Just one more day, mom...

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jmho but I believe that "if" CA had given Casey one more day like she wanted then there would have been the tearful, remorseful, heart-breaking "confession" of "an accident" with Casey begging her parents' forgiveness. She (Casey) has played her parents extremely well over the years and the tone and pace was already set...Cindy & George have covered for her all her life and always "made things ok" so why would this have been any different? If she had talked her mom into the one more night, I believe we would never have known anything about Caylee...who she was or anything about her untimely death...we also would not have known who any of the A family was as they would have "taken care of business" and then proceeded to live out their lives ... moo
I don't think she though the whole thing through. She was just riding it out. I really think she's probably surprised at how big this whole thing got. She doesn't live in reality, and she doesn't perceive reality the way we do. I am pretty sure she didn't think that she could be compelled to present a living Caylee. There is one thing that Lee said in the beginning that hit a chord with me. It was when he told Casey that the police would make her produce Caylee and all of the sudden she was scared.
I think Casey thought that because she was the mother that Cindy would not be able to make her tell for certain where Caylee was. I think she thought she could do this indefinitely. In fact, I got the feeling that she thought the police would just say, "ok, if she's with the Nanny, no big deal, Casey's the mom and that's her choice." It wasn't until Lee told her otherwise that she got really nervous. IMO Casey is very dumb and has never had to try very hard to get Cindy to believe even the most outlandish lies, so what would be different this time. I think she thought she could regain control by just getting out of CA's house again.

...and a big AMEN to your whole post!

textbook example of narcissitic thinking. i don't think KC planned much of anything. she realized this was THE BIG ONE, but her MO had always been to fly by the seat of her pants, lying all the way. I don't think she knew any other way, so figured she'd just to continue to roll with that. heck, she used the same MO the next day (?) leading LE to her fictious office at Universal. crazy... KC had her a bad couple of days there.
Maybe she would have moved Caylee's body to the house then burned it down, thinking that the medical examiner would think Caylee died in the fire?

Then she'd say she saw Jesse running from the house with a gas can :crazy:

We think alike!!
Maybe she would have moved Caylee's body to the house then burned it down, thinking that the medical examiner would think Caylee died in the fire?

Then she'd say she saw Jesse running from the house with a gas can :crazy:

Good theory. Or that Lee and C and G had a huge fight and Lee stomped out in a rage and she later saw him running from the house with a gas can. That would have taken care of the whole fam damily. KC, of course, would have escaped unscathed.
Ok ya'll, now wait a minute. It would have been a one-armed man running from the house. Remember, Casey is like "The Fugitive".

Seriously, I think that even though Casey was away from the house for a month, she was still very dependent upon her parents to provide for her, as always. I don't think she would have run. She would have tried to ride it out with yet another fantastic tale spun for her parents. Even if it was for ten minutes, or one more day or week. That is what is familiar to Casey, and it is what has always worked for her in the past. I don't think she was clever enough to even know how to leave town. Heck, look at how often she ran out of gas. She is not a planner. Just look at the ping maps. Casey stayed within a relatively small area most of the time. She is a very insecure child. Temper tantrums seemed to work for her. Her parents backed down and tried to "keep her happy" to quote GA. There have never been any consequences for Casey...............until now.
As I have posted before, I think KC "blew it" by not pursuing a relationship with Iassen D., as she comes across as more real, honest, and human when she is speaking to him, than she does with anyone else. Therefore, I tend to believe what she says when she is speaking with ID. KC makes it quite clear that she has NO desire to move to New York, even for Tony. Here's a bit of IM's between KC and ID written on July 14, 2008.:

MONDAY 14th JULY (2008):

KC(3:11pm):"I'm pretty hung up on tony, and realistically, if he moves back to new york next year, my relationship will end. sucks. to know that inevitably, unless I were to drop everything, I'm going to lose someone close to me."
ID: "Then why dig a deeper hole? I couldn't do that to myself."
KC:(3:12 pm): "Thats why I'm torn right now."
ID: "If he's worth it, he would stay."
KC: If he gets offered the jobs he's suppossed to, I couldn't keep him here"
ID: "Oh"
KC: "Not when he's worked so hard to get where he is going"
ID: "If you love him, you wouldn't move up?"
KC (3:13 pm): "A lot can happen in the next year. He'll be graduating from full sail this time next year."
ID: "What's his job?"
KC: "After such a short time of dating, I feel stronger for him, than I have ever felt for anyone else. He's doing music business at full sail. He's already been offered a couple of jobs back in new york."
ID: "Wow. Imagine a year from now then."
KC(3:14pm): "Exactaly. I dont want to set myself up for heartbreak. But at the same time, I don't want to throw something away that could be so great"
ID: "I dont know, if you know it's a dead end...Havent talked to him about it with him?"
KC(3:15pm): "its not a guaranteed dead end, but the likelyhood of us staying together, just seems so dim...We talk about it all the time. He even told me, he would ask me to leave with him, in a heartbeat."
KC(3:16pm): "As nice as it is to hear, I have no desire to live up north. Love to visit new york, but that just seem my style"
ID: "I understand"
KC(3:16pm): "I never thought I would even consider moving for someone, unless it was someone I was already married to, or in the process of marrying, you know? That's a big commitment. It's a huge deal"
ID: "yeah, it is"
KC(3:17pm): "I'm glad that I have all this time to think it over, if it comes down to it, but there is always that lingering thought that it may not work out because of that"
KC(3:18pm): "Its sad, but him and I both agreed that it is the enevietable road block ahead."
ID: "That must suck"
KC: "Absolutely. It's hard. I feel like I'm setting myself up for failure"

