jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 13TH DAY #63 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I think she had two reasons for not killing him immediately, (1) she may have hoped for a reconciliation, or at least to try for one before making the final decision, and (2) she wanted him to die after the commission of a mortal sin (fornicating with her) and before he had opportunity to repent/re-establish his relationship with God, thereby damning him to hell (in her mind).
With all the talk of wooden spoons being used to 'discipline' a young JA, I've forgotten all about their main purpose:

Stirring the pot

Tonight I'm reminded :)
I am curious as to whether the detectives called the bank that Jodi's check was drawn on to see if there were funds to cover it. Was it written on a closed account? Were there previous checks written to him that bounced? There might be a financial motive for his murder also.
I do adore Juan don't get me wrong... but from a juror's perspective I am not convinced she didn't kill in self defense. :twocents:

Why? No one (witness(s)) were there to collaborate anything she is saying.

Remember CaseyA? Yes we all do. She got off because there were so many lies!

Okay, I am a tender-hearted woman, and any story of domestic violence hits me hard. But, these jurors have to come to their verdict based on evidence, not on whether or not the defendant's story pulls at their heart-strings. There is no evidence, be it written, photographed, medically documented, or personally witnessed to that Travis ever, ever abused her. If he had back-handed her, broken her finger, choked her until she passed out, WHY is there no evidence of any kind? I'm not even going to entertain Matt as a "witness", as he has already said (I think) that he would lie for her.

This is not a "Burning Bed" scenario. This is an evil, jealous, self-absorbed, nasty young woman who never learned what the word "no" meant. She planned this, and imo I think she hoped that Mimi was there, too, but that scenario is something to discuss another day.

As far as FCA goes, she got off because (again, imo) the jurors were lazy and too eager to go home. They put zero thought into deliberation, and it's a tragedy. I have faith that this jury will do the right thing as far as justice for Travis and his loved ones goes. :twocents:
If so, why didn't she shoot him when she walked in?

That is not something a person like Jodi would do, or anyone who had to stage a self-defense/getting away with murder set up. Ommmmmmmmm, ommmmmmmmm, ommmmmmm
Question for the forum: What was the reason for JM pointing out that she moved the camera from near the bathtub to the hallway? What was the significance of the camera moving at this point?
I think there may be a few things going on .... perhaps a misunderstanding of the law. Perhaps not watching the trial in full. Perhaps no understanding of legal terms like "burden of proof", "doubt" vs. "reasonable doubt" and what role the prosecutor has vs. the defense.

Clearly there are some issues.


An understatement in this case. :floorlaugh:
holy blown margins batman :eek:
That lady is always so cross....

I think her name is Sue Moss! :great:

Haha.. she's a character. Literally. I don't think she's a real person, I think she's in character. I really don't miss HLN tonight!!

Lol I love Susan moss:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Okay, I am a tender-hearted woman, and any story of domestic violence hits me hard. But, these jurors have to come to their verdict based on evidence, not on whether or not the defendant's story pulls at their heart-strings. There is no evidence, be it written, photographed, medically documented, or personally witnessed to that Travis ever, ever abused her. If he had back-handed her, broken her finger, choked her until she passed out, WHY is there no evidence of any kind? I'm not even going to entertain Matt as a "witness", as he has already said (I think) that he would lie for her.

This is not a "Burning Bed" scenario. This is an evil, jealous, self-absorbed, nasty young woman who never learned what the word "no" meant. She planned this, and imo I think she hoped that Mimi was there, too, but that scenario is something to discuss another day.

As far as FCA goes, she got off because (again, imo) the jurors were lazy and too eager to go home. They put zero thought into deliberation, and it's a tragedy. I have faith that this jury will do the right thing as far as justice for Travis and his loved ones goes. :twocents:

With all the talk of wooden spoons being used to 'discipline' a young JA, I've forgotten all about their main purpose:

Stirring the pot

Tonight I'm reminded :)

I love you!!!!
Right. He did. I think she said 5'-5"...Remember the picture he showed of her and TA side-by-side? She and TA looked to be the same height? Was TA 5-5"? Has his height been listed anywhere?

I think I read in the autopsy report that TA was 5'9" , 187lbs
If so, why didn't she shoot him when she walked in?

For one, because his roommate was there.

And two, she was obsessed with him, and wanted to have sex w/him and take some parting photos, for the fun of it.

She didn't want to just shoot him and walk away. Imo, this was a crime of PASION and RAGE. She needed to talk to him and explain why he was about to die.
You left the "brutally killing someone" part out of your list of coincidences.

ITA with Totality of Evidence!
iirc going backwards in time..

- June 2nd renting a car
- Grandparents stolen .25 caliber gun May 28-30
- May 18-25 Travis 'done' with JA calling her a psycho, basically done and little to no apparent communication with JA until June 2nd
- May 18th blog entry by Travis

just a jist, so much More leading up to this murder!
I think she didn't do him in the minute she arrived because of roommates, too tired, working up the nerve and waiting for an opportunity to make it as clean and easy as possible. Most of all I think she wanted his attention one last time and to see if he could finally see her as the woman if his dreams. Had he said "Jodes, skip work, fly off to Cancun with me," he would have maybe lived . . . for a while, until he rejected her and raised her ire again.
What is everyones' opinion regarding Nurmi's facial expression / body language on February 28th when Martinez is (trying) to question Arias about how Travis treated her? Nurmi smirks as he seems shake his head no.

Martinez says, "I'm not asking you about Dan Freeman," in response to Arias' recurrent improper manner in answering The State's questions - Arias had stated, "I was never mad at Dan Freeman."

Did Nurmi smirk/smile because Nurmi is exacerbated with Arias' continual disrespect when answering the state's questions? Did Nurmi smirk/smile to show that he is irritated with Martinez's questions - and, smirks/smiles to show the jury that they should be irritated with Martinez too?

I'm hoping that Nurmi's actions mean that he is exasperated with the improper way Arias handles herself on the stand.

I do want to know what everyone else thinks - You can see Nurmi's actions at 20:37 (it exactly at the 20:40 mark, however, I think going back a few seconds will allow for a better understanding of the atmosphere at that time during the trial. It happened today after lunch (February 28, 2013 Jodi Arias Trial Day 25 Part 2).

Also, could the judge instruct Arias to answer the state's questions in an appropriate manner. Arias decided to take the stand - and, the state has every right to ask her questions. Could the judge instruct Arias to simply answer yes or no - that Arias does not have the right to answer state questions purposely distorted - even going as far as to say that Martinez makes her feel unsafe. Arias has had no problems giving TV interviews, talking to the detective, answering Nurmi's questions.
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