JonBenet's Other Brother

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
thanks bluecrab, myself i believe your second scenario is on the right track.perhaps someone will confess someday.

lawman said:
thanks bluecrab, myself i believe your second scenario is on the right track.perhaps someone will confess someday.



A confession would be a nice and tidy ending to this mystery, but please don't hold your breath waiting for one. It won't happen. IMO this crime will eventually be solved by the weight of the evidence.

As you likely know, my number one suspect in this murder is BR -- and my number two suspect is JAR. It had to be either BR or JAR, or both, or the parents wouldn't be lying their heads off and refusing to cooperate with the investigation in their obvious coverup of the crime.

Boulder authorities have consistently refused to clear BR. Why?

In regard to the writer of the ransom note, please remember that BR could not be eliminated as the writer by the CBI's handwriting experts. Why don't the authorities release the official results of BR's handwriting analyses? And why are the Boulder authorities, the courts, and the media, involved in a conspiratorial effort to try to make the public believe a convoluted theory about an intruder killing JonBenet -- while completely ignoring a ton of compelling evidence that points to a Ramsey as the killer?

Answer: Children are likely involved in the murder and by Colorado law the behaviors among the authorities, the courts, and the media reflect the only courses of action they can take -- other than staying quiet. But by staying quiet, John and Patsy are left hanging out to dry. Thus, they've gotta pin the crime on an imaginary intruder in an effort to bring the case to a close.

IOW, if JAR and BR were both involved, and the Boulder authorities, the courts and the media have their way, then a 20-year-old killer walks free and JonBenet never receives justice.

Didn't ST say that Patsy was the only one in the house that night who couldn't be cleared by the handwriting experts? That would suggest Burke's handwriting was cleared
tipper said:
Didn't ST say that Patsy was the only one in the house that night who couldn't be cleared by the handwriting experts? That would suggest Burke's handwriting was cleared


Steve Thomas had a hidden agenda that said PDI, so half of what ST says can be taken with a grain of salt, including the one you just quoted. IMO Thomas screwed up the investigation by blindly chasing a theory, his theory, before letting the evidence develop and then forming a theory from whatever credible evidence evolved.

Actually, the source that let the cat out of the bag and revealed that BR was not eliminated as the writer of the ransom note was in a police affidavit of 3/6/97 used to convince a judge to sign a search warrant for the Ramsey's house in Charlevoix.

The affidavit said: "The analysis of the handwriting samples obtained from Burke Ramsey showed that it was "probable" that Burke Ramsey did not write the reported ransom note."

Therefore, neither Burke nor Patsy could be eliminated as the possible writer.

BlueCrab said:

A confession would be a nice and tidy ending to this mystery, but please don't hold your breath waiting for one. It won't happen. IMO this crime will eventually be solved by the weight of the evidence.

As you likely know, my number one suspect in this murder is BR -- and my number two suspect is JAR. It had to be either BR or JAR, or both, or the parents wouldn't be lying their heads off and refusing to cooperate with the investigation in their obvious coverup of the crime.

Boulder authorities have consistently refused to clear BR. Why?

In regard to the writer of the ransom note, please remember that BR could not be eliminated as the writer by the CBI's handwriting experts. Why don't the authorities release the official results of BR's handwriting analyses? And why are the Boulder authorities, the courts, and the media, involved in a conspiratorial effort to try to make the public believe a convoluted theory about an intruder killing JonBenet -- while completely ignoring a ton of compelling evidence that points to a Ramsey as the killer?

Answer: Children are likely involved in the murder and by Colorado law the behaviors among the authorities, the courts, and the media reflect the only courses of action they can take -- other than staying quiet. But by staying quiet, John and Patsy are left hanging out to dry. Thus, they've gotta pin the crime on an imaginary intruder in an effort to bring the case to a close.

IOW, if JAR and BR were both involved, and the Boulder authorities, the courts and the media have their way, then a 20-year-old killer walks free and JonBenet never receives justice.

Hi Blue Crab,

The above theory makes sense but what about the DNA under JB's fingernails and on her undies? Neither are a match to a Ramsey.

If one of JAR's friends should refute his alibi statement or give testimony about having flown him out of Boulder on Christmas night or early next morning...the theory works because one of them could have been the 5th or 6th person in the house possibly matching the unidentified DNA.

