Just one more day, mom...

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Haha, wait, I one more thing to say, about why KC would never have run. She was not even functioning in society, really. Working and college give you life skills that have nothing to do with book smarts. When I was her age I was a huge party girl, too, BUT, I managed to get thru college and was always employed. I learned how to relate to teachers and professors, guidance counselors, bosses and managers, and co-workers. She can't do any of those things. Bearing a child does not take skills. And we all know single moms who are freakin awesome, they work fulltime and go to school to better themselves and even have social lives while raisisng their kids mainly on their own. She basically was a parasite to the one person who loved her the most, CA. And she had the best bargaining chip she could have ever had, Caylee, a darling baby. But she would never have run because she couldn't survive without her mother, she has no life skills that aren't illegal.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not sticking up for KC but why was she never encouraged to spread her wings? I think part of parenting is to help the child to discover theirself. If you are controlling and certain your way is always best, fearful of them leaving you, etc. then you're not even opening that way of thinking to your child. Some peeps have kids and think they should always do what they say, dare I say, like a script - ya know?
As for "what about meeee", remember when GA was giving his stupid hand analogy, and he said he was missing 2 fingers, KC says in this baby voice, "I'm still here." That sure says it all. She really never imagined that anyone would value Caylee's life as much as they did, including the public.

I remember that. It was as if she were saying "You still have me, don't I count for something, I AM YOUR DAUGHTER NOT CAYLEE" As if eliminating Caylee also opened the door for her to be given the attention she wanted form her father.

I don't buy that GA and CA were terrible parents never giving her love and comfort. I think it is the opposite and CA and GA spoiled her rotten..

I always felt KC felt she had every right to do whatever she wanted to Caylee because SHE WAS HER MOTHER and not CA.
I know, WBG, and this is where (one of many places) it gets wierd. CA wanted her to go to Valencia, she would have paid, why didnt she just go? Because she would have to find a real babysitter, maybe, and pay her? So she would have had to work. That must be it, she really, really didnt want to work. JMO, as always.
And I have to add, for someone so social, you would think she would want to work, I met all my friends at that age at work, we went out and hung out together, work was FUN. We got Macys discounts and looked at clothes and makeup all day.
I am sure you are right, you almost feel sorry for her.....

To a point, yes. It's at least fair to examine/discuss it if for no other reason than to check ourselves and our attitude toward our own children.

My son, now a teenager, will have to make his own mistakes. I encourage him, build him up in the strengths I see in him, try to tell him things as they are - reality checks (ya, ya, mom), etc.

Once in awhile I catch myself engrossed in my own fear and I try to transfer it over to him (not on purpose). Like you want to what? I can see the drugs he is taking at the party (no indication at all of drug use todate) so I begin to base my answer based on my worst case scenario. Is that having faith in him or even that what I've been trying to teach has any bearing? Trying to be an aware parent of both my weaknesses, his strengths and history, and honesty and courage on my part that combine for good judgment. I fail and I succeed but at least I am aware. I want him to grow, to become independant, to see places if he so desires, etc. I don't think everyone approaches life this way from what I observe.

It's hard to be an engaged parent who has the child's best interest in mind to include letting go. It's hard.

Getting back to KC, did the A's ever ask her what she intended to do when she grew up or paid attention to her development? I don't know but she seems awfully sheltered to me.
I know, WBG, and this is where (one of many places) it gets wierd. CA wanted her to go to Valencia, she would have paid, why didnt she just go? Because she would have to find a real babysitter, maybe, and pay her? So she would have had to work. That must be it, she really, really didnt want to work. JMO, as always.
And I have to add, for someone so social, you would think she would want to work, I met all my friends at that age at work, we went out and hung out together, work was FUN. We got Macys discounts and looked at clothes and makeup all day.

Me too. My friends came from school/work. Recreation was on me past sixteen or so. It was a natural evolution not a fight.

I don't trust a word out of CA anymore though - she'll say anything just to sound good. Where was she getting the money? Between GA and KC blowing it all on nothing of value, CA had nothing left.

By the way, I lived in VA and CA where there are Macys. I loved that store. When Marshall Fields was changing to Macys in Chicago, you'd think someone died. I used to go in to MF and try to cheer them up. I'd say Macys is great, better deals, etc. Noone wanted to hear it. Macys here, for some reason, still doesn't seem like Macys there.:cry: I worked at Belk for a time.:)
I would like to think she was in a fight or flight mode. However, she was very attached to Tony, and I believe this was one of the reasons she (IMHO) killed Caylee.

