jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 15TH DAY #71*may contain graphic and adult content*i

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Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer

Judge was asking jurors if they could be here on Monday, which was originally planned as a hiatus day along with Tuesday. A juror has plans.

So we'll go from Thurs to next Wed with no trial? Or am I wrong?
So Jodi is "verifying" her imaginary stop at the Shell Desert Center by going over a receipt she would have gotten had she actually stopped there?? Really?
Who in this world charges gas to a car on a credit card and then fills gas cans with 2 separate cash payments unless you're trying to conceal something ?
Do you believe you many have done this? She was there for cripes sake. She remembers everything else...just tell us what you did.

Go Juan

I am following the trial via WS today. I cannot stomach that low life lying trash JA.
Who cares about her stupid finger, the gas cans, her journal, her favorite Starbucks drink and most importantly her darn sex life. WHO CARES. Cut the garbage and lets to the point of this trail - Travis Alexander's MURDER.

Vent over.
Too bad someone didn't flip a cigg. in that car before she got to Travis'. We wouldnt even be here today.
Am I the only one grateful for the objections, just not to hear Nurmi drone on?
Ok I totally missed the whole proposal thing I must of blocked it out in my rage over other BS...

SO.. when did this alleged fairy tale story come from? Where did she claim this happened? Abridged version please.. I'm sorry I think if she thought after the PPL ball she could have pushed him into the MGM chapel she'd done it! Thankfully TA being LDS probably not a drinker wasn't at risk of her getting him drunk & cab ride to Little White Chapel!!

Don't laugh happened to my friend.. few weeks later called to see about annulment came home the B*tch was pregnant & like every newly wedded wife must surely do.. told her husband then quickly handed him the proof of pregnancy from planned parenthood!! (Usually don't the excited couple wait anxiously together watching if stick changes colors?? Just sayin)

The closest thing I heard to a proposal was Jodi unsubtle hints to Travis on the tape that he would never find another girl to marry with a freak number like Jodi's (just paraphrasing).
So she just admitted that she did have a third gas can, that she would not have put much in.
It's possible Nurmi is making sense and I just don't care. I haven't gotten the points he was trying to make all today. Did he make any points?
Anyone else think she intentionally waited 2 yrs knowing that any surveillance of her at wal-mart, Starbucks, nail salon, would have been wiped out by then?

If she had gone to buy a gas can it would be on surveillance, and if she took it back, she knows that woud be on video too. So since se can't produce video of her returning it (because it never happened) she had to wait until Walmart purged videos to ensure they could never show her *not* returning to Walmart when she claims
It's possible she didn't completely fill the cans due to the splash factor-- back pressure shutting off the pump flow. You have to be very careful to fill a gas can to the brim-- gentle on the pump trigger.

A filled gas can is heavy. I can barely lift a 5 gallon one when it is full.
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