jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 13TH DAY #61 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Watch just how quickly she's able to recover from being on the verge of tears straight back to angry and combative...
She's starting to get the faux weepy grieving widow (black) look as she knows the murder photos are coming...

and with that I have to leave. :banghead:
I want to point out something. I listened to some of Juan's opening last night.

This is his normal tone when speaking in court in front of the jury. He is always emphatic. I doubt the jury takes it as anger.
she is swallowing hard. we may see some projectile porridge coming forward.

this is her "i don't want to talk about my murder!" face
THAT's the photo with a silver thing in the lower right hand corner!!! last of sequence!!! KEY photograph!!!!!!
Nurmi continually keeps his fingers in and around his nose, signals to JA??!!!

I think so too and I wish the judge would be more aware of what's going on but I think Nurmi would just cop to digging for treasures.
she's claiming the pic of travis sitting is an inadvertent picture..she's lying again.
Been lurking for awhile but thought I'd finally jump in and say HI and THANK YOU for all the updates. Can't watch the trial while at work so I try to keep up with the threads.


Glad to have you here, Bugs!
and I'm positive he has been coached on how to question the little borderline personality queen. He knows what he's doing guys!

Agreed!! As a Juanette, I have 100% faith there is a method to his madness!!!!!

I think sometimes he plays dumb or says something wrong bc he knows she can't resist a chance to correct him!!!!!! Great way to pull info out of her, IMO!!
Why would Travis be looking at photos on his expensive new camera while IN THE SHOWER w/ the door open? I'm a photographer and do not want my gear near ANY sort of water, even droplets! I don't believe he would want to stand there w/ water spraying out of the shower head.
I think Martinez is doing a GREAT job. Jodi seems like a slippery eel every time she pulls these stupid tricks. The last thing she seems to be is truthful, recalcitrant, or remorseful.
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