jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 13TH DAY #63 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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:great: Juan did a wonderful job, but I am disappointed that he did not mention that her story of being chased by TA, getting the gun, shooting, stabbing, slicing throat, etc., all had to happen within less than 2 minutes. I also wonder why he did not mention that since her blood was found at the scene, what did she cut.

What good would it do with JA? He will bring it up in closing
I can live with it. They will be unsealed when the trial is over and she has been sentenced, I can wait.

Nope, Nurmi came back after that was said, and objected that there would be appeals, and still wanted them sealed. so for now, not released, not approved yet to be released even after the trial is over... and will have to bring it up later.
Premeditation = filling up gas cans so you don't have to fill up in AZ when you are getting the heck out of paper trail in AZ if gas was purchased in CA. I have a feeling she mapped it out to see how far she could go with a tank and another 12gal in cans. Also, premeditation when she stabbed each time, when she slit his throat and when shot him in the head...MOO
It will get released after verdict. No big deal
Nurmi doesn't want the contents released if she receives the death penalty due to appeals but he didn't seem to take exception to the release if she gets LWOP.
Juan did not say he rested his case, but he did say he was done and had nothing further.
Nurmi indicated that since he has rebuttal on Monday he needed a piece of evidence from Juan. So I think Juan is done for now.
I look forward to reading your transcribing. I was gone for most of the testiphony today and just caught the last hour or so. The feed I had was cutting out constantly. Thank goodness for WSers like yourself!

I'll be here for most of the week and will do what I can.

After afternoon break it's impossible for me because the family comes home.

Thanks to both you and Wenwe4 for what you all do. I am between locations and this one is without TV, or real internet.

If your computer has an HDMI output and your TV has an HDMI input, you can get an HDMI cord and plug your computer right into your TV and it works like a charm. Once plugged in, just change your TV "INPUT" setting to point it to the PC input that will show up when plugged in. The INPUT setting is controlled by your remote that has a MENU and/or INPUT setting directly on remote.

That way you can watch trial without commercials using one of the links we have been using.

Its great. I do it all the time

I plug my phone into the tv (HDMI out put on the phone), or my kindle HD, that way I can crank up the surround sound to hear them.

DD#1 says she's been plugging her Ipad into the TV and doing the same thing.

That way I don't miss out talking to ya'll at the same time :great:
Maybe the apple didn't fall too far from the tree? I think most psycopaths probably had some inability to bond when they were babies, and once the brain develops to a certain point, there is no going back and undoing the damage that was caused. It could be she was a very cold mother, not saying Jodi is her fault, but there has to be something to the psychology.

Could be partly the reason Jodi did not deal with rejection well, she needed someone to want her and show her she was worthy of attention, it all goes back to childhood, I bet there is something off with her family too.

The thing is, barring her psychopathic obsession with TA, she was a gorgeous young female who could have enjoyed all sorts of free sex with all sorts of willing and able men of all ages. Her downfall was due to her insecurity and attaching herself to a man whose religious morality conflicted with hers. TA should've been just a one-night stand, then she should have just moved on to others. If she stuck with that plan, she could've been married with kids by now.
I never heard the words . . . "The state rests" so I am not sure . . . . Juan is quite masterful with blurring semantics . . . ..

Where is JA going with trajectory if TA lunged @ her like a linebacker does that line up with temple to left cheek? . . . his head would have been turned away from her? help if this one has been debated and figured out.

It is not the State's case. This is the Defendant's case now. Nurmi will do redirect and then probably call more witnesses. I don't know why, but there is no recross. I guess it must be an Arizona thing.
I'm taking a pledge to abstain from HLN for the weekend starting..........




If you care to join me, it's fun, you get the benefit of reading other's commentary without subjecting yourself to the hosts and guests!!

I will join you considering I don't watch them anyway. :D :rocker:
I look forward to reading your transcribing. I was gone for most of the testiphony today and just caught the last hour or so. The feed I had was cutting out constantly. Thank goodness for WSers like yourself!

I'll be here for most of the week and will do what I can.

After afternoon break it's impossible for me because the family comes home.

Big big big thanks to you for all you do KMouse!!!! You are a true asset to WS!!!
:great: Juan did a wonderful job, but I am disappointed that he did not mention that her story of being chased by TA, getting the gun, shooting, stabbing, slicing throat, etc., all had to happen within less than 2 minutes. I also wonder why he did not mention that since her blood was found at the scene, what did she cut.

I agree but I think it's just US thinking the jury doesn't get it. Either way Juan will bring it all together is his closing. There will be NO question as to what occurred June 4, 2008.
I never heard the words . . . "The state rests" so I am not sure . . . . Juan is quite masterful with blurring semantics . . . ..

Where is JA going with trajectory if TA lunged @ her like a linebacker does that line up with temple to left cheek? . . . his head would have been turned away from her? help if this one has been debated and figured out.

"The state rests" is said when the state is done presenting their case.

"I have no more questions for this witness" is said when the attorney is done questioning the witness.

There were black socks in the washing machine, presumably the murder socks. I believe these socks were Travis', and I believe Jodi put on his socks to give her traction and to conceal her footprints and shoe prints.

And there were bleach spots all over them, so I guess she tried to wash the blood out of them.
After the disaster in Florida, I have no confidence that a jury will convict Jodi. CA killed a toddler.....Travis was a grown man.

Except JA admitted it. I can figure out why the CA jury did not convict. I don't agree and I don't want to rehash it but it is different.

She admitted on the stand she slit his throat. That is not something you can do when someone is is attacking you. You have to have control of someone to do that. In that picture where she is dragging him? TO me it looks like she has just slit his throat. The way the blood is running her kneeling right there.

She is a monster. And she can cry about her small cell or her little finger, But this man was not just shot and killed, Or stabbed and killed. HE was shot, stabbed, and his throat was slit.

She is done.
Nurmi redirects now, but I don't think JM gets another rebuttal. Nurmi wil redirect, then we get JUROR QUESTIONS!!!! :great:

I thought Nurmi does redirect, JM does a rebuttal (recross?) if he wants to, juror questions for this witness (JA) and she steps down.

KN calls his expert witnesses, JM does cross with them, jury questions for each, then KN closes his CIC.

Then closing arguments - DT first JM last.

Finally deliberations for the guilt phase.

INAL - I think this is basically how it goes, but I'm not absolutely sure...
I know, right????? I get the feeling she's NOT very close to her family...not surprising for a psychopath - but what's the deal with her mom & aunt?? Really?? NO tears for Jodi, none for TA, none for his family...just...none?? Wow..kinda cold..

Her aunt and mom are strange. Sometimes it looks like they are smirking, to me. Is it just me? It's weird. Maybe it's just their faces...
Nurmi doesn't want the contents released if she receives the death penalty due to appeals but he didn't seem to take exception to the release if she gets LWOP.

Really makes you wonder what is in there now...
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