jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 13TH DAY #63 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Since I'm having sinus surgery tomorrow, I will be sufficiently drugged up during it. It's the only way I think I'll survive it. :p

No fair you get to be medicated and the rest of us have to actually listen to Nurmi. Good luck with your surgery and get well quick!
did u guys see the jm looking back @ ja and he an the DT and the judge were all laughing?
Jodi is gonna miss her dinner!

she is 21 min late!
Anyone think KN is lobbying for additional time to prepare re-direct?
I'm hungry.

Wow tHEY WANT Those records of the closed hearings !!
Beth Karas InSession
After Arias completes her testimony next week, the defense is expected to call two experts: psychologist Richard Samuels and domestic violence expert Alyce LaViolette. They are expected to offer opinions that she suffers from PTSD and Battered Women's Syndrome--and will explain Arias's behavior in that context.
That is not bias. The defendant is the one with the constitutional right to a fair trial. Defendant is the only one who would be requesting that matters be sealed to assure her due process.

Right....she took away any due process for Travis. Excuse me for not showering her with praise and crying crocodile tears over her discomfort. Too bad only the killers rights are talked about....:furious:
I totally agree. I'm hardly impartial, I know, but I put psychopaths in a category that is pure predator and hardly human.

After my experiences, even knowing they live among us often undetected, scares the living hell out of me. They usually find the sweetest, most compassionate and generous people to prey on...

And they often end up leaving such people in a state of total ruination and destruction. They'll stop at nothing to totally and utterly destroy human beings until and unless it suits them. Nothing.

You are spot on correct about those kind of people. Unfortunately I experienced one up close and personal - when you see them for what they are it is terrifying, you realize they are capable of anything. People are just a means to an end for them, nothing else. I like to think I'm better at detecting these people now having been through it, you learn quickly not to be so trusting and open with people. Travis was such a person you described above - unfortunately, perfect targets for psychopaths.
I love when Judge says "Have a nice weekend" because I know I will and so will Juan and so will lots of other people except Jodie who is in jail for the rest of her days.
I think the stabbing and throat slitting will be a large part of his closing......I can't help remembering Prosecutor Kelly Siegler's court room demonstration of Susan Wright stabbing her husband 193 was riveting!! I'd love to see JM do that...but I don't think it's his style. I am going to say an extra prayer for Travis' family this evening. I am glad I don't have to wash my mind with lye soap tonight.
She is scared. You don't do what she did to someone you love. EVER.:furious::furious::furious:

She is writing with her right hand at the defense table. She looks mad to me Definently not sad...just mad.
She's probably writing in her journal- "nothing noteworthy happened today".

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Love your sense of humour - much needed after today's intense cross. There's no way the defence can recover from that!
I'm taking a pledge to abstain from HLN for the weekend starting..........




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