jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 13TH DAY #63 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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:great: Juan did a wonderful job, but I am disappointed that he did not mention that her story of being chased by TA, getting the gun, shooting, stabbing, slicing throat, etc., all had to happen within less than 2 minutes. I also wonder why he did not mention that since her blood was found at the scene, what did she cut.

After defense has put on all their witnesses, it's time for Juan to do a rebuttal. Everything that was left handing, salon, license plate, gun, etc. will be covered by witness testimony on rebuttal. So all those questions someone might think (TH) he left hanging, he has testimony coming to prove she was lying. jmo
Premeditation = filling up gas cans so you don't have to fill up in AZ when you are getting the heck out of paper trail in AZ if gas was purchased in CA. I have a feeling she mapped it out to see how far she could go with a tank and another 12gal in cans. Also, premeditation when she stabbed each time, when she slit his throat and when shot him in the head...MOO

Premeditation = running into the closet and deciding to jump up and get gun and staying in the bathroom and pointing gun at him instead of just running down the hallway to get away.

Either story it's premeditation
For the first time in over a week, I can exhale. Thank you Juan Martinez.
Please God, let there be justice in this trial.
I hate to be so shallow, but to see her in that jacket along with those horrible khaki pants was really telling and just a glimpse as to how humiliated she must of felt during the reenactment.

Good, JM hammered home and exposed her to the murderer she is.

Again, Peace to Travis's family and friends.

true.but then i saw TA begging her to help him when she shot him. then i saw how those knifes kept stabbing him. saw his hands trying to protect himself from being stabbed saw her cockyness of moving on with her life. TA did not matter to her no more. she slaughtered him and went on with her life till she was caught. her evil being was not done til she slit his throat as a thank you for being kind to me. but no way you gonna be with another woman. she is evil to the core. her memory is better then most.
Originally Posted by SunnyinMO
I think the stabbing and throat slitting will be a large part of his closing......I can't help remembering Prosecutor Kelly Siegler's court room demonstration of Susan Wright stabbing her husband 193 was riveting!! I'd love to see JM do that...but I don't think it's his style. I am going to say an extra prayer for Travis' family this evening. I am glad I don't have to wash my mind with lye soap tonight.

Can You imagine Kelly Siegler crossing Jodi LOL that would be something she is such a Bull Dog and Aggressive. It would be interesting to observe Jodi be crossed by a female prosecutor.

I thought several times it might be better to have a female prosecutor.....until I saw Juan in action.....but Kelly would have been would have been interesting to see how poor little meek JA reacted to a female.
Ok I mentioned that Night Court episode about the slow talker that reminded me of Nurmi.. heres the quotes from the episode, doesnt have same effect as a clip

Mister Tuttle, do you have anything to say?

[long pauses between every word]... Yes.

[not presently aware Tuttle is a very slow talker] Well then go ahead.

...Well... it's... a... long... story.

[dreadfully aware, now, that Tuttle is a slow talker] Why am I seeing my life flashing before my eyes?

[feels the judge's pain] Well, he does have a legal right to speak, Your Honor.

Okay Mister Tuttle, let 'er rip!

...Thank... you... I'll... be... brief.

Mr. Tuttle, I got one question for you. Do you or do you not want to press charges?


[yells] Why the hell didn't you just say that to begin with?


[fed up] Case dismissed!
The thing is, barring her psychopathic obsession with TA, she was a gorgeous young female who could have enjoyed all sorts of free sex with all sorts of willing and able men of all ages. Her downfall was due to her insecurity and attaching herself to a man whose religious morality conflicted with hers. TA should've been just a one-night stand, then she should have just moved on to others. If she stuck with that plan, she could've been married with kids by now.

I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with your assessment especially the 'insecure' part. An insecure person does not have the big brass balls to walk into a court of law and try to feed hundreds of people the tripe she's been serving.
I do NOT see him having her act it out as a blunder. She had ZERO emotion doing it. No tears thinking back of the moment when she shot him in the face.

Very matter of fact, like this...

I wasn't buying her emotion today. I don't even think she was crying for herself. It's an act, turns off and on so easy. Plus she covers her face!

Bad acting, IMO. They showed on JVM a point where Jodi looks through her hand and she's smiling. Oh, do I agree with you, she didn't convey any fear or real love for Travis. She really did premeditate killing him, IMO. Totally cold, not human Jodi.
:welcome: to all the new members!!!! I feel bad for not welcoming individually ...
I thought Nurmi does redirect, JM does a rebuttal (recross?) if he wants to, juror questions for this witness (JA) and she steps down.

KN calls his expert witnesses, JM does cross with them, jury questions for each, then KN closes his CIC.

Then closing arguments - DT first JM last.

Finally deliberations for the guilt phase.

INAL - I think this is basically how it goes, but I'm not absolutely sure...

You forgot the states rebuttal case :)
After the disaster in Florida, I have no confidence that a jury will convict Jodi. CA killed a toddler.....Travis was a grown man.

Casey Anthony's case was circumstantial. Same with OJ. This one has direct evidence and an admission of the killing. Different deal.
Maybe someone can help me.. In Dutch law, you're allowed to "overkill" in self defense. Basically when you're defending yourself but you go too far because of your emotional state, you can still claim self defense. I'm assuming that is not so with american law?
I thought Nurmi does redirect, JM does a rebuttal (recross?) if he wants to, juror questions for this witness (JA) and she steps down.

KN calls his expert witnesses, JM does cross with them, jury questions for each, then KN closes his CIC.

Then closing arguments - DT first JM last.

Finally deliberations for the guilt phase.

INAL - I think this is basically how it goes, but I'm not absolutely sure...

I don't think JM gets another go at her. This part is the defense's case, so they get the last word with JA. I could be wrong, but every case I have ever seen is done this way. Maybe one of the lawyers can answer this for us... :please:
Watching a replay of her talking about the size of TA's closet and how it's bigger than the cell she is living in. The look on her face is chilling as she's looking at the jurors. It's almost as if she's pissed at TA and it's his fault that his closet is bigger than her living space.
If I were JM, when Jodi answered "It's bigger than the cell I live in" I would have made a motion to strike.. Or at least ask for a sidebar...
I think she was made aware by DT that if something like that came up it would predjudice the jury and could be a reason for mistrial..
I think 640 wide will still blow the does for me. That is why during the KC case I figured out the best size was no wider than 500 wide for screencaps. It took a few more seconds to upload a great shot, but sure made reading easier and more enjoyable!

It's what I have used for every picture I have posted, its specifically for message boards.
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