jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 15TH DAY #71*may contain graphic and adult content*i

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Juan: Objection!

Judge: Sustained

Nurmi: ok.....soooooooooooo.....
It's almost like Travis brought Nurmi and Jodi together. They deserve one another.

Doesn't Jodi realize (seeing she's SO smart) that the faster she talks and the more detailed she is, the less believable she becomes? Unreal.

Do you suppose the Judge reads the latest news on this case? I'm just wondering because she seems to give more leeway to the State than the Defense.

This guy is a boring idiot!!
I guess we're not going to ask about where the screws were for this plate?

OMG! that could take another 1/2 hour.

Think it would be disrespectful to the court if JM just put his head on his desk and began snoring?????
Jodi is soooooooo honest to us.
omg: I can't take this!! Now Jodi says she bought all those cans of gas cuz' she was skeered she might be all alone driving all night out in the middle of nowhere SO HAVING ALL THAT GAS makes her feel secure so she can be out in the middle of nowhere and ------------gimmee a freakin' break!!!--------FEEL SAFE TO GET OUT OF HER CAR, GO IN HER TRUNK, AND FILL THE TANK. This is Un Freakin' Real.
Yet, another story about the reason for gas. She got busted on the BS about saving money by not buying gas in Cali, so she comes up with this new excuse! :banghead:


She is so predictable isn't she?
Nurmi is probably putting the jury to sleep.
Probably explains the stain in the back seat of the car. The bloody backpack was put there? Or on the floor where the mats were missing. Which means it was in the house at the time of the murder.


Better yet, who puts their Costco WATER back there?!?
Hilarious...apparently not a psychiatrist but is everything else.
I knew it! Time to talk about how JM was mean to her, how he was screaming at her, etc. Bull#$@%
As a spectator I don't even know if I can commit to this on going trial lol. After Thurs day there is no court again until next Wednesday. These poor jurors.

I stopped watching morning sessions and then tune in when I get home. It wasn't long yesterday before I turned it off. I am being much more productive now and less frustrated listening to her BS. She doesn't deserve anyone's time.

I'm just listening now. She's so enamored with her own stories, she really thinks someone will believe her. It bugs me that she loves it being on the stand and getting attention.

Who drives 6 hours to meet with someone who you don't have a solid plan to meet with? When I found out she didn't meet with Darryl's sister, that was a significant point in my deciding to disbelieve her. I hope Juan makes a big point of this. This point shows such premeditation to go to AZ, and it was before she says she spoke to TA once she got to Pasadena. The second point which convinced me she was lying was learning she borrowed the gas cans. And once she said "I don't remember..." that was it.

She truly does not deserve to be listened to any longer.
She's not a lawyer, but said she had a firm understanding of the law.
Isn't he supposed to stick to what was asked on cross?
Jodi: I'm not a psychologist, I'm not a psychiatrist...

I'm just PSYCHO!
All JM has to do is show the jury how her story changes even on the stand under oath!

just sayin'
Why is she so scared? She had a knife and gun with her
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