Josh Powell Detained While Investigators Search Home

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I think that once SP stupidly announced that he had 'evidence' that Susan left on her own, and he was going to post that so called 'evidence' publicly, THAT RIGHT THERE gave LE the right to get a warrant and seize any 'evidence' being withheld. imoo

ETA: If I as a citizen, went on national airwaves and announced that I had the private diaries of a missing person, who is presumed dead, and I was going to put them on a public website, BECAUSE THEY PROVED SOMETHING IMPORTANT ABOUT THE CASE, then I better expect that LE is going to comer knocking to retrieve said diaries, AND my computers, as well.

I definitely think there is a lot we don't know about the search in Utah. I also think there is almost no chance she's alive. IIRC, there was a big wet spot and a fan trying to dry it out in JP's Utah home.

I hope they find something in SP's *advertiser censored* collection that can put him behind bars for a long time and he sings in order to save his own skin or JP sings to save his dad's skin. However it happens I think both of these guys should be locked up forever and a day.
I definitely think there is a lot we don't know about the search in Utah. I also think there is almost no chance she's alive. IIRC, there was a big wet spot and a fan trying to dry it out in JP's Utah home.

I hope they find something in SP's *advertiser censored* collection that can put him behind bars for a long time and he sings in order to save his own skin or JP sings to save his dad's skin. However it happens I think both of these guys should be locked up forever and a day.

I could see this freak having cameras hidden in his bathroom and bedrooms!!
A name to Ben W's tweets about LE saying it was a successful search.

Robert Maxwell
anchor for ABC4 News SLC, UT #@ktvx .

robertmaxwell4 Robert Maxwell
Lt. Bill Merritt WVC Police: "We accomplished what we came out here to do." in WA warrant search of Powell home. #ABC4 #findsusan!/robertmaxwell4
DNA of the person whose bones they are, yes. But DNA from a sex perp, on a body that has been dead for over a year and a half...even in "saran wrap" and even deep in a mine shaft (thru two summers)...strikes me as extremely unlikely.

Oh, and katydid, thanks for the welcome.

I agree with this. From what I understand DNA can degrade over time and extreme heat and moisture will add to the degradation.

Given that this is the desert and if she was put underground, and not wrapped in plastic and her remains mummified, maybe there would be a slight chance that some foreign DNA might survive. But it would almost be a miracle if it did happen.

Even in a cave, there are scavengers. A cave can be very humid, esp during wet seasons. If wrapped in plastic that would hold body decomp fluids in and help to degrade any foreign DNA that might be on the body.
Does anyone remember the cop that killed his pregnant gf and one of the ways they caught him was by talking to the kids and when they asked the child what happened to mommy he told the police that mommy was in the rug. Talk to the children ..
I noticed Steve did not bring up the undergarments as something they might be looking for in the search warrant.

Has SP addressed the undergarments at all? Either admitting or denying?

I have seen where the addressed the songs issues, he addressed the allegations that Susan was afraid of him, he has addressed the inappropriate actions allegations and a lot of other things.

But has he ever commented at all about the undergarments?

As a matter of fact, he has talked about his daughter and Susan's friends and the Cox's and the church. But has he ever directly commented about Julia and her allegations at all? Seems odd for him to have discussed all this and shown all of this to his alleged girlfriend. But I find it even more interesting that he is not commenting on her at all.

Maybe she is what has been making the P.'s so nervous lately and maybe she knows more than she is telling the public. But maybe she has talked to LE and maybe that is where LE is getting their info from.
Why is this Topic called what it is. He was sitting in the back yard with his kids at the table he wasn't detained at all during this whole event.
Why is this Topic called what it is. He was sitting in the back yard with his kids at the table he wasn't detained at all during this whole event.
It was reported he was detained for awhile.
Does anyone remember the cop that killed his pregnant gf and one of the ways they caught him was by talking to the kids and when they asked the child what happened to mommy he told the police that mommy was in the rug. Talk to the children ..

Sure do. Bobby Cutts. Just heartbreaking children see that stuff. Makes me very mad when parents don't step up to protect what their children have witnessed. Hang 'em high.
Has SP addressed the undergarments at all? Either admitting or denying?

I have seen where the addressed the songs issues, he addressed the allegations that Susan was afraid of him, he has addressed the inappropriate actions allegations and a lot of other things.

But has he ever commented at all about the undergarments?

As a matter of fact, he has talked about his daughter and Susan's friends and the Cox's and the church. But has he ever directly commented about Julia and her allegations at all? Seems odd for him to have discussed all this and shown all of this to his alleged girlfriend. But I find it even more interesting that he is not commenting on her at all.

Maybe she is what has been making the P.'s so nervous lately and maybe she knows more than she is telling the public. But maybe she has talked to LE and maybe that is where LE is getting their info from.

