KatieCoolady Holds 'Court' - The Dedicated KCL Thread

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Lol thanks ANJ! I like taking pics...this place is amazing. I leave for the studio in 90 min so relaxing in my room. They have a free breakfast downstairs so gonna check that out in a bit. I'm kinda nervous about the show. I had to bring 3 outfits so they will totally do my hair make up,and style me. Maybe Tim Gunn will be there God knows I need it. ;)
Got a note from Janine D from the plane this am. She's headed to AZ! Wow. What a week. I'm already emotional......more pics later.....
You guys are cracking me up! :floorlaugh:

((((((((((katiecoolady))))))) you'll be great, just know your sister will be right there along with you!

And so will we!
Blessings to you Katiecoolady always, and too you ANJ great work,great job,great everything lol..

:waitasec: Did she even sleep in that bed - it looks almost as nice as it did last night! Oh, and it is just my impression, but I think Katiecoolady is loving teasing Steely with all these posh bed pics!

Back to sidebar (in TV land that is commercial break!) ............ stay tuned for your exclusive look into Katiecoolady's journey to Ricki Lake Show as she takes us along!!!!!! :great::seeya:
Has California flipped me in to another reality? These pics look upside down to me...just had a 3 hour dinner with the amazing Sarah Fenske who wrote the Katie and jordy story. Wow...nothing like time with old friends catching up. Now it's champagne and jazz in the most amazing hotel lobby bar I've ever seen. Vintage meets cool and old movies projected on the wall. Wish you were all here with me. In this moment i forget the sadness that brings me here....more pics in the am thanks to my publicist a news junkie lol

I'm so glad you met up with Sarah and had a good catch-up dinner.

And a great publicist she is. :)

Good luck today, sending you good vibes, and praying for you.
Katiecoolady has decided to share this with us as she says - her name has been out there for years anyway!

So more exclusive views from the Ricki Lake show trip.......
Katiecoolady enjoyed a jazz champagne and sends us this thought!

We are now on commercial break (so to speak) ....... stay tuned for more.....as I get them, you will get them first, exclusively here at Websleuths.com ! LOL :great:This is fun!

Thanks so much ANJ, I love the little goodies you add to the pix. :)
Lol thanks ANJ! I like taking pics...this place is amazing. I leave for the studio in 90 min so relaxing in my room. They have a free breakfast downstairs so gonna check that out in a bit. I'm kinda nervous about the show. I had to bring 3 outfits so they will totally do my hair make up,and style me. Maybe Tim Gunn will be there God knows I need it. ;)
Got a note from Janine D from the plane this am. She's headed to AZ! Wow. What a week. I'm already emotional......more pics later.....

If Tim Gunn is there I'm heading over... I need his expertise. :) I'd have to hide my hiking boots and camo shirts from him... LOL!

Seriously, you'll do great and look beautiful. You always look put together.

WooHoo, Janine is on her way.
Katiecoolady sent this small touch found in her room and I shared with her the symbolism of the Calla Lily and she wrote back:
"Wow that's amazing as just this am I was contemplating about how happiness and sadness can co exist in the same situation"

Amazing to think that some people live like this all the time! Thank you for sharing your trip with us! :hug:
I get a dedicated thread and the Pope is chosen on the same day? Coincidence? Lol guys ..thanks for indulging my pics. Usually I torture my family with this stuff ;). Heading over to the studio in 10 min after a lovely breakfast in this gorgeous lounge. So worth checking out if you live in the area...
Amazing to think that some people live like this all the time! Thank you for sharing your trip with us! :hug:

I know right! I feel like I did the one time I ended up in one of those first class sleeping pods on a jumbo jet on accident. I also took a gazillion pics there...including the entire bathroom. Lol
What will she wear............... stay tuned..........

Thanks for the graphics added ANJ. They are wonderful. Makes us feel as if we are right there with her. Support groups are everything. jmo
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