I don't believe that PR would protect any other person but BR. However, having thought through their current circumstances and living arrangments (PR in Roswell, JR and BR elsewhere) it's possible, IMO...when you consider the fact with JonBenet's murder... the previous death of JR's daughter in the auto accident...all the Ramsey children would have been destroyed, except the one surviving adult daughter......IF JAR had been known to them as having been involved.

Yep....the cover up could have happened to include JAR, in that case. But, currently, there's no (known) evidence that places JAR in Boulder at the time of the murder. There's also no law that would have protected him either..regardless of how hard the Ramseys might have tried to do so.

IMO, that DNA must be identified to find the killer of JonBenet.
But, currently, there's no (known) evidence that places JAR in Boulder at the time of the murder. There's also no law that would have protected him either..regardless of how hard the Ramseys might have tried to do so.


That's a very good statement ... and one I was trying to get across on one of my previous posts on a different thread.

I don't buy that JAR may have been tutoring others kids either. I can't imagine JAR saying to BR "Come on,lets stun gun your sister,and then drag her down stairs to the basement,and I'll show you (but won't participate) how to apply EA to her." I can't see that happening ... not with a 9 yr old who I believe is more interested in his new Nintendo.

And even if by some slim chance this did occur,JAR would still be part of that crime.As Daisy stated ... there is no way the law would look the other way.
capps said:
But, currently, there's no (known) evidence that places JAR in Boulder at the time of the murder. There's also no law that would have protected him either..regardless of how hard the Ramseys might have tried to do so.


That's a very good statement ... and one I was trying to get across on one of my previous posts on a different thread.

I don't buy that JAR may have been tutoring others kids either. I can't imagine JAR saying to BR "Come on,lets stun gun your sister,and then drag her down stairs to the basement,and I'll show you (but won't participate) how to apply EA to her." I can't see that happening ... not with a 9 yr old who I believe is more interested in his new Nintendo.

And even if by some slim chance this did occur,JAR would still be part of that crime.As Daisy stated ... there is no way the law would look the other way.
Well, hold on Capps. I didn't say it could not have happened. In fact..what I said was; if there was a way to crack JAR's alibi...THEN...we're off to the races. (parapharasing)

I still think, given the lack of (known) evidence naming a family member as a suspect, there's still the question of an intruder.

Think about it: Until Poly Klaus and Jessica Lunsford (and others) were victims in a case where the perp actually invaded the was Unheard of !!!!! But go back a few decades...there was the case of Valerie Persey where her parents were sleeping down the hall...her step-mother awakened by a sound of moans from Valerie. Her step-mother actually SAW the killer...and stilll...they've never arrested anyone in the case and that was in the 70's.

There's a way to invade any home...including my own which is equiped w/an alarm system and built like a fortress. But, I know a way to get in without setting off the alarm. If I know it, someone intent on doing me or mine harm, can do it too. (not saying the alarm was set in the Ramsey home. By all accounts, it wasn't...making invasion easier)

There's a possibily, IMO, that JonBenet's murder was a killing of revenge, given the sadist nature. Forget about the family. If one starts looking in (intruder) direction, there's as much evidence for that theory as there is a lack of evidence toward the Ramseys.

I'm not trying to blow anyone's theory out of the water. There's enough evidence and lack of evidence for this case to go in any direction.
Miss Daisey said:
The above theory makes sense but what about the DNA under JB's fingernails and on her undies? Neither are a match to a Ramsey.

Miss Daisey,

IMO the DNA in the panties is that of the killer, but that doesn't let JAR off the hook. If JAR was trying to silence JonBenet because she was about to tell on him about being sexually abused, JAR would not have done it himself. He would have likely hired a hit man. Therefore, in that scenario the unidentified foreign male DNA in her panties would be from the hit man.

The physical evidence, namely the contents of the blue suitcase, points more toward JAR than any other adult person -- ironclad alibi or not. BR would also have to be in the picture for the parents to have gotten involved with the coverup.

Like Pam Paugh, Patsy's sister, said to Greta VanSustern years ago on live TV, "I know who killed JonBenet. There were two of them, but I don't know which one did it." How would Pam know that unless she was talking about one or more Ramseys?

BlueCrab said:
Miss Daisey,

Like Pam Paugh, Patsy's sister, said to Greta VanSustern years ago on live TV, "I know who killed JonBenet. There were two of them, but I don't know which one did it." How would Pam know that unless she was talking about one or more Ramseys?