Remember the paper of her practicing her "new" name Casey Lazarro. There's a statement out there that Tony only wanted to have a boy, and had no interest in raising a girl (sorry, I don't have the link).

I think she was more likely to stick around and fight out the nanny story. If you think enough about something for 30 days, I guess she started to believe it herself.

She truly reminds me of Susan Smith, who's motive for the deaths — to dispose of her children so that she might have a relationship with a wealthy local man who had no interest in a "ready-made" family.

I remember that. It was as if she were saying "You still have me, don't I count for something, I AM YOUR DAUGHTER NOT CAYLEE" As if eliminating Caylee also opened the door for her to be given the attention she wanted form her father.

I don't buy that GA and CA were terrible parents never giving her love and comfort. I think it is the opposite and CA and GA spoiled her rotten..

I always felt KC felt she had every right to do whatever she wanted to Caylee because SHE WAS HER MOTHER and not CA.

Noone (me) is saying that anything justifies anything. Just that people become what they become for some combination of reasons. I think parents may contribute both good and bad.

Spoiling is a bad thing without teaching accountability and responsibility along with it. I love to give when it comes from my heart but something happens when it is expected of me. I become rebellious.

Talk about impressionable ugh?

Ya know JG said that KC took on the likes and interests of the one she was with. Its as if she has no self.

Maybe that's what she needed the day for - to find herself! (cuz we know she wasn't looking for Caylee:furious:)
To a point, yes. It's at least fair to examine/discuss it if for no other reason than to check ourselves and our attitude toward our own children.

My son, now a teenager, will have to make his own mistakes. I encourage him, build him up in the strengths I see in him, try to tell him things as they are - reality checks (ya, ya, mom), etc.

Once in awhile I catch myself engrossed in my own fear and I try to transfer it over to him (not on purpose). Like you want to what? I can see the drugs he is taking at the party (no indication at all of drug use todate) so I begin to base my answer based on my worst case scenario. Is that having faith in him or even that what I've been trying to teach has any bearing? Trying to be an aware parent of both my weaknesses, his strengths and history, and honesty and courage on my part that combine for good judgment. I fail and I succeed but at least I am aware. I want him to grow, to become independant, to see places if he so desires, etc. I don't think everyone approaches life this way from what I observe.

It's hard to be an engaged parent who has the child's best interest in mind to include letting go. It's hard.

Getting back to KC, did the A's ever ask her what she intended to do when she grew up or paid attention to her development? I don't know but she seems awfully sheltered to me.

Bold mine

She'a a product of "Arrested Development" & "Too Much Help is Crippling"
Don't get me wrong, I'm not sticking up for KC but why was she never encouraged to spread her wings? I think part of parenting is to help the child to discover theirself. If you are controlling and certain your way is always best, fearful of them leaving you, etc. then you're not even opening that way of thinking to your child. Some peeps have kids and think they should always do what they say, dare I say, like a script - ya know?

I don't think that's uncommon. Some parents can't stand the idea of their children growing up, leaving home and having lives. They somehow feel more important if their kids never really grow up and are always going to their parents for advice. I guess they're co-dependent?

A personal example - I have a fairly rare illness. When I was constantly going to the doctor, feeling worse and worse and needing my parents to babysit, I was the "favored" child. Suddenly, I got better (with a correct diagnosis and treatment) at about the same time my brother got divorced, moved home and needed money and advice and he became the favored one.

But, why? I don't know. Maybe CA didn't want to live alone in the house with GA. Maybe she didn't want KC to grow up and leave home, since she'd take Caylee with her. Who knows?

I heard a lady say once that her job, as a mother, is to work herself out of a job. I've tried to remember that while raising my children!
I would like to hear from the board.. what they think would have happened if Casey would have had just one more day....

Taking off.. I guess would be the most likely answer... but lets see if we can come up with more scenarios.

Putting yourself in Casey's shoes.. what would she have done with the one more day...

I think one more day to set up her plot. One point the finger at Jeff, clean her computer, and possiably move the body again.
Just one more day......

To come up with more details for her BS story
To a point, yes. It's at least fair to examine/discuss it if for no other reason than to check ourselves and our attitude toward our own children.

My son, now a teenager, will have to make his own mistakes. I encourage him, build him up in the strengths I see in him, try to tell him things as they are - reality checks (ya, ya, mom), etc.

