man is, the more he will do it to get laid.

Also, I think Jodi really tried to sell herself to Travis as girl who was a-okay with a STRICTLY "FOB" (friend with benefits) relationship, which was a manipulative lie. If it were true she would have had a "take it leave it" attitude, which we know is the opposite of how she felt. We hear in the phone sex call how she's trying to plant the idea that he would not be able to find a girl as freaky as she.
I must respectfully disagree. I truly don't believe she knew what she was doing when she left that camera in the washing machine, and that is the only way this theory holds up. I just don't buy that she purposely took the pictures and left the camera in the hopes that somebody would search out the deleted pictures. While I believe she means to "skewer him in death" with her testimony, I don't think the pictures were meant to play a part in that.

I thought she left the camera in the washer by accident too until our PI started pointing out things. I think she never had sex with TA that day. She got there later than she said she did. She waited till the roommates went to work to launch her plan of murder. IMO she expected TA to be found sooner. She let his wallet, keys, ring etc stay on the counter as a clue. She put the gate on the stairs as another clue. All the above is mindless supposition on my part. I just thought there might be another way of looking at things.
Guys,,(I will speak of myself) don't want to offend all males are not like what we see on the bachelor, Romance and all that nice fuzzy warm stuff, just is not that important.

So yeah you could be pissed off a girl and still want to **** her brains out.

This is actually pretty interesting because I think a lot of women might think things are okay between them if he was willing to have sex with her. If he then turns around and is still pissed off at her and doesn't really want to have much to do with her afterwards she'd probably feel used and be pretty pissed off...even if she were the one who initiated it.
To quote my friend Greg, "As a guy, if a hot girl shows up at your house and wants to &@$#, you're gonna &@$# her."

That's kind of the "charming" point about the reason this case happened in the first place. If a "hot" girl shows up at your house and you #@*&
her even though you know she's a psycho and have told other people she will kill you -- well, ya just kinda had to see (and did, in fact) see this coming. That's why I'm not worried about the DP. She's not threat to just any random person on the street.
Investigative Report cont.

(Interview Zach/Roommate)
When asked about Jodi Arias, Zach said he had met her when he moved in and she would come around and hang out all the time when he first moved in. she used to clean Travis’ house on occasion and he would pay her. He knew she moved to Arizona from California soon after they broke up. She moved into a nearby neighborhood to be close to Travis.

He knew they had issues and argued about her showing up and being in the house unannounced. He would argue with her and asked her why she was in the house. They would have arguments about her moving down to Mesa after they were already broken up. She would call at inappropriate times and ask for advice about different things. When asked how she got into the house, Zach said she would just let herself in sometimes, because the door was never locked. Zach said he felt Travis was just trying to help Jodi out since she didn’t have anyone else here in town. He said Jodi had moved back to California recently. He believed she moved about one or two months ago. He remembered the day she moved, because she showed up to the house with a U-haul truck. Just prior to her moving, Travis and her got into an argument about her moving away. On the day of her move, she showed up with a U-haul truck they got into another argument.
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