Does Patsy still speak to her sister??? Knowing that the sister knows who killed JBR---her precious? Were there any known repercussions from this statement?? I am new to the details of this case.
BlueCrab said:
Miss Daisey,

IMO the DNA in the panties is that of the killer, but that doesn't let JAR off the hook. If JAR was trying to silence JonBenet because she was about to tell on him about being sexually abused, JAR would not have done it himself. He would have likely hired a hit man. Therefore, in that scenario the unidentified foreign male DNA in her panties would be from the hit man.

A "hit man"? hmmmmmmmm

IMO, if JAR was going to silence JonBenet he'd have done it himself and that would be HIS DNA in her undies...and it isn't HIS. The DNA doesn't belong to a Ramsey. So.....who's is it?...his alibi buddies?

Blue Crab, do you really believe a 20yr old college student....with no money to call his own....could hire a hit man to kill his little sister to shut her up? I'd sooner believe the theory of BR and his kid friend down the street..w/both sets of parents covering it up than that.

One thing I do believe: An adult did this murder. Maybe BR saw that person..knew about him being in the house..even told him where the front door key was located. But the hit man theory???? No.

I'm looking at an intruder theory. Someone who really had it out for John Ramsey (or simply someone who read the newspapers and knew about and possibly stalked JonBenet) and probably already knew the amount of his bonus...spent a few hours in the house before they came home on Christmas night w/ plenty of time to fashion a ranson note that pointed streight at the Ramseys...and walked streight out the front door...which locked behind him. No sign of entry or exit. PERFECT !!! And nobody is ever going to prove otherwise. IMO
Miss Daisey said:
Well, hold on Capps. I didn't say it could not have happened. In fact..what I said was; if there was a way to crack JAR's alibi...THEN...we're off to the races. (parapharasing)

I still think, given the lack of (known) evidence naming a family member as a suspect, there's still the question of an intruder.

Think about it: Until Poly Klaus and Jessica Lunsford (and others) were victims in a case where the perp actually invaded the was Unheard of !!!!! But go back a few decades...there was the case of Valerie Persey where her parents were sleeping down the hall...her step-mother awakened by a sound of moans from Valerie. Her step-mother actually SAW the killer...and stilll...they've never arrested anyone in the case and that was in the 70's.

There's a way to invade any home...including my own which is equiped w/an alarm system and built like a fortress. But, I know a way to get in without setting off the alarm. If I know it, someone intent on doing me or mine harm, can do it too. (not saying the alarm was set in the Ramsey home. By all accounts, it wasn't...making invasion easier)

There's a possibily, IMO, that JonBenet's murder was a killing of revenge, given the sadist nature. Forget about the family. If one starts looking in (intruder) direction, there's as much evidence for that theory as there is a lack of evidence toward the Ramseys.

I'm not trying to blow anyone's theory out of the water. There's enough evidence and lack of evidence for this case to go in any direction.

Miss Daisey,

If JAR's alibi was cracked,of course that would change everything! I think every IDI theorist,would be ripping up their "Ramsey Murder"manuals into little pieces if that happened.But right now we can only go by what we know (or they are allowing us to know) about JAR.

The rest of your post I agree with,especially the trying to blow anyone's theory out the window.I would never try to do that,in fact other peoples theories are helpful to look at all angles.


About the suit case ... if the Ramsey's wanted to cover up (for JAR),I would think,that JAR's suit case and all that was inside,next to an open window,would be one of the first things they would hide. It almost looks to me like it was staged to look like JAR was part of the crime.

I wonder if PR is way pissed at her sister Pam's comment to Greta.Because if anything; I would think that confuses the issue more.Pam's comment sounds like something that she got from the Ramsey's,saying they know who did but not which one ... that contradicts exactly what the Ramsey's are saying in interviews "We don't know who did this,but we will find you."

Once again ... my head is aching!
Miss Daisey said:
A "hit man"? hmmmmmmmm

IMO, if JAR was going to silence JonBenet he'd have done it himself and that would be HIS DNA in her undies...and it isn't HIS. The DNA doesn't belong to a Ramsey. So.....who's is it?...his alibi buddies?

Blue Crab, do you really believe a 20yr old college student....with no money to call his own....could hire a hit man to kill his little sister to shut her up? I'd sooner believe the theory of BR and his kid friend down the street..w/both sets of parents covering it up than that.