Once in awhile I catch myself engrossed in my own fear and I try to transfer it over to him (not on purpose). Like you want to what? I can see the drugs he is taking at the party (no indication at all of drug use todate) so I begin to base my answer based on my worst case scenario. Is that having faith in him or even that what I've been trying to teach has any bearing? Trying to be an aware parent of both my weaknesses, his strengths and history, and honesty and courage on my part that combine for good judgment. I fail and I succeed but at least I am aware. I want him to grow, to become independant, to see places if he so desires, etc. I don't think everyone approaches life this way from what I observe.

It's hard to be an engaged parent who has the child's best interest in mind to include letting go. It's hard.

Getting back to KC, did the A's ever ask her what she intended to do when she grew up or paid attention to her development? I don't know but she seems awfully sheltered to me.
WBG:baby::clap: What a wonderful job you seem to be doing for your own family. My last daughter, baby daughter, is headed off to college next year. Our (my husbands and mine )hearts break (breaking in a good, positive way) at the responsibility, honesty and drive our children have. We have been blessed with great kids! Thankfullly they are nothing like we were as teenages!:woohoo:
I believe Casey wanted one more day to work out the rough edges of her story. She had lots of emails and phone numbers she knew she had to concoct. No way she could do that with CA and LE hovering over her. I see her as coming back one day later having a file folder of all information relating to Caylee's disappearance and thinking everyone would just believe it. This would further prove her statement that she was using her own means to try to find Caylee, in her own mind of course.

Casey was so unprepared which is why she uses phrases like "in a backwards sort of way". She hadn't had the time to fully prepare her story. She didn't think anyone was going to really come looking for her. And when they did, she was like a deer caught in headlights.

I agree w/this scenario UNLESS she did have money and was delusional enough to think she could successfully run- to CA for the Marine or to wherever for the next bed- just to further her fun and BONUS spite her parents some more?

In the video where Lee is (secretly) recorded in Tony's car they talk about the person Tony and Co. bought weed from having his apt. broken into and how Casey had been there before and knew he was the dealer. The tape fast forwards there (I guess OCSO protecting the weedies?). But then they come back w/Tony and Lee laughing about how she always talked about having $15k-- which is ridiculous but what if she did steal some substantial $$ from that guy?? I've always heard that she did retain Jose w/money- something like $5k- I can't remember where I heard that? Tony says oh yeah, I'll check that out...but I've never heard anything else about it.

Who knows? Nothing would surprise me at this point. I tend to believe that Casey wasn't a drug user until recently (all her friends concur). Maybe that was another reason she was so fond of her new friends...she and her sticky fingers saw the potential for much more lucrative lifts?? :woohoo:
One example of how CA really wanted to keep KC a cripple:

Remember in one of the jail visits when KC was telling her parents that she'd been giving all this a lot of thought and when she was out of jail and when Caylee was found, she was planning how they would handle everything. She mentioned she needed to get a job, and CA quickly jumped in and comforted her by telling KC when this was all over she certainly did not need to get a job, she could just spend her time with Kaylee. CA had a golden opportunity to support KC's notion that it was time to grow up and be more responsible, but no, CA just said to her darling little daughter, you don't need to even think about getting a job. Geez, way to go, CA. Keep her under your control.......don't raise your expectations of a grown daughter!
CA could have just said "we have plenty of time to think about that later-right now we need to think about getting Caylee home!" :furious:
CA could have just said "we have plenty of time to think about that later-right now we need to think about getting Caylee home!" :furious:

Exactly!! Or anything else remotely logical. Now remember, CA knew the cameras were rolling and everything she said was designed and slanted for the cameras. But I think when she told KC she didn't need to get a job, that slipped out without realizing she was supposed to be showing what a great mother and grandmother she was. Every time I think about this I get angry all over again. Whew, now I feel better.
Exactly!! Or anything else remotely logical. Now remember, CA knew the cameras were rolling and everything she said was designed and slanted for the cameras. But I think when she told KC she didn't need to get a job, that slipped out without realizing she was supposed to be showing what a great mother and grandmother she was. Every time I think about this I get angry all over again. Whew, now I feel better.

Not so sure bout that. (bolded) CA would think that is what a good mother/g-mother would say. CA's idea of a good m/gm is not normal. To this day (I bet) she doesn't see anythang wrong with what she said. I bet she she feels good about any and everythang she has said and done since day 1 or 31. CA is perfect and can get away with anythang. LOL
Not so sure bout that. (bolded) CA would think that is what a good mother/g-mother would say. CA's idea of a good m/gm is not normal. To this day (I bet) she doesn't see anythang wrong with what she said. I bet she she feels good about any and everythang she has said and done since day 1 or 31. CA is perfect and can get away with anythang. LOL

Well-almost everything-I bet she really regrets making that 911 call now!!:bang:

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