Makes me sick.................. Not one 1 ONE single mention of
Little Angel CAYLEE ~
if KC was even considering ~ Moving ~ Living with ~ Marriage ~
to TONY....

w h a t :waitasec: ....... About Little Angel CAYLEE ~ her daughter....:confused:

*** PROOF to me = Caylee was dead... because KC did
not mention...
oh... Tony would be a good father to Caylee
Oh .... My Mom would miss CAYLEE tooooooooo much if we all moved
to NYC.....

no..... " A L L " no family.... just TONY & me ~ me ` ME ` KC !!!

KC ~ KC ~ KC ~~

no Caylee = CAYLEE was dead & KC knew it = KC DID IT ! ! !


God Bless !
Her whole method of operating was avoid, deny, lie, get angry, play victim, blame someone else, move on - for every time she got "caught." With one more day, I think she would have just worked out more elaborate details of her story.

Maybe she was going to tell AH that ZFG stayed with her at AH's house while they were in Puerto Rico because ZFG was her temorary BFF with AH out of the country and that it was ZFG who stole Amy's checks and made KC go to Target and B of A to take the money by threatening her. =)


cause really.... I doubt if KC even remembers that she signed
her own KC name to AH check at the Target store....
people when they are in that criminal mode... are like any
alcoholic in a black out... not passed out... but walking ~ talking ~
driving ~ doing things... but they just don't totally don't
recall everything they do...
they use this to their own ADVANTAGE: hurting others..
and then
saying " I DON't R E C A L L ! ! !" like as if.... this would be
because they don't recall the crime they commit !:eek: :furious: :eek: :furious:

