Just one more day, mom...

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<<She could be book smart>>

I don't think she's even "book smart". After watching all those tapes on NG, just my opinion, but I think she tries to come off like she's really intelligent and well-spoken, but if you listen to some of the stuff she says, you can tell she's not. For instance when she tells LA to say "if anyone has any information, please come forward WITHOUT haste". Does she know what "haste" means?
I agree. When I watch the tapes, I get the impression that KC is reaching to find the words that someone else would say. There is no emotion, even when she appears to be weeping when her parents are visiting. There is only recitation. Often, she'll make a grand statement, pause, think, make another statement, pause, continue that statement, etc. etc. It just looks like she is reaching, reaching, reaching to find the words she is expected to say. Like she is writing it in her head then speaking it. An innocent parent with a missing child would be practically incomprehensible because their grief and anger would be so great. No one would be able to air my responses without heavy bleeping and editing if someone had my child or grandchild because I'd be so upset and so emotional, not cool, calm, collected, and talking like I'm dictating a poorly-worded thesis.
<<She could be book smart>>

I don't think she's even "book smart". After watching all those tapes on NG, just my opinion, but I think she tries to come off like she's really intelligent and well-spoken, but if you listen to some of the stuff she says, you can tell she's not. For instance when she tells LA to say "if anyone has any information, please come forward WITHOUT haste". Does she know what "haste" means?

Yep, she and Cindy both have the Mrs. Malaprop thing going.
Just imagine if she HAD gone to the A's with her ridiculous story BEFORE the cops were called. I mean, they've gone along with it for all these months...I wonder how long she could have convinced them that they had to "keep it in the family" - maybe forever.

Before the third call, they had the chance for that. Casey was already spinning the story to Lee, according to his interview with LE. The Anthony's were no strangers to 911, as demonstrated by their long list of calls in the past 3 years. The first two calls were about a brat and a car. The third was about the brat, the car, and finally Caylee.

Cindy made the third call with the story of the kidnapping nanny already in place. I believe any "conspiracy" happened after that call was made and they all realized the full extent of what was about to be visited upon them. What we have seen for 5 months then is a massive spin control the likes of which I hope to heaven we never ever see again.
<<She could be book smart>>

I don't think she's even "book smart". After watching all those tapes on NG, just my opinion, but I think she tries to come off like she's really intelligent and well-spoken, but if you listen to some of the stuff she says, you can tell she's not. For instance when she tells LA to say "if anyone has any information, please come forward WITHOUT haste". Does she know what "haste" means?

No, I'm pretty sure that's what she meant. The longer nobody comes forward the better her story sounds.

Before the third call, they had the chance for that. Casey was already spinning the story to Lee, according to his interview with LE. The Anthony's were no strangers to 911, as demonstrated by their long list of calls in the past 3 years. The first two calls were about a brat and a car. The third was about the brat, the car, and finally Caylee.

Cindy made the third call with the story of the kidnapping nanny already in place. I believe any "conspiracy" happened after that call was made and they all realized the full extent of what was about to be visited upon them. What we have seen for 5 months then is a massive spin control the likes of which I hope to heaven we never ever see again.

Do you have links to those transcripts? They sound very interesting. :eek:
<<I don't think she though the whole thing through>> snipped

This is a really good post. I totally agree with all of it. I got the feeling too that Casey just thought LE would take her word for everything and just let it go. I thought she sounded like she was starting to get angry in her LE interogations when the detectives started calling her out on her lies. Seemed like she wasn't used to that.
<<I used to think that her original plan was to take off and go to California>>

This is what I think, too. I posted on another thread that she was indeed the one doing research for escort services on the home computer, not GA. She was fantasizing about leaving FL but chickened out.
I used to think that her original plan was to take off and go to California...Telling her parents that she was with Caylee and that everything was "fine". In fact, I find it surprising that she didn't go; she certainly had the opportunity to do so - especially after she stole $$$ from AH. I don't think that money is what stopped her from going. I now believe that KC didn't go to California for the same reason that she never really intended to go to PR. I think that as worldly as she liked to appear that KC, never having left home before, was terrified of being alone and away. She never even left Orlando throughout the entire month that she was "on her own" and really seems to have spent as much time at the A's as she possibly could without getting caught! I think KC didn't leave because she was too scared...She couldn't!

I completely agree with this. How incongruent that she can kill her own child but conversely "be afraid" of what is out in the unfamiliar world. She never left home...she is very dependent on her friends and got her complete identity from them.
I completely agree with this. How incongruent that she can kill her own child but conversely "be afraid" of what is out in the unfamiliar world. She never left home...she is very dependent on her friends and got her complete identity from them.
KC doesn't have true friends. She has many acquaintances who she can manipulate and morph into whatever identity they want or need to see.

She attempts to make sure that people are dependent on her. Problem with that is they aren't dependent on her. They use her in a smaller way than she uses them.

A vicious cycle that bleeds over from the family A's dysfunction.
I agree. When I watch the tapes, I get the impression that KC is reaching to find the words that someone else would say. There is no emotion, even when she appears to be weeping when her parents are visiting. There is only recitation. Often, she'll make a grand statement, pause, think, make another statement, pause, continue that statement, etc. etc. It just looks like she is reaching, reaching, reaching to find the words she is expected to say. Like she is writing it in her head then speaking it. An innocent parent with a missing child would be practically incomprehensible because their grief and anger would be so great. No one would be able to air my responses without heavy bleeping and editing if someone had my child or grandchild because I'd be so upset and so emotional, not cool, calm, collected, and talking like I'm dictating a poorly-worded thesis.

