jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 11TH DAY #56 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I'd bet that the defense is being told to reign in their Client to be more direct in her testimony and to quit playing her ridiculous word games. Probably at the jury's insistence.

This is crazy.:banghead:
I think shes ready to blow!! I knew she'd never make it. We will see, maybe they will accept a plea (prosecutor).
it would been great if jm asked "and how did that make you feeeeel"


I don't care what anyone says! THIS is funny!


Her family's demeanor irritates me to no end.:furious:
Dang. Whatever just happened (longer recess and Jodi gets to leave the stand) Mom and Auntie are happy (smiling and pumping fists). What the heck happened?!

Literally pumping fists? What do you mean?
I just gotta say, this is about the murder of a man. WTH is Juan doing? There is no need to discuss the truth behind every single little thing she spoke about for 9 days on direct. This is not good. Sorry, but Juan needs to talk about the murder and it's circumstances. Everyone knows she's a damn liar.

I think he's dismantling her defense brick by brick. He really has to attack the self defense claim as well as all the "abuse".
They have showed pictures of them grinding naked?

Well all I know is two people can be naked and rub their private parts together sexually and there is no entry of the penis and that is all Im going to say about dat!:floorlaugh:

I meant the pictures of her genitalia. I don't want this to be construed as an off-color joke, so let me stress how serious I am. If there weren't clothes (or a rope) there to hold "it" back, "it" was going in. In my serious opinion.

She's the type of woman who talks dirty in bed and encourages her man to do the same. Who wants to be referred to as a '*advertiser censored* star', considers it a compliment.

And hey-- I'm not knocking it. I'm knocking her portraying him as a sexually abusive dominant monster while painting herself as little miss swiss. You don't get to play both games.

Thats exactly the point that Juan was trying to make clear to the Jury. During direct, Jodi always made it seem like she was always being forced into doing everything and that she was always sickened by the way Travis made her do all these things. The truth is it was the total opposite. Jodi seems to the one who pushed Travis into all these things. She knew sex was a tool to make Travis feel he owed her things.
I'm seriously disturbed by how JA's mom & aunt can crack any smiles at all at any time while their daughter/niece is on the stand for her life for brutally butchering someone
Stephanie I can't requote your post because I can't look at her mother and aunt anymore.

I'd love to know what they're always laughing at. And what the aunt listens to on the headphones. I think gangster rap.
More stalling by Nurmi. I hope he wasn't able to bar the secret code. I'm getting more worried that we may not ever hear about it again.
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