He has not addressed it at all. If he knew who Julia was I think he would be calling her a liar.

This really makes me think he does not know where these comments are coming from and they are true. I think it is one of his own kids that are sick of Josh or scared of him and Papa.
I agree with this. From what I understand DNA can degrade over time and extreme heat and moisture will add to the degradation.

Given that this is the desert and if she was put underground, and not wrapped in plastic and her remains mummified, maybe there would be a slight chance that some foreign DNA might survive. But it would almost be a miracle if it did happen.

Even in a cave, there are scavengers. A cave can be very humid, esp during wet seasons. If wrapped in plastic that would hold body decomp fluids in and help to degrade any foreign DNA that might be on the body.

Just some thoughts;

SP probably doesn't know much about DNA's lifespan and still may be doing this as someone suggested to cover any DNA found on a body.

I can't believe JP has heard what his father has said about SP coming on to him and also hearing about how he came on to her, probably from Susan herself, and yet remains living with the man.

If LE put a tracking device on the van I'm sure JP and SP are aware of it. Could this be to let them know they are tracking them and then be able to follow them through CC information on rented cars or such. I can't think they'd put a tracking device on a car so obviously and expect it to remain a secret.

I also wonder if SP ever roofied Susan. :sick:

After reading this thread I feel like I should take a shower.
I'd really like to see who Josh says supports him. I'd like to see "the people that know me & support me" and who they are. Not background checks or nothing, no names, but I'm not hearing from these "people that know me & support me" other than family. Where's this mighty fortitude?
Does anyone remember the cop that killed his pregnant gf and one of the ways they caught him was by talking to the kids and when they asked the child what happened to mommy he told the police that mommy was in the rug. Talk to the children ..

Talking to kids esp this young is a tricky thing legally. First I think usually they have to have parental permission to question them. Second they have to have someone who is able to determine if the child is capable of determining between fact and fantasy. And in child interviews they have to watch both for any signs that the child's memory could have been tampered with and they have to be very careful that they don't plant any of their own ideas in the child's head.

I think the pizza issue today was probably just what it seemed but maybe a little more.

First LE sat with Dad and the kids and ate pizza. And Dad ate with them. Goes toward alleviating any ideas that may have been instilled in them that LE is out to hurt Dad or them. (See how nice and friendly we are?) It might ease things in case they later get a chance to interview the kids.

Second it kept the kids busy while the search warrant was served and helped to relieve tension that could have affected them. Esp since JP evidently didn't make any effort to get the kids away from there during the search. Anyone who has experience with young kids, can you imagine what would happen if you had to sit outside your home with your kids and weren't allowed to go in, meanwhile a ton of strangers were going in or out?
Maybe what really happened was the Josh delivered Susan in some way shape or form, finally, to his Dad.

I am not an expert in this case by any stretch-has anyone dug into whether or not there are other disappearances or stalkings of women that might be attributed to Ick Steve?

ETA: katy, you and I were typing at the same time.

What if Susan was raped on the living room floor where the obvious carpet was cleaned? the wet spot not left from removing blood but other DNA?
Maybe, SP raped her and then things went from bad to worse...
It breaks my heart that I know the chances are about nil that Susan could be alive. Those sweet kids will never have their mommy back who loved them. They are living in a 'manufactured' delusion of being safe and loved, having a daddy who takes her place, who will soon be taken away too. It won't be easy for them. The sooner they get them away from JP and the clan, the sooner they can get on with a normal, healthy path of healing and life. <modsnip> Where did murder get you and where did it get your boys? I will never understand how these kind of people get to that place where they can't just walk away if they are so unhappy. The difference I believe is sociopathy vs. depression/poor coping etc. JP and FCA..Scott Peterson (and a lengthy list of other cases)...sociopaths.

If LE put a tracking device on the van I'm sure JP and SP are aware of it. Could this be to let them know they are tracking them and then be able to follow them through CC information on rented cars or such. I can't think they'd put a tracking device on a car so obviously and expect it to remain a secret.


They can be hidden quite well... :whistle:
He has not addressed it at all. If he knew who Julia was I think he would be calling her a liar.

This really makes me think he does not know where these comments are coming from and they are true. I think it is one of his own kids that are sick of Josh or scared of him and Papa.

I'm thinking I saw somewhere allegations that Julia was SP's girlfriend. (current or ex I don't know. Or maybe she wasn't a girlfriend so much as she was a 'canidate' for girlfriend.)

And since it took this long for her to come forward, I am thinking maybe that she might have been with him till more recently. Maybe she knew something of what was happening and stayed around to learn more? And maybe SP isn't sure how much she has told LE or how much she knows about where evidence was located. If he makes her too angry, maybe he is afraid she will tell more than what she has told in the media.
KUTV reported a bit ago that "Julia's" real name is "Susan Anderson", I think the first name I heard was "Susan", last name I am sure of.

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