I got that too. In fact, it almost seemed like an actor. Like I was watching a bad viral marketing campaign. She was reaching for the right words.
KC had AL's friend's garbage in her trunk -- looking for a way to get money from them? She may have thought her "honey, I love you" would work with AH and everyone else for a while yet. KC must have Absolutely No Conscience to live with the knowledge each day that she had committed a heinous crime, plus stole from her friend, and God knows what else she did. She thought she was invincible. "Hey, Mom, look what I can do!" Psychopath. Sociopath. Lying, conniving, murderer. IMHO her only plan was to keep moving up the chain of delusion and deception - one victim or more at a time.

Fixed! :thumb:

I think she was totally caught off guard by her Mom tracking her down at Tony's apt. I think in her mind, she thought she could just keep communicating with her Mom by phone with lies about where she was and where Caylee was and her Mom would fall for it. I think the "one more day" statement was just out of desperation. She had no idea what she was going to do at that point, but she was just trying to buy some time. Maybe the next day, she would have feigned sickness or came up with another reason why she couldn't go get Caylee. I honestly think that her mind never went to "what if I get caught? because she was so used to everyone buying her lies.
I have thought about this often. It seems that someone who had just killed her daughter would have left the area at once and informed her parents that she and Caylee were never coming home again. There wouldn't be much the A's could about that as she was an adult and Caylee's legal guardien. It would have been so simple and likely would have worked. I can see no great attachment to her family and there are a million Tony's out there. KC would have had no trouble landing on her feet. SO WHY DID SHE STAY? :waitasec:

That is the problem I have had with premeditation the whole time. All she had to do was leave and start over. Everyone in Orlando would think Caylee is with her. She would have had to sever forever with her folks but that would have been a better alternative to jail or the death penalty. There is too much about this case that makes no sense.
She was just trying to delay CA calling the police. "Give me one more day" and she could have spun some ridiculous story that she knew her mom would believe, possibly stretching her "one more day" into a week or so.
I don't think she had a 24 hour backup plan, she just needed time to think without the police interfering and asking annoying questions.

Bold by me

That's what I believe she would have done as well.
KC doesn't have true friends. She has many acquaintances who she can manipulate and morph into whatever identity they want or need to see. So True
She attempts to make sure that people are dependent on her. IMO Casey is the dependent one
problem with that is they aren't dependent on her. They use her in a smaller way than she uses them.

A vicious cycle that bleeds over from the family A's dysfunction.

I agree. Casey had no true friends, she moved from person to person, faking who she really was.
Gone clubbing...

She'd heard there's a new club in Orlando called "Baby Seals"
According to CA she never graduated high school. Seems she just needed 1/2 credit more for a diploma but couldn't be bothered to follow through on it.

The whole time I have been reading this thread an old joke keeps running through my mind-and it really seems custom made for Casey and could explain what happened. (just kidding on this part)

A pretty student goes into a classroom, closing the door behind her. She sidles up to her teacher, flips her hair back, bats her eyes and says "I will do ANYTHING to pass this exam" She leans closer and says "and I mean anything".
He gazes meaningfully into her eyes and asks "anything"???
"Yes, anything"
His voice turns to a whisper as he says 'Would you...... study??? HaHa


<<She could be book smart>>

I don't think she's even "book smart". After watching all those tapes on NG, just my opinion, but I think she tries to come off like she's really intelligent and well-spoken, but if you listen to some of the stuff she says, you can tell she's not. For instance when she tells LA to say "if anyone has any information, please come forward WITHOUT haste". Does she know what "haste" means?
She had already stolen.... Checks...
Maybe she even applied for JOBS pretending to
AMY ! ! ! ! ! ?
KC lives.... moment to moment...
KC Really thinks.... She is a Movie Star!
KC Really never thinks... ahead... unless it is to GET WHAT SHE WANTS!!!

Little Angel CAYLEE MARIE ANTHONY is DEAD... and Bones are FOUND!!!

KC is Going to watch a service on Cable TV ? ? ?
Now that is very interesting... and
I think the jail would have a camera on her.....

Would it be made public ? ? ?


I THANK GOD & LE & FBI & LP & TM and all who helped !!!!
Last !
God Bless !
I just keep wondering what one more day would have done for her.

Ideas anyone?
Great question.
Maybe leave town, maybe really go to work to frame somebody. I do not think she would have said Caylee had been gone 31 days. I think that was a total slip. Maybe she would have said she just went missing.
I think her line of thinking was that she needed one more day to get the story straight in her mind.
I believe she would of told her family this huge story and made them all fear for their lives (which is what she said anyway). I think she figured that she could get them to do what she wanted not go to cops by putting Caylee (who was already gone, bless her soul) in danger.
She just wanted more time. I don't think she was going to run anywhere... She had plenty of opportunity to do that. She wanted to buy more time so she could convince her family that the nanny took Caylee.
She was totally caught off guard when CA went to TonEs.

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