God Bless !

~~~~ I am N O T excusing KC's behavior
she makes me :furious: :furious: :furious:
She is a criminal ! She has committed many crimes already !
would continue to commit crimes if she were not :behindbar ~
behind bars !
very scary !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She would have squandered the day. She had been putting her parents off for an entire month, she would have continued.

Yep! Partied hearty, and tried to think of a new strategy.

I think she THOUGHT about booking it to California, to stay with that cute serviceman. But, I don't think she planned it out. I doubt that she was capable. She doesn't plan; she reacts.
One more day wouldn't have made much difference.

AH already knew that Casey cleaned out her bank account - so there goes that "friendship". AH would have probably filed a police report just the same whether Casey had one more day or not. TL would have already known about AH's bank account being cleaned out too, so he probably would have ditched Casey as soon as he could have (remember he only knew her for less than 2 months at that point in mid July - I bet he never does a Facebook hookup again!).

Casey wasn't and isn't smart enough to know that there was and is an electronic trail via her cell phone and computers that she would have or could have tried to get rid of those if she had one more day.
One more day wouldn't have made much difference.

AH already knew that Casey cleaned out her bank account - so there goes that "friendship". AH would have probably filed a police report just the same whether Casey had one more day or not. TL would have already known about AH's bank account being cleaned out too, so he probably would have ditched Casey as soon as he could have (remember he only knew her for less than 2 months at that point in mid July - I bet he never does a Facebook hookup again!).

Casey wasn't and isn't smart enough to know that there was and is an electronic trail via her cell phone and computers that she would have or could have tried to get rid of those if she had one more day.

Yes, for someone who claims that CSI is one of her favorite shows, she really blew this one. CSI should sue! JMO
What an interesting question. My gut reaction was that KC would go off somewhere and continue the long distance charade that Caylee was with the nanny, yada yada....then again, she wasn't working and didn't seem to have any skills beyond being able to get a job at McDonalds or some kind of retail clerk type thing. So that kind of blows the "taking off" theory, unless she thought she could stay in Orlando and avoid her family forever. Her lack of planning makes this scenario more likely. She might have avoided her parents for months before coming up with some other scenario about Caylee being kidnapped....my mind is just wandering in all directions right now.
I believe that LE went to CA to interview MH. I would like to see what is contained in that interview to get an understanding of the nature of KC's interaction with him. I would also like to see the text messages between them and how many phone calls were made. None of this information has been released yet as far as I know. When they are released, we will know if KC was planning to run to CA.
Told CA she was going under cover for the CIA, and she would be back with Caylee when this very dangerous assignment was over. Please don't try to contact her, she has to maintain her cover to protect the family.
Told CA she was going under cover for the CIA, and she would be back with Caylee when this very dangerous assignment was over. Please don't try to contact her, she has to maintain her cover to protect the family.

Lol! That made me laugh! Now my computer is covered in Coke!

Told CA she was going under cover for the CIA, and she would be back with Caylee when this very dangerous assignment was over. Please don't try to contact her, she has to maintain her cover to protect the family.

That...or she could have taken off after managing a way to drain each and every one of her friends and family's bank accounts to get her started some place else...in the meantime, she'd send cards from Caylee to GA & CA and tell them how much she misses them and how Caylee's growing...she'd even probably figure out how to do an age progression and photo shop that from old photo's of Caylee to make it look like she was still a "living" Caylee...find more men to toy with...which would mean more bank accounts to eventually drain before moving on to her next victim...try and break the record for most texting in a 24 hour period...make lots of plans for partying with her new future friends (clothing optional ones, too!)...endear herself to an older couple and move in with them solely for the purpose of mooching...have her new man rent videos and munch on borrowed food from the old couple...BUT, oh God, how I wish having her tubes tied would be at the top of her list of things to do...even if it was with stolen friend funds!
I don't think she was truly capable of much in the way of planning, or at least only as a child would plan. Strikes me KC has shown about the maturity and intelligence level of an 11 or 12 year old child. True, they can 'plan' things, but not with any level of sophistication. And their minds don't run to LE coming down the trail after them, just what Mom and Dad are apt to do to them if they get caught.

Neither can they leave home, unless it is to stay with close friends, they cannot make it on their own, and I am sure she couldn't either, and recognized the fact. They are not mature enugh to handle a work environment .. and neither was KC, for the same reason. I don't really see her running away from home very far
Casey told Iassen that she was worried about Tony returning to NY but that she thought the opportunity of "love" was worth any risk.

Wonder if she still thinks that?
Thinks about what??.... That's about as long as she thinks..LOL!!

I think if she was given one more day, she would have just ran off and hid again and wouldn't have shown up for awhile again, having everyone wonder where Caylee was. It wouldn't matter to her, she cannot plan.
I have thought about this often. It seems that someone who had just killed her daughter would have left the area at once and informed her parents that she and Caylee were never coming home again. There wouldn't be much the A's could about that as she was an adult and Caylee's legal guardien. It would have been so simple and likely would have worked. I can see no great attachment to her family and there are a million Tony's out there. KC would have had no trouble landing on her feet. SO WHY DID SHE STAY? :waitasec:

I've always thought the same thing, why stay in the first place if she had murdered Caylee? Run to MH or wherever, if she didn't already have enough funds, she could easily have stolen more money to do this, surely, at Fusian or from roommates or elsewhere. The only explanation I could think of for staying (if she was guilty) would be if she were mentally ill enough that she didn't remember or realize that she had killed.

thanks for the great thread question, though, it's really interesting to think about :)
I don't think she was truly capable of much in the way of planning, or at least only as a child would plan. Strikes me KC has shown about the maturity and intelligence level of an 11 or 12 year old child. True, they can 'plan' things, but not with any level of sophistication. And their minds don't run to LE coming down the trail after them, just what Mom and Dad are apt to do to them if they get caught.

Neither can they leave home, unless it is to stay with close friends, they cannot make it on their own, and I am sure she couldn't either, and recognized the fact. They are not mature enugh to handle a work environment .. and neither was KC, for the same reason. I don't really see her running away from home very far
I completely agree with you! Heck, she never even left Orlando and she pretty much stayed in her and TL's neighborhood the whole time. I don't think that she would have run anywhere...She may have thought about going to California but that's about it. She thought about it.

I completely agree with you! Heck, she never even left Orlando and she pretty much stayed in her and TL's neighborhood the whole time. I don't think that she would have run anywhere...She may have thought about going to California but that's about it. She thought about it.

I also agree. I think there are several reasons she didn't/couldn't leave.

1.No money. No immediate source of money. She had already emptied Amy's bank account. Had already taken what she could of her parents' and grandparents' money. She may have been waiting for an opportunity to have access to TL's money or his roomates' money.

2. No real life experience. Casey had never been on her own, supporting herself. I think she would have been overwhelmed by the thought of trying to start a life far away--having to WORK--not being able to sneak back to Mom and Dad's to steal food...etc. Much better to stay in her comfort zone.

3. Immaturity. I think she thought each guy she got involved with was THE ONE who would rescue her, support her financially, make her happy. During June and July of 2008, she had decided TonE was THE ONE. Moving away from him was out of the question.

4. BIG RED FLAG. Most importantly, Casey KNEW that if she left Orlando, (with Cindy thinking she had Caylee with her) Cindy would have been right behind her to get Caylee. It was much safer for her to pretend she was living her "normal routine" of going to "work" and dropping Caylee with the "Nanny."

I know it's hard to imagine that she didn't see that she'd get caught eventually--but she walked those LE guys ALL THE WAY TO THE END OF THE HALL before she fessed up. She walked the "Caylee is with the nanny" story as far down the corridor as she could until she reached Cindy at the end of it in mid-July.

She would have used her one more day to go hide-out from Cindy at someone else's house.

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