One thing I do believe: An adult did this murder. Maybe BR saw that person..knew about him being in the house..even told him where the front door key was located. But the hit man theory???? No.

I'm looking at an intruder theory. Someone who really had it out for John Ramsey (or simply someone who read the newspapers and knew about and possibly stalked JonBenet) and probably already knew the amount of his bonus...spent a few hours in the house before they came home on Christmas night w/ plenty of time to fashion a ranson note that pointed streight at the Ramseys...and walked streight out the front door...which locked behind him. No sign of entry or exit. PERFECT !!! And nobody is ever going to prove otherwise. IMO


Sounds a little like my (still working on) theory that I posted on the "Is The Ransom Note Relevant" thread.
capps said:

Sounds a little like my (still working on) theory that I posted on the "Is The Ransom Note Relevant" thread.
Trust me, capps....I don't recall reading your post on that thread but we're all bound to reach the same conclusions...sooner or later, don't you agree?
Absolutely Miss Daisey!

Btw ... I was glad to see another poster leaning towards my theory! My comment was not mean't to accuse you of "copying" my (still working on) theory.
Quote from Blue Crab thread start"
John Andrew's alibi is he was in Atlanta at the time of the crime and he has two friends as witnesses, Brad Millard and Chris Stanley, who verify they went to a movie on Christmas night, and they produced the ticket stubs as evidence. JAR's mom, Lucinda, also verifies that JAR was home with her on the 24th and 25th and left on a flight to Minneapolis on the morning of the 26th.

Blue Crab, I recall that three (3) theater ticket stubs were produced three months later as their alibi for JAR. Why so long to produce this evidence, since JAR fits the profile so well??? Wonder if all three ticket stubs were in pristine condition and not bent by pocket shoving/lint in pockets etc?
Quote from TLynn post #16:
The alibi of that night is suspicious. As JAR drove his car to C. Stanley's, from there they went to a movie - after that they went back to Stanley's house to get JAR's car - THEN, Stanley follows JAR home and stays over - BUT JAR had to be up at 6 am for a flight.

Same deal here, we are missing one movie attendee, two showing in your post. Yet my memory recalls reading that (3) stubs were produced.

Again, from the southern states, GA, demon booze could be blamed for the crime, NOT the son, in 'their' opinions and would cover for the son, to get him 'help'. My opinion. Losing three children in quick succession could cause the family such horrible trauma. JAR's media comment about foregiveness for the killer is a mighty one, I thought so then, and I still think so.

I have only read page one of your thread Blue Crab, later, I will be back.
Toltec said:
That does look like JAR in the photo of the dec 23d Christmas party but it turned out to be a boyfriend of one of Priscilla's sisters.

Someone molested JonBenet on the 23d, but who? An adult or a child?

Were the kids playing Doctor in the basement? How many male children were at the party?
So, maybe Barnhill saw the "boyfriend" (or someone else who looked like JR) and thought it was JAR going into the Ramsay home early in the evening of Dec 25.

Ramsays and BPD should review all the workers and friends who had access to their house and who might have had reasonable resemblance to JAR.
>> My BDI theory is that it was the nintendo64 controller<<

>>I don't buy that JAR may have been tutoring others kids either. I can't imagine JAR saying to BR "Come on,lets stun gun your sister,and then drag her down stairs to the basement,and I'll show you (but won't participate) how to apply EA to her." I can't see that happening ... not with a 9 yr old who I believe is more interested in his new Nintendo.<<

I can see Burke losing it over the nintendo. Thats the most plausible BDI theory I ve read. The kids would have been tired, Burke had been waiting to get home so he could play the nintendo again. Maybe JonBenet did pull the plug out like you have suggested.
I dont believe JonBenet was asleep when she got home that night. She may have been asleep at the last stop at....maybe the Walker's or was it the Stines...cant remember whos place it was, but I think she woke on getting home and the car stopped.
I agree. I think Burke was more into his nintendo than anything else. Those kind of games are really addictive for kids. You have to nearly surgically remove my son from his PS2( which is the year 2005's version of nintendo).

Perhaps the garotte was not created at that time. Perhaps it was made before hand and who ever put it around JBs neck broke it. What was JAR wearing when he came to Boulder? Was he wearing a turtleneck? Was this a habit of his?

Six Mil
They are probably thinking how tragic it is that someone came in and murdered this child.

Added: Are you sure that's JonBenet's grave JAR is at? The headstone is the wrong shape.

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